
  • Version 11.0.2
  • Published
  • 135 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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Build SQS-based Node applications without the boilerplate



class Consumer

class Consumer extends TypedEventEmitter {}
  • [Usage](https://bbc.github.io/sqs-consumer/index.html#usage)


constructor(options: ConsumerOptions);

    property abortController

    abortController: AbortController;

      property status

      readonly status: { isRunning: boolean; isPolling: boolean };
      • Returns the current status of the consumer. This includes whether it is running or currently polling.

      method create

      static create: (options: ConsumerOptions) => Consumer;
      • Creates a new SQS consumer.

      method start

      start: () => void;
      • Start polling the queue for messages.

      method stop

      stop: (options?: StopOptions) => void;
      • Stop polling the queue for messages (pre existing requests will still be made until concluded).

      method updateOption

      updateOption: (
      option: UpdatableOptions,
      value: ConsumerOptions[UpdatableOptions]
      ) => void;
      • Validates and then updates the provided option to the provided value.

        Parameter option

        The option to validate and then update

        Parameter value

        The value to set the provided option to


      interface ConsumerOptions

      interface ConsumerOptions {}
      • The options for the consumer.

      property alwaysAcknowledge

      alwaysAcknowledge?: boolean;
      • By default, the consumer will treat an empty object or array from either of the handlers as a acknowledgement of no messages and will not delete those messages as a result. Set this to true to always acknowledge all messages no matter the returned value.

      property attributeNames

      attributeNames?: QueueAttributeName[];
      • List of queue attributes to retrieve, see [AWS docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/Package/-aws-sdk-client-sqs/Variable/QueueAttributeName/).

      property authenticationErrorTimeout

      authenticationErrorTimeout?: number;
      • The duration (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying after an authentication error.

      property batchSize

      batchSize?: number;
      • The number of messages to request from SQS when polling (default 1).

        This cannot be higher than the [AWS limit of 10](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/quotas-messages.html).

      property extendedAWSErrors

      extendedAWSErrors?: boolean;
      • Set this to true if you want to receive additional information about the error that occurred from AWS, such as the response and metadata.

      property handleMessageTimeout

      handleMessageTimeout?: number;
      • Time in ms to wait for handleMessage to process a message before timing out.

        Emits timeout_error on timeout. By default, if handleMessage times out, the unprocessed message returns to the end of the queue.

      property heartbeatInterval

      heartbeatInterval?: number;
      • The interval (in seconds) between requests to extend the message visibility timeout.

        On each heartbeat the visibility is extended by adding visibilityTimeout to the number of seconds since the start of the handler function.

        This value must less than visibilityTimeout.

      property messageAttributeNames

      messageAttributeNames?: string[];
      • List of message attributes to retrieve (i.e. ['name', 'address']).

      property pollingCompleteWaitTimeMs

      pollingCompleteWaitTimeMs?: number;
      • If you want the stop action to wait for the final poll to complete and in-flight messages to be processed before emitting 'stopped' set this to the max amount of time to wait.

      property pollingWaitTimeMs

      pollingWaitTimeMs?: number;
      • The duration (in milliseconds) to wait before repolling the queue.

      property queueUrl

      queueUrl: string;
      • The SQS queue URL.

      property region

      region?: string;
      • The AWS region.

      property shouldDeleteMessages

      shouldDeleteMessages?: boolean;
      • Default to true, if you don't want the package to delete messages from sqs set this to false.

      property sqs

      sqs?: SQSClient;
      • An optional [SQS Client](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-sqs/classes/sqsclient.html) object to use if you need to configure the client manually.

      property stopped

      stopped?: boolean;

      property terminateVisibilityTimeout

      terminateVisibilityTimeout?: boolean;
      • If true, sets the message visibility timeout to 0 after a processing_error.

      property useQueueUrlAsEndpoint

      useQueueUrlAsEndpoint?: boolean;
      • Set this value to false to ignore the queueUrl and use the client's resolved endpoint, which may be a custom endpoint.

      property visibilityTimeout

      visibilityTimeout?: number;
      • The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request.

      property waitTimeSeconds

      waitTimeSeconds?: number;
      • The duration (in seconds) for which the call will wait for a message to arrive in the queue before returning.

      method handleMessage

      handleMessage: (message: Message) => Promise<Message | void>;
      • An async function (or function that returns a Promise) to be called whenever a message is received.

        In the case that you need to acknowledge the message, return an object containing the MessageId that you'd like to acknowledge.

      method handleMessageBatch

      handleMessageBatch: (messages: Message[]) => Promise<Message[] | void>;
      • An async function (or function that returns a Promise) to be called whenever a batch of messages is received. Similar to handleMessage but will receive the list of messages, not each message individually.

        **If both are set, handleMessageBatch overrides handleMessage**.

        In the case that you need to ack only some of the messages, return an array with the successful messages only.

      method postReceiveMessageCallback

      postReceiveMessageCallback: () => Promise<void>;
      • An async function (or function that returns a Promise) to be called right after the SQS Client sends a receive message command.

        This function is usefull if SQS Client module exports have been modified, for example to add middlewares.

      method preReceiveMessageCallback

      preReceiveMessageCallback: () => Promise<void>;
      • An async function (or function that returns a Promise) to be called right before the SQS Client sends a receive message command.

        This function is usefull if SQS Client module exports have been modified, for example to add middlewares.

      interface Events

      interface Events {}
      • These are the events that the consumer emits.

      property aborted

      aborted: [];
      • Fired when requests to SQS were aborted.

      property empty

      empty: [];
      • Fired when the queue is empty (All messages have been consumed).

      property error

      error: [Error, void | Message | Message[]];
      • Fired when an error occurs interacting with the queue.

        If the error correlates to a message, that message is included in Params

      property message_processed

      message_processed: [Message];
      • Fired when a message is successfully processed and removed from the queue.

      property message_received

      message_received: [Message];
      • Fired when a message is received.

      property option_updated

      option_updated: [UpdatableOptions, ConsumerOptions[UpdatableOptions]];
      • Fired when an option is updated

      property processing_error

      processing_error: [Error, Message];
      • Fired when an error occurs processing the message.

      property response_processed

      response_processed: [];
      • Fired after one batch of items (up to batchSize) has been successfully processed.

      property started

      started: [];
      • Fired when the consumer starts its work..

      property stopped

      stopped: [];
      • Fired when the consumer finally stops its work.

      property timeout_error

      timeout_error: [Error, Message];
      • Fired when handleMessageTimeout is supplied as an option and if handleMessage times out.

      property waiting_for_polling_to_complete

      waiting_for_polling_to_complete: [];
      • Fired when the Consumer is waiting for polling to complete before stopping.

      property waiting_for_polling_to_complete_timeout_exceeded

      waiting_for_polling_to_complete_timeout_exceeded: [];
      • Fired when the Consumer has waited for polling to complete and is stopping due to a timeout.

      interface StopOptions

      interface StopOptions {}
      • The options for the stop method.

      property abort

      abort?: boolean;
      • Default to false, if you want the stop action to also abort requests to SQS set this to true.

      Type Aliases

      type AWSError

      type AWSError = {
      * Name, eg. ConditionalCheckFailedException
      readonly name: string;
      * Human-readable error response message
      message: string;
      * Non-standard stacktrace
      stack?: string;
      * Whether the client or server are at fault.
      readonly $fault: 'client' | 'server';
      * Represents an HTTP message as received in reply to a request
      readonly $response?: {
      * The status code of the HTTP response.
      statusCode?: number;
      * The headers of the HTTP message.
      headers: Record<string, string>;
      * The body of the HTTP message.
      * Can be: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | string | Uint8Array | Readable | ReadableStream
      body?: any;
      * The service that encountered the exception.
      readonly $service?: string;
      * Indicates that an error MAY be retried by the client.
      readonly $retryable?: {
      * Indicates that the error is a retryable throttling error.
      readonly throttling?: boolean;
      readonly $metadata: {
      * The status code of the last HTTP response received for this operation.
      readonly httpStatusCode?: number;
      * A unique identifier for the last request sent for this operation. Often
      * requested by AWS service teams to aid in debugging.
      readonly requestId?: string;
      * A secondary identifier for the last request sent. Used for debugging.
      readonly extendedRequestId?: string;
      * A tertiary identifier for the last request sent. Used for debugging.
      readonly cfId?: string;
      * The number of times this operation was attempted.
      readonly attempts?: number;
      * The total amount of time (in milliseconds) that was spent waiting between
      * retry attempts.
      readonly totalRetryDelay?: number;
      • The error object that is emitted with error events from AWS.

      type UpdatableOptions

      type UpdatableOptions =
      | 'visibilityTimeout'
      | 'batchSize'
      | 'waitTimeSeconds'
      | 'pollingWaitTimeMs';
      • A subset of the ConsumerOptions that can be updated at runtime.

      Package Files (3)

      Dependencies (2)

      Dev Dependencies (30)

      Peer Dependencies (1)


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