
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Published
  • 83.3 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i pkg-install
yarn add pkg-install
pnpm add pkg-install


A wrapper making installation of Node.js packages from code easier



function getPackageManager

getPackageManager: (config: InstallConfig) => Promise<SupportedPackageManagers>;
  • Determine what package manager to use based on what preference is set, and whether it's currently running in a yarn/npm script

    Parameter config



function getPackageManagerSync

getPackageManagerSync: (config: InstallConfig) => SupportedPackageManagers;
  • SYNC: Determine what package manager to use based on what preference is set, and whether it's currently running in a yarn/npm script

    Parameter config



function install

install: (
packages: Packages,
options?: Partial<InstallConfig>
) => Promise<InstallResult>;
  • Installs a passed set of packages using either npm or yarn. Depending on: 1) If you specify a preferred package manager 2) If the program is currently running in an npm or yarn script (using npm run or yarn run) 3) What package manager is available

    Parameter packages

    List or object of packages to be installed

    Parameter options

    Options to modify behavior



function installSync

installSync: (
packages: PackageList,
options?: Partial<InstallConfig>
) => InstallResult;
  • SYNC VERSION. Installs a passed set of packages using either npm or yarn. Depending on:

    1) If you specify a preferred package manager 2) If the program is currently running in an npm or yarn script (using npm run or yarn run) 3) If there is a yarn.lock or package-lock.json available 4) What package manager is available

    Parameter packages

    List or object of packages to be installed

    Parameter options

    Options to modify behavior



function projectInstall

projectInstall: (
options?: Partial<InstallConfig>
) => Promise<execa.ExecaReturns>;
  • Runs npm install or yarn install for the project. Depending on:

    1) If you specify a preferred package manager 2) If the program is currently running in an npm or yarn script (using npm run or yarn run) 3) If there is a yarn.lock or package-lock.json available 4) What package manager is available

    Parameter options

    Options to modify behavior



function projectInstallSync

projectInstallSync: (options?: Partial<InstallConfig>) => execa.ExecaReturns;
  • SYNC VERSION. Runs npm install or yarn install for the project. Depending on:

    1) If you specify a preferred package manager 2) If the program is currently running in an npm or yarn script (using npm run or yarn run) 3) If there is a yarn.lock or package-lock.json available 4) What package manager is available

    Parameter options

    Options to modify behavior



Type Aliases

type ConstructArgumentsResult

type ConstructArgumentsResult = {
args: string[];
ignoredFlags: PackageManagerFlag[];

    type InstallResult

    type InstallResult = execa.ExecaReturns & {
    ignoredFlags: PackageManagerFlag[];

      type PackageList

      type PackageList = string[];

        type PackageMap

        type PackageMap = {
        [packageName: string]: string | undefined;
        • pkg-install

        type Packages

        type Packages = PackageMap | PackageList;

          type StdioOption

          type StdioOption = 'pipe' | 'ignore' | 'inherit';
          • What to do with I/O. This is passed to execa

          type SupportedPackageManagers

          type SupportedPackageManagers = 'yarn' | 'npm';

            Package Files (4)

            Dependencies (3)

            Dev Dependencies (11)

            Peer Dependencies (0)

            No peer dependencies.


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