- Version 0.3.4
- Published
- 9 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i jspm-config
yarn add jspm-config
pnpm add jspm-config
Read jspm config and such
Type Aliases
function readDependenciesJson
readDependenciesJson: ( jspmPackageJson: JspmPackageJson, options: Options) => Promise<DependenciesJson>;
function readJspmConfigs
readJspmConfigs: ( jspmPackageJson: JspmPackageJson, options: Options) => Promise<Configs>;
function readJspmPackageJson
readJspmPackageJson: (options: Options) => Promise<JspmPackageJson>;
function readProjectConfig
readProjectConfig: (options: Options) => Promise<JspmProjectInfo>;
function resolve
resolve: (moduleName: string, options: Options) => Promise<DependencyTree>;
function resolveAll
resolveAll: (options: Options) => Promise<DependencyBranch>;
function resolveByPackageJson
resolveByPackageJson: ( pjson: JspmPackageJson, options: Options) => Promise<DependencyBranch>;
class ConfigError
class ConfigError extends BaseError {}
This error signifies there are issue with the jspm configuration.
class ModuleNotFoundError
class ModuleNotFoundError extends BaseError {}
This error signifies the module requested is not found.
constructor(moduleName: string);
interface ConfigFiles
interface ConfigFiles {}
property 'jspm:browser'
'jspm:browser': string;
property 'jspm:dev'
'jspm:dev': string;
property 'jspm:node'
'jspm:node': string;
property jspm
jspm: string;
interface Configs
interface Configs {}
interface DependenciesJson
interface DependenciesJson {}
Interface for
index signature
[index: string]: { deps: { [index: string]: string; }; peerDeps: { [index: string]: string; };};
interface DependencyBranch
interface DependencyBranch {}
index signature
[moduleName: string]: DependencyTree;
interface DependencyInfo
interface DependencyInfo {}
interface DependencyTree
interface DependencyTree {}
interface JspmConfig
interface JspmConfig {}
Interface for the resolved JSPM config.
method getDependencyTree
getDependencyTree: (moduleName: string) => any;
interface JspmPackageJson
interface JspmPackageJson {}
property browser
browser?: Browser;
property browserTypings
browserTypings?: Browser;
property configFiles
configFiles?: ConfigFiles;
property dependencies
dependencies?: { [index: string]: string;};
property devDependencie
devDependencie?: { [index: string]: string;};
property directories
directories?: { baseURL: string; packages?: string;};
property main
main: string;
property name
name: string;
property overrides
overrides?: { [index: string]: any;};
property peerDependencies
peerDependencies?: { [index: string]: string;};
property typings
typings?: string;
property version
version?: string;
interface JspmProjectInfo
interface JspmProjectInfo {}
property dependenciesJson
dependenciesJson?: DependenciesJson;
property jspmConfigs
jspmConfigs: Configs;
property jspmPackageJson
jspmPackageJson: JspmPackageJson;
interface ModuleMap
interface ModuleMap {}
Module name maps to package name.
index signature
[moduleName: string]: string;
interface Overrides
interface Overrides {}
Override map for file lookups.
index signature
[dependency: string]: string;
interface PackageMap
interface PackageMap {}
index signature
[versionedName: string]: { map: ModuleMap;};
interface PathMap
interface PathMap {}
index signature
[prefix: string]: string;
Type Aliases
type Browser
type Browser = string | Overrides;
Browser field overrides like NPM.
Package Files (5)
Dependencies (9)
Dev Dependencies (33)
- @types/graceful-fs
- @types/node
- @types/strip-bom
- @types/xtend
- aurelia-logging
- aurelia-logging-color
- aurelia-polyfills
- ava
- ava-fixture
- browser-env
- core-js
- dependency-check
- eslint
- eslint-config-unional
- jspm
- nyc
- param-case
- pascal-case
- rimraf
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-commonjs
- rollup-plugin-node-builtins
- rollup-plugin-node-globals
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- rollup-plugin-uglify
- source-map-loader
- tslint
- tslint-config-unional
- typescript
- typings
- uglify-js
- webpack
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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