- Version 0.4.9
- Published
- 183 kB
- 2 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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Async coordination primitives and extensions on top of ES6 Promises
function delay
delay: { (msec: number): Promise<void>; <T>(msec: number, value: T | PromiseLike<T>): Promise<T>; (token: any, msec: number): Promise<void>; <T>(token: any, msec: number, value: T | PromiseLike<T>): Promise<T>;};
Waits the specified number of milliseconds before resolving.
Parameter msec
The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving.
Waits the specified number of milliseconds before resolving with the provided value.
Parameter msec
The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving.
Parameter value
An optional value for the resulting Promise.
Waits the specified number of milliseconds before resolving.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken
Parameter msec
The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving.
Waits the specified number of milliseconds before resolving with the provided value.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken
Parameter msec
The number of milliseconds to wait before resolving.
Parameter value
An optional value for the resulting Promise.
class AsyncBoundedQueue
class AsyncBoundedQueue<T> {}
An asynchronous queue with a bounded endpoint.
constructor(iterable?: Iterable<T | PromiseLike<T>>);
Initializes a new instance of the AsyncProducerConsumerQueue class.
Parameter iterable
An optional iterable of values or promises.
property size
readonly size: number;
Gets the number of entries in the queue. When positive, indicates the number of entries available to get. When negative, indicates the number of requests waiting to be fulfilled.
method drain
drain: () => AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
Consumes all items in the queue until the queue ends.
method end
end: () => void;
Indicates the queue is done adding and that no more items will be added to the queue.
method get
get: () => Promise<T | undefined>;
Removes and returns a Promise for the first value in the queue. If the queue has ended, returns a Promise for
. If the queue is empty, returns a Promise for the next value to be added to the queue.
method put
put: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
Adds a value to the end of the queue. If the queue is empty but has a pending dequeue request, the value will be dequeued and the request fulfilled.
Parameter value
A value or promise to add to the queue.
class AsyncQueue
class AsyncQueue<T> {}
An asynchronous queue.
constructor(iterable?: Iterable<T | PromiseLike<T>>);
Initializes a new instance of the AsyncQueue class.
Parameter iterable
An optional iterable of values or promises.
property size
readonly size: number;
Gets the number of entries in the queue. When positive, indicates the number of entries available to get. When negative, indicates the number of requests waiting to be fulfilled.
method get
get: () => Promise<T>;
Removes and returns a Promise for the first value in the queue. If the queue is empty, returns a Promise for the next value to be added to the queue.
method put
put: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
Adds a value to the end of the queue. If the queue is empty but has a pending dequeue request, the value will be dequeued and the request fulfilled.
Parameter value
A value or promise to add to the queue.
class AsyncStack
class AsyncStack<T> {}
An asynchronous Stack.
constructor(iterable?: Iterable<T | PromiseLike<T>>);
Initializes a new instance of the AsyncStack class.
Parameter iterable
An optional iterable of values or promises.
property size
readonly size: number;
Gets the number of entries in the stack. When positive, indicates the number of entries available to get. When negative, indicates the number of requests waiting to be fulfilled.
method pop
pop: () => Promise<T>;
Removes and returns a Promise for the top value of the stack. If the stack is empty, returns a Promise for the next value to be pushed on to the stack.
method push
push: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
Adds a value to the top of the stack. If the stack is empty but has a pending pop request, the value will be popped and the request fulfilled.
Parameter value
A value or promise to add to the stack.
class AutoResetEvent
class AutoResetEvent {}
Asynchronously notifies one or more waiting Promises that an event has occurred.
constructor(initialState?: boolean);
Initializes a new instance of the AutoResetEvent class.
Parameter initialState
A value indicating whether to set the initial state to signaled.
method reset
reset: () => void;
Sets the state of the event to nonsignaled, causing asynchronous operations to pause.
method set
set: () => void;
Sets the state of the event to signaled, resolving one or more waiting Promises. The event is then automatically reset.
method wait
wait: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<void>;
Asynchronously waits for the event to become signaled.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
class Barrier
class Barrier {}
Enables multiple tasks to cooperatively work on an algorithm through multiple phases.
constructor( participantCount: number, postPhaseAction?: (barrier: Barrier) => void | PromiseLike<void>);
Initializes a new instance of the Barrier class.
Parameter participantCount
The initial number of participants for the barrier.
Parameter postPhaseAction
An action to execute between each phase.
property currentPhaseNumber
readonly currentPhaseNumber: number;
Gets the number of the Barrier's current phase.
property participantCount
readonly participantCount: number;
Gets the total number of participants in the barrier.
property remainingParticipants
readonly remainingParticipants: number;
Gets the number of participants in the barrier that haven't yet signaled in the current phase.
method add
add: (participantCount?: number) => void;
Notifies the Barrier there will be additional participants.
Parameter participantCount
The number of additional participants.
method remove
remove: (participantCount?: number) => void;
Notifies the Barrier there will be fewer participants.
Parameter participantCount
The number of participants to remove.
method signalAndWait
signalAndWait: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<void>;
Signals that a participant has reached the barrier and waits for all other participants to reach the barrier.
Parameter token
An optional CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
class CancelError
class CancelError extends Error {}
An error thrown when an operation is canceled.
constructor(message?: string);
class CancellationToken
class CancellationToken implements Cancelable {}
Propagates notifications that operations should be canceled.
property canBeCanceled
readonly canBeCanceled: boolean;
Gets a value indicating whether the underlying source can be canceled.
property canceled
static readonly canceled: CancellationToken;
A token that is already canceled.
property cancellationRequested
readonly cancellationRequested: boolean;
Gets a value indicating whether cancellation has been requested.
property none
static readonly none: CancellationToken;
A token which will never be canceled.
method [Cancelable.cancelSignal]
[Cancelable.cancelSignal]: () => Cancelable & CancelSignal;
method all
static all: ( tokens: Iterable<CancellationToken | Cancelable>) => CancellationToken;
Returns a CancellationToken that becomes canceled when **all** of the provided tokens are canceled.
Parameter tokens
An iterable of CancellationToken objects.
method from
static from: ( cancelable: | CancellationToken | VSCodeCancellationTokenLike | AbortSignalLike | Cancelable) => CancellationToken;
Adapts a CancellationToken-like primitive from a different library.
method race
static race: ( tokens: Iterable<CancellationToken | Cancelable>) => CancellationToken;
Returns a CancellationToken that becomes canceled when **any** of the provided tokens are canceled.
Parameter tokens
An iterable of CancellationToken objects.
method register
register: (callback: () => void) => CancellationTokenRegistration;
Registers a callback to execute when cancellation is requested.
Parameter callback
The callback to register.
method throwIfCancellationRequested
throwIfCancellationRequested: () => void;
Throws a CancelError if cancellation has been requested.
class CancellationTokenCountdown
class CancellationTokenCountdown {}
An object that provides a CancellationToken that becomes cancelled when **all** of its containing tokens are canceled. This is similar to
, except that you are able to add additional tokens.
constructor(iterable?: Iterable<any>);
property addedCount
readonly addedCount: number;
Gets the number of tokens added to the countdown.
property remainingCount
readonly remainingCount: number;
Gets the number of tokens that have not yet been canceled.
property token
readonly token: CancellationToken;
Gets the CancellationToken for the countdown.
method add
add: (token: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => this;
Adds a CancellationToken to the countdown.
class CancellationTokenSource
class CancellationTokenSource implements CancelableSource {}
Signals a CancellationToken that it should be canceled.
constructor(linkedTokens?: Iterable<any>);
Initializes a new instance of a CancellationTokenSource.
Parameter linkedTokens
An optional iterable of tokens to which to link this source.
property token
readonly token: CancellationToken;
Gets a CancellationToken linked to this source.
method [Cancelable.cancelSignal]
[Cancelable.cancelSignal]: () => Cancelable & CancelSignal;
method [CancelableSource.cancel]
[CancelableSource.cancel]: () => void;
method cancel
cancel: () => void;
Cancels the source, evaluating any registered callbacks. If any callback raises an exception, the exception is propagated to a host specific unhanedle exception mechanism.
method close
close: () => void;
Closes the source, preventing the possibility of future cancellation.
class CountdownEvent
class CountdownEvent {}
An event that is set when all participants have signaled.
constructor(initialCount: number);
Initializes a new instance of the CountdownEvent class.
Parameter initialCount
The initial participant count.
property initialCount
readonly initialCount: number;
Gets the number of signals initially required to set the event.
property remainingCount
readonly remainingCount: number;
Gets the number of remaining signals required to set the event.
method add
add: (count?: number) => void;
Increments the event's current count by one or more.
Parameter count
An optional count specifying the additional number of signals for which the event will wait.
method reset
reset: (count?: number) => void;
Resets the remaining and initial count to the specified value, or the initial count.
Parameter count
An optional count specifying the number of required signals.
method signal
signal: (count?: number) => boolean;
Registers one or more signals with the CountdownEvent, decrementing the remaining count.
Parameter count
An optional count specifying the number of signals to register.
method wait
wait: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<void>;
Asynchronously waits for the event to become signaled.
Parameter token
An optional CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
class Deferred
class Deferred<T> {}
Encapsulates a Promise and exposes its resolve and reject callbacks.
Initializes a new instance of the Deferred class.
property callback
readonly callback: | ((err: Error | null | undefined) => void) | ((err: Error | null | undefined, value: T) => void);
Gets a NodeJS-style callback that can be used to resolve or reject the promise.
property promise
readonly promise: Promise<T>;
Gets the promise.
property reject
readonly reject: (reason: any) => void;
Gets the callback used to reject the promise.
property resolve
readonly resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T> | undefined) => void;
Gets the callback used to resolve the promise.
method createCallback
createCallback: <A extends any[]>( selector: (...args: A) => T) => (err: Error | null | undefined, ...args: A) => void;
Creates a NodeJS-style callback that can be used to resolve or reject the promise with multiple values.
class ManualResetEvent
class ManualResetEvent {}
Asynchronously notifies one or more waiting Promises that an event has occurred.
constructor(initialState?: boolean);
Initializes a new instance of the ManualResetEvent class.
Parameter initialState
A value indicating whether to set the initial state to signaled.
property isSet
readonly isSet: boolean;
Gets a value indicating whether the event is signaled.
method reset
reset: () => void;
Sets the state of the event to nonsignaled, causing asynchronous operations to pause.
method set
set: () => void;
Sets the state of the event to signaled, resolving one or more waiting Promises.
method wait
wait: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<void>;
Asynchronously waits for the event to become signaled.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
class Pulsar
class Pulsar {}
Asynchronously notifies one or more waiting Promises that an event has occurred.
class ReaderWriterLock
class ReaderWriterLock {}
Coordinates readers and writers for a resource.
method read
read: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<LockHandle>;
Asynchronously waits for and takes a read lock on a resource.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
method upgradeableRead
upgradeableRead: ( token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<UpgradeableLockHandle>;
Asynchronously waits for and takes a read lock on a resource that can later be upgraded to a write lock.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
method write
write: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<LockHandle>;
Asynchronously waits for and takes a write lock on a resource.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
class Semaphore
class Semaphore {}
Limits the number of asynchronous operations that can access a resource or pool of resources.
constructor(initialCount: number, maxCount?: number);
Initializes a new instance of the Semaphore class.
Parameter initialCount
The initial number of entries.
Parameter maxCount
The maximum number of entries.
property count
readonly count: number;
Gets the number of remaining asynchronous operations that can enter the Semaphore.
method release
release: (count?: number) => void;
Releases the Semaphore one or more times.
Parameter count
The number of times to release the Semaphore.
method wait
wait: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<void>;
Asynchronously waits for the event to become signaled.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
interface AbortSignalLike
interface AbortSignalLike {}
Describes a foreign cancellation primitive similar to the one used by the DOM.
property aborted
readonly aborted: boolean;
method addEventListener
addEventListener: (type: 'abort', callback: () => any) => any;
interface CancellationTokenRegistration
interface CancellationTokenRegistration extends Disposable {}
An object used to unregister a callback registered to a CancellationToken.
method unregister
unregister: () => void;
Unregisters the callback
interface LockHandle
interface LockHandle extends Disposable {}
An object used to release a held lock.
method release
release: () => void;
Releases the lock.
interface UpgradeableLockHandle
interface UpgradeableLockHandle extends LockHandle, Disposable {}
An object used to release a held lock or upgrade to a write lock.
method upgrade
upgrade: (token?: CancellationToken | Cancelable) => Promise<LockHandle>;
Upgrades the lock to a write lock.
Parameter token
A CancellationToken used to cancel the request.
interface VSCodeCancellationTokenLike
interface VSCodeCancellationTokenLike {}
Describes a foreign cancellation primitive similar to the one provided by
for extensions.
property isCancellationRequested
readonly isCancellationRequested: boolean;
method onCancellationRequested
onCancellationRequested: (listener: () => any) => { dispose(): any };
Package Files (14)
- out/lib/autoresetevent.d.ts
- out/lib/barrier.d.ts
- out/lib/boundedQueue.d.ts
- out/lib/cancellation.d.ts
- out/lib/countdown.d.ts
- out/lib/deferred.d.ts
- out/lib/delay.d.ts
- out/lib/index.d.ts
- out/lib/manualresetevent.d.ts
- out/lib/pulsar.d.ts
- out/lib/queue.d.ts
- out/lib/readerwriterlock.d.ts
- out/lib/semaphore.d.ts
- out/lib/stack.d.ts
Dependencies (2)
Dev Dependencies (15)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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