
  • Version 8.1.0
  • Published
  • 9.52 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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yarn add parse-json
pnpm add parse-json


Parse JSON with more helpful errors



function parseJson

parseJson: {
(string: string, reviver?: Reviver, filename?: string): JsonObject;
(string: string, filename?: string): JsonObject;
  • Parse JSON with more helpful errors.

    Parameter string

    A valid JSON string.

    Parameter reviver

    Prescribes how the value originally produced by parsing is transformed, before being returned. See [JSON.parse docs]( ) for more.

    Parameter filename

    The filename displayed in the error message.


    A parsed JSON object.


    A JSONError when there is a parsing error.

    Example 1

    import parseJson, {JSONError} from 'parse-json';
    const json = '{\n\t"foo": true,\n}';
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}'
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^
    parseJson(json, 'foo.json');
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}' in foo.json
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^
    // You can also add the filename at a later point
    try {
    } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof JSONError) {
    error.fileName = 'foo.json';
    throw error;
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}' in foo.json
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^
  • Parse JSON with more helpful errors.

    Parameter string

    A valid JSON string.

    Parameter filename

    The filename displayed in the error message.


    A parsed JSON object.


    A JSONError when there is a parsing error.

    Example 1

    import parseJson, {JSONError} from 'parse-json';
    const json = '{\n\t"foo": true,\n}';
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}'
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^
    parseJson(json, 'foo.json');
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}' in foo.json
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^
    // You can also add the filename at a later point
    try {
    } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof JSONError) {
    error.fileName = 'foo.json';
    throw error;
    // JSONError: Unexpected token } in JSON at position 16 while parsing near '{ "foo": true,}' in foo.json
    // 1 | {
    // 2 | "foo": true,
    // > 3 | }
    // | ^


class JSONError

class JSONError extends Error {}
  • Exposed for instanceof checking.

property codeFrame

readonly codeFrame: string;
  • The printable section of the JSON which produces the error.

property fileName

fileName: string;
  • The filename displayed in the error message, if any.

property rawCodeFrame

readonly rawCodeFrame: string;
  • The raw version of codeFrame without colors.

Type Aliases

type Reviver

type Reviver = Parameters<(typeof JSON)['parse']>['1'];

    Package Files (1)

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    No peer dependencies.


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