
  • Version 18.2.1
  • Published
  • 458 kB
  • 22 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i ng-packagr
yarn add ng-packagr
pnpm add ng-packagr


Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF)



variable build

const build: Command<CliArguments, void>;
  • Command running an "one-off" build.

variable version

const version: Command<any, Promise<void>>;
  • Prints version information.


function execute

execute: <A, R>(command: Command<A, R>, args?: A) => Promise<R>;
  • Executes a Command and returns its promisified result.

function ngPackagr

ngPackagr: () => NgPackagr;


    class NgPackagr

    class NgPackagr {}
    • The original ng-packagr implemented on top of a rxjs-ified and di-jectable transformation pipeline.

      See the docs/ for more prose description.


    constructor(providers: Provider[]);

      method build

      build: (options?: NgPackagrOptions) => Promise<void>;
      • Builds the project by kick-starting the 'build' transform over an (initially) empty BuildGraph`

        A promisified result of the transformation pipeline.

      method buildAsObservable

      buildAsObservable: () => Observable<void>;
      • Builds the project by kick-starting the 'build' transform over an (initially) empty BuildGraph`

        An observable result of the transformation pipeline.

      method forProject

      forProject: (project: string) => NgPackagr;
      • Sets the path to the user's "ng-package" file (either package.json, ng-package.json, or ng-package.js)

        Parameter project

        File path Self instance for fluent API

      method watch

      watch: (options?: NgPackagrOptions) => Observable<void>;
      • Builds and watch for changes by kick-starting the 'watch' transform over an (initially) empty BuildGraph`

        An observable result of the transformation pipeline.

      method withBuildTransform

      withBuildTransform: (transform: InjectionToken<Transform>) => NgPackagr;
      • Overwrites the 'build' transform.

        Parameter transform

        Self instance for fluent API

      method withOptions

      withOptions: (options: NgPackagrOptions) => NgPackagr;
      • Adds options to ng-packagr

        Parameter options

        Ng Packagr Options Self instance for fluent API


        use the options parameter in 'build' and 'watch' methods

      method withProviders

      withProviders: (providers: Provider[]) => NgPackagr;
      • Adds dependency injection providers.

        Parameter providers

        Self instance for fluent API

      method withTsConfig

      withTsConfig: (defaultValues: ParsedConfiguration | string) => NgPackagr;
      • Overwrites the default TypeScript configuration.

        Parameter defaultValues

        A tsconfig providing default values to the compilation. Self instance for fluent API


      interface CliArguments

      interface CliArguments {}
      • CLI arguments passed to ng-packagr executable and build() command.

      property config

      config?: string;
      • Path to a tsconfig file.

      property poll

      poll?: number;
      • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds

      property project

      project: string;
      • Path to the project file 'package.json', 'ng-package.json', or 'ng-package.js'.

      property watch

      watch?: boolean;
      • Whether or not ng-packagr will watch for file changes and perform an incremental build.

      interface Command

      interface Command<Arguments, Result> {}
      • Common call signature for a command.

      call signature

      (args?: Arguments): Result | Promise<Result>;

        interface NgPackagrOptions

        interface NgPackagrOptions {}

          property cacheDirectory

          cacheDirectory?: string;

            property cacheEnabled

            cacheEnabled?: boolean;

              property poll

              poll?: number;

                property watch

                watch?: boolean;
                • Whether or not ng-packagr will watch for file changes and perform an incremental build.

                Package Files (6)

                Dependencies (22)

                Dev Dependencies (0)

                No dev dependencies.

                Peer Dependencies (4)


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