- Version 29.7.0
- Published
- 33.7 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i jest-each
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Parameterised tests for Jest
variable each
const each: { (table: Global.EachTable, Global.TemplateData): ReturnType< typeof install >; withGlobal( g: Global ): ( table: Global.EachTable, Global.TemplateData ) => { describe: { ( title: string, suite: Global.EachTestFn<Global.BlockFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; }; fdescribe: any; fit: any; it: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; concurrent: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; only: any; skip: any; }; }; test: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; concurrent: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; only: any; skip: any; }; }; xdescribe: any; xit: any; xtest: any; };};
function bind
bind: <EachCallback extends Global.TestCallback>( cb: GlobalCallback, supportsDone?: boolean, needsEachError?: boolean) => Global.EachTestFn<any>;
function install
install: ( g: Global, table: Global.EachTable, Global.TemplateData) => { describe: { ( title: string, suite: Global.EachTestFn<Global.BlockFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; }; fdescribe: any; fit: any; it: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; concurrent: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; only: any; skip: any; }; }; test: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; skip: any; only: any; concurrent: { ( title: string, test: Global.EachTestFn<Global.TestFn>, timeout?: number ): any; only: any; skip: any; }; }; xdescribe: any; xit: any; xtest: any;};
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