- Version 6.0.1
- Published
- 1.28 MB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i mobx-state-tree
yarn add mobx-state-tree
pnpm add mobx-state-tree
Opinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container
- addDisposer()
- addMiddleware()
- applyAction()
- applyPatch()
- applySnapshot()
- cast()
- castFlowReturn()
- castToReferenceSnapshot()
- castToSnapshot()
- clone()
- createActionTrackingMiddleware()
- createActionTrackingMiddleware2()
- decorate()
- destroy()
- detach()
- escapeJsonPath()
- flow()
- getChildType()
- getEnv()
- getIdentifier()
- getLivelinessChecking()
- getMembers()
- getNodeId()
- getParent()
- getParentOfType()
- getPath()
- getPathParts()
- getPropertyMembers()
- getRelativePath()
- getRoot()
- getRunningActionContext()
- getSnapshot()
- getType()
- hasEnv()
- hasParent()
- hasParentOfType()
- isActionContextChildOf()
- isActionContextThisOrChildOf()
- isAlive()
- isArrayType()
- isFrozenType()
- isIdentifierType()
- isLateType()
- isLiteralType()
- isMapType()
- isModelType()
- isOptionalType()
- isPrimitiveType()
- isProtected()
- isReferenceType()
- isRefinementType()
- isRoot()
- isStateTreeNode()
- isType()
- isUnionType()
- isValidReference()
- joinJsonPath()
- onAction()
- onPatch()
- onSnapshot()
- process()
- protect()
- recordActions()
- recordPatches()
- resolveIdentifier()
- resolvePath()
- setLivelinessChecking()
- setLivelynessChecking()
- splitJsonPath()
- toGenerator()
- toGeneratorFunction()
- tryReference()
- tryResolve()
- typecheck()
- unescapeJsonPath()
- unprotect()
- walk()
Type Aliases
- IDisposer
- IMiddlewareEventType
- IMiddlewareHandler
- Instance
- LivelinessMode
- LivelynessMode
- ModelCreationType
- ModelCreationType2
- ModelInstanceType
- ModelInstanceTypeProps
- ModelPrimitive
- ModelPropertiesDeclarationToProperties
- ModelSnapshotType
- ModelSnapshotType2
- OnReferenceInvalidated
- OnReferenceInvalidatedEvent
- OptionalDefaultValueOrFunction
- ReferenceIdentifier
- ReferenceOptions
- SnapshotIn
- SnapshotOrInstance
- SnapshotOut
- TypeOfValue
- TypeOrStateTreeNodeToStateTreeNode
- UnionStringArray
- ValidOptionalValue
- ValidOptionalValues
variable t
const t: { enumeration: typeof enumeration; model: typeof model; compose: typeof compose; custom: typeof custom; reference: typeof reference; safeReference: typeof safeReference; union: typeof union; optional: typeof optional; literal: typeof literal; maybe: typeof maybe; maybeNull: typeof maybeNull; refinement: typeof refinement; string: import('../internal').ISimpleType<string>; boolean: import('../internal').ISimpleType<boolean>; number: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; integer: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; float: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; finite: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; Date: import('../internal').IType<number | Date, number, Date>; map: typeof map; array: typeof array; frozen: typeof frozen; identifier: import('../internal').ISimpleType<string>; identifierNumber: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; late: typeof late; lazy: typeof lazy; undefined: import('../internal').ISimpleType<undefined>; null: import('../internal').ISimpleType<null>; snapshotProcessor: typeof snapshotProcessor;};
variable types
const types: { enumeration: typeof enumeration; model: typeof model; compose: typeof compose; custom: typeof custom; reference: typeof reference; safeReference: typeof safeReference; union: typeof union; optional: typeof optional; literal: typeof literal; maybe: typeof maybe; maybeNull: typeof maybeNull; refinement: typeof refinement; string: import('../internal').ISimpleType<string>; boolean: import('../internal').ISimpleType<boolean>; number: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; integer: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; float: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; finite: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; Date: import('../internal').IType<number | Date, number, Date>; map: typeof map; array: typeof array; frozen: typeof frozen; identifier: import('../internal').ISimpleType<string>; identifierNumber: import('../internal').ISimpleType<number>; late: typeof late; lazy: typeof lazy; undefined: import('../internal').ISimpleType<undefined>; null: import('../internal').ISimpleType<null>; snapshotProcessor: typeof snapshotProcessor;};
function addDisposer
addDisposer: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode, disposer: IDisposer) => IDisposer;
Use this utility to register a function that should be called whenever the targeted state tree node is destroyed. This is a useful alternative to managing cleanup methods yourself using the
hook.This methods returns the same disposer that was passed as argument.
const Todo = types.model({title: types.string}).actions(self => ({afterCreate() {const autoSaveDisposer = reaction(() => getSnapshot(self),snapshot => sendSnapshotToServerSomehow(snapshot))// stop sending updates to server if this// instance is destroyedaddDisposer(self, autoSaveDisposer)}}))Parameter target
Parameter disposer
The same disposer that was passed as argument
function addMiddleware
addMiddleware: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, handler: IMiddlewareHandler, includeHooks?: boolean) => IDisposer;
Middleware can be used to intercept any action is invoked on the subtree where it is attached. If a tree is protected (by default), this means that any mutation of the tree will pass through your middleware.
For more details, see the [middleware docs](concepts/
Parameter target
Node to apply the middleware to.
Parameter middleware
Middleware to apply.
A callable function to dispose the middleware.
function applyAction
applyAction: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, actions: ISerializedActionCall | ISerializedActionCall[]) => void;
Applies an action or a series of actions in a single MobX transaction. Does not return any value Takes an action description as produced by the
middleware.Parameter target
Parameter actions
function applyPatch
applyPatch: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, patch: IJsonPatch | ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>) => void;
Applies a JSON-patch to the given model instance or bails out if the patch couldn't be applied See [patches]( for more details.
Can apply a single past, or an array of patches.
Parameter target
Parameter patch
function applySnapshot
applySnapshot: <C>( target: IStateTreeNode<IType<C, any, any>>, snapshot: C) => void;
Applies a snapshot to a given model instances. Patch and snapshot listeners will be invoked as usual.
Parameter target
Parameter snapshot
function cast
cast: { <O extends string | number | boolean = never>(snapshotOrInstance: O): O; <O = never>( snapshotOrInstance: | TypeOfValue<O>['CreationType'] | TypeOfValue<O>['SnapshotType'] | TypeOfValue<O>['Type'] ): O;};
function castFlowReturn
castFlowReturn: <T>(val: T) => T;
Parameter val
Not needed since TS3.6. Used for TypeScript to make flows that return a promise return the actual promise result.
function castToReferenceSnapshot
castToReferenceSnapshot: <I>( instance: I) => Extract<I, IAnyStateTreeNode> extends never ? I : ReferenceIdentifier;
Casts a node instance type to a reference snapshot type so it can be assigned to a reference snapshot (e.g. to be used inside a create call). Note that this is just a cast for the type system, this is, it won't actually convert an instance to a reference snapshot, but just fool typescript into thinking so.
const ModelA = types.model({id: types.identifier,n: types.number}).actions(self => ({setN(aNumber: number) {self.n = aNumber}}))const ModelB = types.model({refA: types.reference(ModelA)})const a = ModelA.create({ id: 'someId', n: 5 });// this will allow the compiler to use a model as if it were a reference snapshotconst b = ModelB.create({ refA: castToReferenceSnapshot(a)})Parameter instance
The same object cast as a reference snapshot (string or number)
function castToSnapshot
castToSnapshot: <I>( snapshotOrInstance: I) => Extract<I, IAnyStateTreeNode> extends never ? I : TypeOfValue<I>['CreationType'];
Casts a node instance type to a snapshot type so it can be assigned to a type snapshot (e.g. to be used inside a create call). Note that this is just a cast for the type system, this is, it won't actually convert an instance to a snapshot, but just fool typescript into thinking so.
const ModelA = types.model({n: types.number}).actions(self => ({setN(aNumber: number) {self.n = aNumber}}))const ModelB = types.model({innerModel: ModelA})const a = ModelA.create({ n: 5 });// this will allow the compiler to use a model as if it were a snapshotconst b = ModelB.create({ innerModel: castToSnapshot(a)})Parameter snapshotOrInstance
Snapshot or instance
The same object cast as an input (creation) snapshot
function clone
clone: <T extends IAnyStateTreeNode>( source: T, keepEnvironment?: boolean | any) => T;
Returns a deep copy of the given state tree node as new tree. Shorthand for
snapshot(x) = getType(x).create(getSnapshot(x))
_Tip: clone will create a literal copy, including the same identifiers. To modify identifiers etc. during cloning, don't use clone but take a snapshot of the tree, modify it, and create new instance_
Parameter source
Parameter keepEnvironment
indicates whether the clone should inherit the same environment (
, the default), or not have an environment (false
). If an object is passed in as second argument, that will act as the environment for the cloned tree.Returns
function createActionTrackingMiddleware
createActionTrackingMiddleware: <T = any>( hooks: IActionTrackingMiddlewareHooks<T>) => IMiddlewareHandler;
Note: Consider migrating to
, it is easier to use.Convenience utility to create action based middleware that supports async processes more easily. All hooks are called for both synchronous and asynchronous actions. Except that either
is calledThe create middleware tracks the process of an action (assuming it passes the
can return any value, which will be passed as second argument to any other hook. This makes it possible to keep state during a process.See the
middleware for an exampleParameter hooks
function createActionTrackingMiddleware2
createActionTrackingMiddleware2: <TEnv = any>( middlewareHooks: IActionTrackingMiddleware2Hooks<TEnv>) => IMiddlewareHandler;
Convenience utility to create action based middleware that supports async processes more easily. The flow is like this: - for each action: if filter passes ->
-> (inner actions recursively) ->onFinish
Example: if we had an action
that called inside an actionb1
, thenb2
the flow would be: -filter(a)
The flow is the same no matter if the actions are sync or async.
See the
middleware for an exampleParameter hooks
function decorate
decorate: <T extends Function>( handler: IMiddlewareHandler, fn: T, includeHooks?: boolean) => T;
Binds middleware to a specific action.
type.actions(self => {function takeA____() {self.toilet.donate()self.wipe()self.wipe()self.toilet.flush()}return {takeA____: decorate(atomic, takeA____)}})Parameter handler
Parameter fn
Parameter includeHooks
The original function
function destroy
destroy: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void;
Removes a model element from the state tree, and mark it as end-of-life; the element should not be used anymore
function detach
detach: <T extends IAnyStateTreeNode>(target: T) => T;
Removes a model element from the state tree, and let it live on as a new state tree
function escapeJsonPath
escapeJsonPath: (path: string) => string;
Escape slashes and backslashes.
function flow
flow: <R, Args extends any[]>( generator: (...args: Args) => Generator<PromiseLike<any>, R, any>) => (...args: Args) => Promise<FlowReturn<R>>;
See [asynchronous actions](concepts/
The flow as a promise.
function getChildType
getChildType: (object: IAnyStateTreeNode, propertyName?: string) => IAnyType;
Returns the _declared_ type of the given sub property of an object, array or map. In the case of arrays and maps the property name is optional and will be ignored.
const Box = types.model({ x: 0, y: 0 })const box = Box.create()console.log(getChildType(box, "x").name) // 'number'Parameter object
Parameter propertyName
function getEnv
getEnv: <T = any>(target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => T;
Returns the environment of the current state tree, or throws. For more info on environments, see [Dependency injection](
Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible once the
hook has firedReturns an empty environment if the tree wasn't initialized with an environment
Parameter target
function getIdentifier
getIdentifier: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => string | null;
Returns the identifier of the target node. This is the *string normalized* identifier, which might not match the type of the identifier attribute
Parameter target
function getLivelinessChecking
getLivelinessChecking: () => LivelinessMode;
Returns the current liveliness checking mode.
function getMembers
getMembers: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => IModelReflectionData;
Returns a reflection of the model node, including name, properties, views, volatile state, and actions.
is also provided as a separate array of names for any action that came from a flow generator as well.In the case where a model has two actions:
, wheredoSomethingWithFlow
is a flow generator, theactions
array will contain both actions, i.e. ["doSomething", "doSomethingWithFlow"], and theflowActions
array will contain only the flow action, i.e. ["doSomethingWithFlow"].Parameter target
function getNodeId
getNodeId: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => number;
Returns the unique node id (not to be confused with the instance identifier) for a given instance. This id is a number that is unique for each instance.
Parameter target
function getParent
getParent: <IT extends IAnyStateTreeNode | IAnyComplexType>( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, depth?: number) => TypeOrStateTreeNodeToStateTreeNode<IT>;
Returns the immediate parent of this object, or throws.
Note that the immediate parent can be either an object, map or array, and doesn't necessarily refer to the parent model.
Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible once the
hook has fired.Parameter target
Parameter depth
How far should we look upward? 1 by default.
function getParentOfType
getParentOfType: <IT extends IAnyComplexType>( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, type: IT) => IT['Type'];
Returns the target's parent of a given type, or throws.
Parameter target
Parameter type
function getPath
getPath: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => string;
Returns the path of the given object in the model tree
Parameter target
function getPathParts
getPathParts: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => string[];
Returns the path of the given object as unescaped string array.
Parameter target
function getPropertyMembers
getPropertyMembers: ( typeOrNode: IAnyModelType | IAnyStateTreeNode) => IModelReflectionPropertiesData;
Returns a reflection of the model type properties and name for either a model type or model node.
Parameter typeOrNode
function getRelativePath
getRelativePath: (base: IAnyStateTreeNode, target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => string;
Given two state tree nodes that are part of the same tree, returns the shortest jsonpath needed to navigate from the one to the other
Parameter base
Parameter target
function getRoot
getRoot: <IT extends IAnyStateTreeNode | IAnyComplexType>( target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => TypeOrStateTreeNodeToStateTreeNode<IT>;
Given an object in a model tree, returns the root object of that tree.
Please note that in child nodes access to the root is only possible once the
hook has fired.Parameter target
function getRunningActionContext
getRunningActionContext: () => IActionContext | undefined;
Returns the currently executing MST action context, or undefined if none.
function getSnapshot
getSnapshot: <S>( target: IStateTreeNode<IType<any, S, any>>, applyPostProcess?: boolean) => S;
Calculates a snapshot from the given model instance. The snapshot will always reflect the latest state but use structural sharing where possible. Doesn't require MobX transactions to be completed.
Parameter target
Parameter applyPostProcess
If true (the default) then postProcessSnapshot gets applied.
function getType
getType: (object: IAnyStateTreeNode) => IAnyComplexType;
Returns the _actual_ type of the given tree node. (Or throws)
Parameter object
function hasEnv
hasEnv: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => boolean;
Returns whether the current state tree has environment or not.
Parameter target
function hasParent
hasParent: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode, depth?: number) => boolean;
Given a model instance, returns
if the object has a parent, that is, is part of another object, map or array.Parameter target
Parameter depth
How far should we look upward? 1 by default.
function hasParentOfType
hasParentOfType: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode, type: IAnyComplexType) => boolean;
Given a model instance, returns
if the object has a parent of given type, that is, is part of another object, map or arrayParameter target
Parameter type
function isActionContextChildOf
isActionContextChildOf: ( actionContext: IActionContext, parent: number | IActionContext | IMiddlewareEvent) => boolean;
Returns if the given action context is a parent of this action context.
function isActionContextThisOrChildOf
isActionContextThisOrChildOf: ( actionContext: IActionContext, parentOrThis: number | IActionContext | IMiddlewareEvent) => boolean;
Returns if the given action context is this or a parent of this action context.
function isAlive
isAlive: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => boolean;
Returns true if the given state tree node is not killed yet. This means that the node is still a part of a tree, and that
has not been called. If a node is not alive anymore, the only thing one can do with it is requesting it's last path and snapshotParameter target
function isArrayType
isArrayType: (type: unknown) => type is IArrayType<IAnyType>;
Returns if a given value represents an array type.
Parameter type
if the type is an array type.
function isFrozenType
isFrozenType: (type: unknown) => type is ISimpleType<any>;
Returns if a given value represents a frozen type.
Parameter type
function isIdentifierType
isIdentifierType: ( type: unknown) => type is ISimpleType<string> | ISimpleType<number>;
Returns if a given value represents an identifier type.
Parameter type
function isLateType
isLateType: (type: unknown) => type is IAnyType;
Returns if a given value represents a late type.
Parameter type
function isLiteralType
isLiteralType: (type: unknown) => type is ISimpleType<any>;
Returns if a given value represents a literal type.
Parameter type
function isMapType
isMapType: (type: unknown) => type is IMapType<IAnyType>;
Returns if a given value represents a map type.
Parameter type
if it is a map type.
function isModelType
isModelType: (type: unknown) => type is IAnyModelType;
Returns if a given value represents a model type.
Parameter type
function isOptionalType
isOptionalType: ( type: unknown) => type is IOptionalIType<IAnyType, [any, ...any[]]>;
Returns if a value represents an optional type.
Parameter type
function isPrimitiveType
isPrimitiveType: ( type: unknown) => type is | ISimpleType<string> | ISimpleType<number> | ISimpleType<boolean> | IType<number | Date, number, Date>;
Returns if a given value represents a primitive type.
Parameter type
function isProtected
isProtected: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => boolean;
Returns true if the object is in protected mode,
See Also
function isReferenceType
isReferenceType: (type: unknown) => type is IReferenceType<IAnyComplexType>;
Returns if a given value represents a reference type.
Parameter type
function isRefinementType
isRefinementType: (type: unknown) => type is IAnyType;
Returns if a given value is a refinement type.
Parameter type
function isRoot
isRoot: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => boolean;
Returns true if the given object is the root of a model tree.
Parameter target
function isStateTreeNode
isStateTreeNode: <IT extends IAnyComplexType = IAnyComplexType>( value: any) => value is STNValue<Instance<IT>, IT>;
Returns true if the given value is a node in a state tree. More precisely, that is, if the value is an instance of a
.Parameter value
true if the value is a state tree node.
function isType
isType: (value: any) => value is IAnyType;
Returns if a given value represents a type.
Parameter value
Value to check.
if the value is a type.
function isUnionType
isUnionType: (type: unknown) => type is IUnionType<IAnyType[]>;
Returns if a given value represents a union type.
Parameter type
function isValidReference
isValidReference: <N extends IAnyStateTreeNode>( getter: () => N | null | undefined, checkIfAlive?: boolean) => boolean;
Tests if a reference is valid (pointing to an existing node and optionally if alive) and returns if the check passes or not.
Parameter getter
Function to access the reference.
Parameter checkIfAlive
true to also make sure the referenced node is alive (default), false to skip this check.
function joinJsonPath
joinJsonPath: (path: string[]) => string;
Generates a json-path compliant json path from path parts.
Parameter path
function onAction
onAction: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, listener: (call: ISerializedActionCall) => void, attachAfter?: boolean) => IDisposer;
Registers a function that will be invoked for each action that is called on the provided model instance, or to any of its children. See [actions]( for more details. onAction events are emitted only for the outermost called action in the stack. Action can also be intercepted by middleware using addMiddleware to change the function call before it will be run.
Not all action arguments might be serializable. For unserializable arguments, a struct like
{ $MST_UNSERIALIZABLE: true, type: "someType" }
will be generated. MST Nodes are considered non-serializable as well (they could be serialized as there snapshot, but it is uncertain whether an replaying party will be able to handle such a non-instantiated snapshot). Rather, when usingonAction
middleware, one should consider in passing arguments which are 1: an id, 2: a (relative) path, or 3: a snapshot. Instead of a real MST node.Example:
const Todo = types.model({task: types.string})const TodoStore = types.model({todos: types.array(Todo)}).actions(self => ({add(todo) {self.todos.push(todo);}}))const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: [] })let disposer = onAction(s, (call) => {console.log(call);})s.add({ task: "Grab a coffee" })// Logs: { name: "add", path: "", args: [{ task: "Grab a coffee" }] }Parameter target
Parameter listener
Parameter attachAfter
(default false) fires the listener *after* the action has executed instead of before.
function onPatch
onPatch: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, callback: (patch: IJsonPatch, reversePatch: IJsonPatch) => void) => IDisposer;
Registers a function that will be invoked for each mutation that is applied to the provided model instance, or to any of its children. See [patches]( for more details. onPatch events are emitted immediately and will not await the end of a transaction. Patches can be used to deeply observe a model tree.
Parameter target
the model instance from which to receive patches
Parameter callback
the callback that is invoked for each patch. The reversePatch is a patch that would actually undo the emitted patch
function to remove the listener
function onSnapshot
onSnapshot: <S>( target: IStateTreeNode<IType<any, S, any>>, callback: (snapshot: S) => void) => IDisposer;
Registers a function that is invoked whenever a new snapshot for the given model instance is available. The listener will only be fire at the end of the current MobX (trans)action. See [snapshots]( for more details.
Parameter target
Parameter callback
function process
process: { <R>(generator: () => IterableIterator<any>): () => Promise<R>; <A1>(generator: (a1: A1) => IterableIterator<any>): (a1: A1) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2>(generator: (a1: A1, a2: A2) => IterableIterator<any>): ( a1: A1, a2: A2 ) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3>(generator: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3) => IterableIterator<any>): ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3 ) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3, A4>( generator: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => IterableIterator<any> ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>( generator: (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5) => IterableIterator<any> ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6>( generator: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6 ) => IterableIterator<any> ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7>( generator: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7 ) => IterableIterator<any> ): (a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7) => Promise<any>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8>( generator: ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8 ) => IterableIterator<any> ): ( a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8 ) => Promise<any>;};
has been renamed to
function protect
protect: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void;
The inverse of
.Parameter target
function recordActions
recordActions: ( subject: IAnyStateTreeNode, filter?: ( action: ISerializedActionCall, actionContext: IActionContext | undefined ) => boolean) => IActionRecorder;
Small abstraction around
, attaches an action listener to a tree and records all the actions emitted. Returns an recorder object with the following signature:Example:
export interface IActionRecorder {// the recorded actionsactions: ISerializedActionCall[]// true if currently recordingrecording: boolean// stop recording actionsstop(): void// resume recording actionsresume(): void// apply all the recorded actions on the given objectreplay(target: IAnyStateTreeNode): void}The optional filter function allows to skip recording certain actions.
Parameter subject
function recordPatches
recordPatches: ( subject: IAnyStateTreeNode, filter?: ( patch: IJsonPatch, inversePatch: IJsonPatch, actionContext: IActionContext | undefined ) => boolean) => IPatchRecorder;
Small abstraction around
, attaches a patch listener to a tree and records all the patches. Returns a recorder object with the following signature:Example:
export interface IPatchRecorder {// the recorded patchespatches: IJsonPatch[]// the inverse of the recorded patchesinversePatches: IJsonPatch[]// true if currently recordingrecording: boolean// stop recording patchesstop(): void// resume recording patchesresume(): void// apply all the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)replay(target?: IAnyStateTreeNode): void// reverse apply the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)// stops the recorder if not already stoppedundo(): void}The optional filter function allows to skip recording certain patches.
Parameter subject
Parameter filter
function resolveIdentifier
resolveIdentifier: <IT extends IAnyModelType>( type: IT, target: IAnyStateTreeNode, identifier: ReferenceIdentifier) => IT['Type'] | undefined;
Resolves a model instance given a root target, the type and the identifier you are searching for. Returns undefined if no value can be found.
Parameter type
Parameter target
Parameter identifier
function resolvePath
resolvePath: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode, path: string) => any;
Resolves a path relatively to a given object. Returns undefined if no value can be found.
Parameter target
Parameter path
escaped json path
function setLivelinessChecking
setLivelinessChecking: (mode: LivelinessMode) => void;
Defines what MST should do when running into reads / writes to objects that have died. By default it will print a warning. Use the
option to easy debugging to see where the error was thrown and when the offending read / write took placeParameter mode
function setLivelynessChecking
setLivelynessChecking: (mode: LivelinessMode) => void;
Parameter mode
use setLivelinessChecking instead
Defines what MST should do when running into reads / writes to objects that have died. By default it will print a warning. Use the
option to easy debugging to see where the error was thrown and when the offending read / write took place
function splitJsonPath
splitJsonPath: (path: string) => string[];
Splits and decodes a json path into several parts.
Parameter path
function toGenerator
toGenerator: <R>(p: Promise<R>) => Generator<Promise<R>, R, R>;
experimental api - might change on minor/patch releases
Convert a promise to a generator yielding that promise This is intended to allow for usage of
in async actions to retain the promise return type.Example:
function getDataAsync(input: string): Promise<number> { ... }const someModel.actions(self => ({someAction: flow(function*() {// value is typed as numberconst value = yield* toGenerator(getDataAsync("input value"));...})}))Modifiers
function toGeneratorFunction
toGeneratorFunction: <R, Args extends any[]>( p: (...args: Args) => Promise<R>) => (...args: Args) => Generator<Promise<R>, R, R>;
experimental api - might change on minor/patch releases
Convert a promise-returning function to a generator-returning one. This is intended to allow for usage of
in async actions to retain the promise return type.Example:
function getDataAsync(input: string): Promise<number> { ... }const getDataGen = toGeneratorFunction(getDataAsync);const someModel.actions(self => ({someAction: flow(function*() {// value is typed as numberconst value = yield* getDataGen("input value");...})}))Modifiers
function tryReference
tryReference: <N extends IAnyStateTreeNode>( getter: () => N | null | undefined, checkIfAlive?: boolean) => N | undefined;
Tests if a reference is valid (pointing to an existing node and optionally if alive) and returns such reference if the check passes, else it returns undefined.
Parameter getter
Function to access the reference.
Parameter checkIfAlive
true to also make sure the referenced node is alive (default), false to skip this check.
function tryResolve
tryResolve: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode, path: string) => any;
Try to resolve a given path relative to a given node.
Parameter target
Parameter path
function typecheck
typecheck: <IT extends IAnyType>(type: IT, value: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>) => void;
Run's the typechecker for the given type on the given value, which can be a snapshot or an instance. Throws if the given value is not according the provided type specification. Use this if you need typechecks even in a production build (by default all automatic runtime type checks will be skipped in production builds)
Parameter type
Type to check against.
Parameter value
Value to be checked, either a snapshot or an instance.
function unescapeJsonPath
unescapeJsonPath: (path: string) => string;
Unescape slashes and backslashes.
function unprotect
unprotect: (target: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void;
By default it is not allowed to directly modify a model. Models can only be modified through actions. However, in some cases you don't care about the advantages (like replayability, traceability, etc) this yields. For example because you are building a PoC or don't have any middleware attached to your tree.
In that case you can disable this protection by calling
on the root of your tree.Example:
const Todo = types.model({done: false}).actions(self => ({toggle() {self.done = !self.done}}))const todo = Todo.create()todo.done = true // throws!todo.toggle() // OKunprotect(todo)todo.done = false // OK
function walk
walk: ( target: IAnyStateTreeNode, processor: (item: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void) => void;
Performs a depth first walk through a tree.
interface CustomTypeOptions
interface CustomTypeOptions<S, T> {}
property name
name: string;
Friendly name
method fromSnapshot
fromSnapshot: (snapshot: S, env?: any) => T;
given a serialized value and environment, how to turn it into the target type
method getValidationMessage
getValidationMessage: (snapshot: S) => string;
a non empty string is assumed to be a validation error
method isTargetType
isTargetType: (value: T | S) => boolean;
if true, this is a converted value, if false, it's a snapshot
method toSnapshot
toSnapshot: (value: T) => S;
return the serialization of the current value
interface IActionContext
interface IActionContext {}
property args
readonly args: any[];
Event arguments in an array (action arguments for actions)
property context
readonly context: IAnyStateTreeNode;
Event context (node where the action was invoked)
property id
readonly id: number;
Event unique id
property name
readonly name: string;
Event name (action name for actions)
property parentActionEvent
readonly parentActionEvent: IMiddlewareEvent | undefined;
Parent action event object
property tree
readonly tree: IAnyStateTreeNode;
Event tree (root node of the node where the action was invoked)
interface IActionRecorder
interface IActionRecorder {}
interface IActionTrackingMiddleware2Call
interface IActionTrackingMiddleware2Call<TEnv> extends Readonly<IActionContext> {}
property env
env: TEnv | undefined;
property parentCall
readonly parentCall?: IActionTrackingMiddleware2Call<TEnv>;
interface IActionTrackingMiddleware2Hooks
interface IActionTrackingMiddleware2Hooks<TEnv> {}
interface IActionTrackingMiddlewareHooks
interface IActionTrackingMiddlewareHooks<T> {}
property filter
filter?: (call: IMiddlewareEvent) => boolean;
property onFail
onFail: (call: IMiddlewareEvent, context: T, error: any) => void;
property onResume
onResume: (call: IMiddlewareEvent, context: T) => void;
property onStart
onStart: (call: IMiddlewareEvent) => T;
property onSuccess
onSuccess: (call: IMiddlewareEvent, context: T, result: any) => void;
property onSuspend
onSuspend: (call: IMiddlewareEvent, context: T) => void;
interface IAnyComplexType
interface IAnyComplexType extends IType<any, any, object> {}
Any kind of complex type.
interface IAnyModelType
interface IAnyModelType extends IModelType<any, any, any, any> {}
Any model type.
interface IAnyStateTreeNode
interface IAnyStateTreeNode extends STNValue<any, IAnyType> {}
Represents any state tree node instance.
interface IAnyType
interface IAnyType extends IType<any, any, any> {}
Any kind of type.
interface IArrayType
interface IArrayType<IT extends IAnyType> extends IType< readonly IT['CreationType'][] | undefined, IT['SnapshotType'][], IMSTArray<IT> > {}
method hooks
hooks: (hooks: IHooksGetter<IMSTArray<IAnyType>>) => IArrayType<IT>;
interface IComplexType
interface IComplexType<C, S, T> extends IType<C, S, T & object> {}
A complex type.
just for compatibility with old versions, could be deprecated on the next major version
interface IJsonPatch
interface IJsonPatch {}
interface IMapType
interface IMapType<IT extends IAnyType> extends IType< IKeyValueMap<IT['CreationType']> | undefined, IKeyValueMap<IT['SnapshotType']>, IMSTMap<IT> > {}
method hooks
hooks: (hooks: IHooksGetter<IMSTMap<IT>>) => IMapType<IT>;
interface IMaybe
interface IMaybe<IT extends IAnyType> extends IMaybeIType<IT, undefined, undefined> {}
interface IMaybeIType
interface IMaybeIType<IT extends IAnyType, C, O> extends IType< IT['CreationType'] | C, IT['SnapshotType'] | O, IT['TypeWithoutSTN'] | O > {}
interface IMaybeNull
interface IMaybeNull<IT extends IAnyType> extends IMaybeIType<IT, null | undefined, null> {}
interface IMiddlewareEvent
interface IMiddlewareEvent extends IActionContext {}
property allParentIds
readonly allParentIds: number[];
Id of all events, from root until current (excluding current)
property parentEvent
readonly parentEvent: IMiddlewareEvent | undefined;
Parent event object
property parentId
readonly parentId: number;
Parent event unique id
property rootId
readonly rootId: number;
Root event unique id
property type
readonly type: IMiddlewareEventType;
Event type
interface IModelReflectionData
interface IModelReflectionData extends IModelReflectionPropertiesData {}
property actions
actions: string[];
property flowActions
flowActions: string[];
property views
views: string[];
property volatile
volatile: string[];
interface IModelReflectionPropertiesData
interface IModelReflectionPropertiesData {}
property name
name: string;
property properties
properties: { [K: string]: IAnyType;};
interface IModelType
interface IModelType< PROPS extends ModelProperties, OTHERS, CustomC = _NotCustomized, CustomS = _NotCustomized> extends IType< ModelCreationType2<PROPS, CustomC>, ModelSnapshotType2<PROPS, CustomS>, ModelInstanceType<PROPS, OTHERS> > {}
property properties
readonly properties: PROPS;
method actions
actions: <A extends ModelActions>( fn: (self: Instance<this>) => A) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS & A, CustomC, CustomS>;
method extend
extend: < A extends ModelActions = {}, V extends Object = {}, VS extends Object = {}>( fn: (self: Instance<this>) => { actions?: A; views?: V; state?: VS }) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS & A & V & VS, CustomC, CustomS>;
method named
named: (newName: string) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS, CustomC, CustomS>;
method postProcessSnapshot
postProcessSnapshot: <NewS = _CustomOrOther<CustomS, ModelSnapshotType<PROPS>>>( fn: (snapshot: ModelSnapshotType2<PROPS, CustomS>) => NewS) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS, CustomC, NewS>;
method preProcessSnapshot
preProcessSnapshot: < NewC = MaybeEmpty< keyof PROPS extends never ? _CustomOrOther<CustomC, ModelCreationType<EmptyObject>> : _CustomOrOther< CustomC, ModelCreationType< MaybeEmpty<{ [k in keyof PROPS]: PROPS[k]['CreationType']; }> > > >>( fn: ( snapshot: NewC ) => WithAdditionalProperties<ModelCreationType2<PROPS, CustomC>>) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS, NewC, CustomS>;
method props
props: <PROPS2 extends ModelPropertiesDeclaration>( props: PROPS2) => IModelType< PROPS & ModelPropertiesDeclarationToProperties<PROPS2>, OTHERS, CustomC, CustomS>;
method views
views: <V extends Object>( fn: (self: Instance<this>) => V) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS & V, CustomC, CustomS>;
method volatile
volatile: <TP extends object>( fn: (self: Instance<this>) => TP) => IModelType<PROPS, OTHERS & TP, CustomC, CustomS>;
interface IMSTArray
interface IMSTArray<IT extends IAnyType> extends IObservableArray<IT['Type']> {}
method concat
concat: { (...items: ConcatArray<IT['Type']>[]): IT['Type'][]; (...items: ConcatArray<ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>>[]): IT['Type'][]; (...items: (IT['Type'] | ConcatArray<IT['Type']>)[]): IT['Type'][]; ( ...items: (ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT> | ConcatArray<ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>>)[] ): IT['Type'][];};
method push
push: { (...items: IT['Type'][]): number; (...items: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>[]): number;};
method splice
splice: { (start: number, deleteCount?: number): IT['Type'][]; (start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: IT['Type'][]): IT['Type'][]; ( start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>[] ): IT['Type'][];};
method unshift
unshift: { (...items: IT['Type'][]): number; (...items: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>[]): number;};
interface IMSTMap
interface IMSTMap<IT extends IAnyType> {}
property [Symbol.toStringTag]
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Map';
property size
readonly size: number;
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<[string, IT['Type']]>;
method clear
clear: () => void;
method delete
delete: (key: string) => boolean;
method entries
entries: () => IterableIterator<[string, IT['Type']]>;
method forEach
forEach: ( callbackfn: (value: IT['Type'], key: string | number, map: this) => void, thisArg?: any) => void;
method get
get: (key: string | number) => IT['Type'] | undefined;
method has
has: (key: string | number) => boolean;
method intercept
intercept: (handler: IInterceptor<IMapWillChange<string, IT['Type']>>) => Lambda;
method keys
keys: () => IterableIterator<string>;
method merge
merge: ( other: | IMSTMap<IType<any, any, IT['TypeWithoutSTN']>> | IKeyValueMap<ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>> | any) => this;
Merge another object into this map, returns self.
method observe
observe: ( listener: (changes: IMapDidChange<string, IT['Type']>) => void, fireImmediately?: boolean) => Lambda;
Observes this object. Triggers for the events 'add', 'update' and 'delete'. See: for callback details
method put
put: (value: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>) => IT['Type'];
method replace
replace: ( values: | IMSTMap<IType<any, any, IT['TypeWithoutSTN']>> | IKeyValueMap<ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>> | any) => this;
method set
set: (key: string | number, value: ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>) => this;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => IKeyValueMap<IT['SnapshotType']>;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method values
values: () => IterableIterator<IT['Type']>;
interface IOptionalIType
interface IOptionalIType< IT extends IAnyType, OptionalVals extends ValidOptionalValues> extends IType< IT['CreationType'] | OptionalVals[number], IT['SnapshotType'], IT['TypeWithoutSTN'] > {}
interface IPatchRecorder
interface IPatchRecorder {}
property inversePatches
inversePatches: ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>;
property patches
patches: ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>;
property recording
readonly recording: boolean;
property reversedInversePatches
reversedInversePatches: ReadonlyArray<IJsonPatch>;
method replay
replay: (target?: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void;
method resume
resume: () => void;
method stop
stop: () => void;
method undo
undo: (target?: IAnyStateTreeNode) => void;
interface IReferenceType
interface IReferenceType<IT extends IAnyComplexType> extends IType<ReferenceIdentifier, ReferenceIdentifier, IT['TypeWithoutSTN']> {}
interface IReversibleJsonPatch
interface IReversibleJsonPatch extends IJsonPatch {}
property oldValue
readonly oldValue: any;
interface ISerializedActionCall
interface ISerializedActionCall {}
interface ISimpleType
interface ISimpleType<T> extends IType<T, T, T> {}
A simple type, this is, a type where the instance and the snapshot representation are the same.
interface ISnapshotProcessor
interface ISnapshotProcessor<IT extends IAnyType, CustomC, CustomS> extends IType< _CustomOrOther<CustomC, IT['CreationType']>, _CustomOrOther<CustomS, IT['SnapshotType']>, IT['TypeWithoutSTN'] > {}
A type that has its snapshots processed.
interface ISnapshotProcessors
interface ISnapshotProcessors<IT extends IAnyType, CustomC, CustomS> {}
Snapshot processors.
method postProcessor
postProcessor: (snapshot: IT['SnapshotType'], node: Instance<IT>) => CustomS;
Function that transforms an output snapshot.
Parameter snapshot
method preProcessor
preProcessor: (snapshot: CustomC) => IT['CreationType'];
Function that transforms an input snapshot.
interface IStateTreeNode
interface IStateTreeNode<IT extends IAnyType = IAnyType> {}
Common interface that represents a node instance.
property [$stateTreeNodeType]
readonly [$stateTreeNodeType]?: [IT] | [any];
interface IType
interface IType<C, S, T> {}
A type, either complex or simple.
property [$type]
readonly [$type]: undefined;
property CreationType
readonly CreationType: C;
SnapshotIn<typeof MyType>
property identifierAttribute
readonly identifierAttribute?: string;
Name of the identifier attribute or null if none.
property name
name: string;
Friendly type name.
property SnapshotType
readonly SnapshotType: S;
SnapshotOut<typeof MyType>
property Type
readonly Type: STNValue<T, this>;
Instance<typeof MyType>
property TypeWithoutSTN
readonly TypeWithoutSTN: T;
do not use.
method create
create: (snapshot?: C, env?: any) => this['Type'];
Creates an instance for the type given an snapshot input.
An instance of that type.
method describe
describe: () => string;
Gets the textual representation of the type as a string.
method is
is: (thing: any) => thing is C | this['Type'];
Checks if a given snapshot / instance is of the given type.
Parameter thing
Snapshot or instance to be checked.
true if the value is of the current type, false otherwise.
method validate
validate: (thing: C, context: IValidationContext) => IValidationResult;
Run's the type's typechecker on the given value with the given validation context.
Parameter thing
Value to be checked, either a snapshot or an instance.
Parameter context
Validation context, an array of { subpaths, subtypes } that should be validated
The validation result, an array with the list of validation errors.
interface ITypeUnion
interface ITypeUnion<C, S, T> extends IType<_CustomCSProcessor<C>, _CustomCSProcessor<S>, T> {}
interface ModelActions
interface ModelActions {}
index signature
[key: string]: FunctionWithFlag;
interface ModelProperties
interface ModelProperties {}
index signature
[key: string]: IAnyType;
interface ModelPropertiesDeclaration
interface ModelPropertiesDeclaration {}
index signature
[key: string]: ModelPrimitive | IAnyType;
interface ReferenceOptionsGetSet
interface ReferenceOptionsGetSet<IT extends IAnyComplexType> {}
interface ReferenceOptionsOnInvalidated
interface ReferenceOptionsOnInvalidated<IT extends IAnyComplexType> {}
property onInvalidated
onInvalidated: OnReferenceInvalidated<ReferenceT<IT>>;
interface UnionOptions
interface UnionOptions {}
property dispatcher
dispatcher?: ITypeDispatcher;
property eager
eager?: boolean;
Type Aliases
type IDisposer
type IDisposer = () => void;
A generic disposer.
type IMiddlewareEventType
type IMiddlewareEventType = | 'action' | 'flow_spawn' | 'flow_resume' | 'flow_resume_error' | 'flow_return' | 'flow_throw';
type IMiddlewareHandler
type IMiddlewareHandler = ( actionCall: IMiddlewareEvent, next: (actionCall: IMiddlewareEvent, callback?: (value: any) => any) => void, abort: (value: any) => void) => any;
type Instance
type Instance<T> = T extends { [$type]: undefined; Type: any;} ? T['Type'] : T;
The instance representation of a given type.
type LivelinessMode
type LivelinessMode = 'warn' | 'error' | 'ignore';
Defines what MST should do when running into reads / writes to objects that have died. -
: Print a warning (default). -"error"
: Throw an exception. - "ignore
": Do nothing.
type LivelynessMode
type LivelynessMode = LivelinessMode;
use LivelinessMode instead
type ModelCreationType
type ModelCreationType<PC> = MaybeEmpty<{ [P in DefinablePropsNames<PC>]: PC[P];}> & Partial<PC>;
type ModelCreationType2
type ModelCreationType2<P extends ModelProperties, CustomC> = MaybeEmpty< keyof P extends never ? _CustomOrOther<CustomC, ModelCreationType<EmptyObject>> : _CustomOrOther<CustomC, ModelCreationType<ExtractCFromProps<P>>>>;
type ModelInstanceType
type ModelInstanceType<P extends ModelProperties, O> = ModelInstanceTypeProps<P> & O;
do not transform this to an interface or model instance type generated declarations will be longer
type ModelInstanceTypeProps
type ModelInstanceTypeProps<P extends ModelProperties> = { [K in keyof P]: P[K]['Type'];};
we keep this separate from ModelInstanceType to shorten model instance types generated declarations
type ModelPrimitive
type ModelPrimitive = string | number | boolean | Date;
type ModelPropertiesDeclarationToProperties
type ModelPropertiesDeclarationToProperties<T extends ModelPropertiesDeclaration> = T extends { [k: string]: IAnyType; } ? T : { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends IAnyType ? T[K] : T[K] extends string ? IType<string | undefined, string, string> : T[K] extends number ? IType<number | undefined, number, number> : T[K] extends boolean ? IType<boolean | undefined, boolean, boolean> : T[K] extends Date ? IType<number | Date | undefined, number, Date> : never; };
Unmaps syntax property declarations to a map of { propName: IType }
type ModelSnapshotType
type ModelSnapshotType<P extends ModelProperties> = { [K in keyof P]: P[K]['SnapshotType'];};
type ModelSnapshotType2
type ModelSnapshotType2<P extends ModelProperties, CustomS> = _CustomOrOther< CustomS, ModelSnapshotType<P>>;
type OnReferenceInvalidated
type OnReferenceInvalidated<STN extends IAnyStateTreeNode> = ( event: OnReferenceInvalidatedEvent<STN>) => void;
type OnReferenceInvalidatedEvent
type OnReferenceInvalidatedEvent<STN extends IAnyStateTreeNode> = { parent: IAnyStateTreeNode; invalidTarget: STN | undefined; invalidId: ReferenceIdentifier; replaceRef: (newRef: STN | null | undefined) => void; removeRef: () => void; cause: 'detach' | 'destroy' | 'invalidSnapshotReference';};
type OptionalDefaultValueOrFunction
type OptionalDefaultValueOrFunction<IT extends IAnyType> = | IT['CreationType'] | IT['SnapshotType'] | (() => ExtractCSTWithSTN<IT>);
type ReferenceIdentifier
type ReferenceIdentifier = string | number;
Valid types for identifiers.
type ReferenceOptions
type ReferenceOptions<IT extends IAnyComplexType> = | ReferenceOptionsGetSet<IT> | ReferenceOptionsOnInvalidated<IT> | (ReferenceOptionsGetSet<IT> & ReferenceOptionsOnInvalidated<IT>);
type SnapshotIn
type SnapshotIn<T> = T extends { [$type]: undefined; CreationType: any;} ? T['CreationType'] : T extends IStateTreeNode<infer IT> ? IT['CreationType'] : T;
The input (creation) snapshot representation of a given type.
type SnapshotOrInstance
type SnapshotOrInstance<T> = SnapshotIn<T> | Instance<T>;
A type which is equivalent to the union of SnapshotIn and Instance types of a given typeof TYPE or typeof VARIABLE. For primitives it defaults to the primitive itself.
For example: -
SnapshotOrInstance<typeof ModelA> = SnapshotIn<typeof ModelA> | Instance<typeof ModelA>
-SnapshotOrInstance<typeof self.a (where self.a is a ModelA)> = SnapshotIn<typeof ModelA> | Instance<typeof ModelA>
Usually you might want to use this when your model has a setter action that sets a property.
const ModelA = types.model({n: types.number})const ModelB = types.model({innerModel: ModelA}).actions(self => ({// this will accept as property both the snapshot and the instance, whichever is preferredsetInnerModel(m: SnapshotOrInstance<typeof self.innerModel>) {self.innerModel = cast(m)}}))
type SnapshotOut
type SnapshotOut<T> = T extends { [$type]: undefined; SnapshotType: any;} ? T['SnapshotType'] : T extends IStateTreeNode<infer IT> ? IT['SnapshotType'] : T;
The output snapshot representation of a given type.
type TypeOfValue
type TypeOfValue<T extends IAnyStateTreeNode> = T extends IStateTreeNode<infer IT> ? IT : never;
type TypeOrStateTreeNodeToStateTreeNode
type TypeOrStateTreeNodeToStateTreeNode<T extends IAnyType | IAnyStateTreeNode> = T extends IType<any, any, infer TT> ? TT & IStateTreeNode<T> : T;
type UnionStringArray
type UnionStringArray<T extends readonly string[]> = T[number];
type ValidOptionalValue
type ValidOptionalValue = string | boolean | number | null | undefined;
type ValidOptionalValues
type ValidOptionalValues = [ValidOptionalValue, ...ValidOptionalValue[]];
Package Files (32)
- dist/core/action.d.ts
- dist/core/actionContext.d.ts
- dist/core/flow.d.ts
- dist/core/json-patch.d.ts
- dist/core/mst-operations.d.ts
- dist/core/node/livelinessChecking.d.ts
- dist/core/node/node-utils.d.ts
- dist/core/process.d.ts
- dist/core/type/type-checker.d.ts
- dist/core/type/type.d.ts
- dist/index.d.ts
- dist/middlewares/create-action-tracking-middleware.d.ts
- dist/middlewares/createActionTrackingMiddleware2.d.ts
- dist/middlewares/on-action.d.ts
- dist/types/complex-types/array.d.ts
- dist/types/complex-types/map.d.ts
- dist/types/complex-types/model.d.ts
- dist/types/index.d.ts
- dist/types/primitives.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/custom.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/enumeration.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/frozen.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/identifier.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/late.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/literal.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/maybe.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/optional.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/reference.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/refinement.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/snapshotProcessor.d.ts
- dist/types/utility-types/union.d.ts
- dist/utils.d.ts
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (27)
- @size-limit/preset-big-lib
- @types/bun
- @types/node
- concat
- coveralls
- cpr
- husky
- lint-staged
- mobx
- prettier
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-commonjs
- rollup-plugin-filesize
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-replace
- rollup-plugin-terser
- shx
- size-limit
- ts-essentials
- ts-node
- tslib
- tslint
- tslint-config-prettier
- typedoc
- typedoc-plugin-markdown
- typescript
- yarn-deduplicate
Peer Dependencies (1)
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