
  • Version 29.7.0
  • Published
  • 90.8 kB
  • 4 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i jest-worker
yarn add jest-worker
pnpm add jest-worker


Module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel, by providing a `Promise` based interface, minimum overhead, and bound workers.




const CHILD_MESSAGE_CALL: number;


    const CHILD_MESSAGE_CALL_SETUP: number;

      variable CHILD_MESSAGE_END

      const CHILD_MESSAGE_END: number;


        const CHILD_MESSAGE_INITIALIZE: number;

          variable CHILD_MESSAGE_MEM_USAGE

          const CHILD_MESSAGE_MEM_USAGE: number;


            function messageParent

            messageParent: (message: unknown, parentProcess?: NodeJS.Process) => void;


              class FifoQueue

              class FifoQueue implements TaskQueue {}
              • First-in, First-out task queue that manages a dedicated pool for each worker as well as a shared queue. The FIFO ordering is guaranteed across the worker specific and shared queue.

              method dequeue

              dequeue: (workerId: number) => QueueChildMessage | null;

                method enqueue

                enqueue: (task: QueueChildMessage, workerId?: number) => void;

                  class PriorityQueue

                  class PriorityQueue implements TaskQueue {}
                  • Priority queue that processes tasks in natural ordering (lower priority first) according to the priority computed by the function passed in the constructor.

                    FIFO ordering isn't guaranteed for tasks with the same priority.

                    Worker specific tasks with the same priority as a non-worker specific task are always processed first.


                  constructor(_computePriority: ComputeTaskPriorityCallback);

                    method dequeue

                    dequeue: (workerId: number) => QueueChildMessage | null;

                      method enqueue

                      enqueue: (task: QueueChildMessage, workerId?: number) => void;

                        class Worker

                        class Worker_2 {}
                        • The Jest farm (publicly called "Worker") is a class that allows you to queue methods across multiple child processes, in order to parallelize work. This is done by providing an absolute path to a module that will be loaded on each of the child processes, and bridged to the main process.

                          Bridged methods are specified by using the "exposedMethods" property of the "options" object. This is an array of strings, where each of them corresponds to the exported name in the loaded module.

                          You can also control the amount of workers by using the "numWorkers" property of the "options" object, and the settings passed to fork the process through the "forkOptions" property. The amount of workers defaults to the amount of CPUS minus one.

                          Queueing calls can be done in two ways: - Standard method: calls will be redirected to the first available worker, so they will get executed as soon as they can.

                          - Sticky method: if a "computeWorkerKey" method is provided within the config, the resulting string of this method will be used as a key. Every time this key is returned, it is guaranteed that your job will be processed by the same worker. This is specially useful if your workers are caching results.


                        constructor(workerPath: string | URL, options?: WorkerFarmOptions);

                          method end

                          end: () => Promise<PoolExitResult>;

                            method getStderr

                            getStderr: () => NodeJS.ReadableStream;

                              method getStdout

                              getStdout: () => NodeJS.ReadableStream;

                                method start

                                start: () => Promise<void>;


                                  interface PromiseWithCustomMessage

                                  interface PromiseWithCustomMessage<T> extends Promise<T> {}

                                    property UNSTABLE_onCustomMessage

                                    UNSTABLE_onCustomMessage?: (listener: OnCustomMessage) => () => void;

                                      interface TaskQueue

                                      interface TaskQueue {}

                                        method dequeue

                                        dequeue: (workerId: number) => QueueChildMessage | null;
                                        • Dequeues the next item from the queue for the specified worker

                                          Parameter workerId

                                          the id of the worker for which the next task should be retrieved

                                        method enqueue

                                        enqueue: (task: QueueChildMessage, workerId?: number) => void;
                                        • Enqueues the task in the queue for the specified worker or adds it to the queue shared by all workers

                                          Parameter task

                                          the task to queue

                                          Parameter workerId

                                          the id of the worker that should process this task or undefined if there's no preference.

                                        interface WorkerPoolInterface

                                        interface WorkerPoolInterface {}

                                          property send

                                          send: WorkerCallback;

                                            method createWorker

                                            createWorker: (options: WorkerOptions_2) => WorkerInterface;

                                              method end

                                              end: () => Promise<PoolExitResult>;

                                                method getStderr

                                                getStderr: () => NodeJS.ReadableStream;

                                                  method getStdout

                                                  getStdout: () => NodeJS.ReadableStream;

                                                    method getWorkers

                                                    getWorkers: () => Array<WorkerInterface>;

                                                      method start

                                                      start: () => Promise<void>;

                                                        Type Aliases

                                                        type JestWorkerFarm

                                                        type JestWorkerFarm<T extends Record<string, unknown>> = Worker_2 & WorkerModule<T>;

                                                          type WorkerFarmOptions

                                                          type WorkerFarmOptions = {
                                                          computeWorkerKey?: (method: string, ...args: Array<unknown>) => string | null;
                                                          enableWorkerThreads?: boolean;
                                                          exposedMethods?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
                                                          forkOptions?: ForkOptions;
                                                          maxRetries?: number;
                                                          numWorkers?: number;
                                                          resourceLimits?: ResourceLimits;
                                                          setupArgs?: Array<unknown>;
                                                          taskQueue?: TaskQueue;
                                                          WorkerPool?: new (
                                                          workerPath: string,
                                                          options?: WorkerPoolOptions
                                                          ) => WorkerPoolInterface;
                                                          workerSchedulingPolicy?: WorkerSchedulingPolicy;
                                                          idleMemoryLimit?: number;

                                                            type WorkerPoolOptions

                                                            type WorkerPoolOptions = {
                                                            setupArgs: Array<unknown>;
                                                            forkOptions: ForkOptions;
                                                            resourceLimits: ResourceLimits;
                                                            maxRetries: number;
                                                            numWorkers: number;
                                                            enableWorkerThreads: boolean;
                                                            idleMemoryLimit?: number;

                                                              Package Files (1)

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                                                              Dev Dependencies (8)

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                                                              No peer dependencies.


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