- Version 1.2.29
- Published
- 165 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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React Mobile Tabs Component(web & react-native)
- animated
- destroyInactiveTab
- distanceToChangeTab
- initialPage
- noRenderContent
- onChange
- onTabClick
- page
- prerenderingSiblingsNumber
- renderTabBar
- swipeable
- tabBarActiveTextColor
- tabBarBackgroundColor
- tabBarInactiveTextColor
- tabBarPosition
- tabBarTextStyle
- tabBarUnderlineStyle
- tabDirection
- tabs
- useLeftInsteadTransform
- useOnPan
- usePaged
class DefaultTabBar
class DefaultTabBar extends React.PureComponent<PropsType, StateType> {}
constructor(props: PropsType);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: PropsType;
property getTabSize
getTabSize: (page: number, tabLength: number) => number;
property getTransformByIndex
getTransformByIndex: (props: PropsType) => { transform: string; showPrev: boolean; showNext: boolean;};
property isTabBarVertical
isTabBarVertical: ( position?: 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | undefined) => boolean;
property layout
layout: HTMLDivElement;
property onPan
onPan: { onPanStart: () => void; onPanMove: (status: IGestureStatus) => void; onPanEnd: () => void; setCurrentOffset: (offset: string | number) => string | number;};
property onPress
onPress: (index: number) => void;
property renderTab
renderTab: ( t: Models.TabData, i: number, size: number, isTabBarVertical: boolean) => JSX.Element;
property setContentLayout
setContentLayout: (div: HTMLDivElement) => void;
method componentWillReceiveProps
componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: PropsType) => void;
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
class Tabs
class Tabs extends Component<PropsType, StateType> {}
constructor(props: PropsType);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: PropsType;
property DefaultTabBar
static DefaultTabBar: typeof DefaultTabBar;
property layout
layout: HTMLDivElement;
property onPan
onPan: { onPanStart: (status: IGestureStatus) => void; onPanMove: (status: IGestureStatus) => void; onPanEnd: () => void; setCurrentOffset: (offset: string | number) => string | number;};
property onSwipe
onSwipe: (status: IGestureStatus) => void;
property setContentLayout
setContentLayout: (div: HTMLDivElement) => void;
method getContentPosByIndex
getContentPosByIndex: ( index: number, isVertical: boolean, useLeft?: boolean) => string;
method goToTab
goToTab: ( index: number, force?: boolean, usePaged?: boolean | undefined, props?: Readonly<{ children?: React.ReactNode }> & Readonly<PropsType>) => boolean;
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method renderContent
renderContent: ( getSubElements?: ( defaultPrefix?: string, allPrefix?: string ) => { [key: string]: React.ReactNode }) => JSX.Element;
method tabClickGoToTab
tabClickGoToTab: (index: number) => void;
interface PropsType
interface PropsType {}
property animated
animated?: boolean;
whether to change tabs with animation | default: true
property destroyInactiveTab
destroyInactiveTab?: boolean;
destroy inactive tab | default: false
property distanceToChangeTab
distanceToChangeTab?: number;
distance to change tab, width ratio | default: 0.3
property initialPage
initialPage?: number | string;
initial Tab, index or key
property noRenderContent
noRenderContent?: boolean;
can't render content | default: false
property onChange
onChange?: (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void;
callback when tab is switched
property onTabClick
onTabClick?: (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void;
on tab click
property page
page?: number | string;
current tab, index or key
property prerenderingSiblingsNumber
prerenderingSiblingsNumber?: number;
pre-render nearby # sibling, Infinity: render all the siblings, 0: render current page | default: 1
property renderTabBar
renderTabBar?: ((props: TabBarPropsType) => React.ReactNode) | false;
render for TabBar
property swipeable
swipeable?: boolean;
whether to switch tabs with swipe gestrue in the content | default: true
property tabBarActiveTextColor
tabBarActiveTextColor?: string;
tabBar active text color
property tabBarBackgroundColor
tabBarBackgroundColor?: string;
tabBar background color
property tabBarInactiveTextColor
tabBarInactiveTextColor?: string;
tabBar inactive text color
property tabBarPosition
tabBarPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
TabBar's position | default: top
property tabBarTextStyle
tabBarTextStyle?: React.CSSProperties | any;
tabBar text style
property tabBarUnderlineStyle
tabBarUnderlineStyle?: React.CSSProperties | any;
tabBar underline style
property tabDirection
tabDirection?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
tab paging direction | default: horizontal
property tabs
tabs: Models.TabData[];
tabs data
property useLeftInsteadTransform
useLeftInsteadTransform?: boolean;
use left instead of transform | default: false
property useOnPan
useOnPan?: boolean;
use scroll follow pan | default: true
property usePaged
usePaged?: boolean;
use paged | default: true
interface TabBarPropsType
interface TabBarPropsType {}
property activeTab
activeTab: number;
current active tab
property animated
animated: boolean;
use animate | default: true
property goToTab
goToTab: (index: number) => void;
call this function to switch tab
property instanceId
instanceId: number;
property onTabClick
onTabClick?: (tab: Models.TabData, index: number) => void;
on tab click
property page
page?: number;
page size of tabbar's tab | default: 5
property renderTab
renderTab?: (tab: Models.TabData) => React.ReactNode;
render the tab of tabbar
property renderUnderline
renderUnderline?: (style: React.CSSProperties | any) => React.ReactNode;
render the underline of tabbar
property tabBarActiveTextColor
tabBarActiveTextColor?: string;
tabBar active text color
property tabBarBackgroundColor
tabBarBackgroundColor?: string;
tabBar background color
property tabBarInactiveTextColor
tabBarInactiveTextColor?: string;
tabBar inactive text color
property tabBarPosition
tabBarPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
tabBar's position | defualt: top
property tabBarTextStyle
tabBarTextStyle?: React.CSSProperties | any;
tabBar text style
property tabBarUnderlineStyle
tabBarUnderlineStyle?: React.CSSProperties | any;
tabBar underline style
property tabs
tabs: Models.TabData[];
tabs data
namespace Models
namespace Models {}
interface TabData
interface TabData {}
property key
key?: string;
property title
title: React.ReactNode;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
for user's custom extends
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