
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 89.2 kB
  • 22 dependencies
  • MIT license


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class Runtime

class Runtime {}


    config: Config.ProjectConfig,
    environment: JestEnvironment,
    resolver: Resolver,
    transformer: ScriptTransformer,
    cacheFS: Map<string, string>,
    coverageOptions: ShouldInstrumentOptions,
    testPath: string,
    globalConfig?: Config.GlobalConfig

      property shouldInstrument

      static shouldInstrument: any;

        method clearAllMocks

        clearAllMocks: () => void;

          method collectV8Coverage

          collectV8Coverage: () => Promise<void>;

            method createContext

            static createContext: (
            config: Config.ProjectConfig,
            options: {
            console?: Console;
            maxWorkers: number;
            watch?: boolean;
            watchman: boolean;
            ) => Promise<TestContext>;

              method createHasteMap

              static createHasteMap: (
              config: Config.ProjectConfig,
              options?: HasteMapOptions
              ) => Promise<IHasteMap>;

                method createResolver

                static createResolver: (
                config: Config.ProjectConfig,
                moduleMap: IModuleMap
                ) => Resolver;

                  method getAllCoverageInfoCopy

                  getAllCoverageInfoCopy: () => JestEnvironment;

                    method getAllV8CoverageInfoCopy

                    getAllV8CoverageInfoCopy: () => V8CoverageResult;

                      method getCLIOptions

                      static getCLIOptions: () => never;

                        method getSourceMaps

                        getSourceMaps: () => SourceMapRegistry;

                          method isolateModules

                          isolateModules: (fn: () => void) => void;

                            method isolateModulesAsync

                            isolateModulesAsync: (fn: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;

                              method requireActual

                              requireActual: <T = unknown>(from: string, moduleName: string) => T;

                                method requireInternalModule

                                requireInternalModule: <T = unknown>(from: string, to?: string) => T;

                                  method requireMock

                                  requireMock: <T = unknown>(from: string, moduleName: string) => T;

                                    method requireModule

                                    requireModule: <T = unknown>(
                                    from: string,
                                    moduleName?: string,
                                    options?: InternalModuleOptions,
                                    isRequireActual?: boolean
                                    ) => T;

                                      method requireModuleOrMock

                                      requireModuleOrMock: <T = unknown>(from: string, moduleName: string) => T;

                                        method resetAllMocks

                                        resetAllMocks: () => void;

                                          method resetModules

                                          resetModules: () => void;

                                            method restoreAllMocks

                                            restoreAllMocks: () => void;

                                              method runCLI

                                              static runCLI: () => Promise<never>;

                                                method setGlobalsForRuntime

                                                setGlobalsForRuntime: (globals: JestGlobals) => void;

                                                  method setMock

                                                  setMock: (
                                                  from: string,
                                                  moduleName: string,
                                                  mockFactory: () => unknown,
                                                  options?: { virtual?: boolean }
                                                  ) => void;

                                                    method stopCollectingV8Coverage

                                                    stopCollectingV8Coverage: () => Promise<void>;

                                                      method teardown

                                                      teardown: () => void;

                                                        method unstable_importModule

                                                        unstable_importModule: (
                                                        from: string,
                                                        moduleName?: string
                                                        ) => Promise<unknown | void>;

                                                          method unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm

                                                          unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm: (modulePath: string) => boolean;

                                                            Package Files (1)

                                                            Dependencies (22)

                                                            Dev Dependencies (4)

                                                            Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                            No peer dependencies.


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