- Version 1.3.2
- Published
- 68 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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React Touchable Component
- callChildEvent()
- callProp()
- checkScroll()
- checkTouchWithinActive()
- componentDidMount()
- componentDidUpdate()
- componentWillUnmount()
- defaultProps
- lockMouse
- longPressDelayTimeout
- onMouseDown
- onMouseUp
- onTouchCancel
- onTouchEnd
- onTouchMove
- onTouchStart
- pressInLocation
- pressOutDelayTimeout
- processActiveStopPropagation()
- releaseLockTimer
- render()
- root
- setActive()
- shouldActive
- state
- touchable
- touchableDelayTimeout
- touchableHandleActivePressIn()
- touchableHandleActivePressOut()
- touchableHandleLongPress()
- touchableHandlePress()
- touchableHandleResponderGrant()
- touchableHandleResponderMove
- touchableHandleResponderRelease()
- touchableHandleResponderTerminate()
class Touchable
class Touchable extends React.Component<ITouchable, any> {}
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: { fixClickPenetration: boolean; disabled: boolean; delayPressIn: number; delayLongPress: number; delayPressOut: number; pressRetentionOffset: { left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number; }; hitSlop: undefined; longPressCancelsPress: boolean;};
property lockMouse
lockMouse: any;
property longPressDelayTimeout
longPressDelayTimeout: any;
property onMouseDown
onMouseDown: (e: any) => void;
property onMouseUp
onMouseUp: (e: any) => void;
property onTouchCancel
onTouchCancel: (e: any) => void;
property onTouchEnd
onTouchEnd: (e: any) => void;
property onTouchMove
onTouchMove: (e: any) => void;
property onTouchStart
onTouchStart: (e: any) => void;
property pressInLocation
pressInLocation: { pageX: number; pageY: number };
property pressOutDelayTimeout
pressOutDelayTimeout: any;
property releaseLockTimer
releaseLockTimer: any;
property root
root: any;
property shouldActive
shouldActive: boolean;
property state
state: { active: boolean };
property touchable
touchable: any;
property touchableDelayTimeout
touchableDelayTimeout: any;
property touchableHandleResponderMove
touchableHandleResponderMove: (e: any) => void;
method callChildEvent
callChildEvent: (event: any, e: any) => void;
method callProp
callProp: (name: any, e: any) => void;
method checkScroll
checkScroll: (e: any) => boolean;
method checkTouchWithinActive
checkTouchWithinActive: (e: any) => boolean;
method componentDidMount
componentDidMount: () => void;
method componentDidUpdate
componentDidUpdate: () => void;
method componentWillUnmount
componentWillUnmount: () => void;
method processActiveStopPropagation
processActiveStopPropagation: (e: any) => void;
method render
render: () => React.ReactElement<any>;
method setActive
setActive: (active: any) => void;
method touchableHandleActivePressIn
touchableHandleActivePressIn: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandleActivePressOut
touchableHandleActivePressOut: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandleLongPress
touchableHandleLongPress: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandlePress
touchableHandlePress: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandleResponderGrant
touchableHandleResponderGrant: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandleResponderRelease
touchableHandleResponderRelease: (e: any) => void;
method touchableHandleResponderTerminate
touchableHandleResponderTerminate: (e: any) => void;
interface ITouchable
interface ITouchable {}
property activeClassName
activeClassName?: string;
property activeStopPropagation
activeStopPropagation?: boolean;
property activeStyle
activeStyle?: any;
property delayLongPress
delayLongPress?: number;
property delayPressIn
delayPressIn?: number;
property delayPressOut
delayPressOut?: number;
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
property fixClickPenetration
fixClickPenetration?: boolean;
property hitSlop
hitSlop?: { left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number;};
property longPressCancelsPress
longPressCancelsPress?: boolean;
property onLongPress
onLongPress?: (e?: any) => void;
property onPress
onPress?: (e?: any) => void;
property pressRetentionOffset
pressRetentionOffset?: { left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number;};
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