
  • Version 2.6.3
  • Published
  • 107 kB
  • 9 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i metalsmith
yarn add metalsmith
pnpm add metalsmith


An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.



function Metalsmith

Metalsmith: typeof Metalsmith;
  • Initialize a new Metalsmith builder with a working directory. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

    Example 1

    import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import { dirname } from 'path' import Metalsmith from 'metalsmith'

    const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) const metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname)


class Metalsmith

class Metalsmith {}


    constructor(directory: string);
    • Initialize a new Metalsmith builder with a working directory.

    property debug

    debug: {
    (namespace: string): Metalsmith.Debugger;
    enable(namespaces: string): void;
    disable(): void;
    handle(...args: any[]): void;
    colors: boolean;
    enabled: boolean;
    • Initialize a plugin [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const debugger = metalsmith.debug('metalsmith-myplugin')

      debug('a log') // logs 'metalsmith-myplugin a log''an info') // logs 'metalsmith-myplugin:info an info' debug.warn('a warning') // logs 'metalsmith-myplugin:warn a warning' debug.error('an error') // logs 'metalsmith-myplugin:error an error'

    property ignores

    readonly ignores: string[];
    • The (read-only) list of ignores of the current metalsmith instance

    property matter

    matter: {
    options(): Metalsmith.MatterOptions;
    options(options: Metalsmith.MatterOptions): void;
    parse(contents: Buffer | string): Metalsmith.File;
    stringify(file: Metalsmith.File): string;
    wrap(stringifiedData: Buffer | string): string;

    property plugins

    readonly plugins: Metalsmith.Plugin[];
    • The (read-only) list of plugins use'd by the current metalsmith instance. When read from inside a plugin, the list is guaranteed to be complete

    method build

    build: { (): Promise<Metalsmith.Files>; (callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void };
    • Perform the build with the current settings outputting to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1 .then(files => console.log(Build success. Processed ${files.length})) .catch(err => { throw err })

    • Perform the build with the current settings outputting to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1, files) => { if (err) throw err console.log(Build success. Processed ${files.length}) });

    method clean

    clean: { (clean: boolean): Metalsmith; (): boolean };
    • Set whether will be cleaned before writing. Defaults to true. [API Docs]( | [Source code]( true

      Example 1


    • Get whether the destination directory will be cleaned before writing. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const clean = metalsmith.clean()

    method concurrency

    concurrency: { (max: number): Metalsmith; (): number };
    • Set the max number of files to open at once. Useful if you encounter EMFILE errors, see [Node.js docs]( [API Docs]( | [Source code]( Infinity

      Example 1


    • Get the max number of files to open at once. [API]( | [Source](

      Example 1

      const max = metalsmith.concurrency()

    method destination

    destination: { (path: string): Metalsmith; (): string };
    • Set the path of the destination directory. [API Docs]( | [Source code]( 'build'

      Example 1


    • Get the absolute path of the destination directory. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const dest = metalsmith.destination()

    method directory

    directory: { (directory: string): Metalsmith; (): string };
    • Set the working directory. Relative paths resolve to process.cwd() [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      new Metalsmith(__dirname) // set the path of the working directory through the constructor'./other/path') // set the path of the working directory

    • Get the absolute path of the working directory. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const msdir =;

    method env

    env: {
    (name: string): number | boolean | string | null;
    (): Object;
    (name: string, value: string | number | boolean): Metalsmith;
    (env: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean }): Metalsmith;
    • Get a single metalsmith environment variable. Metalsmith env vars are case-insensitive. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const env = metalsmith.env('NODE_ENV') if (env === 'development') { ... }

    • Get all metalsmith environment variables. Metalsmith env vars are returned in capital-case. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const env = metalsmith.env(); console.log(env) // { NODE_ENV: 'development' }

    • Set a single metalsmith environment variable (chainable). Metalsmith env vars are case-insensitive. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith .env('NODE_ENV', process.env.NODE_ENV) .env('DEBUG', '@metalsmith/*')

    • Add multiple metalsmith environment variables at once (chainable). Metalsmith env vars are case-insensitive. This signature will overwrite but not remove existing metalsmith environment variables [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.env({ NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV, DEBUG: '@metalsmith/*' })

    method frontmatter

    frontmatter: { (frontmatter?: boolean | {}): Metalsmith; (): boolean };
    • Set the flag on whether to parse YAML frontmatter [API Docs]( | [Source code]( true

      Example 1


    • Get the flag on whether to parse YAML frontmatter [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const on = metalsmith.frontmatter() // true or false

    method ignore

    ignore: {
    files: string | string[] | Metalsmith.Ignore | Metalsmith.Ignore[]
    ): Metalsmith;
    (): string[];
    • Set the files/paths to ignore loading into Metalsmith. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.ignore("corrupted.html"); metalsmith.ignore(function (filepath: string, stats: Stats) { return stats.isDirectory() && path.basename(filepath) === 'nested'; });

    • Get the array of files/paths. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const ignored = metalsmith.ignore();

    method match

    match: (
    pattern: string | string[],
    input?: string[],
    options?: Omit<micromatch.Options, 'format'>
    ) => string[];
    • Match filepaths in the source directory by [glob]( pattern. If input is not specified, patterns are matched against Object.keys(files) [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      // match all .html files at the source dir root but omit files starting with a dot: metalsmith.match('*.html', Object.keys(files), { dot: false })

    method metadata

    metadata: { (metadata: object): Metalsmith; (): object };
    • Assign values to the global metadata object. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.metadata({ sitename: "My Static Site", baseurl: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'http://localhost:8080' : '' });

    • Get the global metadata object. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const metadata = metalsmith.metadata();

    method path

    path: (...paths: string[]) => string;
    • Resolve paths relative to the root directory. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const path = metalsmith.path("./dist", "assets");

    method process

    process: {
    (): Promise<Metalsmith.Files>;
    (callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void;
    • Process files through without writing out files. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.process() .then(files => console.log(Done processing ${files.length} files.)) .catch(err => { throw err })

    • Process files through without writing out files. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.process((err, files) => { if (err) throw err console.log(Done processing ${files.length} files.)) })

    method read

    read: {
    (dir?: string): Promise<Metalsmith.Files>;
    (dir: string, callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void;
    • Read a dictionary of files from a dir, parsing frontmatter *(promise variant)*. If no directory is provided, it will default to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1'relative/to/msdir') .then(files => console.log(files)) .catch(err => { throw err })

    • Read a dictionary of files from a dir, parsing frontmatter. If no directory is provided, it will default to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1'relative/to/msdir', (err, files) => { if (err) throw err console.log(files) });

    method readFile

    readFile: {
    (file: string): Promise<Metalsmith.File>;
    file: string,
    callback: (
    err: Error,
    file?: Metalsmith.File<Record<string, unknown>>
    ) => void
    ): void;
    • Read a file by path. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.readFile('') .then(file => { const { contents, stat, mode, ...metadata } = file }) .catch(err => { throw err });

    • Read a file by path. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.readFile("a.html", (err, file) => { if (err) throw err const { contents, stat, mode, ...metadata } = file });

    method run

    run: {
    (files: Metalsmith.Files, callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void;
    files: Metalsmith.Files,
    plugins: Metalsmith.Plugin[],
    callback: Metalsmith.Callback
    ): void;
    files: Metalsmith.Files,
    plugins?: Metalsmith.Plugin[]
    ): Promise<Metalsmith.Files>;
    • Run a set of files through the plugins stack. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('contents') }{ 'index.html': file } , (err, files) => { if (err) {throw err;}});

    • Run a set of files through the plugins stack. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('contents') }{ 'index.html': file }, metalsmith.plugins, (err, files) => { if (err) {throw err;}});

    • Run a set of files through the plugins stack. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('contents') }{ 'index.html': file }, metalsmith.plugins) .then(files => {}) .catch(err => { if (err) {throw err;}});

    method source

    source: { (path: string): Metalsmith; (): string };
    • Set the path of the source directory, relative to [API Docs]( | [Source code]( 'src'

      Example 1


    • Get the absolute path of the source directory. [API]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const src = metalsmith.source();

    method use

    use: (plugin: Metalsmith.Plugin | Metalsmith.Plugin[]) => Metalsmith;
    • Add a plugin function to the stack. [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      import markdown from '@metalsmith/markdown' metalsmith.use(markdown({ gfm: true }))

    method watch

    watch: {
    (): false | WatchOptions;
    | string
    | boolean
    | string[]
    | Omit<
    'ignoreInitial' | 'ignored' | 'alwaysStat' | 'cwd'
    ): Metalsmith;
    • Consult [chokidar.watchOptions]( in use by [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1 // { // paths: [metalsmith.source()], // ignoreInitial: true, // awaitWriteFinish: false, // ignore: metalsmith.ignore(), // alwaysStat: false // }

    • Set the list of paths to watch and trigger rebuilds on. The watch method will skip files ignored with and will do partial (true) or full (false) rebuilds depending on the setting. It can be used both for rebuilding in-memory with or writing to file system with . [API Docs]( | [Source code]( false

      Example 1

      metalsmith .ignore(['wont-be-watched']) // ignored .clean(false) // do partial rebuilds .watch(true) // watch all files in metalsmith.source() .watch(['lib','src']) // or watch files in directories 'lib' and 'src'

    method write

    write: {
    (files: Metalsmith.Files, dir: string, callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void;
    (files: Metalsmith.Files, callback: Metalsmith.Callback): void;
    (files: Metalsmith.Files, dir?: string): Promise<void>;
    • Write an object of to a destination dir. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const files = { 'index.html': { contents: Buffer.from('...') } } metalsmith.write(files, metalsmith.path("./dist"));

    • Write an object of to a destination dir. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      metalsmith.write({fileA: "a.html"} , metalsmith.path("./dist"));

    • Write an object of to a destination dir. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('...') metalsmith.write({ 'index.html': file }) .then(() => console.log('Files written')) .catch(err => { throw err })

    method writeFile

    writeFile: {
    (filepath: string, data: Metalsmith.File): Promise<void>;
    filepath: string,
    data: Metalsmith.File<Record<string, unknown>>,
    callback: (error: Error) => void
    ): void;
    • Write to filepath. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('File Contents') } metalsmith.writeFile("test.html", file) .then(() => console.log('File written')) .catch(err => { throw err })

    • Write to filepath. Relative paths resolve to . [API Docs]( | [Source code](

      Example 1

      const file = { contents: Buffer.from('File Contents') } metalsmith.writeFile("test.html", file, (err) => { if (err) throw err console.log('File written') })


    interface Debugger

    interface Debugger extends DebugDebugger {}
    • Metalsmith debugger

    property error

    error: DebugDebugger;

      property info

      info: DebugDebugger;

        property warn

        warn: DebugDebugger;

          interface Files

          interface Files {}
          • Metalsmith representation of the files in . The keys represent the file paths and the values are objects

          index signature

          [filepath: string]: File;

            interface MatterOptions

            interface MatterOptions {}

              property delimiters

              delimiters?: string | string[];

                property engines

                engines?: {
                [engine: string]:
                | ((file: string) => any)
                | {
                parse: (file: string) => any;
                stringify?: (data: any) => string;

                  property excerpt

                  | boolean
                  | ((file: GrayMatterFile<string>, options: Metalsmith.MatterOptions) => {});

                    property excerpt_separator

                    excerpt_separator?: string;

                      property language

                      language?: string;

                        Type Aliases

                        type Callback

                        type Callback = (err: Error | null, files: Files) => void;

                          type DoneCallback

                          type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void;

                            type File

                            type File<
                            AdditionalProperties extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>
                            > = {
                            /** A Node {@linkcode Buffer} that can be `.toString`'ed to obtain its human-readable contents */
                            contents: Buffer;
                            /** A Node {@linkcode Stats} object with extra filesystem metadata and methods (like {@linkcode Stats.isFile}) */
                            stats?: Stats;
                            /** Octal permission {@linkcode Mode} of a file */
                            mode?: string;
                            } & AdditionalProperties;
                            • Metalsmith representation of a file

                            type Ignore

                            type Ignore = (path: string, stat: Stats) => void;

                              type Plugin

                              type Plugin = (
                              files: Files,
                              metalsmith: Metalsmith,
                              callback: DoneCallback
                              ) => void | Promise<void>;
                              • A Metalsmith plugin is a function that is passed the file list, the metalsmith instance, and a done callback. Calling the callback is required for asynchronous plugins, and optional for synchronous plugins.

                              Package Files (1)

                              Dependencies (9)

                              Dev Dependencies (16)

                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                              No peer dependencies.


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