
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 29.6 kB
  • 21 dependencies
  • MIT license


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yarn add jest-runner
pnpm add jest-runner


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class CallbackTestRunner

abstract class CallbackTestRunner
extends BaseTestRunner
implements CallbackTestRunnerInterface {}

    property supportsEventEmitters

    readonly supportsEventEmitters: boolean;

      method runTests

      abstract runTests: (
      tests: Array<Test>,
      watcher: TestWatcher,
      onStart: OnTestStart,
      onResult: OnTestSuccess,
      onFailure: OnTestFailure,
      options: TestRunnerOptions
      ) => Promise<void>;

        class EmittingTestRunner

        abstract class EmittingTestRunner
        extends BaseTestRunner
        implements EmittingTestRunnerInterface {}

          property supportsEventEmitters

          readonly supportsEventEmitters: boolean;

            method on

            abstract on: <Name extends string | number | symbol>(
            eventName: Name,
            listener: (eventData: TestEvents) => void | Promise<void>
            ) => UnsubscribeFn;

              method runTests

              abstract runTests: (
              tests: Array<Test>,
              watcher: TestWatcher,
              options: TestRunnerOptions
              ) => Promise<void>;

                class TestRunner

                class TestRunner extends EmittingTestRunner {}

                  method on

                  on: <Name extends string | number | symbol>(
                  eventName: Name,
                  listener: (eventData: TestEvents) => void | Promise<void>
                  ) => UnsubscribeFn;

                    method runTests

                    runTests: (
                    tests: Array<Test>,
                    watcher: TestWatcher,
                    options: TestRunnerOptions
                    ) => Promise<void>;


                      interface CallbackTestRunnerInterface

                      interface CallbackTestRunnerInterface {}

                        property isSerial

                        readonly isSerial?: boolean;

                          property supportsEventEmitters

                          readonly supportsEventEmitters?: boolean;

                            method runTests

                            runTests: (
                            tests: Array<Test>,
                            watcher: TestWatcher,
                            onStart: OnTestStart,
                            onResult: OnTestSuccess,
                            onFailure: OnTestFailure,
                            options: TestRunnerOptions
                            ) => Promise<void>;

                              interface EmittingTestRunnerInterface

                              interface EmittingTestRunnerInterface {}

                                property isSerial

                                readonly isSerial?: boolean;

                                  property supportsEventEmitters

                                  readonly supportsEventEmitters: true;

                                    method on

                                    on: <Name extends string | number | symbol>(
                                    eventName: Name,
                                    listener: (eventData: TestEvents) => void | Promise<void>
                                    ) => UnsubscribeFn;

                                      method runTests

                                      runTests: (
                                      tests: Array<Test>,
                                      watcher: TestWatcher,
                                      options: TestRunnerOptions
                                      ) => Promise<void>;

                                        Type Aliases

                                        type JestTestRunner

                                        type JestTestRunner = CallbackTestRunner | EmittingTestRunner;

                                          type OnTestFailure

                                          type OnTestFailure = (
                                          test: Test,
                                          serializableError: SerializableError
                                          ) => Promise<void>;

                                            type OnTestStart

                                            type OnTestStart = (test: Test) => Promise<void>;

                                              type OnTestSuccess

                                              type OnTestSuccess = (test: Test, testResult: TestResult) => Promise<void>;

                                                type TestRunnerContext

                                                type TestRunnerContext = {
                                                changedFiles?: Set<string>;
                                                sourcesRelatedToTestsInChangedFiles?: Set<string>;

                                                  type TestRunnerOptions

                                                  type TestRunnerOptions = {
                                                  serial: boolean;

                                                    type UnsubscribeFn

                                                    type UnsubscribeFn = () => void;

                                                      Package Files (1)

                                                      Dependencies (21)

                                                      Dev Dependencies (7)

                                                      Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                      No peer dependencies.


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