
  • Version 5.0.0-beta.16
  • Published
  • 1.08 MB
  • 4 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


npm i node-hue-api
yarn add node-hue-api
pnpm add node-hue-api


Philips Hue API Library for Node.js



variable v3

const v3: {
api: typeof api;
discovery: {
upnpSearch: (
timeout: number
) => Promise<
nupnpSearch: () => Promise<
description: (
ipAddress: string
) => Promise<
| import('./api/discovery/discoveryTypes').DiscoveryBridgeDescription
| undefined
lightStates: {
LightState: typeof model.LightState;
GroupLightState: typeof model.GroupState;
SceneLightState: typeof model.SceneLightState;
model: {
lightStates: {
LightState: typeof model.LightState;
GroupLightState: typeof model.GroupState;
SceneLightState: typeof model.SceneLightState;
timePatterns: {
weekdays: any;
isRecurring: any;
createAbsoluteTime: (
| string
| Date
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').AbsoluteTime
) => any;
createRandomizedTime: (
| string
| Date
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RandomizedTime
) => any;
createRecurringTime: (
weekdays: number,
| string
| Date
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RecurringTime
) => any;
createRecurringRandomizedTime: (
| string
| Date
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RecurringRandomizedTime
) => any;
createTimeInterval: (
| string
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').TimeInterval
) => any;
createTimer: (
| string
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').Timer
) => any;
createRecurringTimer: (
| string
| Date
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RecurringTimer
) => any;
createRandomizedTimer: (
| string
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RandomizedTimer
) => any;
createRecurringRandomizedTimer: (
| string
| import('@peter-murray/hue-bridge-model/dist/esm/time').RecurringRandomizedTimer
) => any;
createFromString: any;
isTimePattern: (str: string) => boolean;
createEntertainment: () => model.Entertainment;
createLightGroup: () => model.LightGroup;
createRoom: () => model.Room;
createZone: () => model.Zone;
createCLIPGenericFlagSensor: () => model.CLIPGenericFlag;
createCLIPGenericStatusSensor: () => model.CLIPGenericStatus;
createCLIPHumiditySensor: () => model.CLIPHumidity;
createCLIPLightlevelSensor: () => model.CLIPLightlevel;
createCLIPOpenCloseSensor: () => model.CLIPOpenClose;
createCLIPPresenceSensor: () => model.CLIPPresence;
createCLIPTemperatureSensor: () => model.CLIPTemperature;
createCLIPSwitchSensor: () => model.CLIPSwitch;
createLightScene: () => model.LightScene;
createGroupScene: () => model.GroupScene;
createSchedule: () => model.Schedule;
actions: {
light: (light: string | number | model.Light) => model.LightStateAction;
group: (group: string | number | model.Group) => model.GroupStateAction;
sensor: (
sensor: string | number | model.Sensor
) => model.SensorStateAction;
scene: (scene: string | model.Scene) => model.SceneAction;
createRule: () => model.Rule;
ruleConditions: {
sensor: (sensor: model.Sensor) => model.SensorCondition;
group: (id: string | number | model.Group) => model.GroupCondition;
createResourceLink: () => model.ResourceLink;


    class ApiError

    class ApiError extends Error {}


      constructor(message: string | HueError, error?: HueError);

        method getHueError

        getHueError: () => HueError | undefined;

          method getHueErrorAddress

          getHueErrorAddress: () => string | undefined;

            method getHueErrorDescription

            getHueErrorDescription: () => string | undefined;

              method getHueErrorMessage

              getHueErrorMessage: () => string | undefined;

                method getHueErrorType

                getHueErrorType: () => number;


                  namespace api

                  module 'dist/esm/api/index.d.ts' {}
                  • Creates a remote bootstrap to connect with a Hue bridge remotely

                    Parameter clientId

                    The OAuth client id for your application.

                    Parameter clientSecret

                    The OAuth client secret for your application.

                  function createInsecureLocal

                  createInsecureLocal: (
                  host: string,
                  port?: number,
                  rateLimits?: HueApiRateLimits
                  ) => LocalInsecureBootstrap;
                  • Creates a local network bootstrap over an insecure HTTP connection.

                    Parameter host

                    The IP Address or FQDN of the he bridge you are connecting to.

                    Parameter port

                    The port number to connect to, optional.

                  function createLocal

                  createLocal: (
                  host: string,
                  port?: number,
                  rateLimits?: HueApiRateLimits
                  ) => LocalBootstrap;
                  • Creates a local network bootstrap to connect with Hue bridge on a local network.

                    Parameter host

                    The IP Address or FQDN of the he bridge you are connecting to.

                    Parameter port

                    The port number to connect to, optional.

                  function createRemote

                  createRemote: (
                  clientId: string,
                  clientSecret: string,
                  rateLimits?: HueApiRateLimits
                  ) => RemoteBootstrap;
                  • Creates a remote bootstrap to connect with a Hue bridge remotely

                    Parameter clientId

                    The OAuth client id for your application.

                    Parameter clientSecret

                    The OAuth client secret for your application.

                  namespace discovery

                  module 'dist/esm/api/discovery/index.d.ts' {}

                    function description

                    description: (
                    ipAddress: string
                    ) => Promise<DiscoveryBridgeDescription | undefined>;

                      function mdnsSearch

                      mdnsSearch: (timeout?: number) => Promise<DiscoveryBridgeDescription[]>;

                        function nupnpSearch

                        nupnpSearch: () => Promise<BridgeDiscoveryResponse[]>;

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