- Version 8.1.9
- Published
- 8.16 MB
- 81 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i lerna
yarn add lerna
pnpm add lerna
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
function exec
exec: ( command: string, args: string[], opts?: LernaOptions) => Promise<LernaReturnValue>;
Execute a command asynchronously, piping stdio by default.
Parameter command
Parameter args
Parameter opts
function execSync
execSync: (command: string, args: string[], opts?: any) => string;
Execute a command synchronously.
Parameter command
Parameter args
Parameter opts
function getChildProcessCount
getChildProcessCount: () => number;
function getExitCode
getExitCode: ( result: execa.ExecaError<string> & { code?: string | number }) => number | undefined;
Parameter result
function spawn
spawn: ( command: string, args: string[], opts?: LernaOptions) => Promise<LernaReturnValue>;
Spawn a command asynchronously, _always_ inheriting stdio.
Parameter command
Parameter args
Parameter opts
function spawnStreaming
spawnStreaming: ( command: string, args: string[], opts?: LernaOptions, prefix?: string) => Promise<LernaReturnValue>;
Spawn a command asynchronously, streaming stdio with optional prefix.
Parameter command
Parameter args
Parameter opts
Parameter prefix
Type Aliases
type LernaChildProcess
type LernaChildProcess = withPkg<execa.ExecaChildProcess<string>>;
type LernaOptions
type LernaOptions = withPkg<execa.Options>;
type LernaReturnValue
type LernaReturnValue = withPkg<execa.ExecaReturnValue<string>>;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (81)
- @lerna/create
- @npmcli/arborist
- @npmcli/package-json
- @npmcli/run-script
- @nx/devkit
- @octokit/plugin-enterprise-rest
- @octokit/rest
- aproba
- byte-size
- chalk
- clone-deep
- cmd-shim
- color-support
- columnify
- console-control-strings
- conventional-changelog-angular
- conventional-changelog-core
- conventional-recommended-bump
- cosmiconfig
- dedent
- envinfo
- execa
- fs-extra
- get-port
- get-stream
- git-url-parse
- glob-parent
- globby
- graceful-fs
- has-unicode
- import-local
- ini
- init-package-json
- inquirer
- is-ci
- is-stream
- jest-diff
- js-yaml
- libnpmaccess
- libnpmpublish
- load-json-file
- lodash
- make-dir
- minimatch
- multimatch
- node-fetch
- npm-package-arg
- npm-packlist
- npm-registry-fetch
- nx
- p-map
- p-map-series
- p-pipe
- p-queue
- p-reduce
- p-waterfall
- pacote
- pify
- read-cmd-shim
- resolve-from
- rimraf
- semver
- set-blocking
- signal-exit
- slash
- ssri
- string-width
- strip-ansi
- strong-log-transformer
- tar
- temp-dir
- typescript
- upath
- uuid
- validate-npm-package-license
- validate-npm-package-name
- wide-align
- write-file-atomic
- write-pkg
- yargs
- yargs-parser
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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