
  • Version 0.107.1
  • Published
  • 2.88 MB
  • 9 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i slate-react
yarn add slate-react
pnpm add slate-react


Tools for building completely customizable richtext editors with React.



variable NODE_TO_INDEX

const NODE_TO_INDEX: WeakMap<Node, number>;
  • Two weak maps that allow us rebuild a path given a node. They are populated at render time such that after a render occurs we can always backtrack.


const NODE_TO_PARENT: WeakMap<Node, Ancestor>;

    variable ReactEditor

    const ReactEditor: ReactEditorInterface;


      function DefaultElement

      DefaultElement: (props: RenderElementProps) => JSX.Element;
      • The default element renderer.

      function DefaultLeaf

      DefaultLeaf: (props: RenderLeafProps) => JSX.Element;

        function DefaultPlaceholder

        DefaultPlaceholder: ({
        }: RenderPlaceholderProps) => JSX.Element;
        • The default placeholder element

        function Editable

        Editable: (props: EditableProps) => JSX.Element;
        • Editable.

        function Slate

        Slate: (props: {
        editor: ReactEditor;
        initialValue: Descendant[];
        children: React.ReactNode;
        onChange?: (value: Descendant[]) => void;
        onSelectionChange?: (selection: Selection) => void;
        onValueChange?: (value: Descendant[]) => void;
        }) => React.JSX.Element;
        • A wrapper around the provider to handle onChange events, because the editor is a mutable singleton so it won't ever register as "changed" otherwise.

        function useEditor

        useEditor: () => import('..').ReactEditor;
        • Get the current editor object from the React context.


          Use useSlateStatic instead.

        function useFocused

        useFocused: () => boolean;
        • Get the current focused state of the editor.

        function useReadOnly

        useReadOnly: () => boolean;
        • Get the current readOnly state of the editor.

        function useSelected

        useSelected: () => boolean;
        • Get the current selected state of an element.

        function useSlate

        useSlate: () => Editor;
        • Get the current editor object from the React context.

        function useSlateSelection

        useSlateSelection: () => BaseSelection;
        • Get the current slate selection. Only triggers a rerender when the selection actually changes

        function useSlateSelector

        useSlateSelector: <T>(
        selector: (editor: Editor) => T,
        equalityFn?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean
        ) => T;
        • use redux style selectors to prevent rerendering on every keystroke. Bear in mind rerendering can only prevented if the returned value is a value type or for reference types (e.g. objects and arrays) add a custom equality function.


          const isSelectionActive = useSlateSelector(editor => Boolean(editor.selection));

        function useSlateStatic

        useSlateStatic: () => Editor;
        • Get the current editor object from the React context.

        function useSlateWithV

        useSlateWithV: () => { v: number; editor: ReactEditor };

          function withReact

          withReact: <T extends BaseEditor>(
          editor: T,
          clipboardFormatKey?: string
          ) => T & ReactEditor;
          • withReact adds React and DOM specific behaviors to the editor.

            If you are using TypeScript, you must extend Slate's CustomTypes to use this plugin.

            See to learn how.


          interface ReactEditor

          interface ReactEditor extends BaseEditor {}
          • A React and DOM-specific version of the Editor interface.

          property hasEditableTarget

          hasEditableTarget: (
          editor: ReactEditor,
          target: EventTarget | null
          ) => target is DOMNode;

            property hasRange

            hasRange: (editor: ReactEditor, range: Range) => boolean;

              property hasSelectableTarget

              hasSelectableTarget: (
              editor: ReactEditor,
              target: EventTarget | null
              ) => boolean;

                property hasTarget

                hasTarget: (
                editor: ReactEditor,
                target: EventTarget | null
                ) => target is DOMNode;

                  property insertData

                  insertData: (data: DataTransfer) => void;

                    property insertFragmentData

                    insertFragmentData: (data: DataTransfer) => boolean;

                      property insertTextData

                      insertTextData: (data: DataTransfer) => boolean;

                        property isTargetInsideNonReadonlyVoid

                        isTargetInsideNonReadonlyVoid: (
                        editor: ReactEditor,
                        target: EventTarget | null
                        ) => boolean;

                          property setFragmentData

                          setFragmentData: (
                          data: DataTransfer,
                          originEvent?: 'drag' | 'copy' | 'cut'
                          ) => void;

                            interface RenderElementProps

                            interface RenderElementProps {}
                            • RenderElementProps are passed to the renderElement handler.

                            property attributes

                            attributes: {
                            'data-slate-node': 'element';
                            'data-slate-inline'?: true;
                            'data-slate-void'?: true;
                            dir?: 'rtl';
                            ref: any;

                              property children

                              children: any;

                                property element

                                element: Element;

                                  interface RenderLeafProps

                                  interface RenderLeafProps {}
                                  • RenderLeafProps are passed to the renderLeaf handler.

                                  property attributes

                                  attributes: {
                                  'data-slate-leaf': true;

                                    property children

                                    children: any;

                                      property leaf

                                      leaf: Text;

                                        property text

                                        text: Text;

                                          Type Aliases

                                          type RenderPlaceholderProps

                                          type RenderPlaceholderProps = {
                                          children: any;
                                          attributes: {
                                          'data-slate-placeholder': boolean;
                                          dir?: 'rtl';
                                          contentEditable: boolean;
                                          ref: React.RefCallback<any>;
                                          style: React.CSSProperties;
                                          • The props that get passed to renderPlaceholder

                                          Package Files (16)

                                          Dependencies (9)

                                          Dev Dependencies (12)

                                          Peer Dependencies (3)


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