
  • Version 6.0.0
  • Published
  • 8.64 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i npm-run-path
yarn add npm-run-path
pnpm add npm-run-path


Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries



function npmRunPath

npmRunPath: (options?: RunPathOptions) => string;
  • Get your [PATH]( prepended with locally installed binaries.


    The augmented path string.

    Example 1

    import childProcess from 'node:child_process';
    import {npmRunPath} from 'npm-run-path';
    //=> '/usr/local/bin'
    //=> '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/foo/node_modules/.bin:/Users/sindresorhus/dev/node_modules/.bin:/Users/sindresorhus/node_modules/.bin:/Users/node_modules/.bin:/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/bin'

function npmRunPathEnv

npmRunPathEnv: (options?: EnvOptions) => ProcessEnv;
  • Get your [PATH]( prepended with locally installed binaries.


    The augmented [process.env]( object.

    Example 1

    import childProcess from 'node:child_process';
    import {npmRunPathEnv} from 'npm-run-path';
    // `foo` is a locally installed binary
    childProcess.execFileSync('foo', {
    env: npmRunPathEnv()

Type Aliases

type CommonOptions

type CommonOptions = {
Working directory.
@default process.cwd()
readonly cwd?: string | URL;
The path to the current Node.js executable.
This can be either an absolute path or a path relative to the `cwd` option.
@default [process.execPath](
readonly execPath?: string | URL;
Whether to push the current Node.js executable's directory (`execPath` option) to the front of PATH.
@default true
readonly addExecPath?: boolean;
Whether to push the locally installed binaries' directory to the front of PATH.
@default true
readonly preferLocal?: boolean;

    type EnvOptions

    type EnvOptions = CommonOptions & {
    Accepts an object of environment variables, like `process.env`, and modifies the PATH using the correct [PATH key]( Use this if you're modifying the PATH for use in the `child_process` options.
    @default [process.env](
    readonly env?: ProcessEnv;

      type ProcessEnv

      type ProcessEnv = Record<string, string | undefined>;

        type RunPathOptions

        type RunPathOptions = CommonOptions & {
        PATH to be appended.
        Set it to an empty string to exclude the default PATH.
        @default [`PATH`](
        readonly path?: string;

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