- Version 6.0.0
- Published
- 164 kB
- 1 dependency
- ISC license
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An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
Type Aliases
- AttributeEventForOptions
- AttributeHandler
- CDataHandler
- CloseTagHandler
- CommentHandler
- DoctypeHandler
- EndHandler
- ErrorHandler
- EventName
- EventNameToHandler
- OpenTagHandler
- OpenTagStartHandler
- PIHandler
- ReadyHandler
- ResolvePrefix
- SaxesAttribute
- SaxesAttributeNSIncomplete
- SaxesOptions
- SaxesStartTag
- SaxesStartTagNS
- SaxesStartTagPlain
- SaxesTagNS
- SaxesTagPlain
- StartTagForOptions
- TagForOptions
- TextHandler
- XMLDeclHandler
variable EVENTS
const EVENTS: readonly [ 'xmldecl', 'text', 'processinginstruction', 'doctype', 'comment', 'opentagstart', 'attribute', 'opentag', 'closetag', 'cdata', 'error', 'end', 'ready'];
The list of supported events.
class SaxesParser
class SaxesParser<O extends SaxesOptions = {}> {}
constructor(opt?: SaxesOptions);
Parameter opt
The parser options.
property closed
readonly closed: boolean;
Indicates whether or not the parser is closed. If ``true``, wait for the ``ready`` event to write again.
property column
column: number;
The column number of the next character to be read by the parser. * This field is zero-based. (The first column is 0.)
This field counts columns by *Unicode character*. Note that this *can* be different from the index of the character in a JavaScript string due to how JavaScript handles astral plane characters.
See [[columnIndex]] for a number that corresponds to the JavaScript index.
property columnIndex
readonly columnIndex: number;
The column number of the next character to be read by the parser. * This field is zero-based. (The first column in a line is 0.)
This field reports the index at which the next character would be in the line if the line were represented as a JavaScript string. Note that this *can* be different to a count based on the number of *Unicode characters* due to how JavaScript handles astral plane characters.
See [[column]] for a number that corresponds to a count of Unicode characters.
property ENTITIES
ENTITIES: Record<string, string>;
A map of entity name to expansion.
property line
line: number;
The line number of the next character to be read by the parser. This field is one-based. (The first line is numbered 1.)
property opt
readonly opt: SaxesOptions;
property position
readonly position: number;
The stream position the parser is currently looking at. This field is zero-based.
This field is not based on counting Unicode characters but is to be interpreted as a plain index into a JavaScript string.
property xmlDecl
xmlDecl: XMLDecl;
The XML declaration for this document.
method close
close: () => this;
Close the current stream. Perform final well-formedness checks and reset the parser tstate.
method fail
fail: (message: string) => this;
Report a parsing error. This method is made public so that client code may check for issues that are outside the scope of this project and can report errors.
Parameter message
The error to report.
method makeError
makeError: (message: string) => Error;
Make an error object. The error object will have a message that contains the ``fileName`` option passed at the creation of the parser. If position tracking was turned on, it will also have line and column number information.
Parameter message
The message describing the error to report.
An error object with a properly formatted message.
method off
off: (name: EventName) => void;
Unset an event handler.
name The event to stop listening to.
method on
on: < N extends | 'xmldecl' | 'text' | 'processinginstruction' | 'doctype' | 'comment' | 'opentagstart' | 'attribute' | 'opentag' | 'closetag' | 'cdata' | 'error' | 'end' | 'ready'>( name: N, handler: EventNameToHandler<O, N>) => void;
Set an event listener on an event. The parser supports one handler per event type. If you try to set an event handler over an existing handler, the old handler is silently overwritten.
Parameter name
The event to listen to.
Parameter handler
The handler to set.
method resolve
resolve: (prefix: string) => string | undefined;
Resolve a namespace prefix.
Parameter prefix
The prefix to resolve.
The namespace URI or ``undefined`` if the prefix is not defined.
method write
write: (chunk: string | object | null) => this;
Write a XML data to the parser.
Parameter chunk
The XML data to write.
interface CommonOptions
interface CommonOptions {}
property fileName
fileName?: string;
A file name to use for error reporting. "File name" is a loose concept. You could use a URL to some resource, or any descriptive name you like.
property fragment
fragment?: boolean;
Whether to accept XML fragments. Unset means ``false``.
property position
position?: boolean;
Whether to track positions. Unset means ``true``.
interface ForcedXMLVersion
interface ForcedXMLVersion extends XMLVersionOptions {}
property defaultXMLVersion
defaultXMLVersion: Exclude<XMLVersionOptions['defaultXMLVersion'], undefined>;
property forceXMLVersion
forceXMLVersion: true;
interface NoForcedXMLVersion
interface NoForcedXMLVersion extends XMLVersionOptions {}
property forceXMLVersion
forceXMLVersion?: false;
interface NSOptions
interface NSOptions {}
property additionalNamespaces
additionalNamespaces?: Record<string, string>;
A plain object whose key, value pairs define namespaces known before parsing the XML file. It is not legal to pass bindings for the namespaces ``"xml"`` or ``"xmlns"``.
property resolvePrefix
resolvePrefix?: ResolvePrefix;
A function that will be used if the parser cannot resolve a namespace prefix on its own.
property xmlns
xmlns?: boolean;
Whether to track namespaces. Unset means ``false``.
interface NSOptionsWithNamespaces
interface NSOptionsWithNamespaces extends NSOptions {}
property xmlns
xmlns: true;
interface NSOptionsWithoutNamespaces
interface NSOptionsWithoutNamespaces extends NSOptions {}
property additionalNamespaces
additionalNamespaces?: undefined;
property resolvePrefix
resolvePrefix?: undefined;
property xmlns
xmlns?: false;
interface SaxesAttributeNS
interface SaxesAttributeNS {}
This interface defines the structure of attributes when the parser is processing namespaces (created with ``xmlns: true``).
property local
local: string;
The attribute's local name. For instance ``a:b="c"`` would have ``"b"`` for ``local``.
property name
name: string;
The attribute's name. This is the combination of prefix and local name. For instance ``a:b="c"`` would have ``a:b`` for name.
property prefix
prefix: string;
The attribute's prefix. For instance ``a:b="c"`` would have ``"a"`` for ``prefix``.
property uri
uri: string;
The namespace URI of this attribute.
property value
value: string;
The attribute's value.
interface SaxesAttributePlain
interface SaxesAttributePlain {}
This interface defines the structure of attributes when the parser is NOT processing namespaces (created with ``xmlns: false``).
interface SaxesTag
interface SaxesTag {}
This are the fields that MAY be present on a complete tag.
property attributes
attributes: Record<string, SaxesAttributeNS> | Record<string, string>;
A map of attribute name to attributes. If namespaces are tracked, the values in the map are attribute objects. Otherwise, they are strings.
property isSelfClosing
isSelfClosing: boolean;
Whether the tag is self-closing (e.g. ````).
property local
local?: string;
The tag's local name. For instance ``<a:b>`` would have ``"b"`` for ``local``. Undefined if we do not track namespaces.
property name
name: string;
The tag's name. This is the combination of prefix and global name. For instance ``<a:b>`` would have ``"a:b"`` for ``name``.
property ns
ns?: Record<string, string>;
The namespace bindings in effect.
property prefix
prefix?: string;
The tag's prefix. For instance ``<a:b>`` would have ``"a"`` for ``prefix``. Undefined if we do not track namespaces.
property uri
uri?: string;
The namespace URI of this tag. Undefined if we do not track namespaces.
interface XMLDecl
interface XMLDecl {}
An XML declaration.
property encoding
encoding?: string;
The encoding specified by the XML declaration.
property standalone
standalone?: string;
The value of the standalone parameter
property version
version?: string;
The version specified by the XML declaration.
interface XMLVersionOptions
interface XMLVersionOptions {}
property defaultXMLVersion
defaultXMLVersion?: '1.0' | '1.1';
The default XML version to use. If unspecified, and there is no XML encoding declaration, the default version is "1.0".
property forceXMLVersion
forceXMLVersion?: boolean;
A flag indicating whether to force the XML version used for parsing to the value of ``defaultXMLVersion``. When this flag is ``true``, ``defaultXMLVersion`` must be specified. If unspecified, the default value of this flag is ``false``.
Type Aliases
type AttributeEventForOptions
type AttributeEventForOptions<O extends SaxesOptions> = O extends { xmlns: true;} ? SaxesAttributeNSIncomplete : O extends { xmlns?: false | undefined; } ? SaxesAttributePlain : SaxesAttribute;
type AttributeHandler
type AttributeHandler<O> = (attribute: AttributeEventForOptions<O>) => void;
Event handler for attributes.
type CDataHandler
type CDataHandler = (cdata: string) => void;
Event handler for a CDATA section. This is called when ending the CDATA section.
Parameter cdata
The contents of the CDATA section.
type CloseTagHandler
type CloseTagHandler<O> = (tag: TagForOptions<O>) => void;
Event handler for a close tag. Note that for self-closing tags, this is called right after ``opentag``.
Parameter tag
The tag.
type CommentHandler
type CommentHandler = (comment: string) => void;
Event handler for comments.
Parameter comment
The comment contents.
type DoctypeHandler
type DoctypeHandler = (doctype: string) => void;
Event handler for doctype.
Parameter doctype
The doctype contents.
type EndHandler
type EndHandler = () => void;
Event handler for the stream end. This is called when the stream has been closed with ``close`` or by passing ``null`` to ``write``.
type ErrorHandler
type ErrorHandler = (err: Error) => void;
Event handler indicating an error.
Parameter err
The error that occurred.
type EventName
type EventName = typeof EVENTS[number];
type EventNameToHandler
type EventNameToHandler<O, N extends EventName> = { xmldecl: XMLDeclHandler; text: TextHandler; processinginstruction: PIHandler; doctype: DoctypeHandler; comment: CommentHandler; opentagstart: OpenTagStartHandler<O>; attribute: AttributeHandler<O>; opentag: OpenTagHandler<O>; closetag: CloseTagHandler<O>; cdata: CDataHandler; error: ErrorHandler; end: EndHandler; ready: ReadyHandler;}[N];
type OpenTagHandler
type OpenTagHandler<O> = (tag: TagForOptions<O>) => void;
Event handler for an open tag. This is called when the open tag is complete. (We've encountered the ">" that ends the open tag.)
Parameter tag
The tag.
type OpenTagStartHandler
type OpenTagStartHandler<O> = (tag: StartTagForOptions<O>) => void;
Event handler for the start of an open tag. This is called as soon as we have a tag name.
Parameter tag
The tag.
type PIHandler
type PIHandler = (data: { target: string; body: string }) => void;
Event handler for processing instructions.
Parameter data
The target and body of the processing instruction.
type ReadyHandler
type ReadyHandler = () => void;
Event handler indicating parser readiness . This is called when the parser is ready to parse a new document.
type ResolvePrefix
type ResolvePrefix = (prefix: string) => string | undefined;
A callback for resolving name prefixes.
Parameter prefix
The prefix to check.
The URI corresponding to the prefix, if any.
type SaxesAttribute
type SaxesAttribute = SaxesAttributeNS | SaxesAttributePlain;
A saxes attribute, with or without namespace information.
type SaxesAttributeNSIncomplete
type SaxesAttributeNSIncomplete = Exclude<SaxesAttributeNS, 'uri'>;
This is an attribute, as recorded by a parser which parses namespaces but prior to the URI being resolvable. This is what is passed to the attribute event handler.
type SaxesOptions
type SaxesOptions = CommonOptions & NSOptions & XMLVersionOptions;
The entire set of options supported by saxes.
type SaxesStartTag
type SaxesStartTag = Pick<SaxesTag, 'name' | 'attributes' | 'ns'>;
This type defines the fields that are present on a tag object when ``onopentagstart`` is called. This interface is namespace-agnostic.
type SaxesStartTagNS
type SaxesStartTagNS = Required<SaxesStartTag>;
This type defines the fields that are present on a tag object when ``onopentagstart`` is called on a parser that does process namespaces.
type SaxesStartTagPlain
type SaxesStartTagPlain = Pick<SaxesStartTag, 'name' | 'attributes'>;
This type defines the fields that are present on a tag object when ``onopentagstart`` is called on a parser that does not processes namespaces.
type SaxesTagNS
type SaxesTagNS = Required<SaxesTag> & { attributes: Record<string, SaxesAttributeNS>;};
This are the fields that are present on a complete tag produced by a parser that does process namespaces.
type SaxesTagPlain
type SaxesTagPlain = Pick<SaxesTag, 'name' | 'attributes' | 'isSelfClosing'> & { attributes: Record<string, string>;};
This are the fields that are present on a complete tag produced by a parser that does not process namespaces.
type StartTagForOptions
type StartTagForOptions<O extends SaxesOptions> = O extends { xmlns: true;} ? SaxesStartTagNS : O extends { xmlns?: false | undefined; } ? SaxesStartTagPlain : SaxesStartTag;
type TagForOptions
type TagForOptions<O extends SaxesOptions> = O extends { xmlns: true;} ? SaxesTagNS : O extends { xmlns?: false | undefined; } ? SaxesTagPlain : SaxesTag;
type TextHandler
type TextHandler = (text: string) => void;
Event handler for text data.
Parameter text
The text data encountered by the parser.
type XMLDeclHandler
type XMLDeclHandler = (decl: XMLDecl) => void;
Event handler for the
Parameter text
The text data encountered by the parser.
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (32)
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-angular
- @types/chai
- @types/mocha
- @types/node
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- @xml-conformance-suite/js
- @xml-conformance-suite/mocha
- @xml-conformance-suite/test-data
- chai
- conventional-changelog-cli
- eslint
- eslint-config-lddubeau-base
- eslint-config-lddubeau-ts
- eslint-import-resolver-typescript
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
- husky
- mocha
- renovate-config-lddubeau
- simple-dist-tag
- ts-node
- tsd
- tslint
- tslint-microsoft-contrib
- typedoc
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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