
  • Version 7.1.1
  • Published
  • 16.2 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Memoize promise-returning & async functions



function pMemoize

pMemoize: <FunctionToMemoize extends AnyAsyncFunction, CacheKeyType>(
fn: FunctionToMemoize,
{ cacheKey, cache }?: Options<FunctionToMemoize, CacheKeyType>
) => FunctionToMemoize;
  • [Memoize](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization) functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.

    Parameter fn

    Function to be memoized.

    Example 1

    import {setTimeout as delay} from 'node:timer/promises';
    import pMemoize from 'p-memoize';
    import got from 'got';
    const memoizedGot = pMemoize(got);
    await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');
    // This call is cached
    await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');
    await delay(2000);
    // This call is not cached as the cache has expired
    await memoizedGot('https://sindresorhus.com');

function pMemoizeClear

pMemoizeClear: (fn: AnyAsyncFunction) => void;
  • Clear all cached data of a memoized function.

    Parameter fn

    Memoized function.

function pMemoizeDecorator

pMemoizeDecorator: <FunctionToMemoize extends AnyAsyncFunction, CacheKeyType>(
options?: Options<FunctionToMemoize, CacheKeyType>
) => (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => void;
  • - Only class methods and getters/setters can be memoized, not regular functions (they aren't part of the proposal); - Only [TypeScript’s decorators](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html#parameter-decorators) are supported, not [Babel’s](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-proposal-decorators), which use a different version of the proposal; - Being an experimental feature, they need to be enabled with --experimentalDecorators; follow TypeScript’s docs.


    A [decorator](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorators) to memoize class methods or static class methods.

    Example 1

    import {pMemoizeDecorator} from 'p-memoize';
    class Example {
    index = 0
    async counter() {
    return ++this.index;
    class ExampleWithOptions {
    index = 0
    async counter() {
    return ++this.index;

Type Aliases

type AnyAsyncFunction

type AnyAsyncFunction = (...arguments_: readonly any[]) => Promise<unknown | void>;

    type CacheStorage

    type CacheStorage<KeyType, ValueType> = {
    has: (key: KeyType) => Promise<boolean> | boolean;
    get: (key: KeyType) => Promise<ValueType | undefined> | ValueType | undefined;
    set: (key: KeyType, value: ValueType) => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
    delete: (key: KeyType) => unknown;
    clear?: () => unknown;

      type Options

      type Options<FunctionToMemoize extends AnyAsyncFunction, CacheKeyType> = {
      Determines the cache key for storing the result based on the function arguments. By default, __only the first argument is considered__ and it only works with [primitives](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Primitive).
      A `cacheKey` function can return any type supported by `Map` (or whatever structure you use in the `cache` option).
      You can have it cache **all** the arguments by value with `JSON.stringify`, if they are compatible:
      import pMemoize from 'p-memoize';
      pMemoize(function_, {cacheKey: JSON.stringify});
      Or you can use a more full-featured serializer like [serialize-javascript](https://github.com/yahoo/serialize-javascript) to add support for `RegExp`, `Date` and so on.
      import pMemoize from 'p-memoize';
      import serializeJavascript from 'serialize-javascript';
      pMemoize(function_, {cacheKey: serializeJavascript});
      @default arguments_ => arguments_[0]
      @example arguments_ => JSON.stringify(arguments_)
      readonly cacheKey?: (arguments_: Parameters<FunctionToMemoize>) => CacheKeyType;
      Use a different cache storage. Must implement the following methods: `.has(key)`, `.get(key)`, `.set(key, value)`, `.delete(key)`, and optionally `.clear()`. You could for example use a `WeakMap` instead or [`quick-lru`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/quick-lru) for a LRU cache. To disable caching so that only concurrent executions resolve with the same value, pass `false`.
      @default new Map()
      @example new WeakMap()
      readonly cache?:
      | CacheStorage<CacheKeyType, AsyncReturnType<FunctionToMemoize>>
      | false;

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