
  • Version 15.1.1
  • Published
  • 166 kB
  • 7 dependencies
  • MIT license


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tabs ui component for react



variable Tabs

const Tabs: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;


    interface TabsProps

    interface TabsProps
    extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'onChange' | 'children'> {}

      property activeKey

      activeKey?: string;

        property animated

        animated?: boolean | AnimatedConfig;

          property className

          className?: string;

            property defaultActiveKey

            defaultActiveKey?: string;

              property destroyInactiveTabPane

              destroyInactiveTabPane?: boolean;

                property direction

                direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';

                  property editable

                  editable?: EditableConfig;

                    property getPopupContainer

                    getPopupContainer?: (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;

                      property id

                      id?: string;

                        property indicator

                        indicator?: {
                        size?: GetIndicatorSize;
                        align?: 'start' | 'center' | 'end';

                          property items

                          items?: Tab[];

                            property locale

                            locale?: TabsLocale;

                              property more

                              more?: MoreProps;

                                property onChange

                                onChange?: (activeKey: string) => void;

                                  property onTabClick

                                  onTabClick?: (
                                  activeKey: string,
                                  e: React.KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent
                                  ) => void;

                                    property onTabScroll

                                    onTabScroll?: OnTabScroll;

                                      property popupClassName

                                      popupClassName?: string;
                                      • Internal usage. Not promise will rename in future

                                      property prefixCls

                                      prefixCls?: string;

                                        property renderTabBar

                                        renderTabBar?: RenderTabBar;

                                          property style

                                          style?: React.CSSProperties;

                                            property tabBarExtraContent

                                            tabBarExtraContent?: TabBarExtraContent;

                                              property tabBarGutter

                                              tabBarGutter?: number;

                                                property tabBarStyle

                                                tabBarStyle?: React.CSSProperties;

                                                  property tabPosition

                                                  tabPosition?: TabPosition;

                                                    Package Files (2)

                                                    Dependencies (7)

                                                    Dev Dependencies (33)

                                                    Peer Dependencies (2)


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