- Version 9.0.0-beta2
- Published
- 489 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i ng2-dnd
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pnpm add ng2-dnd
Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
variable providers
let providers: ( | typeof DragDropConfig | { provide: typeof DragDropService; useFactory: typeof dragDropServiceFactory; deps?: undefined; } | { provide: typeof DragDropSortableService; useFactory: typeof dragDropSortableServiceFactory; deps: typeof DragDropConfig[]; })[];
function dragDropServiceFactory
dragDropServiceFactory: () => DragDropService;
function dragDropSortableServiceFactory
dragDropSortableServiceFactory: ( config: DragDropConfig) => DragDropSortableService;
class AbstractComponent
abstract class AbstractComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, _dragDropService: DragDropService, _config: DragDropConfig, _cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
property allowDrop
allowDrop: (dropData: any) => boolean;
Restrict places where a draggable element can be dropped. Either one of these two mechanisms can be used:
- dropZones: an array of strings that permits to specify the drop zones associated with this component. By default, if the drop-zones attribute is not specified, the droppable component accepts drop operations by all the draggable components that do not specify the allowed-drop-zones
- allowDrop: a boolean function for droppable components, that is checked when an item is dragged. The function is passed the dragData of this item. - if it returns true, the item can be dropped in this component - if it returns false, the item cannot be dropped here
property cloneItem
cloneItem: boolean;
property dragEnabled
dragEnabled: boolean;
property dragImage
dragImage: string | Function | DragImage;
Here is the property dragImage you can use: - The string value as url to the image <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="/images/simpler.png"> ... - The DragImage value with Image and optional offset by x and y: let myDragImage: DragImage = new DragImage("/images/simpler1.png", 0, 0); ... <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="myDragImage"> ... - The custom function to return the value of dragImage programmatically: <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="getDragImage(someData)"> ... getDragImage(value:any): string { return value ? "/images/simpler1.png" : "/images/simpler2.png" }
property dropEnabled
dropEnabled: boolean;
Allows drop on this element
property dropZones
dropZones: string[];
property effectAllowed
effectAllowed: string;
Drag effect
property effectCursor
effectCursor: string;
Drag cursor
method detectChanges
detectChanges: () => void;
***** Change detection *****
method setDragHandle
setDragHandle: (elem: HTMLElement) => void;
class AbstractHandleComponent
class AbstractHandleComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, _dragDropService: DragDropService, _config: DragDropConfig, _Component: AbstractComponent, _cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
class DataTransferEffect
class DataTransferEffect {}
class DndModule
class DndModule {}
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders<DndModule>;
class DragDropConfig
class DragDropConfig {}
property defaultCursor
defaultCursor: string;
property dragCursor
dragCursor: string;
property dragEffect
dragEffect: DataTransferEffect;
property dragImage
dragImage: DragImage;
property dropEffect
dropEffect: DataTransferEffect;
property onDragEnterClass
onDragEnterClass: string;
property onDragOverClass
onDragOverClass: string;
property onDragStartClass
onDragStartClass: string;
property onSortableDragClass
onSortableDragClass: string;
class DragDropData
class DragDropData {}
property dragData
dragData: any;
property mouseEvent
mouseEvent: MouseEvent;
class DragDropService
class DragDropService {}
property allowedDropZones
allowedDropZones: string[];
property dragData
dragData: any;
property isDragged
isDragged: boolean;
property onDragSuccessCallback
onDragSuccessCallback: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
class DragDropSortableService
class DragDropSortableService {}
constructor(_config: DragDropConfig);
property elem
readonly elem: HTMLElement;
property index
index: number;
property isDragged
isDragged: boolean;
property sortableContainer
sortableContainer: SortableContainer;
method markSortable
markSortable: (elem: HTMLElement) => void;
class DraggableComponent
class DraggableComponent extends AbstractComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
property cloneItem
cloneItem: boolean;
property dragData
dragData: any;
The data that has to be dragged. It can be any JS object
property dragImage
dragImage: string | Function | DragImage;
Here is the property dragImage you can use: - The string value as url to the image <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="/images/simpler.png"> ... - The DragImage value with Image and offset by x and y: let myDragImage: DragImage = new DragImage("/images/simpler1.png", 0, 0); ... <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="myDragImage"> ... - The custom function to return the value of dragImage programmatically: <div class="panel panel-default" dnd-draggable [dragEnabled]="true" [dragImage]="getDragImage(someData)"> ... getDragImage(value:any): string { return value ? "/images/simpler1.png" : "/images/simpler2.png" }
property onDragEnd
onDragEnd: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
property onDragStart
onDragStart: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
Callback function called when the drag actions happened.
property onDragSuccessCallback
onDragSuccessCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
Callback function called when the drag action ends with a valid drop action. It is activated after the on-drop-success callback
class DraggableHandleComponent
class DraggableHandleComponent extends AbstractHandleComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, _Component: DraggableComponent, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
class DragImage
class DragImage {}
constructor(imageElement: any, x_offset?: number, y_offset?: number);
property imageElement
imageElement: any;
property x_offset
x_offset: number;
property y_offset
y_offset: number;
class DroppableComponent
class DroppableComponent extends AbstractComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
property onDragEnter
onDragEnter: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
property onDragLeave
onDragLeave: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
property onDragOver
onDragOver: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
property onDropSuccess
onDropSuccess: EventEmitter<DragDropData>;
Callback function called when the drop action completes correctly. It is activated before the on-drag-success callback.
class SortableComponent
class SortableComponent extends AbstractComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, _sortableContainer: SortableContainer, _sortableDataService: DragDropSortableService, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
property dragData
dragData: any;
The data that has to be dragged. It can be any JS object
property index
index: number;
property onDragEndCallback
onDragEndCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
property onDragOverCallback
onDragOverCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
property onDragStartCallback
onDragStartCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
property onDragSuccessCallback
onDragSuccessCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
Callback function called when the drag action ends with a valid drop action. It is activated after the on-drop-success callback
property onDropSuccessCallback
onDropSuccessCallback: EventEmitter<any>;
class SortableContainer
class SortableContainer extends AbstractComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, _sortableDataService: DragDropSortableService);
property sortableData
sortableData: any;
method getItemAt
getItemAt: (index: number) => any;
method indexOf
indexOf: (item: any) => number;
method insertItemAt
insertItemAt: (item: any, index: number) => void;
method removeItemAt
removeItemAt: (index: number) => void;
class SortableHandleComponent
class SortableHandleComponent extends AbstractHandleComponent {}
constructor( elemRef: ElementRef, dragDropService: DragDropService, config: DragDropConfig, _Component: SortableComponent, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef);
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