
  • Version 3.3.1
  • Published
  • 784 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Component definitions for Pip.Services in Node.js






class CachedCounters

abstract class CachedCounters
implements ICounters, IReconfigurable, ICounterTimingCallback {}
  • Abstract implementation of performance counters that measures and stores counters in memory. Child classes implement saving of the counters into various destinations.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - options: - interval: interval in milliseconds to save current counters measurements (default: 5 mins) - reset_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to reset the counters. 0 disables the reset (default: 0)


  • Creates a new CachedCounters object.

method beginTiming

beginTiming: (name: string) => CounterTiming;
  • Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns [[CounterTiming]] object which has to be called at [[CounterTiming.endTiming]] to end the measurement and update the counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Interval type.


    a [[CounterTiming]] callback object to end timing.

method clear

clear: (name: string) => void;
  • Clears (resets) a counter specified by its name.

    Parameter name

    a counter name to clear.

method clearAll

clearAll: () => void;
  • Clears (resets) all counters.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method dump

dump: () => void;
  • Dumps (saves) the current values of counters.

    See Also

    • [[save]]

method endTiming

endTiming: (name: string, elapsed: number) => void;
  • Ends measurement of execution elapsed time and updates specified counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name

    Parameter elapsed

    execution elapsed time in milliseconds to update the counter.

    See Also

    • [[CounterTiming.endTiming]]

method get

get: (name: string, type: CounterType) => Counter;
  • Gets a counter specified by its name. It counter does not exist or its type doesn't match the specified type it creates a new one.

    Parameter name

    a counter name to retrieve.

    Parameter type

    a counter type.


    an existing or newly created counter of the specified type.

method getAll

getAll: () => Counter[];
  • Gets all captured counters.


    a list with counters.

method getInterval

getInterval: () => number;
  • Gets the counters dump/save interval.


    the interval in milliseconds.

method increment

increment: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Increments counter by given value.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

    Parameter value

    a value to add to the counter.

method incrementOne

incrementOne: (name: string) => void;
  • Increments counter by 1.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

method last

last: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Records the last calculated measurement value.

    Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Last type.

    Parameter value

    a last value to record.

method save

protected abstract save: (counters: Counter[]) => void;
  • Saves the current counters measurements.

    Parameter counters

    current counters measurements to be saves.

method setInterval

setInterval: (value: number) => void;
  • Sets the counters dump/save interval.

    Parameter value

    a new interval in milliseconds.

method stats

stats: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Statistics type

    Parameter value

    a value to update statistics

method timestamp

timestamp: (name: string, value: Date) => void;
  • Records the given timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

    Parameter value

    a timestamp to record.

method timestampNow

timestampNow: (name: string) => void;
  • Records the current time as a timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

method update

protected update: () => void;
  • Makes counter measurements as updated and dumps them when timeout expires.

    See Also

    • [[dump]]

class CachedLogger

abstract class CachedLogger extends Logger {}
  • Abstract logger that caches captured log messages in memory and periodically dumps them. Child classes implement saving cached messages to their specified destinations.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - level: maximum log level to capture - source: source (context) name - options: - interval: interval in milliseconds to save log messages (default: 10 seconds) - max_cache_size: maximum number of messages stored in this cache (default: 100)

    ### References ###

    - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[ILogger]]

    • [[Logger]]

    • [[LogMessage]]


  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

method clear

clear: () => void;
  • Clears (removes) all cached log messages.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method dump

dump: () => void;
  • Dumps (writes) the currently cached log messages.

    See Also

    • [[write]]

method save

protected abstract save: (
messages: LogMessage[],
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Saves log messages from the cache.

    Parameter messages

    a list with log messages

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method update

protected update: () => void;
  • Makes message cache as updated and dumps it when timeout expires.

    See Also

    • [[dump]]

method write

protected write: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string
) => void;
  • Writes a log message to the logger destination.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

class CachedTracer

abstract class CachedTracer implements ITracer, IReconfigurable, IReferenceable {}
  • Abstract tracer that caches recorded traces in memory and periodically dumps them. Child classes implement saving cached traces to their specified destinations.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - source: source (context) name - options: - interval: interval in milliseconds to save log messages (default: 10 seconds) - max_cache_size: maximum number of messages stored in this cache (default: 100)

    ### References ###

    - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[ITracer]]

    • [[OperationTrace]]


  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

method beginTrace

beginTrace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string
) => TraceTiming;
  • Begings recording an operation trace

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.


    a trace timing object.

method clear

clear: () => void;
  • Clears (removes) all cached log messages.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method dump

dump: () => void;
  • Dumps (writes) the currently cached log messages.

    See Also

    • [[write]]

method failure

failure: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method save

protected abstract save: (
messages: OperationTrace[],
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Saves log messages from the cache.

    Parameter messages

    a list with log messages

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method trace

trace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation trace with its name and duration

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method update

protected update: () => void;
  • Makes trace cache as updated and dumps it when timeout expires.

    See Also

    • [[dump]]

method write

protected write: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Writes a log message to the logger destination.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

class CacheEntry

class CacheEntry {}
  • Data object to store cached values with their keys used by [[MemoryCache]]


constructor(key: string, value: any, timeout: number);
  • Creates a new instance of the cache entry and assigns its values.

    Parameter key

    a unique key to locate the value.

    Parameter value

    a value to be stored.

    Parameter timeout

    expiration timeout in milliseconds.

method getExpiration

getExpiration: () => number;
  • Gets the expiration timeout.


    the expiration timeout in milliseconds.

method getKey

getKey: () => string;
  • Gets the key to locate the cached value.


    the value key.

method getValue

getValue: () => any;
  • Gets the cached value.


    the value object.

method isExpired

isExpired: () => boolean;
  • Checks if this value already expired.


    true if the value already expires and false otherwise.

method setValue

setValue: (value: any, timeout: number) => void;
  • Sets a new value and extends its expiration.

    Parameter value

    a new cached value.

    Parameter timeout

    a expiration timeout in milliseconds.

class Component

class Component implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable {}
  • Abstract component that supportes configurable dependencies, logging and performance counters.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __dependencies:__ - [dependency name 1]: Dependency 1 locator (descriptor) - ... - [dependency name N]: Dependency N locator (descriptor)

    ### References ###

    - *:counters:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ICounters]] components to pass collected measurements - *:logger:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ILogger]] components to pass log messages - *:tracer:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ITracer]] components to record traces - ... References must match configured dependencies.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

class CompositeConnectionResolver

class CompositeConnectionResolver implements IReferenceable, IConfigurable {}
  • Helper class that resolves connection and credential parameters, validates them and generates connection options.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - connection(s): - discovery_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/connect.idiscovery.html IDiscovery]] - protocol: communication protocol - host: host name or IP address - port: port number - uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it - credential(s): - store_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the credentials from [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/auth.icredentialstore.html ICredentialStore]] - username: user name - password: user password

    ### References ###

    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/connect.idiscovery.html IDiscovery]] services to resolve connections - *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials

method compose

compose: (
correlationId: string,
connections: ConnectionParams[],
credential: CredentialParams,
parameters: ConfigParams,
callback: (err: any, options: any) => void
) => void;
  • Composes Composite connection options from connection and credential parameters.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter connections

    connection parameters

    Parameter credential

    credential parameters

    Parameter parameters

    optional parameters

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives resolved options or error.

method composeOptions

protected composeOptions: (
connections: ConnectionParams[],
credential: CredentialParams,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Composes connection and credential parameters into connection options. This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter connections

    a list of connection parameters

    Parameter credential

    credential parameters

    Parameter parameters

    optional parameters


    a composed connection options.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method finalizeOptions

protected finalizeOptions: (options: ConfigParams) => ConfigParams;
  • Finalize merged options This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter options

    connection options


    finalized connection options

method mergeConnection

protected mergeConnection: (
options: ConfigParams,
connection: ConnectionParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Merges connection options with connection parameters This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter options

    connection options

    Parameter connection

    connection parameters to be merged


    merged connection options.

method mergeCredential

protected mergeCredential: (
options: ConfigParams,
credential: CredentialParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Merges connection options with credential parameters This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter options

    connection options

    Parameter credential

    credential parameters to be merged


    merged connection options.

method mergeOptional

protected mergeOptional: (
options: ConfigParams,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Merges connection options with optional parameters This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter options

    connection options

    Parameter parameters

    optional parameters to be merged


    merged connection options.

method resolve

resolve: (
correlationId: string,
callback: (err: any, options: ConfigParams) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves connection options from connection and credential parameters.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives resolved options or error.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method validateConnection

protected validateConnection: (
correlationId: string,
connection: ConnectionParams
) => any;
  • Validates connection parameters. This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter connection

    connection parameters to be validated


    error or null if validation was successful

method validateCredential

protected validateCredential: (
correlationId: string,
credential: CredentialParams
) => any;
  • Validates credential parameters. This method can be overriden in child classes.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter credential

    credential parameters to be validated


    error or null if validation was successful

class CompositeCounters

class CompositeCounters
implements ICounters, ICounterTimingCallback, IReferenceable {}
  • Aggregates all counters from component references under a single component.

    It allows to capture metrics and conveniently send them to multiple destinations.

    ### References ###

    - *:counters:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ICounters]] components to pass collected measurements

    See Also

    • [[ICounters]]

      ### Example ###

      class MyComponent implements IReferenceable { private _counters: CompositeCounters = new CompositeCounters();

      public setReferences(references: IReferences): void { this._counters.setReferences(references); ... }

      public myMethod(): void { this._counters.increment("mycomponent.mymethod.calls"); var timing = this._counters.beginTiming("mycomponent.mymethod.exec_time"); try { ... } finally { timing.endTiming(); } } }


constructor(references?: IReferences);
  • Creates a new instance of the counters.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method beginTiming

beginTiming: (name: string) => CounterTiming;
  • Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns [[CounterTiming]] object which has to be called at [[CounterTiming.endTiming]] to end the measurement and update the counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Interval type.


    a [[CounterTiming]] callback object to end timing.

method endTiming

endTiming: (name: string, elapsed: number) => void;
  • Ends measurement of execution elapsed time and updates specified counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name

    Parameter elapsed

    execution elapsed time in milliseconds to update the counter.

    See Also

    • [[CounterTiming.endTiming]]

method increment

increment: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Increments counter by given value.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

    Parameter value

    a value to add to the counter.

method incrementOne

incrementOne: (name: string) => void;
  • Increments counter by 1.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

method last

last: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Records the last calculated measurement value.

    Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Last type.

    Parameter value

    a last value to record.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method stats

stats: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Statistics type

    Parameter value

    a value to update statistics

method timestamp

timestamp: (name: string, value: Date) => void;
  • Records the given timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

    Parameter value

    a timestamp to record.

method timestampNow

timestampNow: (name: string) => void;
  • Records the current time as a timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

class CompositeFactory

class CompositeFactory implements IFactory {}
  • Aggregates multiple factories into a single factory component. When a new component is requested, it iterates through factories to locate the one able to create the requested component.

    This component is used to conveniently keep all supported factories in a single place.

    ### Example ###

    let factory = new CompositeFactory(); factory.add(new DefaultLoggerFactory()); factory.add(new DefaultCountersFactory());

    let loggerLocator = new Descriptor("*", "logger", "*", "*", "1.0"); factory.canCreate(loggerLocator); // Result: Descriptor("pip-service", "logger", "null", "default", "1.0") factory.create(loggerLocator); // Result: created NullLogger


constructor(...factories: IFactory[]);
  • Creates a new instance of the factory.

    Parameter factories

    a list of factories to embed into this factory.

method add

add: (factory: IFactory) => void;
  • Adds a factory into the list of embedded factories.

    Parameter factory

    a factory to be added.

method canCreate

canCreate: (locator: any) => any;
  • Checks if this factory is able to create component by given locator.

    This method searches for all registered components and returns a locator for component it is able to create that matches the given locator. If the factory is not able to create a requested component is returns null.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    a locator for a component that the factory is able to create.

method create

create: (locator: any) => any;
  • Creates a component identified by given locator.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    the created component.


    a CreateException if the factory is not able to create the component.

method remove

remove: (factory: IFactory) => void;
  • Removes a factory from the list of embedded factories.

    Parameter factory

    the factory to remove.

class CompositeLogger

class CompositeLogger extends Logger implements IReferenceable {}
  • Aggregates all loggers from component references under a single component.

    It allows to log messages and conveniently send them to multiple destinations.

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ILogger]] components to pass log messages

    See Also

    • [[ILogger]]

      ### Example ###

      class MyComponent implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable { private _logger: CompositeLogger = new CompositeLogger();

      public configure(config: ConfigParams): void { this._logger.configure(config); ... }

      public setReferences(references: IReferences): void { this._logger.setReferences(references); ... }

      public myMethod(string correlationId): void { this._logger.debug(correlationId, "Called method mycomponent.mymethod"); ... } }


constructor(references?: IReferences);
  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method write

protected write: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string
) => void;
  • Writes a log message to the logger destination(s).

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

class CompositeTracer

class CompositeTracer implements ITracer, IReferenceable {}
  • Aggregates all tracers from component references under a single component.

    It allows to record traces and conveniently send them to multiple destinations.

    ### References ###

    - *:tracer:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ITracer]] components to pass operation traces

    See Also

    • [[ITracer]]

      ### Example ###

      class MyComponent implements IReferenceable { private _tracer: CompositeTracer = new CompositeTracer();

      public setReferences(references: IReferences): void { this._tracer.setReferences(references); ... }

      public myMethod(correlatonId: string): void { var timing = this._tracer.beginTrace(correlationId, "mycomponent", "mymethod"); try { ... timing.endTrace(); } catch (err) { timing.endFailure(err); } } }


constructor(references?: IReferences);
  • Creates a new instance of the tracer.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method beginTrace

beginTrace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string
) => TraceTiming;
  • Begings recording an operation trace

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.


    a trace timing object.

method failure

failure: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method trace

trace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation trace with its name and duration

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

class ConfigReader

abstract class ConfigReader implements IConfigurable {}
  • Abstract config reader that supports configuration parameterization.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __parameters:__ this entire section is used as template parameters - ...

    See Also

    • [[IConfigReader]]


  • Creates a new instance of the config reader.

method addChangeListener

addChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Adds a listener that will be notified when configuration is changed

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be added.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method parameterize

protected parameterize: (config: string, parameters: ConfigParams) => string;
  • Parameterized configuration template given as string with dynamic parameters.

    The method uses [[https://handlebarsjs.com Handlebars]] template engine.

    Parameter config

    a string with configuration template to be parameterized

    Parameter parameters

    dynamic parameters to inject into the template


    a parameterized configuration string.

method readConfig

abstract readConfig: (
correlationId: string,
parameters: ConfigParams,
callback: (err: any, config: ConfigParams) => void
) => void;
  • Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

method removeChangeListener

removeChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Remove a previously added change listener.

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be removed.

class ConnectionParams

class ConnectionParams extends ConfigParams {}
  • Contains connection parameters to connect to external services. They are used together with credential parameters, but usually stored separately from more protected sensitive values.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - discovery_key: key to retrieve parameters from discovery service - protocol: connection protocol like http, https, tcp, udp - host: host name or IP address - port: port number - uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it

    In addition to standard parameters ConnectionParams may contain any number of custom parameters

    See Also

    • [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/config.configparams.html ConfigParams]]

    • [[CredentialParams]]

    • [[ConnectionResolver]]

    • [[IDiscovery]]

      ### Example ###

      Example ConnectionParams object usage:

      let connection = ConnectionParams.fromTuples( "protocol", "http", "host", "", "port", "8080", "cluster", "mycluster" );

      let host = connection.getHost(); // Result: "" let port = connection.getPort(); // Result: 8080 let cluster = connection.getAsNullableString("cluster"); // Result: "mycluster"


constructor(values?: any);
  • Creates a new connection parameters and fills it with values.

    Parameter values

    (optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this connection.

method fromConfig

static fromConfig: (config: ConfigParams) => ConnectionParams;
  • Retrieves a single ConnectionParams from configuration parameters from "connection" section. If "connections" section is present instead, then is returns only the first connection element.

    Parameter config

    ConnectionParams, containing a section named "connection(s)".


    the generated ConnectionParams object.

    See Also

    • [[manyFromConfig]]

method fromString

static fromString: (line: string) => ConnectionParams;
  • Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

    Parameter line

    a string with serialized key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." Example: "Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z"


    a new ConnectionParams object.

    See Also

    • [[StringValueMap.fromString]]

method fromTuples

static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => ConnectionParams;
  • Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, ... pairs.

    Parameter tuples

    the tuples to fill a new ConnectionParams object.


    a new ConnectionParams object.

method getDiscoveryKey

getDiscoveryKey: () => string;
  • Gets the key to retrieve this connection from [[DiscoveryService]]. If this key is null, than all parameters are already present.


    the discovery key to retrieve connection.

    See Also

    • [[useDiscovery]]

method getHost

getHost: () => string;
  • Gets the host name or IP address.


    the host name or IP address.

method getPort

getPort: () => number;
  • Gets the port number.


    the port number.

method getPortWithDefault

getPortWithDefault: (defaultPort: number) => number;
  • Gets the port number with default value.

    Parameter defaultPort

    a default port number.


    the port number.

method getProtocol

getProtocol: () => string;
  • Gets the connection protocol.


    the connection protocol or the default value if it's not set.

method getProtocolWithDefault

getProtocolWithDefault: (defaultValue: string) => string;
  • Gets the connection protocol with default value.

    Parameter defaultValue

    (optional) the default protocol


    the connection protocol or the default value if it's not set.

method getUri

getUri: () => string;
  • Gets the resource URI or connection string. Usually it includes all connection parameters in it.


    the resource URI or connection string.

method manyFromConfig

static manyFromConfig: (config: ConfigParams) => ConnectionParams[];
  • Retrieves all ConnectionParams from configuration parameters from "connections" section. If "connection" section is present instead, than it returns a list with only one ConnectionParams.

    Parameter config

    a configuration parameters to retrieve connections


    a list of retrieved ConnectionParams

method setDiscoveryKey

setDiscoveryKey: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the key to retrieve these parameters from [[DiscoveryService]].

    Parameter value

    a new key to retrieve connection.

method setHost

setHost: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the host name or IP address.

    Parameter value

    a new host name or IP address.

method setPort

setPort: (value: number) => void;
  • Sets the port number.

    Parameter value

    a new port number.

    See Also

    • [[getHost]]

method setProtocol

setProtocol: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the connection protocol.

    Parameter value

    a new connection protocol.

method setUri

setUri: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the resource URI or connection string.

    Parameter value

    a new resource URI or connection string.

method useDiscovery

useDiscovery: () => boolean;
  • Checks if these connection parameters shall be retrieved from [[DiscoveryService]]. The connection parameters are redirected to [[DiscoveryService]] when discovery_key parameter is set.


    true if connection shall be retrieved from [[DiscoveryService]]

    See Also

    • [[getDiscoveryKey]]

class ConnectionResolver

class ConnectionResolver {}
  • Helper class to retrieve component connections.

    If connections are configured to be retrieved from [[IDiscovery]], it automatically locates [[IDiscovery]] in component references and retrieve connections from there using discovery_key parameter.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __connection:__ - discovery_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the connection from [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/connect.idiscovery.html IDiscovery]] - ... other connection parameters

    - __connections:__ alternative to connection - [connection params 1]: first connection parameters - ... connection parameters for key 1 - [connection params N]: Nth connection parameters - ... connection parameters for key N

    ### References ###

    - *:discovery:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/connect.idiscovery.html IDiscovery]] services to resolve connections

    See Also

    • [[ConnectionParams]]

    • [[IDiscovery]]

      ### Example ###

      let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "connection.host", "", "connection.port", 8080 );

      let connectionResolver = new ConnectionResolver(); connectionResolver.configure(config); connectionResolver.setReferences(references);

      connectionResolver.resolve("123", (err, connection) => { // Now use connection... });


constructor(config?: ConfigParams, references?: IReferences);
  • Creates a new instance of connection resolver.

    Parameter config

    (optional) component configuration parameters

    Parameter references

    (optional) component references

method add

add: (connection: ConnectionParams) => void;
  • Adds a new connection to component connections

    Parameter connection

    new connection parameters to be added

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method getAll

getAll: () => ConnectionParams[];
  • Gets all connections configured in component configuration.

    Redirect to Discovery services is not done at this point. If you need fully fleshed connection use [[resolve]] method instead.


    a list with connection parameters

method register

register: (
correlationId: string,
connection: ConnectionParams,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Registers the given connection in all referenced discovery services. This method can be used for dynamic service discovery.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter connection

    a connection to register.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives registered connection or error.

    See Also

    • [[IDiscovery]]

method resolve

resolve: (
correlationId: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves a single component connection. If connections are configured to be retrieved from Discovery service it finds a [[IDiscovery]] and resolves the connection there.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives resolved connection or error.

    See Also

    • [[IDiscovery]]

method resolveAll

resolveAll: (
correlationId: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams[]) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves all component connection. If connections are configured to be retrieved from Discovery service it finds a [[IDiscovery]] and resolves the connection there.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives resolved connections or error.

    See Also

    • [[IDiscovery]]

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

class ConnectionUtils

class ConnectionUtils {}
  • A set of utility functions to process connection parameters

method composeUri

static composeUri: (
options: ConfigParams,
defaultProtocol: string,
defaultPort: number
) => string;
  • Composes URI from config parameters. The result URI will be in the following form: protocol://username@password@host1:port1,host2:port2,...?param1=abc&param2=xyz&...

    Parameter options

    configuration parameters

    Parameter defaultProtocol

    a default protocol

    Parameter defaultPort

    a default port


    a composed URI

method concat

static concat: (
options1: ConfigParams,
options2: ConfigParams,
...keys: string[]
) => ConfigParams;
  • Concatinates two options by combining duplicated properties into comma-separated list

    Parameter options1

    first options to merge

    Parameter options2

    second options to merge

    Parameter keys

    when define it limits only to specific keys

method exclude

static exclude: (options: ConfigParams, ...keys: string[]) => ConfigParams;
  • Excludes specified keys from the config parameters.

    Parameter options

    configuration parameters to be processed.

    Parameter keys

    a list of keys to be excluded.


    a processed config parameters.

method include

static include: (options: ConfigParams, ...keys: string[]) => ConfigParams;
  • Includes specified keys from the config parameters.

    Parameter options

    configuration parameters to be processed.

    Parameter keys

    a list of keys to be included.


    a processed config parameters.

method parseUri

static parseUri: (
uri: string,
defaultProtocol: string,
defaultPort: number
) => ConfigParams;
  • Parses URI into config parameters. The URI shall be in the following form: protocol://username@password@host1:port1,host2:port2,...?param1=abc&param2=xyz&...

    Parameter uri

    the URI to be parsed

    Parameter defaultProtocol

    a default protocol

    Parameter defaultPort

    a default port


    a configuration parameters with URI elements

class ConsoleLogger

class ConsoleLogger extends Logger {}
  • Logger that writes log messages to console.

    Errors are written to standard err stream and all other messages to standard out stream.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - level: maximum log level to capture - source: source (context) name

    ### References ###

    - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[Logger]]

      ### Example ###

      let logger = new ConsoleLogger(); logger.setLevel(LogLevel.debug);

      logger.error("123", ex, "Error occured: %s", ex.message); logger.debug("123", "Everything is OK.");


  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

method write

protected write: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string
) => void;
  • Writes a log message to the logger destination.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

class ContextInfo

class ContextInfo implements IReconfigurable {}
  • Context information component that provides detail information about execution context: container or/and process.

    Most often ContextInfo is used by logging and performance counters to identify source of the collected logs and metrics.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - name: the context (container or process) name - description: human-readable description of the context - properties: entire section of additional descriptive properties - ...

    ### Example ###

    let contextInfo = new ContextInfo(); contextInfo.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples( "name", "MyMicroservice", "description", "My first microservice" ));

    context.name; // Result: "MyMicroservice" context.contextId; // Possible result: "mylaptop" context.startTime; // Possible result: 2018-01-01:22:12:23.45Z context.uptime; // Possible result: 3454345


constructor(name?: string, description?: string);
  • Creates a new instance of this context info.

    Parameter name

    (optional) a context name.

    Parameter description

    (optional) a human-readable description of the context.

property contextId

contextId: string;
  • Gets the unique context id. Usually it is the current host name.


    the unique context id.

property description

description: string;
  • Gets the human-readable description of the context.


    the human-readable description of the context.

property name

name: string;
  • Gets the context name.


    the context name

property properties

properties: any;
  • Gets context additional parameters.


    a JSON object with additional context parameters.

property startTime

startTime: Date;
  • Gets the context start time.


    the context start time.

property uptime

readonly uptime: number;
  • Calculates the context uptime as from the start time.


    number of milliseconds from the context start time.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method fromConfig

static fromConfig: (config: ConfigParams) => ContextInfo;
  • Creates a new ContextInfo and sets its configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters for the new ContextInfo.


    a newly created ContextInfo

class Counter

class Counter {}
  • Data object to store measurement for a performance counter. This object is used by [[CachedCounters]] to store counters.


constructor(name: string, type: CounterType);
  • Creates a instance of the data obejct

    Parameter name

    a counter name.

    Parameter type

    a counter type.

property average

average: number;
  • The average value

property count

count: number;
  • The total count

property last

last: number;
  • The last recorded value

property max

max: number;
  • The maximum value

property min

min: number;
  • The minimum value

property name

name: string;
  • The counter unique name

property time

time: Date;
  • The recorded timestamp

property type

type: CounterType;
  • The counter type that defines measurement algorithm

class CounterTiming

class CounterTiming {}
  • Callback object returned by ICounters.beginTiming to end timing of execution block and update the associated counter.

    ### Example ###

    let timing = counters.beginTiming("mymethod.exec_time"); try { ... } finally { timing.endTiming(); }


constructor(counter?: string, callback?: ICounterTimingCallback);
  • Creates a new instance of the timing callback object.

    Parameter counter

    an associated counter name

    Parameter callback

    a callback that shall be called when endTiming is called.

method endTiming

endTiming: () => void;
  • Ends timing of an execution block, calculates elapsed time and updates the associated counter.

class CreateException

class CreateException extends InternalException {}
  • Error raised when factory is not able to create requested component.

    See Also

    • [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.internalexception.html InternalException]] (in the PipServices "Commons" package)

    • [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.applicationexception.html ApplicationException]] (in the PipServices "Commons" package)


constructor(correlationId: string, messageOrLocator: any);
  • Creates an error instance and assigns its values.

    Parameter correlation_id

    (optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter messageOrLocator

    human-readable error or locator of the component that cannot be created.

class CredentialParams

class CredentialParams extends ConfigParams {}
  • Contains credentials to authenticate against external services. They are used together with connection parameters, but usually stored in a separate store, protected from unauthorized access.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - store_key: key to retrieve parameters from credential store - username: user name - user: alternative to username - password: user password - pass: alternative to password - access_id: application access id - client_id: alternative to access_id - access_key: application secret key - client_key: alternative to access_key - secret_key: alternative to access_key

    In addition to standard parameters CredentialParams may contain any number of custom parameters

    See Also

    • [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/config.configparams.html ConfigParams]]

    • [[ConnectionParams]]

    • [[CredentialResolver]]

    • [[ICredentialStore]]

      ### Example ###

      let credential = CredentialParams.fromTuples( "user", "jdoe", "pass", "pass123", "pin", "321" );

      let username = credential.getUsername(); // Result: "jdoe" let password = credential.getPassword(); // Result: "pass123" let pin = credential.getAsNullableString("pin"); // Result: 321


constructor(values?: any);
  • Creates a new credential parameters and fills it with values.

    Parameter values

    (optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize these credentials.

method fromConfig

static fromConfig: (config: ConfigParams) => CredentialParams;
  • Retrieves a single CredentialParams from configuration parameters from "credential" section. If "credentials" section is present instead, then is returns only the first credential element.

    Parameter config

    ConfigParams, containing a section named "credential(s)".


    the generated CredentialParams object.

    See Also

    • [[manyFromConfig]]

method fromString

static fromString: (line: string) => CredentialParams;
  • Creates a new CredentialParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

    Parameter line

    a string with serialized key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." Example: "Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z"


    a new CredentialParams object.

method fromTuples

static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => CredentialParams;
  • Creates a new CredentialParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, ... pairs.

    Parameter tuples

    the tuples to fill a new CredentialParams object.


    a new CredentialParams object.

method getAccessId

getAccessId: () => string;
  • Gets the application access id. The value can be stored in parameters "access_id" pr "client_id"


    the application access id.

method getAccessKey

getAccessKey: () => string;
  • Gets the application secret key. The value can be stored in parameters "access_key", "client_key" or "secret_key".


    the application secret key.

method getPassword

getPassword: () => string;
  • Get the user password. The value can be stored in parameters "password" or "pass".


    the user password.

method getStoreKey

getStoreKey: () => string;
  • Gets the key to retrieve these credentials from [[CredentialStore]]. If this key is null, than all parameters are already present.


    the store key to retrieve credentials.

    See Also

    • [[useCredentialStore]]

method getUsername

getUsername: () => string;
  • Gets the user name. The value can be stored in parameters "username" or "user".


    the user name.

method manyFromConfig

static manyFromConfig: (config: ConfigParams) => CredentialParams[];
  • Retrieves all CredentialParams from configuration parameters from "credentials" section. If "credential" section is present instead, than it returns a list with only one CredentialParams.

    Parameter config

    a configuration parameters to retrieve credentials


    a list of retrieved CredentialParams

method setAccessId

setAccessId: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the application access id.

    Parameter value

    a new application access id.

method setAccessKey

setAccessKey: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the application secret key.

    Parameter value

    a new application secret key.

method setPassword

setPassword: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the user password.

    Parameter value

    a new user password.

method setStoreKey

setStoreKey: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the key to retrieve these parameters from [[CredentialStore]].

    Parameter value

    a new key to retrieve credentials.

method setUsername

setUsername: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the user name.

    Parameter value

    a new user name.

method useCredentialStore

useCredentialStore: () => boolean;
  • Checks if these credential parameters shall be retrieved from [[CredentialStore]]. The credential parameters are redirected to [[CredentialStore]] when store_key parameter is set.


    true if credentials shall be retrieved from [[CredentialStore]]

    See Also

    • [[getStoreKey]]

class CredentialResolver

class CredentialResolver {}
  • Helper class to retrieve component credentials.

    If credentials are configured to be retrieved from [[ICredentialStore]], it automatically locates [[ICredentialStore]] in component references and retrieve credentials from there using store_key parameter.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    __credential:__ - store_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the credentials from [[ICredentialStore]] - ... other credential parameters

    __credentials:__ alternative to credential - [credential params 1]: first credential parameters - ... credential parameters for key 1 - ... - [credential params N]: Nth credential parameters - ... credential parameters for key N

    ### References ###

    - *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials

    See Also

    • [[CredentialParams]]

    • [[ICredentialStore]]

      ### Example ###

      let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "credential.user", "jdoe", "credential.pass", "pass123" );

      let credentialResolver = new CredentialResolver(); credentialResolver.configure(config); credentialResolver.setReferences(references);

      credentialResolver.lookup("123", (err, credential) => { // Now use credential... });


constructor(config?: ConfigParams, references?: IReferences);
  • Creates a new instance of credentials resolver.

    Parameter config

    (optional) component configuration parameters

    Parameter references

    (optional) component references

method add

add: (credential: CredentialParams) => void;
  • Adds a new credential to component credentials

    Parameter credential

    new credential parameters to be added

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method getAll

getAll: () => CredentialParams[];
  • Gets all credentials configured in component configuration.

    Redirect to CredentialStores is not done at this point. If you need fully fleshed credential use [[lookup]] method instead.


    a list with credential parameters

method lookup

lookup: (
correlationId: string,
callback: (err: any, result: CredentialParams) => void
) => void;
  • Looks up component credential parameters. If credentials are configured to be retrieved from Credential store it finds a [[ICredentialStore]] and lookups credentials there.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives resolved credential or error.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

class DefaultCacheFactory

class DefaultCacheFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ICache]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[ICache]]

    • [[MemoryCache]]

    • [[NullCache]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultConfigReaderFactory

class DefaultConfigReaderFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[IConfigReader]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[MemoryConfigReader]]

    • [[JsonConfigReader]]

    • [[YamlConfigReader]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultCountersFactory

class DefaultCountersFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ICounters]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[NullCounters]]

    • [[LogCounters]]

    • [[CompositeCounters]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultCredentialStoreFactory

class DefaultCredentialStoreFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ICredentialStore]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[IFactory]]

    • [[ICredentialStore]]

    • [[MemoryCredentialStore]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultDiscoveryFactory

class DefaultDiscoveryFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/interfaces/connect.idiscovery.html IDiscovery]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[IDiscovery]]

    • [[MemoryDiscovery]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultInfoFactory

class DefaultInfoFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates information components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[IFactory]]

    • [[ContextInfo]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultLockFactory

class DefaultLockFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ILock]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[ILock]]

    • [[MemoryLock]]

    • [[NullLock]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultLoggerFactory

class DefaultLoggerFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ILogger]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[NullLogger]]

    • [[ConsoleLogger]]

    • [[CompositeLogger]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultTestFactory

class DefaultTestFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates test components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[Shutdown]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class DefaultTracerFactory

class DefaultTracerFactory extends Factory {}
  • Creates [[ITracer]] components by their descriptors.

    See Also

    • [[Factory]]

    • [[NullTracer]]

    • [[ConsoleTracer]]

    • [[CompositeTracer]]


  • Create a new instance of the factory.

class Factory

class Factory implements IFactory {}
  • Basic component factory that creates components using registered types and factory functions.

    #### Example ###

    let factory = new Factory();

    factory.registerAsType( new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent1", "default", "*", "1.0"), MyComponent1 ); factory.register( new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent2", "default", "*", "1.0"), (locator) => { return new MyComponent2(); } );

    factory.create(new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent1", "default", "name1", "1.0")) factory.create(new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent2", "default", "name2", "1.0"))

    See Also

    • [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/refer.descriptor.html Descriptor]]

    • [[IFactory]]

method canCreate

canCreate: (locator: any) => any;
  • Checks if this factory is able to create component by given locator.

    This method searches for all registered components and returns a locator for component it is able to create that matches the given locator. If the factory is not able to create a requested component is returns null.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    a locator for a component that the factory is able to create.

method create

create: (locator: any) => any;
  • Creates a component identified by given locator.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    the created component.


    a CreateException if the factory is not able to create the component.

method register

register: (locator: any, factory: (locator: any) => any) => void;
  • Registers a component using a factory method.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.

    Parameter factory

    a factory function that receives a locator and returns a created component.

method registerAsType

registerAsType: (locator: any, type: any) => void;
  • Registers a component using its type (a constructor function).

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.

    Parameter type

    a component type.

class FileConfigReader

abstract class FileConfigReader extends ConfigReader {}
  • Abstract config reader that reads configuration from a file. Child classes add support for config files in their specific format like JSON, YAML or property files.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - path: path to configuration file - parameters: this entire section is used as template parameters - ...

    See Also

    • [[IConfigReader]]

    • [[ConfigReader]]


constructor(path?: string);
  • Creates a new instance of the config reader.

    Parameter path

    (optional) a path to configuration file.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method getPath

getPath: () => string;
  • Get the path to configuration file..


    the path to configuration file.

method setPath

setPath: (path: string) => void;
  • Set the path to configuration file.

    Parameter path

    a new path to configuration file.

class JsonConfigReader

class JsonConfigReader extends FileConfigReader {}
  • Config reader that reads configuration from JSON file.

    The reader supports parameterization using Handlebar template engine.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - path: path to configuration file - parameters: this entire section is used as template parameters - ...

    See Also

    • [[IConfigReader]]

    • [[FileConfigReader]]

      ### Example ###

      ======== config.json ====== { "key1": "{{KEY1_VALUE}}", "key2": "{{KEY2_VALUE}}" } ===========================

      let configReader = new JsonConfigReader("config.json");

      let parameters = ConfigParams.fromTuples("KEY1_VALUE", 123, "KEY2_VALUE", "ABC"); configReader.readConfig("123", parameters, (err, config) => { // Result: key1=123;key2=ABC });


constructor(path?: string);
  • Creates a new instance of the config reader.

    Parameter path

    (optional) a path to configuration file.

method readConfig

static readConfig: (
correlationId: string,
path: string,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

  • Reads configuration from a file, parameterize it with given values and returns a new ConfigParams object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter file

    a path to configuration file.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

method readObject

static readObject: (
correlationId: string,
path: string,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => any;
  • Reads configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into JSON object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration.


    a JSON object with configuration.

  • Reads configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into JSON object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter file

    a path to configuration file.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration.


    a JSON object with configuration.

class Lock

abstract class Lock implements ILock, IReconfigurable {}
  • Abstract lock that implements default lock acquisition routine.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __options:__ - retry_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to retry lock acquisition. (Default: 100)

    See Also

    • [[ILock]]

method acquireLock

acquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
timeout: number,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Makes multiple attempts to acquire a lock by its key within give time interval.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter timeout

    a lock acquisition timeout.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method releaseLock

abstract releaseLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Releases prevously acquired lock by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to release.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method tryAcquireLock

abstract tryAcquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
callback: (err: any, result: boolean) => void
) => void;
  • Makes a single attempt to acquire a lock by its key. It returns immediately a positive or negative result.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a lock result or error.

class LogCounters

class LogCounters extends CachedCounters implements IReferenceable {}
  • Performance counters that periodically dumps counters measurements to logger.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __options:__ - interval: interval in milliseconds to save current counters measurements (default: 5 mins) - reset_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to reset the counters. 0 disables the reset (default: 0)

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0 [[ILogger]] components to dump the captured counters - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[Counter]]

    • [[CachedCounters]]

    • [[CompositeLogger]]

      ### Example ###

      let counters = new LogCounters(); counters.setReferences(References.fromTuples( new Descriptor("pip-services", "logger", "console", "default", "1.0"), new ConsoleLogger() ));

      counters.increment("mycomponent.mymethod.calls"); let timing = counters.beginTiming("mycomponent.mymethod.exec_time"); try { ... } finally { timing.endTiming(); }



  • Creates a new instance of the counters.

method save

protected save: (counters: Counter[]) => void;
  • Saves the current counters measurements.

    Parameter counters

    current counters measurements to be saves.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

class Logger

abstract class Logger implements ILogger, IReconfigurable, IReferenceable {}
  • Abstract logger that captures and formats log messages. Child classes take the captured messages and write them to their specific destinations.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    Parameters to pass to the [[configure]] method for component configuration:

    - level: maximum log level to capture - source: source (context) name

    ### References ###

    - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[ILogger]]


protected constructor();
  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

method composeError

protected composeError: (error: Error) => string;
  • Composes an human-readable error description

    Parameter error

    an error to format.


    a human-reable error description.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method debug

debug: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a high-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method error

error: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs recoverable application error.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method fatal

fatal: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs fatal (unrecoverable) message that caused the process to crash.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method formatAndWrite

protected formatAndWrite: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Formats the log message and writes it to the logger destination.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method getLevel

getLevel: () => LogLevel;
  • Gets the maximum log level. Messages with higher log level are filtered out.


    the maximum log level.

method getSource

getSource: () => string;
  • Gets the source (context) name.


    the source (context) name.

method info

info: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs an important information message

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method log

log: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs a message at specified log level.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method setLevel

setLevel: (value: LogLevel) => void;
  • Set the maximum log level.

    Parameter value

    a new maximum log level.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method setSource

setSource: (value: string) => void;
  • Sets the source (context) name.

    Parameter value

    a new source (context) name.

method trace

trace: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a low-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method warn

warn: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a warning that may or may not have a negative impact.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method write

protected abstract write: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string
) => void;
  • Writes a log message to the logger destination.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

class LogLevelConverter

class LogLevelConverter {}
  • Helper class to convert log level values.

    See Also

    • [[LogLevel]]

method toInteger

static toInteger: (level: LogLevel) => number;
  • Converts log level to a number.

    Parameter level

    a log level to convert.


    log level number value.

method toLogLevel

static toLogLevel: (value: any, defaultValue?: LogLevel) => LogLevel;
  • Converts numbers and strings to standard log level values.

    Parameter value

    a value to be converted

    Parameter defaultValue

    a default value if conversion is not possible


    converted log level

method toString

static toString: (level: LogLevel) => string;
  • Converts log level to a string.

    Parameter level

    a log level to convert


    log level name string.

    See Also

    • [[LogLevel]]

class LogMessage

class LogMessage {}
  • Data object to store captured log messages. This object is used by [[CachedLogger]].

property correlation_id

correlation_id: string;
  • The transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

property error

error: ErrorDescription;
  • The description of the captured error

    [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.errordescription.html ErrorDescription]] [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.applicationexception.html ApplicationException]]

property level

level: string;
  • This log level

property message

message: string;
  • The human-readable message

property source

source: string;
  • The source (context name)

property time

time: Date;
  • The time then message was generated

class LogTracer

class LogTracer implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable {}
  • Tracer that dumps recorded traces to logger.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __options:__ - log_level: log level to record traces (default: debug)

    ### References ###

    - *:logger:*:*:1.0 [[ILogger]] components to dump the captured counters - *:context-info:*:*:1.0 (optional) [[ContextInfo]] to detect the context id and specify counters source

    See Also

    • [[Tracer]]

    • [[CachedCounters]]

    • [[CompositeLogger]]

      ### Example ###

      let tracer = new LogTracer(); tracer.setReferences(References.fromTuples( new Descriptor("pip-services", "logger", "console", "default", "1.0"), new ConsoleLogger() ));

      let timing = trcer.beginTrace("123", "mycomponent", "mymethod"); try { ... timing.endTrace(); } catch(err) { timing.endFailure(err); }


  • Creates a new instance of the tracer.

method beginTrace

beginTrace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string
) => TraceTiming;
  • Begings recording an operation trace

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.


    a trace timing object.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method failure

failure: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method setReferences

setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
  • Sets references to dependent components.

    Parameter references

    references to locate the component dependencies.

method trace

trace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation trace with its name and duration

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

class MemoryCache

class MemoryCache implements ICache, IReconfigurable {}
  • Cache that stores values in the process memory.

    Remember: This implementation is not suitable for synchronization of distributed processes.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    __options:__ - timeout: default caching timeout in milliseconds (default: 1 minute) - max_size: maximum number of values stored in this cache (default: 1000)

    See Also

    • [[ICache]]

      ### Example ###

      let cache = new MemoryCache();

      cache.store("123", "key1", "ABC", (err) => { cache.store("123", "key1", (err, value) => { // Result: "ABC" }); });


  • Creates a new instance of the cache.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method remove

remove: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Removes a value from the cache by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

method retrieve

retrieve: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, value: any) => void
) => void;
  • Retrieves cached value from the cache using its key. If value is missing in the cache or expired it returns null.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives cached value or error.

method store

store: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
value: any,
timeout: number,
callback: (err: any, value: any) => void
) => void;
  • Stores value in the cache with expiration time.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter value

    a value to store.

    Parameter timeout

    expiration timeout in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

class MemoryConfigReader

class MemoryConfigReader implements IConfigReader, IReconfigurable {}
  • Config reader that stores configuration in memory.

    The reader supports parameterization using Handlebars template engine: [[https://handlebarsjs.com]]

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    The configuration parameters are the configuration template

    See Also

    • [[IConfigReader]]

      ### Example ####

      let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "connection.host", "{{SERVICE_HOST}}", "connection.port", "{{SERVICE_PORT}}{{^SERVICE_PORT}}8080{{/SERVICE_PORT}}" );

      let configReader = new MemoryConfigReader(); configReader.configure(config);

      let parameters = ConfigParams.fromValue(process.env);

      configReader.readConfig("123", parameters, (err, config) => { // Possible result: connection.host=;connection.port=8080 });


constructor(config?: ConfigParams);
  • Creates a new instance of config reader.

    Parameter config

    (optional) component configuration parameters

method addChangeListener

addChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Adds a listener that will be notified when configuration is changed

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be added.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method readConfig

readConfig: (
correlationId: string,
parameters: ConfigParams,
callback: (err: any, config: ConfigParams) => void
) => void;
  • Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

method removeChangeListener

removeChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Remove a previously added change listener.

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be removed.

class MemoryCredentialStore

class MemoryCredentialStore implements ICredentialStore, IReconfigurable {}
  • Credential store that keeps credentials in memory.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - [credential key 1]: - ... credential parameters for key 1 - [credential key 2]: - ... credential parameters for key N - ...

    See Also

    • [[ICredentialStore]]

    • [[CredentialParams]]

      ### Example ###

      let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "key1.user", "jdoe", "key1.pass", "pass123", "key2.user", "bsmith", "key2.pass", "mypass" );

      let credentialStore = new MemoryCredentialStore(); credentialStore.readCredentials(config);

      credentialStore.lookup("123", "key1", (err, credential) => { // Result: user=jdoe;pass=pass123 });


constructor(config?: ConfigParams);
  • Creates a new instance of the credential store.

    Parameter config

    (optional) configuration with credential parameters.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method lookup

lookup: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: CredentialParams) => void
) => void;
  • Lookups credential parameters by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the credential parameters.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found credential parameters or error.

method readCredentials

readCredentials: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Reads credentials from configuration parameters. Each section represents an individual CredentialParams

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be read

method store

store: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
credential: CredentialParams,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Stores credential parameters into the store.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the credential parameters.

    Parameter credential

    a credential parameters to be stored.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives an error or null for success.

class MemoryDiscovery

class MemoryDiscovery implements IDiscovery, IReconfigurable {}
  • Discovery service that keeps connections in memory.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - [connection key 1]: - ... connection parameters for key 1 - [connection key 2]: - ... connection parameters for key N

    See Also

    • [[IDiscovery]]

    • [[ConnectionParams]]

      ### Example ###

      let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "key1.host", "", "key1.port", "8080", "key2.host", "", "key2.port", "8082" );

      let discovery = new MemoryDiscovery(); discovery.readConnections(config);

      discovery.resolve("123", "key1", (err, connection) => { // Result: host=;port=8080 });


constructor(config?: ConfigParams);
  • Creates a new instance of discovery service.

    Parameter config

    (optional) configuration with connection parameters.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method readConnections

readConnections: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Reads connections from configuration parameters. Each section represents an individual Connectionparams

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be read

method register

register: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
connection: ConnectionParams,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams) => void
) => void;
  • Registers connection parameters into the discovery service.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connection parameters.

    Parameter credential

    a connection to be registered.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a registered connection or error.

method resolveAll

resolveAll: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams[]) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves all connection parameters by their key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connections.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found connections or error.

method resolveOne

resolveOne: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves a single connection parameters by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connection.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found connection or error.

class MemoryLock

class MemoryLock extends Lock {}
  • Lock that is used to synchronize execution within one process using shared memory.

    Remember: This implementation is not suitable for synchronization of distributed processes.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - __options:__ - retry_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to retry lock acquisition. (Default: 100)

    See Also

    • [[ILock]]

    • [[Lock]]

      ### Example ###

      let lock = new MemoryLock();

      lock.acquire("123", "key1", (err) => { if (err == null) { try { // Processing... } finally { lock.releaseLock("123", "key1", (err) => { // Continue... }); } } });

method releaseLock

releaseLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Releases the lock with the given key.

    Parameter correlationId

    not used.

    Parameter key

    the key of the lock that is to be released.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) the function to call once the lock has been released. Will be called with null.

method tryAcquireLock

tryAcquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
callback: (err: any, result: boolean) => void
) => void;
  • Makes a single attempt to acquire a lock by its key. It returns immediately a positive or negative result.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a lock result or error.

class NullCache

class NullCache implements ICache {}
  • Dummy cache implementation that doesn't do anything.

    It can be used in testing or in situations when cache is required but shall be disabled.

    See Also

    • [[ICache]]

method remove

remove: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Removes a value from the cache by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

method retrieve

retrieve: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, value: any) => void
) => void;
  • Retrieves cached value from the cache using its key. If value is missing in the cache or expired it returns null.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives cached value or error.

method store

store: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
value: any,
timeout: number,
callback: (err: any, value: any) => void
) => void;
  • Stores value in the cache with expiration time.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter value

    a value to store.

    Parameter timeout

    expiration timeout in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

class NullCounters

class NullCounters implements ICounters {}
  • Dummy implementation of performance counters that doesn't do anything.

    It can be used in testing or in situations when counters is required but shall be disabled.

    See Also

    • [[ICounters]]


  • Creates a new instance of the counter.

method beginTiming

beginTiming: (name: string) => CounterTiming;
  • Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns [[CounterTiming]] object which has to be called at [[CounterTiming.endTiming]] to end the measurement and update the counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Interval type.


    a [[CounterTiming]] callback object to end timing.

method increment

increment: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Increments counter by given value.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

    Parameter value

    a value to add to the counter.

method incrementOne

incrementOne: (name: string) => void;
  • Increments counter by 1.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

method last

last: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Records the last calculated measurement value.

    Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Last type.

    Parameter value

    a last value to record.

method stats

stats: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Statistics type

    Parameter value

    a value to update statistics

method timestamp

timestamp: (name: string, value: Date) => void;
  • Records the given timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

    Parameter value

    a timestamp to record.

method timestampNow

timestampNow: (name: string) => void;
  • Records the current time as a timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

class NullLock

class NullLock implements ILock {}
  • Dummy lock implementation that doesn't do anything.

    It can be used in testing or in situations when lock is required but shall be disabled.

    See Also

    • [[ILock]]

method acquireLock

acquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
timeout: number,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Makes multiple attempts to acquire a lock by its key within give time interval.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter timeout

    a lock acquisition timeout.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method releaseLock

releaseLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Releases prevously acquired lock by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to release.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method tryAcquireLock

tryAcquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
callback: (err: any, result: boolean) => void
) => void;
  • Makes a single attempt to acquire a lock by its key. It returns immediately a positive or negative result.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a lock result or error.

class NullLogger

class NullLogger implements ILogger {}
  • Dummy implementation of logger that doesn't do anything.

    It can be used in testing or in situations when logger is required but shall be disabled.

    See Also

    • [[ILogger]]


  • Creates a new instance of the logger.

method debug

debug: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a high-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method error

error: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs recoverable application error.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method fatal

fatal: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs fatal (unrecoverable) message that caused the process to crash.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method getLevel

getLevel: () => LogLevel;
  • Gets the maximum log level. Messages with higher log level are filtered out.


    the maximum log level.

method info

info: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs an important information message

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method log

log: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs a message at specified log level.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method setLevel

setLevel: (value: LogLevel) => void;
  • Set the maximum log level.

    Parameter value

    a new maximum log level.

method trace

trace: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a low-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method warn

warn: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a warning that may or may not have a negative impact.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

class NullTracer

class NullTracer implements ITracer {}
  • Dummy implementation of tracer that doesn't do anything.

    It can be used in testing or in situations when tracing is required but shall be disabled.

    See Also

    • [[ITracer]]

method beginTrace

beginTrace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string
) => TraceTiming;
  • Begings recording an operation trace

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.


    a trace timing object.

method failure

failure: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method NullTracer

NullTracer: () => void;
  • Creates a new instance of the tracer.

method trace

trace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation trace with its name and duration

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

class OperationTrace

class OperationTrace {}
  • Data object to store captured operation traces. This object is used by [[CachedTracer]].

property component

component: string;
  • The name of component

property correlation_id

correlation_id: string;
  • The transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

property duration

duration: number;
  • The duration of the operation in milliseconds

property error

error: ErrorDescription;
  • The description of the captured error

    [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.errordescription.html ErrorDescription]] [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-commons-node/classes/errors.applicationexception.html ApplicationException]]

property operation

operation: string;
  • The name of the executed operation

property source

source: string;
  • The source (context name)

property time

time: Date;
  • The time when operation was executed

class Shutdown

class Shutdown implements IConfigurable, IOpenable {}
  • Random shutdown component that crashes the process using various methods.

    The component is usually used for testing, but brave developers can try to use it in production to randomly crash microservices. It follows the concept of "Chaos Monkey" popularized by Netflix.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - mode: null - crash by NullPointer excepiton, zero - crash by dividing by zero, excetion = crash by unhandled exception, exit - exit the process - min_timeout: minimum crash timeout in milliseconds (default: 5 mins) - max_timeout: maximum crash timeout in milliseconds (default: 15 minutes)

    ### Example ###

    let shutdown = new Shutdown(); shutdown.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples( "mode": "exception" )); shutdown.shutdown(); // Result: Bang!!! the process crashes


  • Creates a new instance of the shutdown component.

method close

close: (correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void) => void;
  • Closes component and frees used resources.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null no errors occured.

method configure

configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
  • Configures component by passing configuration parameters.

    Parameter config

    configuration parameters to be set.

method isOpen

isOpen: () => boolean;
  • Checks if the component is opened.


    true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.

method open

open: (correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void) => void;
  • Opens the component.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null no errors occured.

method shutdown

shutdown: () => void;
  • Crashes the process using the configured crash mode.

class TraceTiming

class TraceTiming {}
  • Timing object returned by ITracer.beginTrace to end timing of execution block and record the associated trace.

    ### Example ###

    let timing = tracer.beginTrace("mymethod.exec_time"); try { ... timing.endTrace(); } catch (err) { timing.endFailure(err); }


correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
tracer?: ITracer
  • Creates a new instance of the timing callback object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    an associated component name

    Parameter operation

    an associated operation name

    Parameter callback

    a callback that shall be called when endTiming is called.

method endFailure

endFailure: (error: Error) => void;
  • Ends timing of a failed block, calculates elapsed time and records the associated trace.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

method endTrace

endTrace: () => void;
  • Ends timing of an execution block, calculates elapsed time and records the associated trace.

class YamlConfigReader

class YamlConfigReader extends FileConfigReader {}
  • Config reader that reads configuration from YAML file.

    The reader supports parameterization using [[https://handlebarsjs.com Handlebars]] template engine.

    ### Configuration parameters ###

    - path: path to configuration file - parameters: this entire section is used as template parameters - ...

    See Also

    • [[IConfigReader]]

    • [[FileConfigReader]]

      ### Example ###

      ======== config.yml ====== key1: "{{KEY1_VALUE}}" key2: "{{KEY2_VALUE}}" ===========================

      let configReader = new YamlConfigReader("config.yml");

      let parameters = ConfigParams.fromTuples("KEY1_VALUE", 123, "KEY2_VALUE", "ABC"); configReader.readConfig("123", parameters, (err, config) => { // Result: key1=123;key2=ABC });


constructor(path?: string);
  • Creates a new instance of the config reader.

    Parameter path

    (optional) a path to configuration file.

method readConfig

static readConfig: (
correlationId: string,
path: string,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => ConfigParams;
  • Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

  • Reads configuration from a file, parameterize it with given values and returns a new ConfigParams object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter file

    a path to configuration file.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

method readObject

static readObject: (
correlationId: string,
path: string,
parameters: ConfigParams
) => any;
  • Reads configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into JSON object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration.


    a JSON object with configuration.

  • Reads configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into JSON object.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter file

    a path to configuration file.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration.


    a JSON object with configuration.


interface ICache

interface ICache {}
  • Interface for caches that are used to cache values to improve performance.

method remove

remove: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => any;
  • Removes a value from the cache by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

method retrieve

retrieve: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, value: any) => void
) => void;
  • Retrieves cached value from the cache using its key. If value is missing in the cache or expired it returns null.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives cached value or error.

method store

store: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
value: any,
timeout: number,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Stores value in the cache with expiration time.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique value key.

    Parameter value

    a value to store.

    Parameter timeout

    expiration timeout in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    (optional) callback function that receives an error or null for success

interface IConfigReader

interface IConfigReader {}
  • Interface for configuration readers that retrieve configuration from various sources and make it available for other components.

    Some IConfigReader implementations may support configuration parameterization. The parameterization allows to use configuration as a template and inject there dynamic values. The values may come from application command like arguments or environment variables.

method addChangeListener

addChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Adds a listener that will be notified when configuration is changed

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be added.

method readConfig

readConfig: (
correlationId: string,
parameters: ConfigParams,
callback: (err: any, config: ConfigParams) => void
) => void;
  • Reads configuration and parameterize it with given values.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter parameters

    values to parameters the configuration or null to skip parameterization.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives configuration or error.

method removeChangeListener

removeChangeListener: (listener: INotifiable) => void;
  • Remove a previously added change listener.

    Parameter listener

    a listener to be removed.

interface ICounters

interface ICounters {}
  • Interface for performance counters that measure execution metrics.

    The performance counters measure how code is performing: how fast or slow, how many transactions performed, how many objects are stored, what was the latest transaction time and so on.

    They are critical to monitor and improve performance, scalability and reliability of code in production.

method beginTiming

beginTiming: (name: string) => CounterTiming;
  • Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns [[CounterTiming]] object which has to be called at [[CounterTiming.endTiming]] to end the measurement and update the counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Interval type.


    a [[CounterTiming]] callback object to end timing.

method increment

increment: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Increments counter by given value.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

    Parameter value

    a value to add to the counter.

method incrementOne

incrementOne: (name: string) => void;
  • Increments counter by 1.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Increment type.

method last

last: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Records the last calculated measurement value.

    Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Last type.

    Parameter value

    a last value to record.

method stats

stats: (name: string, value: number) => void;
  • Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Statistics type

    Parameter value

    a value to update statistics

method timestamp

timestamp: (name: string, value: Date) => void;
  • Records the given timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

    Parameter value

    a timestamp to record.

method timestampNow

timestampNow: (name: string) => void;
  • Records the current time as a timestamp.

    Parameter name

    a counter name of Timestamp type.

interface ICounterTimingCallback

interface ICounterTimingCallback {}
  • Interface for a callback to end measurement of execution elapsed time.

    See Also

    • [[CounterTiming]]

method endTiming

endTiming: (name: string, elapsed: number) => void;
  • Ends measurement of execution elapsed time and updates specified counter.

    Parameter name

    a counter name

    Parameter elapsed

    execution elapsed time in milliseconds to update the counter.

    See Also

    • [[CounterTiming.endTiming]]

interface ICredentialStore

interface ICredentialStore {}
  • Interface for credential stores which are used to store and lookup credentials to authenticate against external services.

    See Also

    • [[CredentialParams]]

    • [[ConnectionParams]]

method lookup

lookup: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: CredentialParams) => void
) => void;
  • Lookups credential parameters by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the credential.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found credential or error.

method store

store: (
correlationId: string,
key: String,
credential: CredentialParams,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Stores credential parameters into the store.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the credential.

    Parameter credential

    a credential to be stored.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives an error or null for success.

interface IDiscovery

interface IDiscovery {}
  • Interface for discovery services which are used to store and resolve connection parameters to connect to external services.

    See Also

    • [[ConnectionParams]]

    • [[CredentialParams]]

method register

register: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
connection: ConnectionParams,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams) => void
) => void;
  • Registers connection parameters into the discovery service.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connection parameters.

    Parameter credential

    a connection to be registered.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a registered connection or error.

method resolveAll

resolveAll: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams[]) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves all connection parameters by their key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connections.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found connections or error.

method resolveOne

resolveOne: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback: (err: any, result: ConnectionParams) => void
) => void;
  • Resolves a single connection parameters by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a key to uniquely identify the connection.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives found connection or error.

interface IFactory

interface IFactory {}
  • Interface for component factories.

    Factories use locators to identify components to be created.

    The locators are similar to those used to locate components in references. They can be of any type like strings or integers. However Pip.Services toolkit most often uses Descriptor objects as component locators.

method canCreate

canCreate: (locator: any) => any;
  • Checks if this factory is able to create component by given locator.

    This method searches for all registered components and returns a locator for component it is able to create that matches the given locator. If the factory is not able to create a requested component is returns null.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    a locator for a component that the factory is able to create.

method create

create: (locator: any) => any;
  • Creates a component identified by given locator.

    Parameter locator

    a locator to identify component to be created.


    the created component.


    a CreateException if the factory is not able to create the component.

interface ILock

interface ILock {}
  • Interface for locks to synchronize work or parallel processes and to prevent collisions.

    The lock allows to manage multiple locks identified by unique keys.

method acquireLock

acquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
timeout: number,
callback: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Makes multiple attempts to acquire a lock by its key within give time interval.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter timeout

    a lock acquisition timeout.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method releaseLock

releaseLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
callback?: (err: any) => void
) => void;
  • Releases prevously acquired lock by its key.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to release.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives error or null for success.

method tryAcquireLock

tryAcquireLock: (
correlationId: string,
key: string,
ttl: number,
callback: (err: any, result: boolean) => void
) => void;
  • Makes a single attempt to acquire a lock by its key. It returns immediately a positive or negative result.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter key

    a unique lock key to acquire.

    Parameter ttl

    a lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.

    Parameter callback

    callback function that receives a lock result or error.

interface ILogger

interface ILogger {}
  • Interface for logger components that capture execution log messages.

method debug

debug: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a high-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method error

error: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs recoverable application error.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method fatal

fatal: (
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs fatal (unrecoverable) message that caused the process to crash.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method getLevel

getLevel: () => LogLevel;
  • Gets the maximum log level. Messages with higher log level are filtered out.


    the maximum log level.

method info

info: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs an important information message

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method log

log: (
level: LogLevel,
correlationId: string,
error: Error,
message: string,
...args: any[]
) => void;
  • Logs a message at specified log level.

    Parameter level

    a log level.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this message.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method setLevel

setLevel: (value: LogLevel) => void;
  • Set the maximum log level.

    Parameter value

    a new maximum log level.

method trace

trace: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a low-level debug information for troubleshooting.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

method warn

warn: (correlationId: string, message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
  • Logs a warning that may or may not have a negative impact.

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter message

    a human-readable message to log.

    Parameter args

    arguments to parameterize the message.

interface ITracer

interface ITracer {}
  • Interface for tracer components that capture operation traces.

method beginTrace

beginTrace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string
) => TraceTiming;
  • Begings recording an operation trace

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.


    a trace timing object.

method failure

failure: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
error: Error,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter error

    an error object associated with this trace.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.

method trace

trace: (
correlationId: string,
component: string,
operation: string,
duration: number
) => void;
  • Records an operation trace with its name and duration

    Parameter correlationId

    (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

    Parameter component

    a name of called component

    Parameter operation

    a name of the executed operation.

    Parameter duration

    execution duration in milliseconds.


enum CounterType

enum CounterType {
Interval = 0,
LastValue = 1,
Statistics = 2,
Timestamp = 3,
Increment = 4,
  • Types of counters that measure different types of metrics

member Increment

Increment = 4
  • Counter that increment counters

member Interval

Interval = 0
  • Counters that measure execution time intervals

member LastValue

LastValue = 1
  • Counters that keeps the latest measured value

member Statistics

Statistics = 2
  • Counters that measure min/average/max statistics

member Timestamp

Timestamp = 3
  • Counter that record timestamps

enum LogLevel

enum LogLevel {
None = 0,
Fatal = 1,
Error = 2,
Warn = 3,
Info = 4,
Debug = 5,
Trace = 6,
  • Standard log levels.

    Logs at debug and trace levels are usually captured only locally for troubleshooting and never sent to consolidated log services.

member Debug

Debug = 5
  • Log everything except traces

member Error

Error = 2
  • Log all errors.

member Fatal

Fatal = 1
  • Log only fatal errors that cause processes to crash

member Info

Info = 4
  • Log errors and important information messages

member None

None = 0
  • Nothing to log

member Trace

Trace = 6
  • Log everything.

member Warn

Warn = 3
  • Log errors and warnings

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