
  • Version 1.7.2
  • Published
  • 157 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the Fetch API



variable ky

const ky: KyInstance;


    class HTTPError

    class HTTPError<T = unknown> extends Error {}


      constructor(response: Response, request: Request, options: NormalizedOptions);

        property options

        options: NormalizedOptions;

          property request

          request: KyRequest<unknown>;

            property response

            response: KyResponse<T>;

              class TimeoutError

              class TimeoutError extends Error {}


                constructor(request: Request);

                  property request

                  request: KyRequest<unknown>;


                    interface NormalizedOptions

                    interface NormalizedOptions extends RequestInit {}
                    • Normalized options passed to the fetch call and the beforeRequest hooks.

                    property credentials

                    credentials?: NonNullable<RequestInit['credentials']>;

                      property method

                      method: NonNullable<RequestInit['method']>;

                        property onDownloadProgress

                        onDownloadProgress: Options['onDownloadProgress'];

                          property prefixUrl

                          prefixUrl: string;

                            property retry

                            retry: RetryOptions;

                              interface Options

                              interface Options extends KyOptions, Omit<RequestInit, 'headers'> {}
                              • Options are the same as window.fetch, except for the KyOptions

                              property headers

                              headers?: KyHeadersInit;
                              • HTTP headers used to make the request.

                                You can pass a Headers instance or a plain object.

                                You can remove a header with .extend() by passing the header with an undefined value.

                                Example 1

                                ``` import ky from 'ky';

                                const url = '';

                                const original = ky.create({ headers: { rainbow: 'rainbow', unicorn: 'unicorn' } });

                                const extended = original.extend({ headers: { rainbow: undefined } });

                                const response = await extended(url).json();

                                console.log('rainbow' in response); //=> false

                                console.log('unicorn' in response); //=> true ```

                              property method

                              method?: LiteralUnion<HttpMethod, string>;
                              • HTTP method used to make the request.

                                Internally, the standard methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD and DELETE) are uppercased in order to avoid server errors due to case sensitivity.

                              Type Aliases

                              type AfterResponseHook

                              type AfterResponseHook = (
                              request: KyRequest,
                              options: NormalizedOptions,
                              response: KyResponse
                              ) => Response | void | Promise<Response | void>;

                                type BeforeErrorHook

                                type BeforeErrorHook = (error: HTTPError) => HTTPError | Promise<HTTPError>;

                                  type BeforeRequestHook

                                  type BeforeRequestHook = (
                                  request: KyRequest,
                                  options: NormalizedOptions
                                  ) => Request | Response | void | Promise<Request | Response | void>;

                                    type BeforeRetryHook

                                    type BeforeRetryHook = (
                                    options: BeforeRetryState
                                    ) => typeof stop | void | Promise<typeof stop | void>;

                                      type BeforeRetryState

                                      type BeforeRetryState = {
                                      request: KyRequest;
                                      options: NormalizedOptions;
                                      error: Error;
                                      retryCount: number;

                                        type DownloadProgress

                                        type DownloadProgress = {
                                        percent: number;
                                        transferredBytes: number;
                                        Note: If it's not possible to retrieve the body size, it will be `0`.
                                        totalBytes: number;

                                          type Hooks

                                          type Hooks = {
                                          This hook enables you to modify the request right before it is sent. Ky will make no further changes to the request after this. The hook function receives normalized input and options as arguments. You could, for example, modify `options.headers` here.
                                          A [`Response`]( can be returned from this hook to completely avoid making a HTTP request. This can be used to mock a request, check an internal cache, etc. An **important** consideration when returning a `Response` from this hook is that all the following hooks will be skipped, so **ensure you only return a `Response` from the last hook**.
                                          @default []
                                          beforeRequest?: BeforeRequestHook[];
                                          This hook enables you to modify the request right before retry. Ky will make no further changes to the request after this. The hook function receives an object with the normalized request and options, an error instance, and the retry count. You could, for example, modify `request.headers` here.
                                          If the request received a response, the error will be of type `HTTPError` and the `Response` object will be available at `error.response`. Be aware that some types of errors, such as network errors, inherently mean that a response was not received. In that case, the error will not be an instance of `HTTPError`.
                                          You can prevent Ky from retrying the request by throwing an error. Ky will not handle it in any way and the error will be propagated to the request initiator. The rest of the `beforeRetry` hooks will not be called in this case. Alternatively, you can return the [`ky.stop`](#ky.stop) symbol to do the same thing but without propagating an error (this has some limitations, see `ky.stop` docs for details).
                                          import ky from 'ky';
                                          const response = await ky('', {
                                          hooks: {
                                          beforeRetry: [
                                          async ({request, options, error, retryCount}) => {
                                          const token = await ky('');
                                          options.headers.set('Authorization', `token ${token}`);
                                          @default []
                                          beforeRetry?: BeforeRetryHook[];
                                          This hook enables you to read and optionally modify the response. The hook function receives normalized input, options, and a clone of the response as arguments. The return value of the hook function will be used by Ky as the response object if it's an instance of [`Response`](
                                          @default []
                                          import ky from 'ky';
                                          const response = await ky('', {
                                          hooks: {
                                          afterResponse: [
                                          (_input, _options, response) => {
                                          // You could do something with the response, for example, logging.
                                          // Or return a `Response` instance to overwrite the response.
                                          return new Response('A different response', {status: 200});
                                          // Or retry with a fresh token on a 403 error
                                          async (input, options, response) => {
                                          if (response.status === 403) {
                                          // Get a fresh token
                                          const token = await ky('').text();
                                          // Retry with the token
                                          options.headers.set('Authorization', `token ${token}`);
                                          return ky(input, options);
                                          afterResponse?: AfterResponseHook[];
                                          This hook enables you to modify the `HTTPError` right before it is thrown. The hook function receives a `HTTPError` as an argument and should return an instance of `HTTPError`.
                                          @default []
                                          import ky from 'ky';
                                          await ky('', {
                                          hooks: {
                                          beforeError: [
                                          error => {
                                          const {response} = error;
                                          if (response && response.body) {
                                 = 'GitHubError';
                                          error.message = `${response.body.message} (${response.status})`;
                                          return error;
                                          beforeError?: BeforeErrorHook[];

                                            type Input

                                            type Input = string | URL | Request;

                                              type KyInstance

                                              type KyInstance = {
                                              Fetch the given `url`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` method added.
                                              import ky from 'ky';
                                              const json = await ky('', {json: {foo: true}}).json();
                                              //=> `{data: '🦄'}`
                                              <T>(url: Input, options?: Options): ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'get'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              get: <T>(url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'post'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              post: <T>(url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'put'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              put: <T>(url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'delete'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              delete: <T>(url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'patch'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              patch: <T>(url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise<T>;
                                              Fetch the given `url` using the option `{method: 'head'}`.
                                              @param url - `Request` object, `URL` object, or URL string.
                                              @returns A promise with `Body` methods added.
                                              head: (url: Input, options?: Options) => ResponsePromise;
                                              Create a new Ky instance with complete new defaults.
                                              @returns A new Ky instance.
                                              create: (defaultOptions?: Options) => KyInstance;
                                              Create a new Ky instance with some defaults overridden with your own.
                                              In contrast to `ky.create()`, `ky.extend()` inherits defaults from its parent.
                                              You can also refer to parent defaults by providing a function to `.extend()`.
                                              import ky from 'ky';
                                              const api = ky.create({prefixUrl: ''});
                                              const usersApi = api.extend((options) => ({prefixUrl: `${options.prefixUrl}/users`}));
                                              const response = await usersApi.get('123');
                                              //=> ''
                                              const response = await api.get('version');
                                              //=> ''
                                              @returns A new Ky instance.
                                              extend: (
                                              defaultOptions: Options | ((parentOptions: Options) => Options)
                                              ) => KyInstance;
                                              A `Symbol` that can be returned by a `beforeRetry` hook to stop the retry. This will also short circuit the remaining `beforeRetry` hooks.
                                              Note: Returning this symbol makes Ky abort and return with an `undefined` response. Be sure to check for a response before accessing any properties on it or use [optional chaining]( It is also incompatible with body methods, such as `.json()` or `.text()`, because there is no response to parse. In general, we recommend throwing an error instead of returning this symbol, as that will cause Ky to abort and then throw, which avoids these limitations.
                                              A valid use-case for `ky.stop` is to prevent retries when making requests for side effects, where the returned data is not important. For example, logging client activity to the server.
                                              import ky from 'ky';
                                              const options = {
                                              hooks: {
                                              beforeRetry: [
                                              async ({request, options, error, retryCount}) => {
                                              const shouldStopRetry = await ky('');
                                              if (shouldStopRetry) {
                                              return ky.stop;
                                              // Note that response will be `undefined` in case `ky.stop` is returned.
                                              const response = await'', options);
                                              // Using `.text()` or other body methods is not supported.
                                              const text = await ky('', options).text();
                                              readonly stop: typeof stop;

                                                type KyRequest

                                                type KyRequest<T = unknown> = {
                                                json: <J = T>() => Promise<J>;
                                                } & Request;

                                                  type KyResponse

                                                  type KyResponse<T = unknown> = {
                                                  json: <J = T>() => Promise<J>;
                                                  } & Response;

                                                    type ResponsePromise

                                                    type ResponsePromise<T = unknown> = {
                                                    arrayBuffer: () => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
                                                    blob: () => Promise<Blob>;
                                                    formData: () => Promise<FormData>;
                                                    Get the response body as JSON.
                                                    import ky from 'ky';
                                                    const json = await ky(…).json();
                                                    import ky from 'ky';
                                                    interface Result {
                                                    value: number;
                                                    const result1 = await ky(…).json<Result>();
                                                    // or
                                                    const result2 = await ky<Result>(…).json();
                                                    json: <J = T>() => Promise<J>;
                                                    text: () => Promise<string>;
                                                    } & Promise<KyResponse<T>>;

                                                      type RetryOptions

                                                      type RetryOptions = {
                                                      The number of times to retry failed requests.
                                                      @default 2
                                                      limit?: number;
                                                      The HTTP methods allowed to retry.
                                                      @default ['get', 'put', 'head', 'delete', 'options', 'trace']
                                                      methods?: string[];
                                                      The HTTP status codes allowed to retry.
                                                      @default [408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]
                                                      statusCodes?: number[];
                                                      The HTTP status codes allowed to retry with a `Retry-After` header.
                                                      @default [413, 429, 503]
                                                      afterStatusCodes?: number[];
                                                      If the `Retry-After` header is greater than `maxRetryAfter`, the request will be canceled.
                                                      @default Infinity
                                                      maxRetryAfter?: number;
                                                      The upper limit of the delay per retry in milliseconds.
                                                      To clamp the delay, set `backoffLimit` to 1000, for example.
                                                      By default, the delay is calculated in the following way:
                                                      0.3 * (2 ** (attemptCount - 1)) * 1000
                                                      The delay increases exponentially.
                                                      @default Infinity
                                                      backoffLimit?: number;
                                                      A function to calculate the delay between retries given `attemptCount` (starts from 1).
                                                      @default attemptCount => 0.3 * (2 ** (attemptCount - 1)) * 1000
                                                      delay?: (attemptCount: number) => number;

                                                        type SearchParamsOption

                                                        type SearchParamsOption =
                                                        | SearchParamsInit
                                                        | Record<string, string | number | boolean>
                                                        | Array<Array<string | number | boolean>>;

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                                                          No dependencies.

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                                                          No peer dependencies.


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