
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 28.4 kB
  • 4 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i jest-matcher-utils
yarn add jest-matcher-utils
pnpm add jest-matcher-utils


A set of utility functions for expect and related packages



variable BOLD_WEIGHT

const BOLD_WEIGHT: chalk.Chalk;

    variable DIM_COLOR

    const DIM_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;

      variable EXPECTED_COLOR

      const EXPECTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;

        variable INVERTED_COLOR

        const INVERTED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;

          variable RECEIVED_COLOR

          const RECEIVED_COLOR: chalk.Chalk;

            variable SUGGEST_TO_CONTAIN_EQUAL

            const SUGGEST_TO_CONTAIN_EQUAL: string;


              function diff

              diff: (a: unknown, b: unknown, options?: DiffOptions_2) => string | null;

                function ensureActualIsNumber

                ensureActualIsNumber: (
                actual: unknown,
                matcherName: string,
                options?: MatcherHintOptions
                ) => void;
                • Ensures that actual is of type number | bigint

                function ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger

                ensureExpectedIsNonNegativeInteger: (
                expected: unknown,
                matcherName: string,
                options?: MatcherHintOptions
                ) => void;

                  function ensureExpectedIsNumber

                  ensureExpectedIsNumber: (
                  expected: unknown,
                  matcherName: string,
                  options?: MatcherHintOptions
                  ) => void;
                  • Ensures that expected is of type number | bigint

                  function ensureNoExpected

                  ensureNoExpected: (
                  expected: unknown,
                  matcherName: string,
                  options?: MatcherHintOptions
                  ) => void;

                    function ensureNumbers

                    ensureNumbers: (
                    actual: unknown,
                    expected: unknown,
                    matcherName: string,
                    options?: MatcherHintOptions
                    ) => void;
                    • Ensures that actual & expected are of type number | bigint

                    function getLabelPrinter

                    getLabelPrinter: (...strings: Array<string>) => PrintLabel;

                      function highlightTrailingWhitespace

                      highlightTrailingWhitespace: (text: string) => string;

                        function matcherErrorMessage

                        matcherErrorMessage: (
                        hint: string,
                        generic: string,
                        specific?: string
                        ) => string;

                          function matcherHint

                          matcherHint: (
                          matcherName: string,
                          received?: string,
                          expected?: string,
                          options?: MatcherHintOptions
                          ) => string;

                            function pluralize

                            pluralize: (word: string, count: number) => string;

                              function printDiffOrStringify

                              printDiffOrStringify: (
                              expected: unknown,
                              received: unknown,
                              expectedLabel: string,
                              receivedLabel: string,
                              expand: boolean
                              ) => string;

                                function printExpected

                                printExpected: (value: unknown) => string;

                                  function printReceived

                                  printReceived: (object: unknown) => string;

                                    function printWithType

                                    printWithType: <T>(
                                    name: string,
                                    value: T,
                                    print: (value: T) => string
                                    ) => string;

                                      function replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher

                                      replaceMatchedToAsymmetricMatcher: (
                                      replacedExpected: unknown,
                                      replacedReceived: unknown,
                                      expectedCycles: Array<unknown>,
                                      receivedCycles: Array<unknown>
                                      ) => { replacedExpected: unknown; replacedReceived: unknown };

                                        function stringify

                                        stringify: (object: unknown, maxDepth?: number, maxWidth?: number) => string;

                                          Type Aliases

                                          type DiffOptions

                                          type DiffOptions = DiffOptions_2;

                                            type MatcherHintOptions

                                            type MatcherHintOptions = {
                                            comment?: string;
                                            expectedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
                                            isDirectExpectCall?: boolean;
                                            isNot?: boolean;
                                            promise?: string;
                                            receivedColor?: MatcherHintColor;
                                            secondArgument?: string;
                                            secondArgumentColor?: MatcherHintColor;

                                              Package Files (1)

                                              Dependencies (4)

                                              Dev Dependencies (2)

                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                              No peer dependencies.


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