- Version 4.1.2
- Published
- No dependencies
- ISC license
npm i ng2-toastr
yarn add ng2-toastr
pnpm add ng2-toastr
bootstrap style of toast for modern angular
class Toast
class Toast {}
class ToastContainer
class ToastContainer implements OnDestroy {}
constructor( sanitizer: DomSanitizer, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, _zone: NgZone, options: ToastOptions);
property animate
animate: string;
property maxShown
maxShown: number;
property messageClass
messageClass: string;
property newestOnTop
newestOnTop: boolean;
property position
position: string;
property positionClass
positionClass: string;
property titleClass
titleClass: string;
property toasts
toasts: Toast[];
method addToast
addToast: (toast: Toast) => void;
method anyToast
anyToast: () => boolean;
method clicked
clicked: (toast: Toast) => void;
method findToast
findToast: (toastId: number) => Toast | void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onAnimationEnd
onAnimationEnd: (event: AnimationTransitionEvent) => void;
method onEnter
onEnter: () => Observable<void>;
method onExit
onExit: () => Observable<void>;
method removeAllToasts
removeAllToasts: () => void;
method removeToast
removeToast: (toast: Toast) => void;
class ToastModule
class ToastModule {}
method forRoot
static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders;
class ToastOptions
class ToastOptions {}
property animate
animate: string;
property dismiss
dismiss: string;
property enableHTML
enableHTML: boolean;
property maxShown
maxShown: number;
property messageClass
messageClass: string;
property newestOnTop
newestOnTop: boolean;
property positionClass
positionClass: string;
property showCloseButton
showCloseButton: boolean;
property titleClass
titleClass: string;
property toastLife
toastLife: number;
class ToastsManager
class ToastsManager {}
constructor( componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, ngZone: NgZone, appRef: ApplicationRef, options: ToastOptions);
property container
container: ComponentRef<any>;
method clearAllToasts
clearAllToasts: () => void;
method clearToast
clearToast: (toast: Toast) => void;
method createTimeout
createTimeout: (toast: Toast) => any;
method custom
custom: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => Promise<Toast>;
method dismissToast
dismissToast: (toast: Toast) => void;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
method error
error: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => Promise<Toast>;
method info
info: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => Promise<Toast>;
method onClickToast
onClickToast: () => Observable<Toast>;
method setRootViewContainerRef
setRootViewContainerRef: (vRef: ViewContainerRef) => void;
method setupToast
setupToast: (toast: Toast, options?: any) => Toast;
method show
show: (toast: Toast, options?: Object) => Promise<Toast>;
method success
success: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => Promise<Toast>;
method warning
warning: (message: string, title?: string, options?: any) => Promise<Toast>;
Package Files (6)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (33)
- @angular/animations
- @angular/common
- @angular/compiler
- @angular/compiler-cli
- @angular/core
- @angular/http
- @angular/platform-browser
- @angular/platform-browser-dynamic
- @angular/platform-server
- async
- bootstrap
- concurrently
- core-js
- css-loader
- del
- gulp
- gulp-cssnano
- gulp-eslint
- gulp-rename
- gulp-rimraf
- gulp-size
- gulp-tslint
- lite-server
- reflect-metadata
- require-dir
- rxjs
- style-loader
- systemjs
- systemjs-builder
- ts-node
- tslint
- typescript
- zone.js
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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