
  • Version 3.1.0
  • Published
  • 26.8 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Thunk middleware for Redux.



variable thunk

const thunk: Middleware<
ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>,
ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>

    variable withExtraArgument

    const withExtraArgument: <
    State = any,
    BasicAction extends Action = AnyAction,
    ExtraThunkArg = undefined
    extraArgument?: ExtraThunkArg
    ) => Middleware<
    ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>,
    ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>


      function createThunkMiddleware

      createThunkMiddleware: <
      State = any,
      BasicAction extends Action = AnyAction,
      ExtraThunkArg = undefined
      extraArgument?: ExtraThunkArg
      ) => Middleware<
      ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>,
      ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>
      • A function that accepts a potential "extra argument" value to be injected later, and returns an instance of the thunk middleware that uses that value


      interface ThunkDispatch

      interface ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction extends Action> {}
      • The dispatch method as modified by React-Thunk; overloaded so that you can dispatch: - standard (object) actions: dispatch() returns the action itself - thunk actions: dispatch() returns the thunk's return value

        State The redux state ExtraThunkArg The extra argument passed to the inner function of thunks (if specified when setting up the Thunk middleware) BasicAction The (non-thunk) actions that can be dispatched.

      call signature

      thunkAction: ThunkAction<ReturnType, State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>
      ): ReturnType;
      • Accepts a thunk function, runs it, and returns whatever the thunk itself returns

      call signature

      <Action extends BasicAction>(action: Action): Action;
      • Accepts a standard action object, and returns that action object

      call signature

      <ReturnType, Action extends BasicAction>(
      action: Action | ThunkAction<ReturnType, State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>
      ): Action | ReturnType;
      • A union of the other two overloads for TS inference purposes

      Type Aliases

      type ThunkAction

      type ThunkAction<ReturnType, State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction extends Action> = (
      dispatch: ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>,
      getState: () => State,
      extraArgument: ExtraThunkArg
      ) => ReturnType;
      • A "thunk" action (a callback function that can be dispatched to the Redux store.)

        Also known as the "thunk inner function", when used with the typical pattern of an action creator function that returns a thunk action.

        ReturnType The return type of the thunk's inner function State The redux state ExtraThunkArg Optional extra argument passed to the inner function (if specified when setting up the Thunk middleware) BasicAction The (non-thunk) actions that can be dispatched.

      type ThunkActionDispatch

      type ThunkActionDispatch<
      ActionCreator extends (...args: any[]) => ThunkAction<any, any, any, any>
      > = (...args: Parameters<ActionCreator>) => ReturnType<ReturnType<ActionCreator>>;
      • A generic type that takes a thunk action creator and returns a function signature which matches how it would appear after being processed using bindActionCreators(): a function that takes the arguments of the outer function, and returns the return type of the inner "thunk" function.

        ActionCreator Thunk action creator to be wrapped

      type ThunkMiddleware

      type ThunkMiddleware<
      State = any,
      BasicAction extends Action = AnyAction,
      ExtraThunkArg = undefined
      > = Middleware<
      ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>,
      ThunkDispatch<State, ExtraThunkArg, BasicAction>
      • State The redux state BasicAction The (non-thunk) actions that can be dispatched ExtraThunkArg An optional extra argument to pass to a thunk's inner function. (Only used if you call withExtraArgument())

      Package Files (1)

      Dependencies (0)

      No dependencies.

      Dev Dependencies (11)

      Peer Dependencies (1)


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