- Version 4.4.0
- Published
- 156 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i reconnecting-websocket
yarn add reconnecting-websocket
pnpm add reconnecting-websocket
Reconnecting WebSocket
Type Aliases
class ReconnectingWebSocket
class ReconnectingWebSocket {}
constructor(url: UrlProvider, protocols?: string | string[], options?: Options);
property binaryType
binaryType: BinaryType;
property bufferedAmount
readonly bufferedAmount: number;
The number of bytes of data that have been queued using calls to send() but not yet transmitted to the network. This value resets to zero once all queued data has been sent. This value does not reset to zero when the connection is closed; if you keep calling send(), this will continue to climb. Read only
property CLOSED
static readonly CLOSED: number;
property CLOSED
readonly CLOSED: number;
property CLOSING
static readonly CLOSING: number;
property CLOSING
readonly CLOSING: number;
static readonly CONNECTING: number;
readonly CONNECTING: number;
property extensions
readonly extensions: string;
The extensions selected by the server. This is currently only the empty string or a list of extensions as negotiated by the connection
property onclose
onclose: (event: Events.CloseEvent) => void;
An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to CLOSED
property onerror
onerror: (event: Events.ErrorEvent) => void;
An event listener to be called when an error occurs
property onmessage
onmessage: (event: MessageEvent) => void;
An event listener to be called when a message is received from the server
property onopen
onopen: (event: Event) => void;
An event listener to be called when the WebSocket connection's readyState changes to OPEN; this indicates that the connection is ready to send and receive data
property OPEN
static readonly OPEN: number;
property OPEN
readonly OPEN: number;
property protocol
readonly protocol: string;
A string indicating the name of the sub-protocol the server selected; this will be one of the strings specified in the protocols parameter when creating the WebSocket object
property readyState
readonly readyState: number;
The current state of the connection; this is one of the Ready state constants
property retryCount
readonly retryCount: number;
Returns the number or connection retries
property url
readonly url: string;
The URL as resolved by the constructor
method addEventListener
addEventListener: <T extends keyof Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap>( type: T, listener: Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap[T]) => void;
Register an event handler of a specific event type
method close
close: (code?: number, reason?: string) => void;
Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt, if any. If the connection is already CLOSED, this method does nothing
method dispatchEvent
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
method reconnect
reconnect: (code?: number, reason?: string) => void;
Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt and connects again. Resets retry counter;
method removeEventListener
removeEventListener: <T extends keyof Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap>( type: T, listener: Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap[T]) => void;
Removes an event listener
method send
send: (data: Message) => void;
Enqueue specified data to be transmitted to the server over the WebSocket connection
Type Aliases
type CloseEvent
type CloseEvent = Events.CloseEvent;
type ErrorEvent
type ErrorEvent = Events.ErrorEvent;
type Event
type Event = Events.Event;
type ListenersMap
type ListenersMap = { error: Array<Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap['error']>; message: Array<Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap['message']>; open: Array<Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap['open']>; close: Array<Events.WebSocketEventListenerMap['close']>;};
type Message
type Message = string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView;
type Options
type Options = { WebSocket?: any; maxReconnectionDelay?: number; minReconnectionDelay?: number; reconnectionDelayGrowFactor?: number; minUptime?: number; connectionTimeout?: number; maxRetries?: number; maxEnqueuedMessages?: number; startClosed?: boolean; debug?: boolean;};
type UrlProvider
type UrlProvider = string | (() => string) | (() => Promise<string>);
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