- Version 6.5.4
- Published
- 323 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i react-imported-component
yarn add react-imported-component
pnpm add react-imported-component
I will import your component, and help to handle it
- addPreloader()
- assignImportedComponents()
- ComponentLoader()
- configure()
- drainHydrateMarks()
- dryRender()
- getMarkedChunks()
- getMarkedFileNames()
- imported()
- ImportedComponent()
- importedModule()
- ImportedModule()
- lazy()
- loadByChunkname()
- loader()
- printDrainHydrateMarks()
- rehydrateMarks()
- remapImports()
- useImported()
- useIsClientPhase()
- useLazy()
- waitForMarks()
- whenComponentsReady()
Type Aliases
variable ImportedController
const ImportedController: React.FC<{ usesHydration?: boolean }>;
Parameter props
[props.usesHydration=true] determines of Application is rendered using hydrate
See Also
[LazyBoundary]LazyBoundary - HydrationController is required for LazyBoundary to properly work with React>16.10 Established a control over LazyBoundary suppressing fallback during the initial hydration
variable ImportedStream
const ImportedStream: React.FC<{ stream: Stream }>;
SSR. Tracker for used marks
variable LazyBoundary
const LazyBoundary: React.FC<{ fallback: NonNullable<React.ReactNode> | null }>;
React.Suspense "as-is" replacement. Automatically "removed" during SSR and "patched" to work accordingly on the clientside
See Also
HydrationController has to wrap entire application in order to provide required information
function addPreloader
addPreloader: (preloader: Preloader) => Callback;
adds a precondition before resolving any imported object
function assignImportedComponents
assignImportedComponents: (set: ImportedDefinition[]) => ImportedDefinition[];
to be used __only via CLI tools__
function ComponentLoader
ComponentLoader: <P, K>(props: ComponentOptions<P, K>) => ReactElement | null;
use useImported instead
function configure
configure: (config: ImportedConfiguration) => ImportedConfiguration;
provides react-imported-component configuration
Parameter config
function drainHydrateMarks
drainHydrateMarks: (stream?: Stream) => string[];
list or marks used
function dryRender
dryRender: (renderFunction: () => void) => Promise<unknown>;
try to perform a render and loads all chunks required for it
function getMarkedChunks
getMarkedChunks: (marks: Mark) => string[];
function getMarkedFileNames
getMarkedFileNames: (marks: Mark) => string[];
function imported
imported: <P, K = P>( loaderFunction: DefaultComponentImport<P>, baseOptions?: Partial<ComponentOptions<P, K>> & HOCOptions) => HOCType<P, K>;
creates a "lazy" component, like
Parameter loaderFunction
() => import('a'), or () => require('b')
Parameter options
{React.Component} [options.LoadingComponent]
{React.Component} [options.ErrorComponent]
{Function} [options.onError] - error handler. Will consume the real error.
{Function} [options.async = false] - enable React 16+ suspense.
Example 1
const PageA = imported('./pageA', { async: true });
See Also
function ImportedComponent
ImportedComponent: <P, K>(props: ComponentOptions<P, K>) => ReactElement | null;
use useImported instead
function importedModule
importedModule: <T>(loaderFunction: DefaultImport<T>) => HOCModuleType<T>;
use useImported instead
function ImportedModule
ImportedModule: <T>( props: FullImportModuleProps<T>) => React.ReactElement | null;
use useImported instead
function lazy
lazy: <T>(importer: LazyImport<T>) => React.FC<T>;
React.lazy "as-is" replacement
function loadByChunkname
loadByChunkname: (chunkName: string) => Promise<unknown>;
loads chunk by a known chunkname
Parameter chunkName
function loader
loader: <P, K = P>( loaderFunction: DefaultComponentImport<P>, baseOptions?: Partial<ComponentOptions<P, K>> & HOCOptions) => HOCType<P, K>;
creates a "lazy" component, like
Parameter loaderFunction
() => import('a'), or () => require('b')
Parameter options
{React.Component} [options.LoadingComponent]
{React.Component} [options.ErrorComponent]
{Function} [options.onError] - error handler. Will consume the real error.
{Function} [options.async = false] - enable React 16+ suspense.
Example 1
const PageA = imported('./pageA', { async: true });
See Also
function printDrainHydrateMarks
printDrainHydrateMarks: (stream?: Stream | undefined) => string;
a tag with all used marks
function rehydrateMarks
rehydrateMarks: (marks?: string[] | undefined) => Promise<unknown>;
Loads a given marks/chunks
Parameter marks
a resolution promise
See Also
returns a promise for a given marks only. In order to await all requests currently in flight use waitForMarks
function remapImports
remapImports: <T, Y>(x: Promise<T>, map: (a: T) => Y) => Promise<Y>;
helper function to remap imports
Parameter x
Parameter map
function useImported
useImported: { <T>(importer: DefaultImport<T> | Loadable<T>): ImportedShape<T>; <T, K = T>( importer: DefaultImport<T> | Loadable<T>, exportPicker: (x: T) => K, options?: HookOptions ): ImportedShape<K>;};
short version of useImported
Parameter importer
an function with
inside it{Object} - imported: if non empty - the data is loaded - error: if non empty - there is an error - loading: if true - then it's still loading - loadable: the under laying reference - retry: retry if case of failure
Example 1
const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer); if (Imported) { // yep, it's imported return <Imported {...children} />; } // else throw resolution throw loadable.resolution;
The code splitting hook, the full version
Parameter importer
an function with
inside itParameter exportPicker
a "picker" of the export inside
Parameter options
{Boolean} [options.import=true] - should the component be imported. Allow to defer execution.
{Boolean} [options.track=true] - allows disabling tracking of components, isolating them to SSR
{Object} - imported: if non empty - the data is loaded - error: if non empty - there is an error - loading: if true - then it's still loading - loadable: the under laying reference - retry: retry if case of failure
Example 1
const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer, ({namedExport} => namedExport);
Example 2
const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer); if (Imported) { // yep, it's imported return <Imported {...children} />; } // else throw resolution throw loadable.resolution;
See Also
if you dont need precise control consider(and loading Components) useLazy
function useIsClientPhase
useIsClientPhase: () => boolean;
returns "true" if currently is a "client" phase and all features should be active
See Also
function useLazy
useLazy: <T>( importer: DefaultComponentImport<T>) => LazyExoticComponent<ComponentType<T>>;
A mix of React.lazy and useImported - uses React.lazy for Component and
to track the promise not "retry"-ableExample 1
const Component = useLazy(() => import('./MyComponent'); return // throws to SuspenseBoundary if not ready
See Also
if you need precise control consider useImported
function waitForMarks
waitForMarks: (marks: string[]) => Promise<unknown>;
waits for the given marks to load
Parameter marks
function whenComponentsReady
whenComponentsReady: () => Promise<void>;
waits for all necessary imports to be fulfilled
interface ImportedConfiguration
interface ImportedConfiguration {}
ImportedConfiguration react-imported-component configuration __TO BE USED AT
__See Also
property chunkName
chunkName?: ( targetFile: string, sourceFile: string, importOptions: ImportOptions) => string | null | undefined;
adds custom chunkname to a import (if possible)
Parameter targetFile
Parameter sourceFile
Parameter givenChunkName
{string} - a new chunk name {undefined} - keep as is {null} - keep as is (will remove in the future)
property configuration
configuration?: Partial<ImportedClientSettings>;
clientside configuration properties to be passed into
property shouldPrefetch
shouldPrefetch?: ( targetFile: string, sourceFile: string, sourceConfiguration: ImportOptions) => boolean;
marks import with prefetch comment (if possible)
Parameter targetFile
Parameter sourceFile
Parameter sourceConfiguration
property shouldPreload
shouldPreload?: ( targetFile: string, sourceFile: string, sourceConfiguration: ImportOptions) => boolean;
marks import with preload comment (if possible)
Parameter targetFile
Parameter sourceFile
Parameter sourceConfiguration
property testFile
testFile?: (fileName: string) => boolean;
tests if this file should scanned by
. Keep in mind that you might consider removing (unit)test files from the scanParameter fileName
source file name
{Boolean} true - if should, false - is should not
Example 1
// hides node modules testFile(filename) { return !filename.test(/node_modules/); }
property testFolder
testFolder?: (targetName: string) => boolean;
tests folder during scanning process. Can be used to optimize scanning process. ignores
boolean flag - true, dive in - false, stop here
property testImport
testImport?: (targetFileName: string, sourceFileName: string) => boolean;
tests if a given import should be visible to a
This method is equivalent toclient-side
magic commentParameter targetFileName
import target
Parameter sourceFileName
source filename
{Boolean} false if import should be ignored by the
Example 1
//a.js -> source import('./b.js) -> target
Example 2
testImport(filename, source, config) { return !( // no mjs please filename.indexOf('.mjs')===-1 // no webpack-ignore please (don't do it) config.webpackIgnore ) }
See Also
Type Aliases
type DefaultImport
type DefaultImport<T> = () => Promise<Defaultable<T>>;
standard "importer" accepted by the package. Could be {default:T} or T
Package Files (19)
- dist/es5/configuration/configuration.d.ts
- dist/es5/entrypoints/index.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/assignImportedComponents.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/loadByChunkName.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/loadable.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/markerMapper.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/marks.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/pending.d.ts
- dist/es5/loadable/preloaders.d.ts
- dist/es5/types.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/Component.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/HOC.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/ImportedController.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/LazyBoundary.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/Module.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/context.d.ts
- dist/es5/ui/useImported.d.ts
- dist/es5/utils/helpers.d.ts
- dist/es5/utils/useClientPhase.d.ts
Dependencies (5)
Dev Dependencies (8)
Peer Dependencies (2)
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