
  • Version 0.1.0
  • Published
  • No dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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A fast, small and flexible CSS parser.



function iterateOverAst

iterateOverAst: (node: Node) => Iterable<Node>;


    class NodeFactory

    class NodeFactory {}
    • Class used for generating nodes in a CSS AST. Extend this class to implement visitors to different nodes while the tree is being generated, and / or custom node generation.

    method atRule

    atRule: (
    name: string,
    parameters: string,
    rulelist: Rulelist | undefined,
    nameRange: Range,
    parametersRange: Range | undefined,
    range: Range
    ) => AtRule;
    • Creates an At Rule node.

      Parameter name

      The "name" of the At Rule (e.g., charset)

      Parameter parameters

      The "parameters" of the At Rule (e.g., utf8)

      Parameter rulelist

      The Rulelist node (if any) of the At Rule.

    method comment

    comment: (value: string, range: Range) => Comment;
    • Creates a Comment node.

      Parameter value

      The full text content of the comment, including opening and closing comment signature.

    method declaration

    declaration: (
    name: string,
    value: Expression | Rulelist | undefined,
    nameRange: Range,
    range: Range
    ) => Declaration;
    • Creates a Declaration node.

      Parameter name

      The property name of the Declaration (e.g., color).

      Parameter value

      Either an Expression node, or a Rulelist node, that corresponds to the value of the Declaration.

    method discarded

    discarded: (text: string, range: Range) => Discarded;
    • Creates a Discarded node. Discarded nodes contain content that was not parseable (usually due to typos, or otherwise unrecognized syntax).

      Parameter text

      The text content that is discarded.

    method expression

    expression: (text: string, range: Range) => Expression;
    • Creates an Expression node.

      Parameter text

      The full text content of the expression (e.g., url(img.jpg))

    method rulelist

    rulelist: (rules: Rule[], range: Range) => Rulelist;
    • Creates a Rulelist node.

      Parameter rules

      An array of the Rule nodes found within the Ruleset.

    method ruleset

    ruleset: (
    selector: string,
    rulelist: Rulelist,
    selectorRange: Range,
    range: Range
    ) => Ruleset;
    • Creates a Ruleset node.

      Parameter selector

      The selector that corresponds to the Selector (e.g., #foo > .bar).

      Parameter rulelist

      The Rulelist node that corresponds to the Selector.

    method stylesheet

    stylesheet: (rules: Rule[], range: Range) => Stylesheet;
    • Creates a Stylesheet node.

      Parameter rules

      The list of rules that appear at the top level of the stylesheet.

    class NodeVisitor

    class NodeVisitor<
    Node extends {
    type: any;
    > {}
    • Class that implements a visitor pattern for ASTs produced by the Parser. Extend the NodeVisitor class to implement useful tree traversal operations such as stringification.


    • Create a NodeVisitor instance.

    property path

    readonly path: Node[];
    • A list of nodes that corresponds to the current path through an AST being visited, leading to where the currently visited node will be found.

    method visit

    visit: (node: Node) => ReturnValue | undefined;
    • Visit a node. The visited node will be added to the path before it is visited, and will be removed after it is visited. Nodes are "visited" by calling a method on the NodeVisitor instance that matches the node's type, if one is available on the NodeVisitor instance.

      Parameter node

      The node to be visited. The return value of the method visiting the node, if any.

    class Parser

    class Parser {}
    • Class that implements a shady CSS parser.


    constructor(nodeFactory?: NodeFactory);
    • Create a Parser instance. When creating a Parser instance, a specialized NodeFactory can be supplied to implement streaming analysis and manipulation of the CSS AST.

    property nodeFactory

    nodeFactory: NodeFactory;

      method parse

      parse: (cssText: string) => Stylesheet;
      • Parse CSS and generate an AST.

        Parameter cssText

        The CSS to parse. A CSS AST containing nodes that correspond to those generated by the Parser's NodeFactory.

      method parseAtRule

      parseAtRule: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => AtRule | null;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to parse an At Rule node.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance.

      method parseComment

      parseComment: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Comment | null;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to parse a Comment node.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance.

      method parseDeclarationOrRuleset

      parseDeclarationOrRuleset: (
      tokenizer: Tokenizer
      ) => Declaration | Ruleset | null;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer instance to produce a Declaration node or a Ruleset node, as appropriate.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer node.

      method parseRule

      parseRule: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Rule | null;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to parse a single rule.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance. If the current token in the Tokenizer is whitespace, returns null. Otherwise, returns the next parseable node.

      method parseRulelist

      parseRulelist: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Rulelist;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to produce a Rulelist node.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance.

      method parseRules

      parseRules: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Rule[];
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to parse a sequence of rules.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance. A list of nodes corresponding to rules. For a parser configured with a basic NodeFactory, any of Comment, AtRule, Ruleset, Declaration and Discarded nodes may be present in the list.

      method parseStylesheet

      parseStylesheet: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Stylesheet;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer to parse a Stylesheet node.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance.

      method parseUnknown

      parseUnknown: (tokenizer: Tokenizer) => Discarded | null;
      • Consumes tokens from a Tokenizer through the next boundary token to produce a Discarded node. This supports graceful recovery from many malformed CSS conditions.

        Parameter tokenizer

        A Tokenizer instance.

      class Stringifier

      class Stringifier extends NodeVisitor<Node, string> {}
      • Class that implements basic stringification of an AST produced by the Parser.

      method stringify

      stringify: (ast: Node) => string;
      • Stringify an AST such as one produced by a Parser.

        Parameter ast

        A node object representing the root of an AST. The stringified CSS corresponding to the AST.

      class Token

      class Token {}
      • Class that describes individual tokens as produced by the Tokenizer.


      constructor(type: number, start: number, end: number);
      • Create a Token instance.

        Parameter type

        The lexical type of the Token.

        Parameter start

        The start index of the text corresponding to the Token in the CSS text.

        Parameter end

        The end index of the text corresponding to the Token in the CSS text.

      property end

      readonly end: number;

        property next

        next: Token;

          property previous

          previous: Token;

            property start

            readonly start: number;

              property type

              static type: typeof TokenType;

                property type

                readonly type: number;

                  method is

                  is: (type: TokenType) => boolean;
                  • Test if the Token matches a given numeric type. Types match if the bitwise AND of the Token's type and the argument type are equivalent to the argument type.

                    Parameter type

                    The numeric type to test for equivalency with the Token.

                  class Tokenizer

                  class Tokenizer {}
                  • Class that implements tokenization of significant lexical features of the CSS syntax.


                  constructor(cssText: string);
                  • Create a Tokenizer instance.

                    Parameter cssText

                    The raw CSS string to be tokenized.

                  property cssText

                  cssText: string;

                    property currentToken

                    readonly currentToken: Token;
                    • The current token that will be returned by a call to advance. This reference is useful for "peeking" at the next token ahead in the sequence. If the entire CSS text has been tokenized, the currentToken will be null.

                    property offset

                    readonly offset: number;

                      method advance

                      advance: () => Token | null;
                      • Advance the Tokenizer to the next token in the sequence. The current token prior to the call to advance, or null if the entire CSS text has been tokenized.

                      method flush

                      flush: () => (Token | null)[];
                      • Flush all tokens from the Tokenizer. An array of all tokens corresponding to the CSS text.

                      method getRange

                      getRange: (
                      startToken: Token,
                      endToken?: Token | undefined | null
                      ) => { start: number; end: number };
                      • Like slice, but returns the offsets into the source, rather than the substring itself.

                      method slice

                      slice: (startToken: Token, endToken?: Token | undefined | null) => string;
                      • Extract a slice from the CSS text, using two tokens to represent the range of text to be extracted. The extracted text will include all text between the start index of the first token and the offset index of the second token (or the offset index of the first token if the second is not provided).

                        Parameter startToken

                        The token that represents the beginning of the text range to be extracted.

                        Parameter endToken

                        The token that represents the end of the text range to be extracted. Defaults to the startToken if no endToken is provided. The substring of the CSS text corresponding to the startToken and endToken.

                      method tokenizeBoundary

                      tokenizeBoundary: (offset: number) => Token;
                      • Tokenize a boundary at a given offset in the CSS text. A boundary is any single structurally significant character. These characters include braces, semicolons, the "at" symbol and others.

                        Parameter number

                        An offset in the CSS text. A boundary Token instance.

                      method tokenizeComment

                      tokenizeComment: (offset: number) => Token;
                      • Tokenize a comment starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A comment is any span of text beginning with the two characters / and *, and ending with a matching counterpart pair of consecurtive characters (* and /).

                        Parameter number

                        An offset in the CSS text. A comment Token instance.

                      method tokenizeString

                      tokenizeString: (offset: number) => Token;
                      • Tokenize a string starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A string is any span of text that is wrapped by eclusively paired, non-escaped matching quotation marks.

                        Parameter offset

                        An offset in the CSS text. A string Token instance.

                      method tokenizeWhitespace

                      tokenizeWhitespace: (offset: number) => Token;
                      • Tokenize whitespace starting at a given offset in the CSS text. Whitespace is any span of text made up of consecutive spaces, tabs, newlines and other single whitespace characters.

                        Parameter number

                        An offset in the CSS text. A whitespace Token instance.

                      method tokenizeWord

                      tokenizeWord: (offset: number) => Token;
                      • Tokenize a word starting at a given offset in the CSS text. A word is any span of text that is not whitespace, is not a string, is not a comment and is not a structural delimiter (such as braces and semicolon).

                        Parameter number

                        An offset in the CSS text. A word Token instance.

                      method trimRange

                      trimRange: ({ start, end }: Range) => Range;


                        interface AtRule

                        interface AtRule {}

                          property name

                          name: string;
                          • The "name" of the At Rule (e.g., charset)

                          property nameRange

                          nameRange: Range;

                            property parameters

                            parameters: string;
                            • The "parameters" of the At Rule (e.g., utf8)

                            property parametersRange

                            parametersRange: Range | undefined;

                              property range

                              range: Range;

                                property rulelist

                                rulelist: Rulelist | undefined;
                                • The Rulelist node (if any) of the At Rule.

                                property type

                                type: nodeType.atRule;

                                  interface Comment

                                  interface Comment {}
                                  • A Comment node.

                                  property range

                                  range: Range;

                                    property type

                                    type: nodeType.comment;

                                      property value

                                      value: string;
                                      • The full text content of the comment, including opening and closing comment signature.

                                      interface Declaration

                                      interface Declaration {}
                                      • A Declaration node.

                                      property name

                                      name: string;
                                      • The property name of the Declaration (e.g., color).

                                      property nameRange

                                      nameRange: Range;
                                      • The range in the original sourcetext where the name can be found.

                                      property range

                                      range: Range;

                                        property type

                                        type: nodeType.declaration;

                                          property value

                                          value: Expression | Rulelist | undefined;
                                          • Either an Expression node, or a Rulelist node, that corresponds to the value of the Declaration.

                                          interface Discarded

                                          interface Discarded {}
                                          • A Discarded node. Discarded nodes contain content that was not parseable (usually due to typos, or otherwise unrecognized syntax).

                                          property range

                                          range: Range;

                                            property text

                                            text: string;
                                            • The text content that is discarded.

                                            property type

                                            type: nodeType.discarded;

                                              interface Expression

                                              interface Expression {}
                                              • An Expression node.

                                              property range

                                              range: Range;

                                                property text

                                                text: string;
                                                • The full text content of the expression (e.g., url(img.jpg))

                                                property type

                                                type: nodeType.expression;

                                                  interface Range

                                                  interface Range {}

                                                    property end

                                                    end: number;

                                                      property start

                                                      start: number;

                                                        interface Rulelist

                                                        interface Rulelist {}
                                                        • A Rulelist node.

                                                        property range

                                                        range: Range;

                                                          property rules

                                                          rules: Rule[];
                                                          • An array of the Rule nodes found within the Ruleset.

                                                          property type

                                                          type: nodeType.rulelist;

                                                            interface Ruleset

                                                            interface Ruleset {}
                                                            • A Ruleset node.

                                                            property range

                                                            range: Range;

                                                              property rulelist

                                                              rulelist: Rulelist;
                                                              • The Rulelist node that corresponds to the Selector.

                                                              property selector

                                                              selector: string;
                                                              • The selector that corresponds to the Ruleset (e.g., #foo > .bar).

                                                              property selectorRange

                                                              selectorRange: Range;

                                                                property type

                                                                type: nodeType.ruleset;

                                                                  interface Stylesheet

                                                                  interface Stylesheet {}
                                                                  • A Stylesheet node.

                                                                  property range

                                                                  range: Range;

                                                                    property rules

                                                                    rules: Rule[];
                                                                    • The list of rules that appear at the top level of the stylesheet.

                                                                    property type

                                                                    type: nodeType.stylesheet;


                                                                      enum nodeType

                                                                      enum nodeType {
                                                                      stylesheet = 'stylesheet',
                                                                      comment = 'comment',
                                                                      atRule = 'atRule',
                                                                      ruleset = 'ruleset',
                                                                      expression = 'expression',
                                                                      declaration = 'declaration',
                                                                      rulelist = 'rulelist',
                                                                      discarded = 'discarded',
                                                                      • An enumeration of Node types.

                                                                      member atRule

                                                                      atRule = 'atRule'

                                                                        member comment

                                                                        comment = 'comment'

                                                                          member declaration

                                                                          declaration = 'declaration'

                                                                            member discarded

                                                                            discarded = 'discarded'

                                                                              member expression

                                                                              expression = 'expression'

                                                                                member rulelist

                                                                                rulelist = 'rulelist'

                                                                                  member ruleset

                                                                                  ruleset = 'ruleset'

                                                                                    member stylesheet

                                                                                    stylesheet = 'stylesheet'

                                                                                      Type Aliases

                                                                                      type Node

                                                                                      type Node =
                                                                                      | Stylesheet
                                                                                      | AtRule
                                                                                      | Comment
                                                                                      | Rulelist
                                                                                      | Ruleset
                                                                                      | Expression
                                                                                      | Declaration
                                                                                      | Discarded;

                                                                                        type Rule

                                                                                        type Rule = Ruleset | Declaration | AtRule | Discarded | Comment;

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