- Version 5.0.0
- Published
- 54.1 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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Run Python scripts from Node.js with simple (but efficient) inter-process communication through stdio
class NewlineTransformer
class NewlineTransformer extends Transform {}
Takes in a string stream and emits batches seperated by newlines
class PythonShell
class PythonShell extends EventEmitter {}
An interactive Python shell exchanging data through stdio
Parameter script
The python script to execute
Parameter options
The launch options (also passed to child_process.spawn)
Parameter stdoutSplitter
Optional. Splits stdout into chunks, defaulting to splitting into newline-seperated lines
Parameter stderrSplitter
Optional. splits stderr into chunks, defaulting to splitting into newline-seperated lines
constructor( scriptPath: string, options?: Options, stdoutSplitter?: Transform, stderrSplitter?: Transform);
spawns a python process
Parameter scriptPath
path to script. Relative to current directory or options.scriptFolder if specified
Parameter options
Parameter stdoutSplitter
Optional. Splits stdout into chunks, defaulting to splitting into newline-seperated lines
Parameter stderrSplitter
Optional. splits stderr into chunks, defaulting to splitting into newline-seperated lines
property childProcess
childProcess: ChildProcess;
property command
command: string[];
property defaultOptions
static defaultOptions: Options;
property defaultPythonPath
static defaultPythonPath: string;
property exitCode
exitCode: number;
property exitSignal
exitSignal: string;
property format
static format: { text: (data: any) => string; json: (data: any) => string };
property formatter
formatter: (param: string | Object) => any;
property mode
mode: string;
property parse
static parse: { text: (data: any) => string; json: (data: string) => any };
property parser
parser: (param: string) => any;
property scriptPath
scriptPath: string;
property stderr
stderr: Readable;
property stderrParser
stderrParser: (param: string) => any;
property stdin
stdin: Writable;
property stdout
stdout: Readable;
property terminated
terminated: boolean;
method checkSyntax
static checkSyntax: ( code: string) => Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string }>;
checks syntax without executing code
rejects promise w/ string error output if syntax failure
method checkSyntaxFile
static checkSyntaxFile: ( filePath: string) => Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string }>;
checks syntax without executing code
{Promise} rejects w/ stderr if syntax failure
method end
end: ( callback: ( err: PythonShellError, exitCode: number, exitSignal: string ) => any) => this;
Closes the stdin stream. Unless python is listening for stdin in a loop this should cause the process to finish its work and close.
{PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
method getPythonPath
static getPythonPath: () => string;
method getVersion
static getVersion: (pythonPath?: string) => any;
method getVersionSync
static getVersionSync: (pythonPath?: string) => string;
method kill
kill: (signal?: NodeJS.Signals) => this;
Sends a kill signal to the process
{PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
method run
static run: (scriptPath: string, options?: Options) => Promise<any[]>;
Runs a Python script and returns collected messages as a promise. If the promise is rejected, the err will probably be of type PythonShellErrorWithLogs
Parameter scriptPath
The path to the script to execute
Parameter options
The execution options
method runString
static runString: (code: string, options?: Options) => Promise<any[]>;
Runs the inputted string of python code and returns collected messages as a promise. DO NOT ALLOW UNTRUSTED USER INPUT HERE!
Parameter code
The python code to execute
Parameter options
The execution options a promise with the output from the python script
method send
send: (message: string | Object) => this;
Sends a message to the Python shell through stdin Override this method to format data to be sent to the Python process
{PythonShell} The same instance for chaining calls
method terminate
terminate: (signal?: NodeJS.Signals) => this;
Alias for kill.
class PythonShellError
class PythonShellError extends Error {}
class PythonShellErrorWithLogs
class PythonShellErrorWithLogs extends PythonShellError {}
property logs
logs: any[];
interface Options
interface Options extends SpawnOptions {}
property args
args?: string[];
arguments to your program
property encoding
encoding?: BufferEncoding;
property formatter
formatter?: string | ((param: string) => any);
property mode
mode?: 'text' | 'json' | 'binary';
if binary is enabled message and stderr events will not be emitted
property parser
parser?: string | ((param: string) => any);
property pythonOptions
pythonOptions?: string[];
property pythonPath
pythonPath?: string;
property scriptPath
scriptPath?: string;
overrides scriptPath passed into PythonShell constructor
property stderrParser
stderrParser?: string | ((param: string) => any);
interface PythonShell
interface PythonShell {}
method addListener
addListener: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'message', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'stderr', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): this; (event: 'pythonError', listener: (error: PythonShellError) => void): this;};
method emit
emit: { (event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; (event: 'message', parsedChunk: any): boolean; (event: 'stderr', parsedChunk: any): boolean; (event: 'close'): boolean; (event: 'error', error: NodeJS.ErrnoException): boolean; (event: 'pythonError', error: PythonShellError): boolean;};
method on
on: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'message', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'stderr', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): this; (event: 'pythonError', listener: (error: PythonShellError) => void): this;};
method once
once: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'message', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'stderr', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): this; (event: 'pythonError', listener: (error: PythonShellError) => void): this;};
method prependListener
prependListener: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'message', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'stderr', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): this; (event: 'pythonError', listener: (error: PythonShellError) => void): this;};
method prependOnceListener
prependOnceListener: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'message', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'stderr', listener: (parsedChunk: any) => void): this; (event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): this; (event: 'pythonError', listener: (error: PythonShellError) => void): this;};
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