- Version 3.5.1
- Published
- 7.88 MB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i prettier
yarn add prettier
pnpm add prettier
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter
- arrowParens
- bracketSameLine
- bracketSpacing
- embeddedLanguageFormatting
- endOfLine
- experimentalOperatorPosition
- experimentalTernaries
- filepath
- htmlWhitespaceSensitivity
- insertPragma
- jsxBracketSameLine
- jsxSingleQuote
- objectWrap
- parser
- plugins
- proseWrap
- quoteProps
- rangeEnd
- rangeStart
- requirePragma
- semi
- singleAttributePerLine
- singleQuote
- trailingComma
- vueIndentScriptAndStyle
Type Aliases
- addAlignmentToDoc()
- align()
- Align
- breakParent
- BreakParent
- conditionalGroup()
- cursor
- Cursor
- dedent()
- dedentToRoot()
- Doc
- DocCommand
- fill()
- Fill
- group()
- Group
- GroupOptions
- hardline
- Hardline
- hardlineWithoutBreakParent
- HardlineWithoutBreakParent
- ifBreak()
- IfBreak
- indent()
- Indent
- indentIfBreak()
- IndentIfBreak
- join()
- label()
- Label
- line
- Line
- lineSuffix()
- LineSuffix
- lineSuffixBoundary
- LineSuffixBoundary
- literalline
- LiteralLine
- literallineWithoutBreakParent
- LiterallineWithoutBreakParent
- markAsRoot()
- softline
- Softline
- trim
- Trim
- addDanglingComment()
- addLeadingComment()
- addTrailingComment()
- getAlignmentSize()
- getIndentSize()
- getMaxContinuousCount()
- getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter()
- getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex()
- getPreferredQuote()
- getStringWidth()
- hasNewline()
- hasNewlineInRange()
- hasSpaces()
- isNextLineEmpty()
- isPreviousLineEmpty()
- makeString()
- Quote
- skip()
- skipEverythingButNewLine()
- skipInlineComment()
- skipNewline()
- SkipOptions
- skipSpaces()
- skipToLineEnd()
- skipTrailingComment()
- skipWhitespace()
variable version
const version: string;
field inpackage.json
function check
check: (source: string, options?: Options) => Promise<boolean>;
checks to see if the file has been formatted with Prettier given those options and returns aBoolean
. This is similar to the--list-different
parameter in the CLI and is useful for running Prettier in CI scenarios.
function clearConfigCache
clearConfigCache: () => Promise<void>;
As you repeatedly call
, the file system structure will be cached for performance. This function will clear the cache. Generally this is only needed for editor integrations that know that the file system has changed since the last format took place.
function format
format: (source: string, options?: Options) => Promise<string>;
is used to format text using Prettier. [Options]( may be provided to override the defaults.
function formatWithCursor
formatWithCursor: ( source: string, options: CursorOptions) => Promise<CursorResult>;
both formats the code, and translates a cursor position from unformatted code to formatted code. This is useful for editor integrations, to prevent the cursor from moving when code is formatted.The
option should be provided, to specify where the cursor is.
function getFileInfo
getFileInfo: ( file: string | URL, options?: FileInfoOptions) => Promise<FileInfoResult>;
function getSupportInfo
getSupportInfo: (options?: SupportInfoOptions) => Promise<SupportInfo>;
Returns an object representing the parsers, languages and file types Prettier supports for the current version.
function resolveConfig
resolveConfig: ( fileUrlOrPath: string | URL, options?: ResolveConfigOptions) => Promise<Options | null>;
can be used to resolve configuration for a given source file, passing its path or url as the first argument. The config search will start at the directory of the file location and continue to search up the directory.A promise is returned which will resolve to:
- An options object, providing a [config file]( was found. -
, if no file was found.The promise will be rejected if there was an error parsing the configuration file.
function resolveConfigFile
resolveConfigFile: (fileUrlOrPath?: string | URL) => Promise<string | null>;
can be used to find the path of the Prettier configuration file, that will be used when resolving the config (i.e. when callingresolveConfig
).A promise is returned which will resolve to:
- The path of the configuration file. -
, if no file was found.The promise will be rejected if there was an error parsing the configuration file.
class AstPath
class AstPath<T = any> {}
constructor(value: {});
property ancestors
readonly ancestors: T[];
property grandparent
readonly grandparent: {};
property index
readonly index: number;
property isFirst
readonly isFirst: boolean;
property isInArray
readonly isInArray: boolean;
property isLast
readonly isLast: boolean;
property isRoot
readonly isRoot: boolean;
property key
readonly key: string;
property next
readonly next: {};
property node
readonly node: {};
property parent
readonly parent: {};
property previous
readonly previous: {};
property root
readonly root: {};
property siblings
readonly siblings: T[];
property stack
stack: T[];
method call
call: { <U>(callback: CallCallback<T, U>): U; <U, P1 extends CallProperties<T>>( callback: CallCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>, U>, prop1: P1 ): U; <U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: CallCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, U>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): U; < U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: CallCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): U; < U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends CallProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends CallProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: CallCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): U; <U, P extends PropertyKey>( callback: CallCallback<any, U>, prop1: P, prop2: P, prop3: P, prop4: P, ...props: P[] ): U;};
method callParent
callParent: <U>(callback: (path: this) => U, count?: number) => U;
method each
each: { (callback: EachCallback<T>): void; <P1 extends IterProperties<T>>( callback: EachCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>>, prop1: P1 ): void; <P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: EachCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): void; < P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: EachCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3> >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): void; < P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: EachCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4> >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): void; ( callback: EachCallback<any[]>, prop1: PropertyKey, prop2: PropertyKey, prop3: PropertyKey, prop4: PropertyKey, ...props: PropertyKey[] ): void;};
method getName
getName: () => PropertyKey | null;
Please use
method getNode
getNode: (count?: number) => T | null;
method getParentNode
getParentNode: (count?: number) => T | null;
method getValue
getValue: () => T;
Please use
method map
map: { <U>(callback: MapCallback<T, U>): U[]; <U, P1 extends IterProperties<T>>( callback: MapCallback<IndexValue<T, P1>, U>, prop1: P1 ): U[]; <U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>>( callback: MapCallback<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, U>, prop1: P1, prop2: P2 ): U[]; < U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>> >( callback: MapCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3 ): U[]; < U, P1 extends keyof T, P2 extends IterProperties<T[P1]>, P3 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>>, P4 extends IterProperties<IndexValue<IndexValue<T[P1], P2>, P3>> >( callback: MapCallback< IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<IndexValue<T, P1>, P2>, P3>, P4>, U >, prop1: P1, prop2: P2, prop3: P3, prop4: P4 ): U[]; <U>( callback: MapCallback<any[], U>, prop1: PropertyKey, prop2: PropertyKey, prop3: PropertyKey, prop4: PropertyKey, ...props: PropertyKey[] ): U[];};
method match
match: ( ...predicates: (( node: any, name: string | null, number: number | null ) => boolean)[]) => boolean;
interface BaseSupportOption
interface BaseSupportOption<Type extends SupportOptionType> {}
property category
category: string;
Usually you can use CoreCategoryType
property deprecated
deprecated?: true | string | undefined;
Indicate that the option is deprecated.
Use a string to add an extra message to --help for the option, for example to suggest a replacement option.
property description
description?: string | undefined;
Description to be displayed in --help. If omitted, the option won't be shown at all in --help.
property name
readonly name?: string | undefined;
property type
type: Type;
The type of the option.
When passing a type other than the ones listed below, the option is treated as taking any string as argument, and
--option <${type}>
will be displayed in --help.
interface BooleanArraySupportOption
interface BooleanArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'boolean'> {}
interface BooleanSupportOption
interface BooleanSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'boolean'> {}
property array
array?: false | undefined;
property default
default?: boolean | undefined;
property description
description: string;
property oppositeDescription
oppositeDescription?: string | undefined;
interface ChoiceSupportOption
interface ChoiceSupportOption<Value = any> extends BaseSupportOption<'choice'> {}
property choices
choices: Array<{ since?: string | undefined; value: Value; description: string;}>;
property default
default?: Value | Array<{ value: Value }> | undefined;
property description
description: string;
interface Config
interface Config extends Options {}
For use in
property overrides
overrides?: Array<{ files: string | string[]; excludeFiles?: string | string[]; options?: Options;}>;
interface CursorOptions
interface CursorOptions extends Options {}
property cursorOffset
cursorOffset: number;
Specify where the cursor is.
interface CursorResult
interface CursorResult {}
property cursorOffset
cursorOffset: number;
property formatted
formatted: string;
interface FileInfoOptions
interface FileInfoOptions {}
property ignorePath
ignorePath?: string | URL | (string | URL)[] | undefined;
property plugins
plugins?: Array<string | Plugin> | undefined;
property resolveConfig
resolveConfig?: boolean | undefined;
property withNodeModules
withNodeModules?: boolean | undefined;
interface FileInfoResult
interface FileInfoResult {}
property ignored
ignored: boolean;
property inferredParser
inferredParser: string | null;
interface IntArraySupportOption
interface IntArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'int'> {}
interface IntSupportOption
interface IntSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'int'> {}
interface Options
interface Options extends Partial<RequiredOptions> {}
interface Parser
interface Parser<T = any> {}
property astFormat
astFormat: string;
property hasPragma
hasPragma?: ((text: string) => boolean) | undefined;
property locEnd
locEnd: (node: T) => number;
property locStart
locStart: (node: T) => number;
property parse
parse: (text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>;
property preprocess
preprocess?: ((text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>) => string) | undefined;
interface ParserOptions
interface ParserOptions<T = any> extends RequiredOptions {}
property locEnd
locEnd: (node: T) => number;
property locStart
locStart: (node: T) => number;
property originalText
originalText: string;
interface PathArraySupportOption
interface PathArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'path'> {}
interface PathSupportOption
interface PathSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'path'> {}
interface Plugin
interface Plugin<T = any> {}
property defaultOptions
defaultOptions?: Partial<RequiredOptions> | undefined;
property languages
languages?: SupportLanguage[] | undefined;
property options
options?: SupportOptions | undefined;
property parsers
parsers?: { [parserName: string]: Parser<T> } | undefined;
property printers
printers?: { [astFormat: string]: Printer<T> } | undefined;
interface Printer
interface Printer<T = any> {}
property canAttachComment
canAttachComment?: ((node: T) => boolean) | undefined;
property embed
embed?: | (( path: AstPath, options: Options ) => | (( textToDoc: (text: string, options: Options) => Promise<Doc>, print: ( selector?: string | number | Array<string | number> | AstPath ) => Doc, path: AstPath, options: Options ) => Promise<Doc | undefined> | Doc | undefined) | Doc | null) | undefined;
property getCommentChildNodes
getCommentChildNodes?: | ((node: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T[] | undefined) | undefined;
By default, Prettier searches all object properties (except for a few predefined ones) of each node recursively. This function can be provided to override that behavior.
Parameter node
The node whose children should be returned.
Parameter options
Current options.
if the node has no children orundefined
to fall back on the default behavior.
property getVisitorKeys
getVisitorKeys?: | ((node: T, nonTraversableKeys: Set<string>) => string[]) | undefined;
property handleComments
handleComments?: | { ownLine?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; endOfLine?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; remaining?: | (( commentNode: any, text: string, options: ParserOptions<T>, ast: T, isLastComment: boolean ) => boolean) | undefined; } | undefined;
property hasPrettierIgnore
hasPrettierIgnore?: ((path: AstPath<T>) => boolean) | undefined;
property insertPragma
insertPragma?: (text: string) => string;
property isBlockComment
isBlockComment?: ((node: T) => boolean) | undefined;
property massageAstNode
massageAstNode?: ((original: any, cloned: any, parent: any) => any) | undefined;
anything if you want to replace the node with it
property preprocess
preprocess?: ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>) | undefined;
property printComment
printComment?: | ((commentPath: AstPath<T>, options: ParserOptions<T>) => Doc) | undefined;
property willPrintOwnComments
willPrintOwnComments?: ((path: AstPath<T>) => boolean) | undefined;
method print
print: ( path: AstPath<T>, options: ParserOptions<T>, print: (path: AstPath<T>) => Doc, args?: unknown) => Doc;
interface RequiredOptions
interface RequiredOptions extends doc.printer.Options {}
property arrowParens
arrowParens: 'avoid' | 'always';
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter. "always"
property bracketSameLine
bracketSameLine: boolean;
Put the
of a multi-line HTML (HTML, JSX, Vue, Angular) element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line (does not apply to self closing elements). false
property bracketSpacing
bracketSpacing: boolean;
Print spaces between brackets in object literals. true
property embeddedLanguageFormatting
embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto' | 'off';
Control whether Prettier formats quoted code embedded in the file. "auto"
property endOfLine
endOfLine: 'auto' | 'lf' | 'crlf' | 'cr';
Which end of line characters to apply. "lf"
property experimentalOperatorPosition
experimentalOperatorPosition: 'start' | 'end';
Where to print operators when binary expressions wrap lines. "end"
property experimentalTernaries
experimentalTernaries: boolean;
Use curious ternaries, with the question mark after the condition, instead of on the same line as the consequent. false
property filepath
filepath: string;
Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference.
property htmlWhitespaceSensitivity
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'css' | 'strict' | 'ignore';
How to handle whitespaces in HTML. "css"
property insertPragma
insertPragma: boolean;
Prettier can insert a special marker at the top of files specifying that the file has been formatted with prettier. This works well when used in tandem with the --require-pragma option. If there is already a docblock at the top of the file then this option will add a newline to it with the marker. false
property jsxBracketSameLine
jsxBracketSameLine?: boolean;
Put the
of a multi-line JSX element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line. falseDeprecated
use bracketSameLine instead
property jsxSingleQuote
jsxSingleQuote: boolean;
Use single quotes in JSX. false
property objectWrap
objectWrap: 'preserve' | 'collapse';
How to wrap object literals. "preserve"
property parser
parser: LiteralUnion<BuiltInParserName>;
Specify which parser to use.
property plugins
plugins: Array<string | Plugin>;
Provide ability to support new languages to prettier.
property proseWrap
proseWrap: 'always' | 'never' | 'preserve';
By default, Prettier will wrap markdown text as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer. In some cases you may want to rely on editor/viewer soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt out. "preserve"
property quoteProps
quoteProps: 'as-needed' | 'consistent' | 'preserve';
Change when properties in objects are quoted. "as-needed"
property rangeEnd
rangeEnd: number;
Format only a segment of a file. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
property rangeStart
rangeStart: number;
Format only a segment of a file. 0
property requirePragma
requirePragma: boolean;
Prettier can restrict itself to only format files that contain a special comment, called a pragma, at the top of the file. This is very useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases to prettier. false
property semi
semi: boolean;
Print semicolons at the ends of statements. true
property singleAttributePerLine
singleAttributePerLine: boolean;
Enforce single attribute per line in HTML, Vue and JSX. false
property singleQuote
singleQuote: boolean;
Use single quotes instead of double quotes. false
property trailingComma
trailingComma: 'none' | 'es5' | 'all';
Print trailing commas wherever possible. "all"
property vueIndentScriptAndStyle
vueIndentScriptAndStyle: boolean;
Whether or not to indent the code inside and tags in Vue files. false
index signature
[_: string]: unknown;
Arbitrary additional values on an options object are always allowed.
interface ResolveConfigOptions
interface ResolveConfigOptions {}
property config
config?: string | undefined;
Pass directly the path of the config file if you don't wish to search for it.
property editorconfig
editorconfig?: boolean | undefined;
If set to
and an.editorconfig
file is in your project, Prettier will parse it and convert its properties to the corresponding prettier configuration. This configuration will be overridden by.prettierrc
, etc. Currently, the following EditorConfig properties are supported: - indent_style - indent_size/tab_width - max_line_length
property useCache
useCache?: boolean | undefined;
If set to
, all caching will be bypassed.
interface StringArraySupportOption
interface StringArraySupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'string'> {}
interface StringSupportOption
interface StringSupportOption extends BaseSupportOption<'string'> {}
interface SupportInfo
interface SupportInfo {}
interface SupportInfoOptions
interface SupportInfoOptions {}
property plugins
plugins?: Array<string | Plugin> | undefined;
property showDeprecated
showDeprecated?: boolean | undefined;
interface SupportLanguage
interface SupportLanguage {}
property aceMode
aceMode?: string | undefined;
property aliases
aliases?: string[] | undefined;
property codemirrorMimeType
codemirrorMimeType?: string | undefined;
property codemirrorMode
codemirrorMode?: string | undefined;
property extensions
extensions?: string[] | undefined;
property filenames
filenames?: string[] | undefined;
property group
group?: string | undefined;
property interpreters
interpreters?: string[] | undefined;
property linguistLanguageId
linguistLanguageId?: number | undefined;
property name
name: string;
property parsers
parsers: BuiltInParserName[] | string[];
property since
since?: string | undefined;
property tmScope
tmScope?: string | undefined;
property vscodeLanguageIds
vscodeLanguageIds?: string[] | undefined;
interface SupportOptionRange
interface SupportOptionRange {}
interface SupportOptions
interface SupportOptions extends Record<string, SupportOption> {}
Type Aliases
type AST
type AST = any;
type BuiltInParser
type BuiltInParser = (text: string, options?: any) => AST;
type BuiltInParserName
type BuiltInParserName = | 'acorn' | 'angular' | 'babel-flow' | 'babel-ts' | 'babel' | 'css' | 'espree' | 'flow' | 'glimmer' | 'graphql' | 'html' | 'json-stringify' | 'json' | 'json5' | 'jsonc' | 'less' | 'lwc' | 'markdown' | 'mdx' | 'meriyah' | 'scss' | 'typescript' | 'vue' | 'yaml';
type BuiltInParsers
type BuiltInParsers = Record<BuiltInParserName, BuiltInParser>;
type CoreCategoryType
type CoreCategoryType = | 'Config' | 'Editor' | 'Format' | 'Other' | 'Output' | 'Global' | 'Special';
type Doc
type Doc =;
type FastPath
type FastPath<T = any> = AstPath<T>;
was renamed toAstPath
type LiteralUnion
type LiteralUnion<T extends U, U = string> = | T | (Pick<U, never> & { _?: never | undefined });
type SupportOption
type SupportOption = | IntSupportOption | IntArraySupportOption | StringSupportOption | StringArraySupportOption | BooleanSupportOption | BooleanArraySupportOption | ChoiceSupportOption | PathSupportOption | PathArraySupportOption;
type SupportOptionType
type SupportOptionType = 'int' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'choice' | 'path';
namespace doc
namespace doc {}
namespace {}
variable breakParent
const breakParent: BreakParent;
See Also
variable cursor
const cursor: Cursor;
See Also
variable hardline
const hardline: Hardline;
See Also
variable hardlineWithoutBreakParent
const hardlineWithoutBreakParent: HardlineWithoutBreakParent;
See Also
variable line
const line: Line;
See Also
variable lineSuffixBoundary
const lineSuffixBoundary: LineSuffixBoundary;
See Also
variable literalline
const literalline: LiteralLine;
See Also
variable literallineWithoutBreakParent
const literallineWithoutBreakParent: LiterallineWithoutBreakParent;
See Also
variable softline
const softline: Softline;
See Also
variable trim
const trim: Trim;
See Also
function addAlignmentToDoc
addAlignmentToDoc: (doc: Doc, size: number, tabWidth: number) => Doc;
function align
align: (widthOrString: Align['n'], doc: Doc) => Align;
See Also
function conditionalGroup
conditionalGroup: (alternatives: Doc[], options?: GroupOptions) => Group;
See Also
function dedent
dedent: (doc: Doc) => Align;
See Also
function dedentToRoot
dedentToRoot: (doc: Doc) => Align;
See Also
function fill
fill: (docs: Doc[]) => Fill;
See Also
function group
group: (doc: Doc, opts?: GroupOptions) => Group;
See Also
function ifBreak
ifBreak: ( ifBreak: Doc, noBreak?: Doc, options?: { groupId?: symbol | undefined }) => IfBreak;
See Also
function indent
indent: (doc: Doc) => Indent;
See Also
function indentIfBreak
indentIfBreak: ( doc: Doc, opts: { groupId: symbol; negate?: boolean | undefined }) => IndentIfBreak;
See Also
function join
join: (sep: Doc, docs: Doc[]) => Doc[];
See Also
function label
label: (label: any | undefined, contents: Doc) => Doc;
See Also
function lineSuffix
lineSuffix: (suffix: Doc) => LineSuffix;
See Also
function markAsRoot
markAsRoot: (doc: Doc) => Align;
See Also
interface Align
interface Align {}
interface BreakParent
interface BreakParent {}
property type
type: 'break-parent';
interface Cursor
interface Cursor {}
property placeholder
placeholder: symbol;
property type
type: 'cursor';
interface Group
interface Group {}
property break
break: boolean;
property contents
contents: Doc;
property expandedStates
expandedStates: Doc[];
property id
id?: symbol;
property type
type: 'group';
interface GroupOptions
interface GroupOptions {}
property id
id?: symbol | undefined;
property shouldBreak
shouldBreak?: boolean | undefined;
interface HardlineWithoutBreakParent
interface HardlineWithoutBreakParent extends Line {}
property hard
hard: true;
interface IfBreak
interface IfBreak {}
property breakContents
breakContents: Doc;
property flatContents
flatContents: Doc;
property type
type: 'if-break';
interface IndentIfBreak
interface IndentIfBreak {}
property type
type: 'indent-if-break';
interface Label
interface Label {}
interface Line
interface Line {}
interface LineSuffix
interface LineSuffix {}
interface LineSuffixBoundary
interface LineSuffixBoundary {}
property type
type: 'line-suffix-boundary';
interface LiterallineWithoutBreakParent
interface LiterallineWithoutBreakParent extends Line {}
type Doc
type Doc = string | Doc[] | DocCommand;
type DocCommand
type DocCommand = | Align | BreakParent | Cursor | Fill | Group | IfBreak | Indent | IndentIfBreak | Label | Line | LineSuffix | LineSuffixBoundary | Trim;
type Hardline
type Hardline = [HardlineWithoutBreakParent, BreakParent];
type LiteralLine
type LiteralLine = [LiterallineWithoutBreakParent, BreakParent];
namespace doc.printer
namespace doc.printer {}
function printDocToString
printDocToString: ( doc: builders.Doc, options: Options) => { formatted: string; cursorNodeStart?: number | undefined; cursorNodeText?: string | undefined;};
interface Options
interface Options {}
property parentParser
parentParser?: string | undefined;
property printWidth
printWidth: number;
Specify the line length that the printer will wrap on. 80
property tabWidth
tabWidth: number;
Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. 2
property useTabs
useTabs?: boolean;
Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces false
namespace doc.utils
namespace doc.utils {}
function canBreak
canBreak: (doc: builders.Doc) => boolean;
function findInDoc
findInDoc: <T = builders.Doc>( doc: builders.Doc, callback: (doc: builders.Doc) => T, defaultValue: T) => T;
function mapDoc
mapDoc: <T = builders.Doc>( doc: builders.Doc, callback: (doc: builders.Doc) => T) => T;
function removeLines
removeLines: (doc: builders.Doc) => builders.Doc;
function replaceEndOfLine
replaceEndOfLine: ( doc: builders.Doc, replacement?: builders.Doc) => builders.Doc;
function stripTrailingHardline
stripTrailingHardline: (doc: builders.Doc) => builders.Doc;
function traverseDoc
traverseDoc: ( doc: builders.Doc, onEnter?: (doc: builders.Doc) => void | boolean, onExit?: (doc: builders.Doc) => void, shouldTraverseConditionalGroups?: boolean) => void;
function willBreak
willBreak: (doc: builders.Doc) => boolean;
namespace util
namespace util {}
function addDanglingComment
addDanglingComment: (node: any, comment: any, marker: any) => void;
function addLeadingComment
addLeadingComment: (node: any, comment: any) => void;
function addTrailingComment
addTrailingComment: (node: any, comment: any) => void;
function getAlignmentSize
getAlignmentSize: ( text: string, tabWidth: number, startIndex?: number | undefined) => number;
function getIndentSize
getIndentSize: (value: string, tabWidth: number) => number;
function getMaxContinuousCount
getMaxContinuousCount: (text: string, searchString: string) => number;
function getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter
getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacter: (text: string, startIndex: number) => string;
function getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex
getNextNonSpaceNonCommentCharacterIndex: ( text: string, startIndex: number) => number | false;
function getPreferredQuote
getPreferredQuote: ( text: string, preferredQuoteOrPreferSingleQuote: Quote | boolean) => Quote;
function getStringWidth
getStringWidth: (text: string) => number;
function hasNewline
hasNewline: ( text: string, startIndex: number, options?: SkipOptions | undefined) => boolean;
function hasNewlineInRange
hasNewlineInRange: ( text: string, startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => boolean;
function hasSpaces
hasSpaces: ( text: string, startIndex: number, options?: SkipOptions | undefined) => boolean;
function isNextLineEmpty
isNextLineEmpty: (text: string, startIndex: number) => boolean;
function isPreviousLineEmpty
isPreviousLineEmpty: (text: string, startIndex: number) => boolean;
function makeString
makeString: ( rawText: string, enclosingQuote: Quote, unescapeUnnecessaryEscapes?: boolean | undefined) => string;
function skip
skip: ( characters: string | RegExp) => ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions) => number | false;
function skipEverythingButNewLine
skipEverythingButNewLine: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions) => number | false;
function skipInlineComment
skipInlineComment: (text: string, startIndex: number | false) => number | false;
function skipNewline
skipNewline: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions | undefined) => number | false;
function skipSpaces
skipSpaces: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions) => number | false;
function skipToLineEnd
skipToLineEnd: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions) => number | false;
function skipTrailingComment
skipTrailingComment: { (text: string, startIndex: number | false): number | false; (text: string, startIndex: number | false): number | false;};
function skipWhitespace
skipWhitespace: ( text: string, startIndex: number | false, options?: SkipOptions) => number | false;
interface SkipOptions
interface SkipOptions {}
property backwards
backwards?: boolean | undefined;
type Quote
type Quote = "'" | '"';
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