- Version 5.0.10
- Published
- 154 kB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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React Mobile Picker Component(web and react-native)
variable _default
const _default: { new (props?: IPickerProps, context?: any): { select: (value: any, itemHeight: any, scrollTo: any) => void; selectByIndex(index: any, itemHeight: any, zscrollTo: any): void; computeChildIndex(top: any, itemHeight: any, childrenLength: any): number; doScrollingComplete: ( top: any, itemHeight: any, fireValueChange: any ) => void; render(): JSX.Element; setState<K extends string | number | symbol>( state: any, callback?: () => any ): void; forceUpdate(callBack?: () => any): void; props: Readonly<{ children?: React.ReactNode }> & Readonly<IPickerProps>; state: Readonly<any>; context: any; refs: { [key: string]: React.ReactInstance }; componentWillMount?(): void; componentDidMount?(): void; componentWillReceiveProps?( nextProps: Readonly<IPickerProps>, nextContext: any ): void; shouldComponentUpdate?( nextProps: Readonly<IPickerProps>, nextState: Readonly<any>, nextContext: any ): boolean; componentWillUpdate?( nextProps: Readonly<IPickerProps>, nextState: Readonly<any>, nextContext: any ): void; componentDidUpdate?( prevProps: Readonly<IPickerProps>, prevState: Readonly<any>, prevContext: any ): void; componentWillUnmount?(): void; }; Item: (_props: import('./PickerMixin').IItemProps) => any;};
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