
  • Version 2.1.0
  • Published
  • 279 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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A mathematically correct random number generator library for JavaScript.



variable browserCrypto

const browserCrypto: Engine;
  • An Engine that relies on the globally-available crypto.getRandomValues, which is typically available in modern browsers.

    See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/getRandomValues

    If unavailable or otherwise non-functioning, then browserCrypto will likely throw on the first call to next().

variable nativeMath

const nativeMath: Engine;
  • An int32-producing Engine that uses Math.random()

variable nodeCrypto

const nodeCrypto: Engine;
  • An Engine that relies on the node-available require('crypto').randomBytes, which has been available since 0.58.

    See https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html#crypto_crypto_randombytes_size_callback

    If unavailable or otherwise non-functioning, then nodeCrypto will likely throw on the first call to next().


function bool

bool: {
(): Distribution<boolean>;
(percentage: number): Distribution<boolean>;
(numerator: number, denominator: number): Distribution<boolean>;
  • Returns a boolean Distribution with 50% probability of being true or false

  • Returns a boolean Distribution with the provided percentage of being true

    Parameter percentage

    A number within [0, 1] of how often the result should be true

  • Returns a boolean Distribution with a probability of numerator divided by denominator of being true

    Parameter numerator

    The numerator of the probability

    Parameter denominator

    The denominator of the probability

function createEntropy

createEntropy: (engine?: Engine, length?: number) => number[];
  • Returns an array of random int32 values, based on current time and a random number engine

    Parameter engine

    an Engine to pull random values from, default nativeMath

    Parameter length

    the length of the Array, minimum 1, default 16

function date

date: (start: Date, end: Date) => Distribution<Date>;
  • Returns a Distribution that returns a random Date within the inclusive range of [start, end].

    Parameter start

    The minimum Date

    Parameter end

    The maximum Date

function dice

dice: (sideCount: number, dieCount: number) => Distribution<number[]>;
  • Returns a distribution that returns an array of length dieCount of values within [1, sideCount]

    Parameter sideCount

    The number of sides of each die

    Parameter dieCount

    The number of dice

function die

die: (sideCount: number) => Distribution<number>;
  • Returns a Distribution to return a value within [1, sideCount]

    Parameter sideCount

    The number of sides of the die

function hex

hex: (uppercase?: boolean) => StringDistribution;
  • Returns a Distribution that returns a random string comprised of numbers or the characters abcdef (or ABCDEF) of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

    Parameter uppercase

    Whether the string should use ABCDEF instead of abcdef

function int32

int32: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x80000000, 0x7fffffff]

function int53

int53: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x20000000000000, 0x1fffffffffffff]

function int53Full

int53Full: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x20000000000000, 0x20000000000000]

function integer

integer: (min: number, max: number) => Distribution;
  • Returns a Distribution to return a value within [min, max]

    Parameter min

    The minimum integer value, inclusive. No less than -0x20000000000000.

    Parameter max

    The maximum integer value, inclusive. No greater than 0x20000000000000.

function pick

pick: <T>(
engine: Engine,
source: ArrayLike<T>,
begin?: number,
end?: number
) => T;
  • Returns a random value within the provided source within the sliced bounds of begin and end.

    Parameter source

    an array of items to pick from

    Parameter begin

    the beginning slice index (defaults to 0)

    Parameter end

    the ending slice index (defaults to source.length)

function picker

picker: <T>(
source: ArrayLike<T>,
begin?: number,
end?: number
) => Distribution<T>;
  • Returns a Distribution to random value within the provided source within the sliced bounds of begin and end.

    Parameter source

    an array of items to pick from

    Parameter begin

    the beginning slice index (defaults to 0)

    Parameter end

    the ending slice index (defaults to source.length)

function real

real: (min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean) => Distribution;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [min, max) or [min, max]

    Parameter min

    The minimum floating-point value, inclusive.

    Parameter max

    The maximum floating-point value.

    Parameter inclusive

    If true, max will be inclusive.

function realZeroToOneExclusive

realZeroToOneExclusive: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [0.0, 1.0)

function realZeroToOneInclusive

realZeroToOneInclusive: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [0.0, 1.0]

function sample

sample: <T>(engine: Engine, population: ArrayLike<T>, sampleSize: number) => T[];
  • From the population array, produce an array with sampleSize elements that are randomly chosen without repeats.

    Parameter engine

    The Engine to use when choosing random values

    Parameter population

    An array that has items to choose a sample from

    Parameter sampleSize

    The size of the result array

function shuffle

shuffle: <T>(engine: Engine, array: T[], downTo?: number) => T[];
  • Shuffles an array in-place

    Parameter engine

    The Engine to use when choosing random values

    Parameter array

    The array to shuffle

    Parameter downTo

    minimum index to shuffle. Only used internally.

function string

string: { (): StringDistribution; (pool: string): StringDistribution };
  • Returns a distribution that returns a random string using numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, _, and - of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

  • Returns a distribution that returns a random string using the provided string pool as the possible characters to choose from of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

function uint32

uint32: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0xffffffff]

function uint53

uint53: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0x1fffffffffffff]

function uint53Full

uint53Full: (engine: Engine) => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0x20000000000000]

function uuid4

uuid4: (engine: Engine) => string;
  • Returns a Universally Unique Identifier Version 4.

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier


class MersenneTwister19937

class MersenneTwister19937 implements Engine {}
  • An Engine that is a pseudorandom number generator using the Mersenne Twister algorithm based on the prime 2**19937 − 1

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister

method autoSeed

static autoSeed: () => MersenneTwister19937;
  • Returns a MersenneTwister19937 seeded with the current time and a series of natively-generated random values

method discard

discard: (count: number) => this;
  • Discards one or more items from the engine

    Parameter count

    The count of items to discard

method getUseCount

getUseCount: () => number;
  • Returns the number of times that the Engine has been used.

    This can be provided to an unused MersenneTwister19937 with the same seed, bringing it to the exact point that was left off.

method next

next: () => number;
  • Returns the next int32 value of the sequence

method seed

static seed: (initial: number) => MersenneTwister19937;
  • Returns a MersenneTwister19937 seeded with an initial int32 value

    Parameter initial

    the initial seed value

method seedWithArray

static seedWithArray: (source: ArrayLike<number>) => MersenneTwister19937;
  • Returns a MersenneTwister19937 seeded with zero or more int32 values

    Parameter source

    A series of int32 values

class Random

class Random {}
  • A wrapper around an Engine that provides easy-to-use methods for producing values based on known distributions


constructor(engine?: Engine);
  • Creates a new Random wrapper

    Parameter engine

    The engine to use (defaults to a Math.random-based implementation)

method bool

bool: {
(): boolean;
(percentage: number): boolean;
(numerator: number, denominator: number): boolean;
  • Returns a boolean with 50% probability of being true or false

  • Returns a boolean with the provided percentage of being true

    Parameter percentage

    A number within [0, 1] of how often the result should be true

  • Returns a boolean with a probability of numerator/denominator of being true

    Parameter numerator

    The numerator of the probability

    Parameter denominator

    The denominator of the probability

method date

date: (start: Date, end: Date) => Date;
  • Returns a random Date within the inclusive range of [start, end].

    Parameter start

    The minimum Date

    Parameter end

    The maximum Date

method dice

dice: (sideCount: number, dieCount: number) => number[];
  • Returns an array of length dieCount of values within [1, sideCount]

    Parameter sideCount

    The number of sides of each die

    Parameter dieCount

    The number of dice

method die

die: (sideCount: number) => number;
  • Returns a value within [1, sideCount]

    Parameter sideCount

    The number of sides of the die

method hex

hex: (length: number, uppercase?: boolean) => string;
  • Returns a random string comprised of numbers or the characters abcdef (or ABCDEF) of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

    Parameter uppercase

    Whether the string should use ABCDEF instead of abcdef

method int32

int32: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x80000000, 0x7fffffff]

method int53

int53: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x20000000000000, 0x1fffffffffffff]

method int53Full

int53Full: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [-0x20000000000000, 0x20000000000000]

method integer

integer: (min: number, max: number) => number;
  • Returns a value within [min, max]

    Parameter min

    The minimum integer value, inclusive. No less than -0x20000000000000.

    Parameter max

    The maximum integer value, inclusive. No greater than 0x20000000000000.

method pick

pick: <T>(source: ArrayLike<T>, begin?: number, end?: number) => T;
  • Return a random value within the provided source within the sliced bounds of begin and end.

    Parameter source

    an array of items to pick from

    Parameter begin

    the beginning slice index (defaults to 0)

    Parameter end

    the ending slice index (defaults to source.length)

method real

real: (min: number, max: number, inclusive?: boolean) => number;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [min, max) or [min, max]

    Parameter min

    The minimum floating-point value, inclusive.

    Parameter max

    The maximum floating-point value.

    Parameter inclusive

    If true, max will be inclusive.

method realZeroToOneExclusive

realZeroToOneExclusive: () => number;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [0.0, 1.0)

method realZeroToOneInclusive

realZeroToOneInclusive: () => number;
  • Returns a floating-point value within [0.0, 1.0]

method sample

sample: <T>(population: ArrayLike<T>, sampleSize: number) => T[];
  • From the population array, returns an array with sampleSize elements that are randomly chosen without repeats.

    Parameter population

    An array that has items to choose a sample from

    Parameter sampleSize

    The size of the result array

method shuffle

shuffle: <T>(array: T[]) => T[];
  • Shuffles an array in-place

    Parameter array

    The array to shuffle

method string

string: { (length: number): string; (length: number, pool: string): string };
  • Returns a random string using numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, _, and - of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

  • Returns a random string using the provided string pool as the possible characters to choose from of length length.

    Parameter length

    Length of the result string

method uint32

uint32: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0xffffffff]

method uint53

uint53: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0x1fffffffffffff]

method uint53Full

uint53Full: () => number;
  • Returns a value within [0, 0x20000000000000]

method uuid4

uuid4: () => string;
  • Returns a Universally Unique Identifier Version 4.

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier


interface Engine

interface Engine {}
  • A mechanism to retrieve random int32 values

method next

next: () => number;

    Type Aliases

    type Distribution

    type Distribution<T = number> = (engine: Engine) => T;
    • A function to use an Engine to produce a value

    type StringDistribution

    type StringDistribution = (engine: Engine, length: number) => string;
    • A function to use an Engine to produce a string of a requested length

    Package Files (29)

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    No dependencies.

    Dev Dependencies (14)

    Peer Dependencies (0)

    No peer dependencies.


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