- Version 1.9.11
- Published
- 1.22 MB
- 51 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
npm i polymer-cli
yarn add polymer-cli
pnpm add polymer-cli
A commandline tool for Polymer projects
class PolymerCli
class PolymerCli {}
constructor(args: string[], configOptions?: ProjectOptions);
property args
args: string[];
property commands
commands: Map<string, Command>;
property defaultConfigOptions
defaultConfigOptions: ProjectOptions;
method addCommand
addCommand: (command: Command) => void;
method run
run: () => Promise<void | CommandResult>;
namespace bower
module 'bower' {}
variable commands
const commands: { install( packages: string[], installOptions: {}, config: Config ): NodeJS.EventEmitter; list(readOptions: {}, config: Config): NodeJS.EventEmitter;};
variable config
const config: Config;
interface Config
interface Config {}
interface Conflict
interface Conflict {}
interface Pick
interface Pick {}
property canonicalDir
canonicalDir: string;
local path to temporary dir on filesystem
property endpoint
endpoint: { name: string; /** repo */ source: string; /** version name */ target: string;};
This is the package request.
property pkgMeta
pkgMeta: { name: string; version: string;
// lot of stuff here we don't care about... /* main: [Object]; license: string; ignore: [Object]; authors: [Object]; repository: [Object], dependencies: [Object], devDependencies: [Object], private: true, homepage: 'https://github.com/Polymer/polymer', _release: '1.7.0', _resolution: [Object], _source: 'https://github.com/Polymer/polymer.git', _target: '>=1.0.8' */};
This is the bower.json of the package that was resolved
interface Warning
interface Warning {}
type LogData
type LogData = Warning | Conflict;
namespace bower-json
module 'bower-json' {}
function read
read: ( path: string, options: any, callback: (err: any, json: any) => void) => void;
namespace bower-logger
module 'bower-logger' {}
class BowerLogger
class BowerLogger {}
interface BowerLogger
interface BowerLogger extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {}
namespace bower/lib/config
module 'bower/lib/config' {}
function defaultConfig
defaultConfig: (config: any) => Config;
namespace bower/lib/core/Project
module 'bower/lib/core/Project' {}
class Project
class Project {}
constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger);
method install
install: (endpoints: string[], options: any, config: Config) => void;
namespace bower/lib/renderers/StandardRenderer
module 'bower/lib/renderers/StandardRenderer' {}
class StandardRenderer
class StandardRenderer {}
constructor(command: string, config: Config);
method end
end: (data: any) => void;
method error
error: (error: Error) => void;
method log
log: (data: LogData) => void;
namespace command-line-args
module 'command-line-args' {}
function commandLineArgs
commandLineArgs: ( descriptors: commandLineArgs.ArgDescriptor[], options: { argv?: string[] }) => any;
Parameter descriptors
An array of objects that describe the arguments that we want to parse.
Parameter args
Optional arguments to parse. If not given, process.argv is used.
interface ArgDescriptor
interface ArgDescriptor {}
property alias
alias?: string;
property defaultOption
defaultOption?: boolean;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: any;
property description
description?: string;
property group
group?: string;
property multiple
multiple?: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property type
type?: Object;
namespace command-line-commands
module 'command-line-commands' {}
function commandLineCommands
commandLineCommands: ( commands: string[], argv?: string[]) => commandLineCommands.ParsedCommand;
interface ParsedCommand
interface ParsedCommand {}
namespace command-line-usage
module 'command-line-usage' {}
function commandLineUsage
commandLineUsage: (groups: commandLineUsage.UsageGroup[]) => string;
interface ArgDescriptor
interface ArgDescriptor {}
property alias
alias?: string;
property defaultOption
defaultOption?: boolean;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: any;
property description
description?: string;
property group
group?: string;
property multiple
multiple?: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property type
type?: Object;
interface UsageGroup
interface UsageGroup {}
property content
content?: any;
property header
header?: string;
property optionList
optionList?: ArgDescriptor[];
property raw
raw?: boolean;
namespace matcher
module 'matcher' {}
namespace validate-element-name
module 'validate-element-name' {}
function validateElementName
validateElementName: (name: string) => { isValid: boolean; message: string };
namespace vinyl-fs-fake
module 'vinyl-fs-fake' {}
namespace web-component-tester
module 'web-component-tester' {}
namespace yeoman-assert
module 'yeoman-assert' {}
function file
file: (filenames: string[]) => any;
function fileContent
fileContent: (path: string, content: string) => any;
function noFile
noFile: (filenames: string[]) => any;
namespace yeoman-environment
module 'yeoman-environment' {}
class YeomanEnvironment
class YeomanEnvironment {}
method getGeneratorsMeta
getGeneratorsMeta: () => { [name: string]: YeomanEnvironment.GeneratorMeta };
method lookup
lookup: (callback: (error?: any) => void) => void;
method register
register: (library: any, target: string) => string;
method registerStub
registerStub: (generator: any, namespace: string) => any;
method run
run: (target: string, options: any, done: Function) => void;
interface GeneratorMeta
interface GeneratorMeta {}
Package Files (14)
- custom_typings/bower-json.d.ts
- custom_typings/bower-logger.d.ts
- custom_typings/bower.d.ts
- custom_typings/command-line-args.d.ts
- custom_typings/command-line-commands.d.ts
- custom_typings/command-line-usage.d.ts
- custom_typings/matcher.d.ts
- custom_typings/slash.d.ts
- custom_typings/validate-element-name.d.ts
- custom_typings/vinyl-fs-fake.d.ts
- custom_typings/web-component-tester.d.ts
- custom_typings/yeoman-assert.d.ts
- custom_typings/yeoman-environment.d.ts
- src/polymer-cli.ts
Dependencies (51)
- @octokit/rest
- @types/chalk
- @types/del
- @types/findup-sync
- @types/globby
- @types/inquirer
- @types/merge-stream
- @types/mz
- @types/request
- @types/resolve
- @types/rimraf
- @types/semver
- @types/temp
- @types/update-notifier
- @types/vinyl
- @types/vinyl-fs
- @types/yeoman-generator
- bower
- bower-json
- bower-logger
- chalk
- chokidar
- command-line-args
- command-line-commands
- command-line-usage
- del
- findup-sync
- globby
- gunzip-maybe
- inquirer
- merge-stream
- mz
- plylog
- polymer-analyzer
- polymer-build
- polymer-bundler
- polymer-linter
- polymer-project-config
- polyserve
- request
- rimraf
- semver
- tar-fs
- temp
- update-notifier
- validate-element-name
- vinyl
- vinyl-fs
- web-component-tester
- yeoman-environment
- yeoman-generator
Dev Dependencies (19)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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