
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 65.7 kB
  • 9 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i jest-resolve
yarn add jest-resolve
pnpm add jest-resolve


Overview not available.



variable defaultResolver

const defaultResolver: SyncResolver;


    function cachedShouldLoadAsEsm

    cachedShouldLoadAsEsm: (
    path: string,
    extensionsToTreatAsEsm: Array<string>
    ) => boolean;

      function resolveRunner

      resolveRunner: (
      resolver: string | undefined | null,
      }: {
      filePath: string;
      rootDir: string;
      requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string;
      ) => string;
      • Finds the runner to use:

        1. looks for jest-runner- relative to project. 1. looks for jest-runner- relative to Jest. 1. looks for relative to project. 1. looks for relative to Jest.

      function resolveSequencer

      resolveSequencer: (
      resolver: string | undefined | null,
      }: {
      filePath: string;
      rootDir: string;
      requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string;
      ) => string;

        function resolveTestEnvironment

        resolveTestEnvironment: ({
        testEnvironment: filePath,
        }: {
        rootDir: string;
        testEnvironment: string;
        requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string;
        }) => string;
        • Finds the test environment to use:

          1. looks for jest-environment- relative to project. 1. looks for jest-environment- relative to Jest. 1. looks for relative to project. 1. looks for relative to Jest.

        function resolveWatchPlugin

        resolveWatchPlugin: (
        resolver: string | undefined | null,
        }: {
        filePath: string;
        rootDir: string;
        requireResolveFunction: (moduleName: string) => string;
        ) => string;
        • Finds the watch plugins to use:

          1. looks for jest-watch- relative to project. 1. looks for jest-watch- relative to Jest. 1. looks for relative to project. 1. looks for relative to Jest.


        class Resolver

        class Resolver {}


          constructor(moduleMap: IModuleMap, options: ResolverConfig);

            property ModuleNotFoundError

            static ModuleNotFoundError: typeof ModuleNotFoundError;

              property unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm

              static unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm: (
              path: string,
              extensionsToTreatAsEsm: string[]
              ) => boolean;

                method clearDefaultResolverCache

                static clearDefaultResolverCache: () => void;

                  method findNodeModule

                  static findNodeModule: (
                  path: string,
                  options: FindNodeModuleConfig
                  ) => string | null;

                    method findNodeModuleAsync

                    static findNodeModuleAsync: (
                    path: string,
                    options: FindNodeModuleConfig
                    ) => Promise<string | null>;

                      method getGlobalPaths

                      getGlobalPaths: (moduleName?: string) => Array<string>;

                        method getMockModule

                        getMockModule: (from: string, name: string) => string | null;

                          method getMockModuleAsync

                          getMockModuleAsync: (from: string, name: string) => Promise<string | null>;

                            method getModule

                            getModule: (name: string) => string | null;

                              method getModuleID

                              getModuleID: (
                              virtualMocks: Map<string, boolean>,
                              from: string,
                              moduleName?: string,
                              options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                              ) => string;

                                method getModuleIDAsync

                                getModuleIDAsync: (
                                virtualMocks: Map<string, boolean>,
                                from: string,
                                moduleName?: string,
                                options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                                ) => Promise<string>;

                                  method getModulePath

                                  getModulePath: (from: string, moduleName: string) => string;

                                    method getModulePaths

                                    getModulePaths: (from: string) => Array<string>;

                                      method getPackage

                                      getPackage: (name: string) => string | null;

                                        method isCoreModule

                                        isCoreModule: (moduleName: string) => boolean;

                                          method resolveModule

                                          resolveModule: (
                                          from: string,
                                          moduleName: string,
                                          options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                                          ) => string;

                                            method resolveModuleAsync

                                            resolveModuleAsync: (
                                            from: string,
                                            moduleName: string,
                                            options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                                            ) => Promise<string>;

                                              method resolveModuleFromDirIfExists

                                              resolveModuleFromDirIfExists: (
                                              dirname: string,
                                              moduleName: string,
                                              options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                                              ) => string | null;

                                                method resolveModuleFromDirIfExistsAsync

                                                resolveModuleFromDirIfExistsAsync: (
                                                dirname: string,
                                                moduleName: string,
                                                options?: ResolveModuleConfig
                                                ) => Promise<string | null>;

                                                  method resolveStubModuleName

                                                  resolveStubModuleName: (from: string, moduleName: string) => string | null;

                                                    method resolveStubModuleNameAsync

                                                    resolveStubModuleNameAsync: (
                                                    from: string,
                                                    moduleName: string
                                                    ) => Promise<string | null>;

                                                      method tryCastModuleNotFoundError

                                                      static tryCastModuleNotFoundError: (
                                                      error: unknown
                                                      ) => ModuleNotFoundError | null;

                                                        Type Aliases

                                                        type AsyncResolver

                                                        type AsyncResolver = (path: string, options: ResolverOptions) => Promise<string>;

                                                          type FindNodeModuleConfig

                                                          type FindNodeModuleConfig = {
                                                          basedir: string;
                                                          conditions?: Array<string>;
                                                          extensions?: Array<string>;
                                                          moduleDirectory?: Array<string>;
                                                          paths?: Array<string>;
                                                          resolver?: string | null;
                                                          rootDir?: string;
                                                          throwIfNotFound?: boolean;

                                                            type JestResolver

                                                            type JestResolver = ResolverSyncObject | ResolverAsyncObject;

                                                              type PackageFilter

                                                              type PackageFilter = (pkg: PackageJSON, file: string, dir: string) => PackageJSON;
                                                              • Allows transforming parsed package.json contents.

                                                                Parameter pkg

                                                                Parsed package.json contents.

                                                                Parameter file

                                                                Path to package.json file.

                                                                Parameter dir

                                                                Directory that contains the package.json.


                                                                Transformed package.json contents.

                                                              type PackageJSON

                                                              type PackageJSON = JSONObject;

                                                                type PathFilter

                                                                type PathFilter = (pkg: PackageJSON, path: string, relativePath: string) => string;
                                                                • Allows transforming a path within a package.

                                                                  Parameter pkg

                                                                  Parsed package.json contents.

                                                                  Parameter path

                                                                  Path being resolved.

                                                                  Parameter relativePath

                                                                  Path relative from the package.json location.


                                                                  Relative path that will be joined from the package.json location.

                                                                type ResolveModuleConfig

                                                                type ResolveModuleConfig = {
                                                                conditions?: Array<string>;
                                                                skipNodeResolution?: boolean;
                                                                paths?: Array<string>;

                                                                  type ResolverOptions

                                                                  type ResolverOptions = {
                                                                  /** Directory to begin resolving from. */
                                                                  basedir: string;
                                                                  /** List of export conditions. */
                                                                  conditions?: Array<string>;
                                                                  /** Instance of default resolver. */
                                                                  defaultResolver: typeof defaultResolver;
                                                                  /** List of file extensions to search in order. */
                                                                  extensions?: Array<string>;
                                                                  * List of directory names to be looked up for modules recursively.
                                                                  * @defaultValue
                                                                  * The default is `['node_modules']`.
                                                                  moduleDirectory?: Array<string>;
                                                                  * List of `require.paths` to use if nothing is found in `node_modules`.
                                                                  * @defaultValue
                                                                  * The default is `undefined`.
                                                                  paths?: Array<string>;
                                                                  /** Allows transforming parsed `package.json` contents. */
                                                                  packageFilter?: PackageFilter;
                                                                  /** Allows transforms a path within a package. */
                                                                  pathFilter?: PathFilter;
                                                                  /** Current root directory. */
                                                                  rootDir?: string;

                                                                    type SyncResolver

                                                                    type SyncResolver = (path: string, options: ResolverOptions) => string;

                                                                      Package Files (1)

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                                                                      No peer dependencies.


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