- Version 7.1.0
- Published
- 230 kB
- 10 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i react-docgen
yarn add react-docgen
pnpm add react-docgen
A library to extract information from React components for documentation generation.
Type Aliases
- applyToTypeProperties()
- findFunctionReturn()
- getClassMemberValuePath()
- getFlowType()
- getMemberExpressionRoot()
- getMemberExpressionValuePath()
- getMembers()
- getMemberValuePath()
- getMethodDocumentation()
- getNameOrValue()
- getParameterName()
- getPropertyName()
- getPropertyValuePath()
- getPropType()
- getTSType()
- getTypeAnnotation()
- getTypeFromReactComponent()
- getTypeIdentifier()
- getTypeParameters()
- isDestructuringAssignment()
- isExportsOrModuleAssignment()
- isImportSpecifier()
- isReactBuiltinCall()
- isReactBuiltinReference()
- isReactChildrenElementCall()
- isReactCloneElementCall()
- isReactComponentClass()
- isReactComponentMethod()
- isReactCreateClassCall()
- isReactCreateElementCall()
- isReactForwardRefCall()
- isReactModuleName()
- isRequiredPropType()
- isStatelessComponent()
- isSupportedDefinitionType()
- isUnreachableFlowType()
- MethodNodePath
- normalizeClassDefinition()
- parseJsDoc()
- postProcessDocumentation()
- printValue()
- resolveExportDeclaration()
- resolveFunctionDefinitionToReturnValue()
- resolveGenericTypeAnnotation()
- resolveHOC()
- resolveObjectKeysToArray()
- resolveObjectPatternPropertyToValue()
- resolveObjectToNameArray()
- resolveObjectValuesToArray()
- resolveToModule()
- resolveToValue()
- setPropDescription()
- TypeParameters
variable builtinImporters
const builtinImporters: { fsImporter: Importer; ignoreImporter: Importer };
variable defaultHandlers
const defaultHandlers: Handler[];
function makeFsImporter
makeFsImporter: ( lookupModule?: (filename: string, basedir: string) => string, { parseCache, resolveCache }?: FsImporterCache) => Importer;
function parse
parse: (src: Buffer | string, config?: Config) => Documentation[];
Parse the *src* and scan for react components based on the config that gets supplied.
The default resolvers look for *exported* react components.
By default all handlers are applied, so that all possible different use cases are covered.
The default importer is the fs-importer that tries to resolve files based on the nodejs resolve algorithm.
class DocumentationBuilder
class DocumentationBuilder {}
method addComposes
addComposes: (moduleName: string) => void;
method build
build: () => Documentation;
method get
get: <T>(key: string) => T | null;
method getChildContextDescriptor
getChildContextDescriptor: (propName: string) => PropDescriptor;
method getContextDescriptor
getContextDescriptor: (propName: string) => PropDescriptor;
method getPropDescriptor
getPropDescriptor: (propName: string) => PropDescriptor;
method set
set: (key: string, value: unknown) => void;
class FileState
class FileState {}
constructor( options: TransformOptions, { code, ast, importer }: { code: string; ast: File; importer: Importer });
property ast
ast: File;
property code
code: string;
property hub
hub: HubInterface;
property opts
opts: TransformOptions;
property path
path: NodePath<Program>;
property scope
scope: Scope;
method import
import: (path: NodePath<any>, name: string) => NodePath | null;
Try to resolve and import the ImportPath with the
method parse
parse: (code: string, filename: string) => FileState;
Parse the content of a new file The
is required so that potential imports inside the content can be correctly resolved and the correct babel config file could be loaded.filename
needs to be an absolute path.
method traverse
traverse: { <S>(visitors: Visitor<S>, state?: S): void; (visitors: Visitor): void;};
interface Config
interface Config {}
property babelOptions
babelOptions?: TransformOptions;
property filename
filename?: string;
shortcut for
Set to an absolute path (recommended) to the file currently being parsed or to an relative path that is relative to thebabelOptions.cwd
property handlers
handlers?: Handler[];
property importer
importer?: Importer;
property resolver
resolver?: Resolver;
interface Documentation
interface Documentation {}
property childContext
childContext?: Record<string, PropDescriptor>;
property composes
composes?: string[];
property context
context?: Record<string, PropDescriptor>;
property description
description?: string;
property displayName
displayName?: string;
property methods
methods?: MethodDescriptor[];
property props
props?: Record<string, PropDescriptor>;
interface ResolverClass
interface ResolverClass {}
property resolve
resolve: ResolverFunction;
Type Aliases
type Handler
type Handler = ( documentation: Documentation, componentDefinition: NodePath<ComponentNode>) => void;
type Importer
type Importer = (path: ImportPath, name: string, file: FileState) => NodePath | null;
type Resolver
type Resolver = ResolverClass | ResolverFunction;
type ResolverFunction
type ResolverFunction = (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
namespace builtinHandlers
module 'dist/handlers/index.d.ts' {}
variable childContextTypeHandler
const childContextTypeHandler: Handler;
variable codeTypeHandler
const codeTypeHandler: Handler;
This handler tries to find flow and TS Type annotated react components and extract its types to the documentation. It also extracts docblock comments which are inlined in the type definition.
variable componentDocblockHandler
const componentDocblockHandler: Handler;
Finds the nearest block comment before the component definition.
variable componentMethodsHandler
const componentMethodsHandler: Handler;
Extract all flow types for the methods of a react component. Doesn't return any react specific lifecycle methods.
variable componentMethodsJsDocHandler
const componentMethodsJsDocHandler: Handler;
Extract info from the methods jsdoc blocks. Must be run after componentMethodsHandler.
variable contextTypeHandler
const contextTypeHandler: Handler;
variable defaultPropsHandler
const defaultPropsHandler: Handler;
variable displayNameHandler
const displayNameHandler: Handler;
variable propDocblockHandler
const propDocblockHandler: Handler;
variable propTypeCompositionHandler
const propTypeCompositionHandler: Handler;
variable propTypeHandler
const propTypeHandler: Handler;
type Handler
type Handler = ( documentation: Documentation, componentDefinition: NodePath<ComponentNode>) => void;
namespace builtinResolvers
module 'dist/resolver/index.d.ts' {}
class ChainResolver
class ChainResolver implements ResolverClass {}
constructor(resolvers: Resolver[], options: ChainResolverOptions);
property Logic
static Logic: typeof ChainingLogic;
property options
options: ChainResolverOptions;
property resolvers
resolvers: Resolver[];
method resolve
resolve: (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
class FindAllDefinitionsResolver
class FindAllDefinitionsResolver implements ResolverClass {}
Given an AST, this function tries to find all object expressions that are passed to
calls, by resolving all references properly.
method resolve
resolve: (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
class FindAnnotatedDefinitionsResolver
class FindAnnotatedDefinitionsResolver implements ResolverClass {}
Given an AST, this function tries to find all react components which are annotated with an annotation
constructor({ annotation }?: FindAnnotatedDefinitionsResolverOptions);
property annotation
annotation: string;
method resolve
resolve: (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
class FindExportedDefinitionsResolver
class FindExportedDefinitionsResolver implements ResolverClass {}
Given an AST, this function tries to find the exported component definitions.
The component definitions are either the ObjectExpression passed to
or aclass
definition extendingReact.Component
or having arender()
method.If a definition is part of the following statements, it is considered to be exported:
modules.exports = Definition; = Definition; export default Definition; export var Definition = ...;
limit can be used to limit the components to be found. When the limit is reached an error will be thrown
constructor({ limit }?: FindExportedDefinitionsResolverOptions);
property limit
limit: number;
method resolve
resolve: (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
interface ResolverClass
interface ResolverClass {}
property resolve
resolve: ResolverFunction;
type ComponentNode
type ComponentNode = | CallExpression | ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | ObjectExpression | StatelessComponentNode;
type ComponentNodePath
type ComponentNodePath = NodePath<ComponentNode>;
type Resolver
type Resolver = ResolverClass | ResolverFunction;
type ResolverFunction
type ResolverFunction = (file: FileState) => ComponentNodePath[];
type StatelessComponentNode
type StatelessComponentNode = | ArrowFunctionExpression | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ObjectMethod;
namespace utils
module 'dist/utils/index.d.ts' {}
const COMPUTED_PREFIX: string;
function applyToTypeProperties
applyToTypeProperties: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath, callback: (propertyPath: NodePath, params: TypeParameters | null) => void, typeParams: TypeParameters | null) => void;
function findFunctionReturn
findFunctionReturn: <T extends NodePath = NodePath>( path: NodePath, predicate: Predicate<T>) => T | undefined;
This can be used in two ways 1. Find the first return path that passes the predicate function (for example to check if a function is returning something) 2. Find all occurrences of return values For this the predicate acts more like a collector and always needs to return false
function getClassMemberValuePath
getClassMemberValuePath: ( classDefinition: NodePath<any>, memberName: string) => NodePath<ClassMethod | Expression> | null;
function getFlowType
getFlowType: ( path: NodePath<FlowType>, typeParams?: TypeParameters | null) => TypeDescriptor;
Tries to identify the flow type by inspecting the path for known flow type names. This method doesn't check whether the found type is actually existing. It simply assumes that a match is always valid.
If there is no match, "unknown" is returned.
function getMemberExpressionRoot
getMemberExpressionRoot: ( memberExpressionPath: NodePath<MemberExpression>) => NodePath<Expression>;
Returns the path to the first part of the MemberExpression. I.e. given a path representing
it returns the path of/to
function getMemberExpressionValuePath
getMemberExpressionValuePath: ( variableDefinition: NodePath, memberName: string) => NodePath<Expression> | null;
function getMembers
getMembers: (path: NodePath, includeRoot?: boolean) => MemberDescriptor[];
Given a "nested" Member/CallExpression, e.g.[baz][42]
this returns a list of "members". In this example it would be something like [ {path: NodePath, arguments: NodePath, computed: false}, {path: NodePath, arguments: null, computed: true}, {path: NodePath<42>, arguments: null, computed: false} ]
function getMemberValuePath
getMemberValuePath: ( componentDefinition: NodePath<any>, memberName: string) => NodePath<ClassMethod | Expression | ObjectMethod> | null;
This is a helper method for handlers to make it easier to work either with an ObjectExpression from
class or with a class definition.Given a path and a name, this function will either return the path of the property value if the path is an ObjectExpression, or the value of the ClassProperty/MethodDefinition if it is a class definition (declaration or expression).
It also normalizes the names so that e.g.
can be used interchangeably.
function getMethodDocumentation
getMethodDocumentation: ( methodPath: MethodNodePath, options?: { isStatic?: boolean }) => MethodDescriptor | null;
function getNameOrValue
getNameOrValue: (path: NodePath) => boolean | number | string | null;
If node is an Identifier, it returns its name. If it is a literal, it returns its value.
function getParameterName
getParameterName: (parameterPath: NodePath<any>) => string;
function getPropertyName
getPropertyName: (propertyPath: NodePath<any>) => string | null;
In an ObjectExpression, the name of a property can either be an identifier or a literal (or dynamic, but we don't support those). This function simply returns the value of the literal or name of the identifier.
function getPropertyValuePath
getPropertyValuePath: ( path: NodePath<ObjectExpression>, propertyName: string) => NodePath<Expression | ObjectMethod> | null;
Given an ObjectExpression, this function returns the path of the value of the property with name
. if the property is an ObjectMethod we return the ObjectMethod itself.
function getPropType
getPropType: (path: NodePath) => PropTypeDescriptor;
Tries to identify the prop type by inspecting the path for known prop type names. This method doesn't check whether the found type is actually from React.PropTypes. It simply assumes that a match has the same meaning as the React.PropTypes one.
If there is no match, "custom" is returned.
function getTSType
getTSType: ( path: NodePath<TypeScript>, typeParamMap?: TypeParameters | null) => TypeDescriptor<TSFunctionSignatureType>;
Tries to identify the typescript type by inspecting the path for known typescript type names. This method doesn't check whether the found type is actually existing. It simply assumes that a match is always valid.
If there is no match, "unknown" is returned.
function getTypeAnnotation
getTypeAnnotation: <T extends Node = any>( path: NodePath<any>) => NodePath<T> | null;
Gets the most inner valuable TypeAnnotation from path. If no TypeAnnotation can be found null is returned
function getTypeFromReactComponent
getTypeFromReactComponent: (componentDefinition: NodePath) => NodePath[];
Given an React component (stateless or class) tries to find flow or TS types for the props. It may find multiple types. If not found or it is not one of the supported component types, this function returns an empty array.
function getTypeIdentifier
getTypeIdentifier: (path: NodePath) => NodePath | null;
function getTypeParameters
getTypeParameters: ( declaration: NodePath<any>, instantiation: NodePath<any>, inputParams: TypeParameters | null | undefined) => TypeParameters;
function isDestructuringAssignment
isDestructuringAssignment: (path: NodePath, name: string) => boolean;
Checks if the input Identifier is part of a destructuring Assignment and the name of the property key matches the input name
function isExportsOrModuleAssignment
isExportsOrModuleAssignment: (path: NodePath) => boolean;
Returns true if the expression is of form = ...;
ormodules.exports = ...;
function isImportSpecifier
isImportSpecifier: (path: NodePath, name: string) => boolean;
Checks if the path is a ImportSpecifier that imports the given named export
function isReactBuiltinCall
isReactBuiltinCall: (path: NodePath, name: string) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
function isReactBuiltinReference
isReactBuiltinReference: (path: NodePath, name: string) => boolean;
Returns true if the expression is a reference to a react export.
function isReactChildrenElementCall
isReactChildrenElementCall: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
function isReactCloneElementCall
isReactCloneElementCall: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
function isReactComponentClass
isReactComponentClass: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
of the path represents a class definition which either extendsReact.Component
or has a superclass and implements arender()
function isReactComponentMethod
isReactComponentMethod: (methodPath: NodePath) => boolean;
Returns if the method path is a Component method.
function isReactCreateClassCall
isReactCreateClassCall: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
orimport createReactClass from 'create-react-class';createReactClass(...);
function isReactCreateElementCall
isReactCreateElementCall: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
function isReactForwardRefCall
isReactForwardRefCall: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
Returns true if the expression is a function call of the form
function isReactModuleName
isReactModuleName: (moduleName: string) => boolean;
Takes a module name (string) and returns true if it refers to a root react module name.
function isRequiredPropType
isRequiredPropType: (path: NodePath) => boolean;
Returns true of the prop is required, according to its type definition
function isStatelessComponent
isStatelessComponent: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
if the path represents a function which returns a JSXElement
function isSupportedDefinitionType
isSupportedDefinitionType: (path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<any>;
function isUnreachableFlowType
isUnreachableFlowType: (path: NodePath) => boolean;
Returns true of the path is an unreachable TypePath This evaluates the NodePaths returned from resolveToValue
function normalizeClassDefinition
normalizeClassDefinition: (classDefinition: NodePath<any>) => void;
Given a class definition (i.e.
declaration or expression), this function "normalizes" the definition, by looking for assignments of static properties and converting them to ClassProperties.Example:
class MyComponent extends React.Component { // ... } MyComponent.propTypes = { ... };
is converted to
class MyComponent extends React.Component { // ... static propTypes = { ... }; }
function parseJsDoc
parseJsDoc: (docblock: string) => JsDoc;
function postProcessDocumentation
postProcessDocumentation: (documentation: Documentation) => Documentation;
function printValue
printValue: (path: NodePath) => string;
Prints the given path without leading or trailing comments.
function resolveExportDeclaration
resolveExportDeclaration: (path: NodePath<any>) => NodePath[];
function resolveFunctionDefinitionToReturnValue
resolveFunctionDefinitionToReturnValue: ( path: NodePath<BabelFunction>) => NodePath<Expression> | null;
function resolveGenericTypeAnnotation
resolveGenericTypeAnnotation: (path: NodePath) => NodePath | undefined;
Given an React component (stateless or class) tries to find the flow or ts type for the props. If not found or not one of the supported component types returns undefined.
function resolveHOC
resolveHOC: (path: NodePath) => NodePath;
If the path is a call expression, it recursively resolves to the rightmost argument, stopping if it finds a React.createClass call expression
Else the path itself is returned.
function resolveObjectKeysToArray
resolveObjectKeysToArray: (path: NodePath) => string[] | null;
Returns an ArrayExpression which contains all the keys resolved from an object
Ignores setters in objects
Returns null in case of unresolvable spreads computed identifier keys
function resolveObjectPatternPropertyToValue
resolveObjectPatternPropertyToValue: ( path: NodePath<ObjectProperty>) => NodePath | null;
Resolve and ObjectProperty inside an ObjectPattern to its value if possible If not found
is returned
function resolveObjectToNameArray
resolveObjectToNameArray: ( objectPath: NodePath, raw?: boolean) => string[] | null;
function resolveObjectValuesToArray
resolveObjectValuesToArray: (path: NodePath) => string[] | null;
Returns an ArrayExpression which contains all the values resolved from an object
Ignores setters in objects
Returns null in case of unresolvable spreads computed identifier values
function resolveToModule
resolveToModule: (path: NodePath) => string | null;
Given a path (e.g. call expression, member expression or identifier), this function tries to find the name of module from which the "root value" was imported.
function resolveToValue
resolveToValue: (path: NodePath) => NodePath;
If the path is an identifier, it is resolved in the scope chain. If it is an assignment expression, it resolves to the right hand side. If it is a member expression it is resolved to it's initialization value.
Else the path itself is returned.
function setPropDescription
setPropDescription: ( documentation: Documentation, propertyPath: NodePath<any>) => void;
type MethodNodePath
type MethodNodePath = | NodePath<AssignmentExpression> | NodePath<ClassMethod> | NodePath<ClassPrivateMethod> | NodePath<ClassProperty> | NodePath<ObjectMethod> | NodePath<ObjectProperty>;
type TypeParameters
type TypeParameters = Record<string, NodePath>;
namespace docblock
module 'dist/utils/docblock.d.ts' {}
Helper functions to work with docblock comments.
function getDocblock
getDocblock: (path: NodePath, trailing?: boolean) => string | null;
Given a path, this function returns the closest preceding docblock if it exists.
function getDoclets
getDoclets: (str: string) => Record<string, string>;
Given a string, this functions returns an object with doclet names as keys and their "content" as values.
namespace expressionTo
module 'dist/utils/expressionTo.d.ts' {}
Splits a MemberExpression or CallExpression into parts. E.g. becomes ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
namespace flowUtilityTypes
module 'dist/utils/flowUtilityTypes.d.ts' {}
for which types are supported and for which types are available.
function isSupportedUtilityType
isSupportedUtilityType: ( path: NodePath) => path is NodePath<GenericTypeAnnotation>;
for which types are supported and for which types are available.
function unwrapUtilityType
unwrapUtilityType: (path: NodePath) => NodePath;
Unwraps well known utility types. For example:
$ReadOnly => T
namespace traverse
module 'dist/utils/traverse.d.ts' {}
variable shallowIgnoreVisitors
const shallowIgnoreVisitors: { FunctionDeclaration: { enter: typeof ignore }; FunctionExpression: { enter: typeof ignore }; Class: { enter: typeof ignore }; IfStatement: { enter: typeof ignore }; WithStatement: { enter: typeof ignore }; SwitchStatement: { enter: typeof ignore }; CatchClause: { enter: typeof ignore }; Loop: { enter: typeof ignore }; ExportNamedDeclaration: { enter: typeof ignore }; ExportDefaultDeclaration: { enter: typeof ignore }; ConditionalExpression: { enter: typeof ignore };};
function ignore
ignore: <T>(path: NodePath<T>) => void;
Package Files (75)
- dist/Documentation.d.ts
- dist/FileState.d.ts
- dist/config.d.ts
- dist/error.d.ts
- dist/handlers/codeTypeHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/componentDocblockHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/componentMethodsHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/componentMethodsJsDocHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/defaultPropsHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/displayNameHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/index.d.ts
- dist/handlers/propDocblockHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/propTypeCompositionHandler.d.ts
- dist/handlers/propTypeHandler.d.ts
- dist/importer/index.d.ts
- dist/importer/makeFsImporter.d.ts
- dist/main.d.ts
- dist/resolver/ChainResolver.d.ts
- dist/resolver/FindAllDefinitionsResolver.d.ts
- dist/resolver/FindAnnotatedDefinitionsResolver.d.ts
- dist/resolver/FindExportedDefinitionsResolver.d.ts
- dist/resolver/index.d.ts
- dist/utils/docblock.d.ts
- dist/utils/expressionTo.d.ts
- dist/utils/findFunctionReturn.d.ts
- dist/utils/flowUtilityTypes.d.ts
- dist/utils/getClassMemberValuePath.d.ts
- dist/utils/getFlowType.d.ts
- dist/utils/getMemberExpressionRoot.d.ts
- dist/utils/getMemberExpressionValuePath.d.ts
- dist/utils/getMemberValuePath.d.ts
- dist/utils/getMembers.d.ts
- dist/utils/getMethodDocumentation.d.ts
- dist/utils/getNameOrValue.d.ts
- dist/utils/getParameterName.d.ts
- dist/utils/getPropType.d.ts
- dist/utils/getPropertyName.d.ts
- dist/utils/getPropertyValuePath.d.ts
- dist/utils/getTSType.d.ts
- dist/utils/getTypeAnnotation.d.ts
- dist/utils/getTypeFromReactComponent.d.ts
- dist/utils/getTypeIdentifier.d.ts
- dist/utils/getTypeParameters.d.ts
- dist/utils/index.d.ts
- dist/utils/isDestructuringAssignment.d.ts
- dist/utils/isExportsOrModuleAssignment.d.ts
- dist/utils/isImportSpecifier.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactBuiltinCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactBuiltinReference.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactChildrenElementCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactCloneElementCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactComponentClass.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactComponentMethod.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactCreateClassCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactCreateElementCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactForwardRefCall.d.ts
- dist/utils/isReactModuleName.d.ts
- dist/utils/isRequiredPropType.d.ts
- dist/utils/isStatelessComponent.d.ts
- dist/utils/isUnreachableFlowType.d.ts
- dist/utils/normalizeClassDefinition.d.ts
- dist/utils/parseJsDoc.d.ts
- dist/utils/postProcessDocumentation.d.ts
- dist/utils/printValue.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveExportDeclaration.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveFunctionDefinitionToReturnValue.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveGenericTypeAnnotation.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveHOC.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveObjectKeysToArray.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveObjectPatternPropertyToValue.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveObjectValuesToArray.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveToModule.d.ts
- dist/utils/resolveToValue.d.ts
- dist/utils/setPropDescription.d.ts
- dist/utils/traverse.d.ts
Dependencies (10)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
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