- Version 4.0.5
- Published
- 345 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i react-native-tab-view
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Tab view component for React Native
function SceneMap
SceneMap: <T>(scenes: { [key: string]: React.ComponentType<T>;}) => ({ route, jumpTo, position }: SceneProps) => any;
function TabBar
TabBar: <T extends Route>({ renderIndicator, gap, scrollEnabled, jumpTo, navigationState, position, activeColor, bounces, contentContainerStyle, inactiveColor, indicatorContainerStyle, indicatorStyle, onTabLongPress, onTabPress, pressColor, pressOpacity, direction, renderTabBarItem, style, tabStyle, layout: propLayout, testID, android_ripple, options,}: Props<T>) => any;
function TabBarIndicator
TabBarIndicator: <T extends Route>({ getTabWidth, layout, navigationState, position, width, direction, gap, style, children,}: Props<T>) => any;
function TabBarItem
TabBarItem: <T extends Route>(props: Props<T>) => any;
function TabView
TabView: <T extends Route>({ onIndexChange, navigationState, renderScene, initialLayout, keyboardDismissMode, lazy, lazyPreloadDistance, onSwipeStart, onSwipeEnd, renderLazyPlaceholder, renderTabBar, pagerStyle, style, direction, swipeEnabled, tabBarPosition, animationEnabled, overScrollMode, options: sceneOptions, commonOptions,}: Props<T>) => any;
Type Aliases
type NavigationState
type NavigationState<T extends Route> = { index: number; routes: T[];};
type Route
type Route = { key: string; icon?: string; title?: string; accessible?: boolean; accessibilityLabel?: string; testID?: string;};
type SceneRendererProps
type SceneRendererProps = { layout: Layout; position: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>; jumpTo: (key: string) => void;};
type TabBarIndicatorProps
type Props<T extends Route> = SceneRendererProps & { navigationState: NavigationState<T>; width: 'auto' | `${number}%` | number; getTabWidth: GetTabWidth; direction: LocaleDirection; style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; gap?: number; children?: React.ReactNode;};
type TabBarItemProps
type Props<T extends Route> = TabDescriptor<T> & { position: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation<number>; route: T; navigationState: NavigationState<T>; activeColor?: string; inactiveColor?: string; pressColor?: string; pressOpacity?: number; onLayout?: (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void; onPress: () => void; onLongPress: () => void; defaultTabWidth?: number; style: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; android_ripple?: PressableAndroidRippleConfig;};
type TabBarProps
type Props<T extends Route> = SceneRendererProps & { navigationState: NavigationState<T>; scrollEnabled?: boolean; bounces?: boolean; activeColor?: string; inactiveColor?: string; pressColor?: string; pressOpacity?: number; options?: Record<string, TabDescriptor<T>>; renderIndicator?: (props: IndicatorProps<T>) => React.ReactNode; renderTabBarItem?: ( props: TabBarItemProps<T> & { key: string; } ) => React.ReactElement; onTabPress?: (scene: Scene<T> & Event) => void; onTabLongPress?: (scene: Scene<T>) => void; tabStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; indicatorStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; indicatorContainerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; direction?: LocaleDirection; gap?: number; testID?: string; android_ripple?: PressableAndroidRippleConfig;};
type TabDescriptor
type TabDescriptor<T extends Route> = { accessibilityLabel?: string; accessible?: boolean; testID?: string; labelText?: string; labelAllowFontScaling?: boolean; href?: string; label?: (props: { route: T; labelText?: string; focused: boolean; color: string; allowFontScaling?: boolean; style?: StyleProp<TextStyle>; }) => React.ReactNode; labelStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>; icon?: (props: { route: T; focused: boolean; color: string; size: number; }) => React.ReactNode; badge?: (props: { route: T }) => React.ReactElement; sceneStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;};
type TabViewProps
type Props<T extends Route> = Omit<PagerProps, 'layoutDirection'> & { onIndexChange: (index: number) => void; navigationState: NavigationState<T>; renderLazyPlaceholder?: (props: { route: T }) => React.ReactNode; renderTabBar?: ( props: SceneRendererProps & { navigationState: NavigationState<T>; options: Record<string, TabDescriptor<T>> | undefined; } ) => React.ReactNode; tabBarPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom'; initialLayout?: Partial<Layout>; lazy?: ((props: { route: T }) => boolean) | boolean; lazyPreloadDistance?: number; direction?: LocaleDirection; pagerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; renderScene: ( props: SceneRendererProps & { route: T; } ) => React.ReactNode; options?: Record<string, TabDescriptor<T>>; commonOptions?: TabDescriptor<T>;};
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