
  • Version 5.13.0
  • Published
  • 41.6 kB
  • No dependencies
  • Artistic-2.0 license


npm i requirefresh
yarn add requirefresh
pnpm add requirefresh


Require a file without adding it into the require cache



variable requireFreshSafe

const requireFreshSafe: (path: string, next: Errback) => void;


    function requireFresh

    requireFresh: (path: string) => any;
    • Require the path without any caching.

      Parameter path

      the path to require


      the result of the require call


      note that the require call may throw if something went wrong requiring the path

    function requireFreshCallback

    requireFreshCallback: (path: string, next: Errback) => void;
    • Require the path without any caching, but catch errors into the callback. Error cannot be returned because what if the module intended to RETURN (not throw) an error, hence why callback is used, as it can differentiate between returned and thrown errors.

      Parameter path

      the path to require

      Parameter next

      the callback



    function requireFreshPromise

    requireFreshPromise: (path: string) => Promise<unknown>;
    • Require the path without any caching, but catch errors into the callback. Error cannot be returned because what if the module intended to RETURN (not throw) an error, hence why promise is used, as it can differentiate between returned and thrown errors.

      Parameter path

      the path to require



    Type Aliases

    type Errback

    type Errback = (error: Error | undefined, result: any) => any;
    • Require Fresh Callback in typical errback style.

      Parameter error

      if the require call threw, this is its error

      Parameter result

      if the require call performed succesfully, this is its result

    Package Files (1)

    Dependencies (0)

    No dependencies.

    Dev Dependencies (16)

    Peer Dependencies (0)

    No peer dependencies.


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