
  • Version 1.1.1
  • Published
  • 128 kB
  • 5 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Function argument validation for humans




Type Aliases


variable _ow

const _ow: Ow;


    class AnyPredicate

    class AnyPredicate<T = unknown> implements BasePredicate<T> {}


    constructor(predicates: BasePredicate<unknown>[], options?: PredicateOptions);

      method [testSymbol]

      [testSymbol]: (
      value: T,
      main: Main,
      label: string | Function,
      idLabel: boolean
      ) => asserts value;

        class ArgumentError

        class ArgumentError extends Error {}


        message: string,
        context: Function,
        errors?: Map<string, Set<string>>

          property validationErrors

          readonly validationErrors: ReadonlyMap<string, Set<string>>;

            class ArrayBufferPredicate

            class ArrayBufferPredicate<T extends ArrayBufferLike> extends Predicate<T> {}

              method byteLength

              byteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
              • Test an array buffer to have a specific byte length.

                Parameter byteLength

                The byte length of the array buffer.

              method maxByteLength

              maxByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
              • Test an array buffer to have a minimum byte length.

                Parameter length

                The minimum byte length of the array buffer.

              method minByteLength

              minByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
              • Test an array buffer to have a minimum byte length.

                Parameter byteLength

                The minimum byte length of the array buffer.

              class ArrayPredicate

              class ArrayPredicate<T = unknown> extends Predicate<T[]> {}


                constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                property empty

                readonly empty: ArrayPredicate<T>;
                • Test an array to be empty.

                property nonEmpty

                readonly nonEmpty: ArrayPredicate<T>;
                • Test an array to be not empty.

                method deepEqual

                deepEqual: (expected: readonly T[]) => this;
                • Test an array to be deeply equal to the provided array.

                  Parameter expected

                  Expected value to match.

                method endsWith

                endsWith: (searchElement: T) => this;
                • Test an array to end with a specific value. The value is tested by identity, not structure.

                  Parameter searchElement

                  The value that should be the end of the array.

                method exactShape

                exactShape: (predicates: Predicate[]) => this;
                • Test if the elements in the array exactly matches the elements placed at the same indices in the predicates array.

                  Parameter predicates

                  Predicates to test the array against. Describes what the tested array should look like.

                  Example 1

                  ``` ow(['1', 2], ow.array.exactShape([ow.string, ow.number])); ```

                method includes

                includes: (...searchElements: readonly T[]) => this;
                • Test an array to include all the provided elements. The values are tested by identity, not structure.

                  Parameter searchElements

                  The values that should be included in the array.

                method includesAny

                includesAny: (...searchElements: readonly T[]) => this;
                • Test an array to include any of the provided elements. The values are tested by identity, not structure.

                  Parameter searchElements

                  The values that should be included in the array.

                method length

                length: (length: number) => this;
                • Test an array to have a specific length.

                  Parameter length

                  The length of the array.

                method maxLength

                maxLength: (length: number) => this;
                • Test an array to have a maximum length.

                  Parameter length

                  The maximum length of the array.

                method minLength

                minLength: (length: number) => this;
                • Test an array to have a minimum length.

                  Parameter length

                  The minimum length of the array.

                method ofType

                ofType: <U extends T>(predicate: BasePredicate<U>) => ArrayPredicate<U>;
                • Test all elements in the array to match to provided predicate.

                  Parameter predicate

                  The predicate that should be applied against every individual item.

                  Example 1

                  ``` ow(['a', 1], ow.array.ofType(ow.any(ow.string, ow.number))); ```

                method startsWith

                startsWith: (searchElement: T) => this;
                • Test an array to start with a specific value. The value is tested by identity, not structure.

                  Parameter searchElement

                  The value that should be the start of the array.

                class BigIntPredicate

                class BigIntPredicate extends Predicate<bigint> {}


                  constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                  class BooleanPredicate

                  class BooleanPredicate extends Predicate<boolean> {}


                    constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                    property false

                    readonly false: BooleanPredicate;
                    • Test a boolean to be false.

                    property true

                    readonly true: BooleanPredicate;
                    • Test a boolean to be true.

                    class DataViewPredicate

                    class DataViewPredicate extends Predicate<DataView> {}


                      constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                      method byteLength

                      byteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                      • Test a DataView to have a specific byte length.

                        Parameter byteLength

                        The byte length of the DataView.

                      method maxByteLength

                      maxByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                      • Test a DataView to have a minimum byte length.

                        Parameter length

                        The minimum byte length of the DataView.

                      method minByteLength

                      minByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                      • Test a DataView to have a minimum byte length.

                        Parameter byteLength

                        The minimum byte length of the DataView.

                      class DatePredicate

                      class DatePredicate extends Predicate<Date> {}


                        constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                        method after

                        after: (date: Date) => this;
                        • Test a date to be before another date.

                          Parameter date

                          Minimum value.

                        method before

                        before: (date: Date) => this;
                        • Test a date to be before another date.

                          Parameter date

                          Maximum value.

                        class ErrorPredicate

                        class ErrorPredicate extends Predicate<Error> {}


                          constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                          property evalError

                          readonly evalError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be an EvalError.

                          property rangeError

                          readonly rangeError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be a RangeError.

                          property referenceError

                          readonly referenceError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be a ReferenceError.

                          property syntaxError

                          readonly syntaxError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be a SyntaxError.

                          property typeError

                          readonly typeError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be a TypeError.

                          property uriError

                          readonly uriError: ErrorPredicate;
                          • Test an Error to be a URIError.

                          method hasKeys

                          hasKeys: (...keys: readonly string[]) => this;
                          • Test the error object to have specific keys.

                            Parameter keys

                            One or more keys which should be part of the error object.

                          method instanceOf

                          instanceOf: (instance: Function) => this;
                          • Test an error to be of a specific instance type.

                            Parameter instance

                            The expected instance type of the error.

                          method message

                          message: (expected: string) => this;
                          • Test an error to have a specific message.

                            Parameter expected

                            Expected message of the Error.

                          method messageIncludes

                          messageIncludes: (message: string) => this;
                          • Test the error message to include a specific message.

                            Parameter message

                            Message that should be included in the error.

                          method name

                          name: (expected: string) => this;
                          • Test an error to have a specific name.

                            Parameter expected

                            Expected name of the Error.

                          class MapPredicate

                          class MapPredicate<T1 = unknown, T2 = unknown> extends Predicate<Map<T1, T2>> {}


                            constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                            property empty

                            readonly empty: MapPredicate<T1, T2>;
                            • Test a Map to be empty.

                            property nonEmpty

                            readonly nonEmpty: MapPredicate<T1, T2>;
                            • Test a Map to be not empty.

                            method deepEqual

                            deepEqual: (expected: Map<T1, T2>) => this;
                            • Test a Map to be deeply equal to the provided Map.

                              Parameter expected

                              Expected Map to match.

                            method hasAnyKeys

                            hasAnyKeys: (...keys: readonly T1[]) => this;
                            • Test a Map to include any of the provided keys. The keys are tested by identity, not structure.

                              Parameter keys

                              The keys that could be a key in the Map.

                            method hasAnyValues

                            hasAnyValues: (...values: readonly T2[]) => this;
                            • Test a Map to include any of the provided values. The values are tested by identity, not structure.

                              Parameter values

                              The values that could be a value in the Map.

                            method hasKeys

                            hasKeys: (...keys: readonly T1[]) => this;
                            • Test a Map to include all the provided keys. The keys are tested by identity, not structure.

                              Parameter keys

                              The keys that should be a key in the Map.

                            method hasValues

                            hasValues: (...values: readonly T2[]) => this;
                            • Test a Map to include all the provided values. The values are tested by identity, not structure.

                              Parameter values

                              The values that should be a value in the Map.

                            method keysOfType

                            keysOfType: (predicate: Predicate<T1>) => this;
                            • Test all the keys in the Map to match the provided predicate.

                              Parameter predicate

                              The predicate that should be applied against every key in the Map.

                            method maxSize

                            maxSize: (size: number) => this;
                            • Test an Map to have a maximum size.

                              Parameter size

                              The maximum size of the Map.

                            method minSize

                            minSize: (size: number) => this;
                            • Test an Map to have a minimum size.

                              Parameter size

                              The minimum size of the Map.

                            method size

                            size: (size: number) => this;
                            • Test a Map to have a specific size.

                              Parameter size

                              The size of the Map.

                            method valuesOfType

                            valuesOfType: (predicate: Predicate<T2>) => this;
                            • Test all the values in the Map to match the provided predicate.

                              Parameter predicate

                              The predicate that should be applied against every value in the Map.

                            class NumberPredicate

                            class NumberPredicate extends Predicate<number> {}


                              constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                              property finite

                              readonly finite: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be finite.

                              property infinite

                              readonly infinite: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be infinite.

                              property int16

                              readonly int16: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 16-bit signed integer.

                              property int32

                              readonly int32: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 32-bit signed integer.

                              property int8

                              readonly int8: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 8-bit signed integer.

                              property integer

                              readonly integer: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be an integer.

                              property integerOrInfinite

                              readonly integerOrInfinite: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be an integer or infinite.

                              property negative

                              readonly negative: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be negative.

                              property positive

                              readonly positive: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be positive.

                              property uint16

                              readonly uint16: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 16-bit unsigned integer.

                              property uint32

                              readonly uint32: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 32-bit unsigned integer.

                              property uint8

                              readonly uint8: NumberPredicate;
                              • Test a number to be in a valid range for a 8-bit unsigned integer.

                              method equal

                              equal: (expected: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be equal to a specified number.

                                Parameter expected

                                Expected value to match.

                              method greaterThan

                              greaterThan: (number: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be greater than the provided value.

                                Parameter number

                                Minimum value.

                              method greaterThanOrEqual

                              greaterThanOrEqual: (number: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be greater than or equal to the provided value.

                                Parameter number

                                Minimum value.

                              method inRange

                              inRange: (start: number, end: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be in a specified range.

                                Parameter start

                                Start of the range.

                                Parameter end

                                End of the range.

                              method lessThan

                              lessThan: (number: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be less than the provided value.

                                Parameter number

                                Maximum value.

                              method lessThanOrEqual

                              lessThanOrEqual: (number: number) => this;
                              • Test a number to be less than or equal to the provided value.

                                Parameter number

                                Minimum value.

                              method oneOf

                              oneOf: (list: readonly number[]) => this;
                              • Test if a number is an element of the provided list.

                                Parameter list

                                List of possible values.

                              class ObjectPredicate

                              class ObjectPredicate<T extends object = object> extends Predicate<T> {}


                                constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                                property empty

                                readonly empty: ObjectPredicate<T>;
                                • Test an object to be empty.

                                property nonEmpty

                                readonly nonEmpty: ObjectPredicate<T>;
                                • Test an object to be not empty.

                                property plain

                                readonly plain: ObjectPredicate<T>;
                                • Test if an Object is a plain object.

                                method deepEqual

                                deepEqual: (expected: object) => this;
                                • Test an object to be deeply equal to the provided object.

                                  Parameter expected

                                  Expected object to match.

                                method deepValuesOfType

                                deepValuesOfType: <T>(predicate: Predicate<T>) => this;
                                • Test all the values in the object deeply to match the provided predicate.

                                  Parameter predicate

                                  The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.

                                method exactShape

                                exactShape: <S extends Shape = Shape>(
                                shape: S
                                ) => ObjectPredicate<TypeOfShape<S>>;
                                • Test an object to match the shape exactly. This means that will fail if it comes across unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.

                                  The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.

                                  Parameter shape

                                  Shape to test the object against.

                                  Example 1

                                  ``` import ow from 'ow';

                                  ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.exactShape({ unicorn: ow.string })); ```

                                method hasAnyKeys

                                hasAnyKeys: (...keys: readonly string[]) => this;
                                • Test an object to include any of the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation](https://github.com/sindresorhus/dot-prop) in a key to access nested properties.

                                  Parameter keys

                                  The keys that could be a key in the object.

                                method hasKeys

                                hasKeys: (...keys: readonly string[]) => this;
                                • Test an object to include all the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation](https://github.com/sindresorhus/dot-prop) in a key to access nested properties.

                                  Parameter keys

                                  The keys that should be present in the object.

                                method instanceOf

                                instanceOf: (instance: Function) => this;
                                • Test an object to be of a specific instance type.

                                  Parameter instance

                                  The expected instance type of the object.

                                method partialShape

                                partialShape: <S extends Shape = Shape>(
                                shape: S
                                ) => ObjectPredicate<TypeOfShape<S>>;
                                • Test an object to match the shape partially. This means that it ignores unexpected properties. The shape comparison is deep.

                                  The shape is an object which describes how the tested object should look like. The keys are the same as the source object and the values are predicates.

                                  Parameter shape

                                  Shape to test the object against.

                                  Example 1

                                  ``` import ow from 'ow';

                                  const object = { unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: '🌈' };

                                  ow(object, ow.object.partialShape({ unicorn: ow.string })); ```

                                method valuesOfType

                                valuesOfType: <T>(predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => this;
                                • Test all the values in the object to match the provided predicate.

                                  Parameter predicate

                                  The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object.

                                class Predicate

                                class Predicate<T = unknown> implements BasePredicate<T> {}


                                constructor(type: string, options?: PredicateOptions);

                                  property [validatorSymbol]

                                  readonly [validatorSymbol]: Validator<T>[];

                                  property not

                                  readonly not: Predicate<T>;
                                  • Invert the following validators.

                                  method [testSymbol]

                                  [testSymbol]: (
                                  value: T,
                                  main: Main,
                                  label: string | (() => string),
                                  idLabel: boolean
                                  ) => asserts value is T;

                                  method addValidator

                                  addValidator: (validator: Validator<T>) => this;
                                  • Register a new validator.

                                    Parameter validator

                                    Validator to register.

                                  method is

                                  is: (validator: (value: T) => boolean | string) => this;
                                  • Test if the value matches a custom validation function. The validation function should return true if the value passes the function. If the function either returns false or a string, the function fails and the string will be used as error message.

                                    Parameter validator

                                    Validation function.

                                  method message

                                  message: (newMessage: string | ValidatorMessageBuilder<T>) => this;
                                  • Provide a new error message to be thrown when the validation fails.

                                    Parameter newMessage

                                    Either a string containing the new message or a function returning the new message.

                                    Example 1

                                    ``` ow('🌈', 'unicorn', ow.string.equals('🦄').message('Expected unicorn, got rainbow')); //=> ArgumentError: Expected unicorn, got rainbow ```

                                    Example 2

                                    ``` ow('🌈', ow.string.minLength(5).message((value, label) => Expected ${label}, to have a minimum length of 5, got \${value}``)); //=> ArgumentError: Expected string, to be have a minimum length of 5, got 🌈 ```

                                  method validate

                                  validate: (customValidator: CustomValidator<T>) => this;
                                  • Test if the value matches a custom validation function. The validation function should return an object containing a validator and message. If the validator is false, the validation fails and the message will be used as error message. If the message is a function, the function is invoked with the label as argument to let you further customize the error message.

                                    Parameter customValidator

                                    Custom validation function.

                                  class SetPredicate

                                  class SetPredicate<T = any> extends Predicate<Set<T>> {}


                                    constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                                    property empty

                                    readonly empty: SetPredicate<T>;
                                    • Test a Set to be empty.

                                    property nonEmpty

                                    readonly nonEmpty: SetPredicate<T>;
                                    • Test a Set to be not empty.

                                    method deepEqual

                                    deepEqual: (expected: Set<T>) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to be deeply equal to the provided Set.

                                      Parameter expected

                                      Expected Set to match.

                                    method has

                                    has: (...items: readonly T[]) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to include all the provided items. The items are tested by identity, not structure.

                                      Parameter items

                                      The items that should be a item in the Set.

                                    method hasAny

                                    hasAny: (...items: readonly T[]) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to include any of the provided items. The items are tested by identity, not structure.

                                      Parameter items

                                      The items that could be a item in the Set.

                                    method maxSize

                                    maxSize: (size: number) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to have a maximum size.

                                      Parameter size

                                      The maximum size of the Set.

                                    method minSize

                                    minSize: (size: number) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to have a minimum size.

                                      Parameter size

                                      The minimum size of the Set.

                                    method ofType

                                    ofType: (predicate: Predicate<T>) => this;
                                    • Test all the items in the Set to match the provided predicate.

                                      Parameter predicate

                                      The predicate that should be applied against every item in the Set.

                                    method size

                                    size: (size: number) => this;
                                    • Test a Set to have a specific size.

                                      Parameter size

                                      The size of the Set.

                                    class StringPredicate

                                    class StringPredicate extends Predicate<string> {}


                                      constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                                      property alphabetical

                                      readonly alphabetical: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be alphabetical.

                                      property alphanumeric

                                      readonly alphanumeric: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be alphanumeric.

                                      property date

                                      readonly date: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be a valid date.

                                      property empty

                                      readonly empty: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be empty.

                                      property lowercase

                                      readonly lowercase: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a non-empty string to be lowercase. Matching both alphabetical & numbers.

                                      property nonBlank

                                      readonly nonBlank: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to contain at least 1 non-whitespace character.

                                      property nonEmpty

                                      readonly nonEmpty: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be not empty.

                                      property numeric

                                      readonly numeric: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be numeric.

                                      property uppercase

                                      readonly uppercase: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a non-empty string to be uppercase. Matching both alphabetical & numbers.

                                      property url

                                      readonly url: StringPredicate;
                                      • Test a string to be a valid URL.

                                      method endsWith

                                      endsWith: (searchString: string) => this;
                                      • Test a string to end with a specific value.

                                        Parameter searchString

                                        The value that should be the end of the string.

                                      method equals

                                      equals: (expected: string) => this;
                                      • Test a string to be equal to a specified string.

                                        Parameter expected

                                        Expected value to match.

                                      method includes

                                      includes: (searchString: string) => this;
                                      • Test a string to include a specific value.

                                        Parameter searchString

                                        The value that should be included in the string.

                                      method length

                                      length: (length: number) => this;
                                      • Test a string to have a specific length.

                                        Parameter length

                                        The length of the string.

                                      method matches

                                      matches: (regex: RegExp) => this;
                                      • Test a string against a regular expression.

                                        Parameter regex

                                        The regular expression to match the value with.

                                      method maxLength

                                      maxLength: (length: number) => this;
                                      • Test a string to have a maximum length.

                                        Parameter length

                                        The maximum length of the string.

                                      method minLength

                                      minLength: (length: number) => this;
                                      • Test a string to have a minimum length.

                                        Parameter length

                                        The minimum length of the string.

                                      method oneOf

                                      oneOf: (list: readonly string[]) => this;
                                      • Test if the string is an element of the provided list.

                                        Parameter list

                                        List of possible values.

                                      method startsWith

                                      startsWith: (searchString: string) => this;
                                      • Test a string to start with a specific value.

                                        Parameter searchString

                                        The value that should be the start of the string.

                                      class TypedArrayPredicate

                                      class TypedArrayPredicate<T extends TypedArray> extends Predicate<T> {}

                                        method byteLength

                                        byteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a specific byte length.

                                          Parameter byteLength

                                          The byte length of the typed array.

                                        method length

                                        length: (length: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a specific length.

                                          Parameter length

                                          The length of the typed array.

                                        method maxByteLength

                                        maxByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a minimum byte length.

                                          Parameter length

                                          The minimum byte length of the typed array.

                                        method maxLength

                                        maxLength: (length: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a maximum length.

                                          Parameter length

                                          The maximum length of the typed array.

                                        method minByteLength

                                        minByteLength: (byteLength: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a minimum byte length.

                                          Parameter byteLength

                                          The minimum byte length of the typed array.

                                        method minLength

                                        minLength: (length: number) => this;
                                        • Test a typed array to have a minimum length.

                                          Parameter length

                                          The minimum length of the typed array.

                                        class WeakMapPredicate

                                        class WeakMapPredicate<KeyType extends object = object> extends Predicate<
                                        WeakMap<KeyType, unknown>
                                        > {}


                                          constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                                          method hasAnyKeys

                                          hasAnyKeys: (...keys: readonly KeyType[]) => this;
                                          • Test a WeakMap to include any of the provided keys. The keys are tested by identity, not structure.

                                            Parameter keys

                                            The keys that could be a key in the WeakMap.

                                          method hasKeys

                                          hasKeys: (...keys: readonly KeyType[]) => this;
                                          • Test a WeakMap to include all the provided keys. The keys are tested by identity, not structure.

                                            Parameter keys

                                            The keys that should be a key in the WeakMap.

                                          class WeakSetPredicate

                                          class WeakSetPredicate<T extends object = object> extends Predicate<WeakSet<T>> {}


                                            constructor(options?: PredicateOptions);

                                            method has

                                            has: (...items: readonly T[]) => this;
                                            • Test a WeakSet to include all the provided items. The items are tested by identity, not structure.

                                              Parameter items

                                              The items that should be a item in the WeakSet.

                                            method hasAny

                                            hasAny: (...items: readonly T[]) => this;
                                            • Test a WeakSet to include any of the provided items. The items are tested by identity, not structure.

                                              Parameter items

                                              The items that could be a item in the WeakSet.

                                            Type Aliases

                                            type AssertingValidator

                                            type AssertingValidator<T> = T extends ReusableValidator<infer R>
                                            ? (value: unknown, label?: string) => asserts value is R
                                            : T extends BasePredicate<infer R>
                                            ? (value: unknown, label?: string) => asserts value is R
                                            : never;
                                            • Turn a ReusableValidator into one with a type assertion.

                                              Example 1

                                              const checkUsername = ow.create(ow.string.minLength(3));
                                              const checkUsername_: AssertingValidator<typeof checkUsername> = checkUsername;

                                              Example 2

                                              const predicate = ow.string.minLength(3);
                                              const checkUsername: AssertingValidator<typeof predicate> = ow.create(predicate);

                                            type BasePredicate

                                            type BasePredicate<T = unknown> = {
                                            value: T,
                                            main: Main,
                                            label: string | Function,
                                            idLabel?: boolean
                                            ): void;

                                            type Infer

                                            type Infer<P> = P extends BasePredicate<infer T> ? T : never;
                                            • Retrieve the type from the given predicate.

                                              Example 1

                                              import ow, {Infer} from 'ow';
                                              const userPredicate = ow.object.exactShape({
                                              name: ow.string
                                              type User = Infer<typeof userPredicate>;

                                            type Main

                                            type Main = <T>(
                                            value: T,
                                            label: string | Function,
                                            predicate: BasePredicate<T>,
                                            idLabel?: boolean
                                            ) => void;

                                            type Ow

                                            type Ow = {
                                            Test if the value matches the predicate. Throws an `ArgumentError` if the test fails.
                                            @param value - Value to test.
                                            @param predicate - Predicate to test against.
                                            <T>(value: unknown, predicate: BasePredicate<T>): asserts value is T;
                                            Test if `value` matches the provided `predicate`. Throws an `ArgumentError` with the specified `label` if the test fails.
                                            @param value - Value to test.
                                            @param label - Label which should be used in error messages.
                                            @param predicate - Predicate to test against.
                                            value: unknown,
                                            label: string,
                                            predicate: BasePredicate<T>
                                            ): asserts value is T;
                                            Returns `true` if the value matches the predicate, otherwise returns `false`.
                                            @param value - Value to test.
                                            @param predicate - Predicate to test against.
                                            isValid: <T>(value: unknown, predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => value is T;
                                            Create a reusable validator.
                                            @param predicate - Predicate used in the validator function.
                                            create: (<T>(predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => ReusableValidator<T>) &
                                            (<T>(label: string, predicate: BasePredicate<T>) => ReusableValidator<T>);
                                            } & Modifiers &

                                              type Predicates

                                              type Predicates = {
                                              Test the value to be a string.
                                              readonly string: StringPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a number.
                                              readonly number: NumberPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be an bigint.
                                              readonly bigint: BigIntPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a boolean.
                                              readonly boolean: BooleanPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be undefined.
                                              readonly undefined: Predicate<undefined>;
                                              Test the value to be null.
                                              readonly null: Predicate<null>;
                                              Test the value to be null or undefined.
                                              readonly nullOrUndefined: Predicate<null | undefined>;
                                              Test the value to be not a number.
                                              readonly nan: Predicate<number>;
                                              Test the value to be a Symbol.
                                              readonly symbol: Predicate<symbol>;
                                              Test the value to be an array.
                                              readonly array: ArrayPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be an object.
                                              readonly object: ObjectPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a Date.
                                              readonly date: DatePredicate;
                                              Test the value to be an Error.
                                              readonly error: ErrorPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a Map.
                                              readonly map: MapPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a WeakMap.
                                              readonly weakMap: WeakMapPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a Set.
                                              readonly set: SetPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a WeakSet.
                                              readonly weakSet: WeakSetPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be a Function.
                                              readonly function: Predicate<Function>;
                                              Test the value to be a Buffer.
                                              readonly buffer: Predicate<Buffer>;
                                              Test the value to be a RegExp.
                                              readonly regExp: Predicate<RegExp>;
                                              Test the value to be a Promise.
                                              readonly promise: Predicate<Promise<unknown>>;
                                              Test the value to be a typed array.
                                              readonly typedArray: TypedArrayPredicate<TypedArray>;
                                              Test the value to be a Int8Array.
                                              readonly int8Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Int8Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Uint8Array.
                                              readonly uint8Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Uint8Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Uint8ClampedArray.
                                              readonly uint8ClampedArray: TypedArrayPredicate<Uint8ClampedArray>;
                                              Test the value to be a Int16Array.
                                              readonly int16Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Int16Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Uint16Array.
                                              readonly uint16Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Uint16Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Int32Array.
                                              readonly int32Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Int32Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Uint32Array.
                                              readonly uint32Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Uint32Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Float32Array.
                                              readonly float32Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Float32Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a Float64Array.
                                              readonly float64Array: TypedArrayPredicate<Float64Array>;
                                              Test the value to be a ArrayBuffer.
                                              readonly arrayBuffer: ArrayBufferPredicate<ArrayBuffer>;
                                              Test the value to be a SharedArrayBuffer.
                                              readonly sharedArrayBuffer: ArrayBufferPredicate<SharedArrayBuffer>;
                                              Test the value to be a DataView.
                                              readonly dataView: DataViewPredicate;
                                              Test the value to be Iterable.
                                              readonly iterable: Predicate<Iterable<unknown>>;
                                              Test that the value matches at least one of the given predicates.
                                              any: (<T1>(p1: BasePredicate<T1>) => AnyPredicate<T1>) &
                                              (<T1, T2>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>,
                                              p6: BasePredicate<T6>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>,
                                              p6: BasePredicate<T6>,
                                              p7: BasePredicate<T7>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>,
                                              p6: BasePredicate<T6>,
                                              p7: BasePredicate<T7>,
                                              p8: BasePredicate<T8>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | T8>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>,
                                              p6: BasePredicate<T6>,
                                              p7: BasePredicate<T7>,
                                              p8: BasePredicate<T8>,
                                              p9: BasePredicate<T9>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | T8 | T9>) &
                                              (<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(
                                              p1: BasePredicate<T1>,
                                              p2: BasePredicate<T2>,
                                              p3: BasePredicate<T3>,
                                              p4: BasePredicate<T4>,
                                              p5: BasePredicate<T5>,
                                              p6: BasePredicate<T6>,
                                              p7: BasePredicate<T7>,
                                              p8: BasePredicate<T8>,
                                              p9: BasePredicate<T9>,
                                              p10: BasePredicate<T10>
                                              ) => AnyPredicate<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | T8 | T9 | T10>) &
                                              ((...predicate: BasePredicate[]) => AnyPredicate);

                                                type ReusableValidator

                                                type ReusableValidator<T> = {
                                                Test if the value matches the predicate. Throws an `ArgumentError` if the test fails.
                                                @param value - Value to test.
                                                @param label - Override the label which should be used in error messages.
                                                (value: unknown | T, label?: string): void;
                                                • A reusable validator.

                                                type Shape

                                                type Shape = {
                                                [key: string]: BasePredicate | Shape;

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