
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 114 kB
  • 22 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i jest-config
yarn add jest-config
pnpm add jest-config


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const DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN: string;

    variable defaults

    const defaults: Config.DefaultOptions;

      variable deprecationEntries

      const deprecationEntries: DeprecatedOptions;

        variable descriptions

        const descriptions: { [x: string]: string };

          variable JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME

          const JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME: string;

            variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS

            const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS: string;

              variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS

              const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS: string;

                variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON

                const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON: string;

                  variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS

                  const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS: string;

                    variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER

                    const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER: readonly string[];

                      variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS

                      const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS: string;

                        variable NODE_MODULES

                        const NODE_MODULES: string;

                          variable PACKAGE_JSON

                          const PACKAGE_JSON: string;


                            function isJSONString

                            isJSONString: (text?: JSONString | string) => text is JSONString;

                              function normalize

                              normalize: (
                              initialOptions: Config.InitialOptions,
                              argv: Config.Argv,
                              configPath?: string | null,
                              projectIndex?: number,
                              isProjectOptions?: boolean
                              ) => Promise<{ hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean; options: AllOptions }>;

                                function readConfig

                                readConfig: (
                                argv: Config.Argv,
                                packageRootOrConfig: string | Config.InitialOptions,
                                skipArgvConfigOption?: boolean,
                                parentConfigDirname?: string | null,
                                projectIndex?: number,
                                skipMultipleConfigError?: boolean
                                ) => Promise<ReadConfig>;

                                  function readConfigs

                                  readConfigs: (
                                  argv: Config.Argv,
                                  projectPaths: Array<string>
                                  ) => Promise<{
                                  globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig;
                                  configs: Array<Config.ProjectConfig>;
                                  hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean;

                                    function readInitialOptions

                                    readInitialOptions: (
                                    config?: string,
                                    }?: ReadJestConfigOptions
                                    ) => Promise<{ config: Config.InitialOptions; configPath: string | null }>;
                                    • Reads the jest config, without validating them or filling it out with defaults.

                                      Parameter config

                                      The path to the file or serialized config.

                                      Parameter param1

                                      Additional options


                                      The raw initial config (not validated)

                                    function replaceRootDirInPath

                                    replaceRootDirInPath: (rootDir: string, filePath: string) => string;


                                      interface ReadJestConfigOptions

                                      interface ReadJestConfigOptions {}

                                        property packageRootOrConfig

                                        packageRootOrConfig?: string | Config.InitialOptions;
                                        • The package root or deserialized config (default is cwd)

                                        property parentConfigDirname

                                        parentConfigDirname?: null | string;
                                        • When the packageRootOrConfig contains config, this parameter should contain the dirname of the parent config

                                        property readFromCwd

                                        readFromCwd?: boolean;
                                        • Indicates whether or not to read the specified config file from disk. When true, jest will read try to read config from the current working directory. (default is false)

                                        property skipMultipleConfigError

                                        skipMultipleConfigError?: boolean;
                                        • Indicates whether or not to ignore the error of jest finding multiple config files. (default is false)


                                        namespace constants

                                        namespace constants {}

                                          variable DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN

                                          const DEFAULT_JS_PATTERN: string;

                                            variable JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME

                                            const JEST_CONFIG_BASE_NAME: string;

                                              variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS

                                              const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_CJS: string;

                                                variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS

                                                const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JS: string;

                                                  variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON

                                                  const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_JSON: string;

                                                    variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS

                                                    const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_MJS: string;

                                                      variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER

                                                      const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_ORDER: readonly string[];

                                                        variable JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS

                                                        const JEST_CONFIG_EXT_TS: string;

                                                          variable NODE_MODULES

                                                          const NODE_MODULES: string;

                                                            variable PACKAGE_JSON

                                                            const PACKAGE_JSON: string;

                                                              Package Files (1)

                                                              Dependencies (22)

                                                              Dev Dependencies (7)

                                                              Peer Dependencies (2)


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