- Version 6.1.13
- Published
- 1.76 MB
- 9 dependencies
- MIT license
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CSS for the <Component> Age. Style components your way with speed, strong typing, and flexibility.
Type Aliases
variable styled
const styled: (<Target extends unknown, InjectedProps extends object = BaseObject>( tag: Target) => StyledInstance< 'web', Target, Target extends any ? any : InjectedProps, BaseObject>) & { object: StyledInstance< 'web', 'object', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ObjectHTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement>, HTMLObjectElement >, BaseObject >; g: StyledInstance<'web', 'g', React.SVGProps<SVGGElement>, BaseObject>; map: StyledInstance< 'web', 'map', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.MapHTMLAttributes<HTMLMapElement>, HTMLMapElement >, BaseObject >; big: StyledInstance< 'web', 'big', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; link: StyledInstance< 'web', 'link', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.LinkHTMLAttributes<HTMLLinkElement>, HTMLLinkElement >, BaseObject >; small: StyledInstance< 'web', 'small', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; sub: StyledInstance< 'web', 'sub', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; sup: StyledInstance< 'web', 'sup', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; a: StyledInstance< 'web', 'a', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement >, BaseObject >; abbr: StyledInstance< 'web', 'abbr', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; address: StyledInstance< 'web', 'address', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; area: StyledInstance< 'web', 'area', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.AreaHTMLAttributes<HTMLAreaElement>, HTMLAreaElement >, BaseObject >; article: StyledInstance< 'web', 'article', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; aside: StyledInstance< 'web', 'aside', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; audio: StyledInstance< 'web', 'audio', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.AudioHTMLAttributes<HTMLAudioElement>, HTMLAudioElement >, BaseObject >; b: StyledInstance< 'web', 'b', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; base: StyledInstance< 'web', 'base', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.BaseHTMLAttributes<HTMLBaseElement>, HTMLBaseElement >, BaseObject >; bdi: StyledInstance< 'web', 'bdi', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; bdo: StyledInstance< 'web', 'bdo', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; blockquote: StyledInstance< 'web', 'blockquote', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.BlockquoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement>, HTMLQuoteElement >, BaseObject >; body: StyledInstance< 'web', 'body', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLBodyElement>, HTMLBodyElement >, BaseObject >; br: StyledInstance< 'web', 'br', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLBRElement>, HTMLBRElement>, BaseObject >; button: StyledInstance< 'web', 'button', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement >, BaseObject >; canvas: StyledInstance< 'web', 'canvas', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.CanvasHTMLAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement>, HTMLCanvasElement >, BaseObject >; caption: StyledInstance< 'web', 'caption', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; cite: StyledInstance< 'web', 'cite', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; code: StyledInstance< 'web', 'code', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; col: StyledInstance< 'web', 'col', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ColHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>, HTMLTableColElement >, BaseObject >; colgroup: StyledInstance< 'web', 'colgroup', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ColgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>, HTMLTableColElement >, BaseObject >; data: StyledInstance< 'web', 'data', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.DataHTMLAttributes<HTMLDataElement>, HTMLDataElement >, BaseObject >; datalist: StyledInstance< 'web', 'datalist', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDataListElement>, HTMLDataListElement >, BaseObject >; dd: StyledInstance< 'web', 'dd', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; del: StyledInstance< 'web', 'del', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.DelHTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement>, HTMLModElement >, BaseObject >; details: StyledInstance< 'web', 'details', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.DetailsHTMLAttributes<HTMLDetailsElement>, HTMLDetailsElement >, BaseObject >; dfn: StyledInstance< 'web', 'dfn', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; dialog: StyledInstance< 'web', 'dialog', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.DialogHTMLAttributes<HTMLDialogElement>, HTMLDialogElement >, BaseObject >; div: StyledInstance< 'web', 'div', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement >, BaseObject >; dl: StyledInstance< 'web', 'dl', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDListElement>, HTMLDListElement >, BaseObject >; dt: StyledInstance< 'web', 'dt', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; em: StyledInstance< 'web', 'em', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; embed: StyledInstance< 'web', 'embed', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.EmbedHTMLAttributes<HTMLEmbedElement>, HTMLEmbedElement >, BaseObject >; fieldset: StyledInstance< 'web', 'fieldset', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.FieldsetHTMLAttributes<HTMLFieldSetElement>, HTMLFieldSetElement >, BaseObject >; figcaption: StyledInstance< 'web', 'figcaption', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; figure: StyledInstance< 'web', 'figure', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; footer: StyledInstance< 'web', 'footer', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; form: StyledInstance< 'web', 'form', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>, HTMLFormElement >, BaseObject >; h1: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h1', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; h2: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h2', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; h3: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h3', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; h4: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h4', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; h5: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h5', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; h6: StyledInstance< 'web', 'h6', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement >, BaseObject >; header: StyledInstance< 'web', 'header', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; hgroup: StyledInstance< 'web', 'hgroup', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; hr: StyledInstance< 'web', 'hr', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHRElement>, HTMLHRElement>, BaseObject >; html: StyledInstance< 'web', 'html', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLHtmlElement>, HTMLHtmlElement >, BaseObject >; i: StyledInstance< 'web', 'i', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; iframe: StyledInstance< 'web', 'iframe', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.IframeHTMLAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement>, HTMLIFrameElement >, BaseObject >; img: StyledInstance< 'web', 'img', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>, HTMLImageElement >, BaseObject >; input: StyledInstance< 'web', 'input', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, HTMLInputElement >, BaseObject >; ins: StyledInstance< 'web', 'ins', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.InsHTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement>, HTMLModElement >, BaseObject >; kbd: StyledInstance< 'web', 'kbd', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; keygen: StyledInstance< 'web', 'keygen', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.KeygenHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement >, BaseObject >; label: StyledInstance< 'web', 'label', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.LabelHTMLAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>, HTMLLabelElement >, BaseObject >; legend: StyledInstance< 'web', 'legend', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLLegendElement>, HTMLLegendElement >, BaseObject >; li: StyledInstance< 'web', 'li', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.LiHTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>, HTMLLIElement >, BaseObject >; main: StyledInstance< 'web', 'main', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; mark: StyledInstance< 'web', 'mark', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; menu: StyledInstance< 'web', 'menu', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.MenuHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; menuitem: StyledInstance< 'web', 'menuitem', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; meta: StyledInstance< 'web', 'meta', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.MetaHTMLAttributes<HTMLMetaElement>, HTMLMetaElement >, BaseObject >; meter: StyledInstance< 'web', 'meter', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.MeterHTMLAttributes<HTMLMeterElement>, HTMLMeterElement >, BaseObject >; nav: StyledInstance< 'web', 'nav', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; noscript: StyledInstance< 'web', 'noscript', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; ol: StyledInstance< 'web', 'ol', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.OlHTMLAttributes<HTMLOListElement>, HTMLOListElement >, BaseObject >; optgroup: StyledInstance< 'web', 'optgroup', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.OptgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptGroupElement>, HTMLOptGroupElement >, BaseObject >; option: StyledInstance< 'web', 'option', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.OptionHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptionElement>, HTMLOptionElement >, BaseObject >; output: StyledInstance< 'web', 'output', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.OutputHTMLAttributes<HTMLOutputElement>, HTMLOutputElement >, BaseObject >; p: StyledInstance< 'web', 'p', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>, HTMLParagraphElement >, BaseObject >; param: StyledInstance< 'web', 'param', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ParamHTMLAttributes<HTMLParamElement>, HTMLParamElement >, BaseObject >; picture: StyledInstance< 'web', 'picture', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; pre: StyledInstance< 'web', 'pre', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLPreElement>, HTMLPreElement >, BaseObject >; progress: StyledInstance< 'web', 'progress', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ProgressHTMLAttributes<HTMLProgressElement>, HTMLProgressElement >, BaseObject >; q: StyledInstance< 'web', 'q', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.QuoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement>, HTMLQuoteElement >, BaseObject >; rp: StyledInstance< 'web', 'rp', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; rt: StyledInstance< 'web', 'rt', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; ruby: StyledInstance< 'web', 'ruby', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; s: StyledInstance< 'web', 's', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; samp: StyledInstance< 'web', 'samp', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; script: StyledInstance< 'web', 'script', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ScriptHTMLAttributes<HTMLScriptElement>, HTMLScriptElement >, BaseObject >; section: StyledInstance< 'web', 'section', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; select: StyledInstance< 'web', 'select', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement>, HTMLSelectElement >, BaseObject >; source: StyledInstance< 'web', 'source', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.SourceHTMLAttributes<HTMLSourceElement>, HTMLSourceElement >, BaseObject >; span: StyledInstance< 'web', 'span', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>, HTMLSpanElement >, BaseObject >; strong: StyledInstance< 'web', 'strong', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; style: StyledInstance< 'web', 'style', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.StyleHTMLAttributes<HTMLStyleElement>, HTMLStyleElement >, BaseObject >; summary: StyledInstance< 'web', 'summary', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; table: StyledInstance< 'web', 'table', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.TableHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableElement>, HTMLTableElement >, BaseObject >; tbody: StyledInstance< 'web', 'tbody', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement >, BaseObject >; td: StyledInstance< 'web', 'td', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableDataCellElement>, HTMLTableDataCellElement >, BaseObject >; textarea: StyledInstance< 'web', 'textarea', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>, HTMLTextAreaElement >, BaseObject >; tfoot: StyledInstance< 'web', 'tfoot', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement >, BaseObject >; th: StyledInstance< 'web', 'th', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ThHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>, HTMLTableHeaderCellElement >, BaseObject >; thead: StyledInstance< 'web', 'thead', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement >, BaseObject >; time: StyledInstance< 'web', 'time', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.TimeHTMLAttributes<HTMLTimeElement>, HTMLTimeElement >, BaseObject >; tr: StyledInstance< 'web', 'tr', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>, HTMLTableRowElement >, BaseObject >; track: StyledInstance< 'web', 'track', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.TrackHTMLAttributes<HTMLTrackElement>, HTMLTrackElement >, BaseObject >; u: StyledInstance< 'web', 'u', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; ul: StyledInstance< 'web', 'ul', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>, HTMLUListElement >, BaseObject >; var: StyledInstance< 'web', 'var', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; video: StyledInstance< 'web', 'video', React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.VideoHTMLAttributes<HTMLVideoElement>, HTMLVideoElement >, BaseObject >; wbr: StyledInstance< 'web', 'wbr', React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>, BaseObject >; svg: StyledInstance<'web', 'svg', React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>, BaseObject>; circle: StyledInstance< 'web', 'circle', React.SVGProps<SVGCircleElement>, BaseObject >; clipPath: StyledInstance< 'web', 'clipPath', React.SVGProps<SVGClipPathElement>, BaseObject >; defs: StyledInstance<'web', 'defs', React.SVGProps<SVGDefsElement>, BaseObject>; ellipse: StyledInstance< 'web', 'ellipse', React.SVGProps<SVGEllipseElement>, BaseObject >; foreignObject: StyledInstance< 'web', 'foreignObject', React.SVGProps<SVGForeignObjectElement>, BaseObject >; image: StyledInstance< 'web', 'image', React.SVGProps<SVGImageElement>, BaseObject >; line: StyledInstance< 'web', 'line', React.SVGLineElementAttributes<SVGLineElement>, BaseObject >; linearGradient: StyledInstance< 'web', 'linearGradient', React.SVGProps<SVGLinearGradientElement>, BaseObject >; marker: StyledInstance< 'web', 'marker', React.SVGProps<SVGMarkerElement>, BaseObject >; mask: StyledInstance<'web', 'mask', React.SVGProps<SVGMaskElement>, BaseObject>; path: StyledInstance<'web', 'path', React.SVGProps<SVGPathElement>, BaseObject>; pattern: StyledInstance< 'web', 'pattern', React.SVGProps<SVGPatternElement>, BaseObject >; polygon: StyledInstance< 'web', 'polygon', React.SVGProps<SVGPolygonElement>, BaseObject >; polyline: StyledInstance< 'web', 'polyline', React.SVGProps<SVGPolylineElement>, BaseObject >; radialGradient: StyledInstance< 'web', 'radialGradient', React.SVGProps<SVGRadialGradientElement>, BaseObject >; rect: StyledInstance<'web', 'rect', React.SVGProps<SVGRectElement>, BaseObject>; stop: StyledInstance<'web', 'stop', React.SVGProps<SVGStopElement>, BaseObject>; text: StyledInstance< 'web', 'text', React.SVGTextElementAttributes<SVGTextElement>, BaseObject >; tspan: StyledInstance< 'web', 'tspan', React.SVGProps<SVGTSpanElement>, BaseObject >; use: StyledInstance<'web', 'use', React.SVGProps<SVGUseElement>, BaseObject>;};
variable StyleSheetConsumer
const StyleSheetConsumer: React.Consumer<IStyleSheetContext>;
variable StyleSheetContext
const StyleSheetContext: React.Context<IStyleSheetContext>;
variable ThemeConsumer
const ThemeConsumer: React.Consumer<DefaultTheme>;
variable ThemeContext
const ThemeContext: React.Context<DefaultTheme>;
variable version
const version: string;
function createGlobalStyle
createGlobalStyle: <Props extends object>( strings: Styles<Props>, ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<Props>>) => React.NamedExoticComponent<ExecutionProps & Props>;
function css
css: { ( styles: Styles<object>, ...interpolations: Interpolation<object>[] ): RuleSet<object>; <Props extends object>( styles: Styles<NoInfer<Props>>, ...interpolations: Interpolation<NoInfer<Props>>[] ): RuleSet<NoInfer<Props>>;};
function isStyledComponent
isStyledComponent: (target: any) => target is StyledComponentBrand;
function keyframes
keyframes: <Props extends object = {}>( strings: Styles<Props>, ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<Props>>) => Keyframes;
function StyleSheetManager
StyleSheetManager: ( props: React.PropsWithChildren<{ disableCSSOMInjection?: boolean; enableVendorPrefixes?: boolean; namespace?: string; sheet?: StyleSheet; shouldForwardProp?: ShouldForwardProp<'web'>; stylisPlugins?: stylis.Middleware[]; target?: InsertionTarget; }>) => React.JSX.Element;
function ThemeProvider
ThemeProvider: (props: Props) => React.JSX.Element | null;
Provide a theme to an entire react component tree via context
function useTheme
useTheme: () => DefaultTheme;
Returns the current theme (as provided by the closest ancestor
.)If no
is found, the function will error. If you need access to the theme in an uncertain composition scenario,React.useContext(ThemeContext)
will not emit an error if there is noThemeProvider
function withTheme
withTheme: <T extends unknown>(Component: T) => any;
class ServerStyleSheet
class ServerStyleSheet {}
property getStyleElement
getStyleElement: () => React.JSX.Element[];
property getStyleTags
getStyleTags: () => string;
property instance
instance: StyleSheet;
property seal
seal: () => void;
property sealed
sealed: boolean;
method collectStyles
collectStyles: (children: any) => React.JSX.Element;
method interleaveWithNodeStream
interleaveWithNodeStream: (input: Readable) => streamInternal.Transform;
interface DefaultTheme
interface DefaultTheme {}
Override DefaultTheme to get accurate typings for your project.
// create styled-components.d.ts in your project source// if it isn't being picked up, check tsconfig compilerOptions.typesimport type { CSSProp } from "styled-components";import Theme from './theme';type ThemeType = typeof Theme;declare module "styled-components" {export interface DefaultTheme extends ThemeType {}}declare module "react" {interface DOMAttributes<T> {css?: CSSProp;}}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface ExecutionContext
interface ExecutionContext extends ExecutionProps {}
ExecutionProps but with
property theme
theme: DefaultTheme;
interface IStyledComponentFactory
interface IStyledComponentFactory< R extends Runtime, Target extends StyledTarget<R>, OuterProps extends object, OuterStatics extends object = BaseObject> {}
call signature
<Props extends object = BaseObject, Statics extends object = BaseObject>( target: Target, options: StyledOptions<R, OuterProps & Props>, rules: RuleSet<OuterProps & Props>): IStyledComponent<R, Substitute<OuterProps, Props>> & OuterStatics & Statics;
interface IStyledStatics
interface IStyledStatics<R extends Runtime, OuterProps extends object> extends CommonStatics<R, OuterProps> {}
property componentStyle
componentStyle: R extends 'web' ? ComponentStyle : never;
property foldedComponentIds
foldedComponentIds: R extends 'web' ? string : never;
property inlineStyle
inlineStyle: R extends 'native' ? InstanceType<IInlineStyleConstructor<OuterProps>> : never;
property styledComponentId
styledComponentId: R extends 'web' ? string : never;
property target
target: StyledTarget<R>;
property warnTooManyClasses
warnTooManyClasses?: | (R extends 'web' ? ReturnType<typeof createWarnTooManyClasses> : never) | undefined;
interface PolymorphicComponent
interface PolymorphicComponent<R extends Runtime, BaseProps extends object> extends React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<BaseProps> {}
This type forms the signature for a forwardRef-enabled component that accepts the "as" prop to dynamically change the underlying rendered JSX. The interface will automatically attempt to extract props from the given rendering target to get proper typing for any specialized props in the target component.
call signature
< AsTarget extends StyledTarget<R> | void = void, ForwardedAsTarget extends StyledTarget<R> | void = void>( props: PolymorphicComponentProps<R, BaseProps, AsTarget, ForwardedAsTarget>): React.JSX.Element;
interface ShouldForwardProp
interface ShouldForwardProp<R extends Runtime> {}
call signature
(prop: string, elementToBeCreated: StyledTarget<R>): boolean;
interface StyledInstance
interface Styled< R extends Runtime, Target extends StyledTarget<R>, OuterProps extends object, OuterStatics extends object = BaseObject> {}
property attrs
attrs: < Props extends object = BaseObject, PrivateMergedProps extends object = Substitute<OuterProps, Props>, PrivateAttrsArg extends Attrs<PrivateMergedProps> = Attrs<PrivateMergedProps>, PrivateResolvedTarget extends StyledTarget<R> = AttrsTarget< R, PrivateAttrsArg, Target >>( attrs: PrivateAttrsArg) => Styled< R, PrivateResolvedTarget, PrivateResolvedTarget extends KnownTarget ? Substitute< Substitute< OuterProps, React.ComponentPropsWithRef<PrivateResolvedTarget> >, Props > : PrivateMergedProps, OuterStatics>;
property withConfig
withConfig: ( config: StyledOptions<R, OuterProps>) => Styled<R, Target, OuterProps, OuterStatics>;
call signature
<Props extends object = BaseObject, Statics extends object = BaseObject>( initialStyles: Styles<Substitute<OuterProps, NoInfer<Props>>>, ...interpolations: Interpolation<Substitute<OuterProps, NoInfer<Props>>>[]): IStyledComponent<R, Substitute<OuterProps, Props>> & OuterStatics & Statics & (R extends 'web' ? Target extends string ? {} : Omit<Target, keyof React.Component<any>> : {});
interface StyledObject
interface StyledObject<Props extends object = BaseObject> extends CSSProperties, CSSPseudos {}
index signature
[key: string]: | StyledObject<Props> | string | number | StyleFunction<Props> | RuleSet<any> | undefined;
interface StyledOptions
interface StyledOptions<R extends Runtime, Props extends object> {}
property attrs
attrs?: Attrs<Props>[] | undefined;
property componentId
componentId?: (R extends 'web' ? string : never) | undefined;
property displayName
displayName?: string | undefined;
property parentComponentId
parentComponentId?: (R extends 'web' ? string : never) | undefined;
property shouldForwardProp
shouldForwardProp?: ShouldForwardProp<R> | undefined;
interface StyleFunction
interface StyleFunction<Props extends object> {}
call signature
(executionContext: ExecutionContext & Props): Interpolation<Props>;
Type Aliases
type Attrs
type Attrs<Props extends object = BaseObject> = | (ExecutionProps & Partial<Props>) | ((props: ExecutionContext & Props) => ExecutionProps & Partial<Props>);
type CSSKeyframes
type CSSKeyframes = object & { [key: string]: CSSObject;};
type CSSObject
type CSSObject<Props extends object = BaseObject> = StyledObject<Props>;
type CSSProp
type CSSProp = Interpolation<any>;
prop is not declared by default in the types as it would causecss
to be present on the types of anything that uses styled-components indirectly, even if they do not use the babel plugin.To enable support for the
prop in TypeScript, create astyled-components.d.ts
file in your project source with the following contents:import type { CSSProp } from "styled-components";declare module "react" {interface Attributes {css?: CSSProp;}}In order to get accurate typings for
interpolations, see DefaultTheme.
type CSSProperties
type CSSProperties = CSS.Properties<number | (string & {})>;
type CSSPseudos
type CSSPseudos = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSObject;};
type DataAttributes
type DataAttributes = { [key: `data-${string}`]: any;};
This type is intended for when data attributes are composed via the
API:styled.div.attrs<DataAttributes>({ 'data-testid': 'foo' })``Would love to figure out how to support this natively without having to manually compose the type, but haven't figured out a way to do so yet that doesn't cause specificity loss (see
if you attempt to embedDataAttributes
directly in theAttrs<>
type ExecutionProps
type ExecutionProps = { /** * Dynamically adjust the rendered component or HTML tag, e.g. * ``` * const StyledButton = styled.button`` * * <StyledButton as="a" href="/foo"> * I'm an anchor now * </StyledButton> * ``` */ as?: KnownTarget | undefined; forwardedAs?: KnownTarget | undefined; theme?: DefaultTheme | undefined;};
type FastOmit
type FastOmit<T extends object, U extends string | number | symbol> = { [K in keyof T as K extends U ? never : K]: T[K];};
type Interpolation
type Interpolation<Props extends object> = | StyleFunction<Props> | StyledObject<Props> | TemplateStringsArray | string | number | false | undefined | null | Keyframes | StyledComponentBrand | RuleSet<Props> | Interpolation<Props>[];
type IStyledComponent
type IStyledComponent< R extends Runtime, Props extends object = BaseObject> = IStyledComponentBase<R, Props> & /** * TypeScript doesn't allow using a styled component as a key inside object * styles because "A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', * 'symbol', or 'any'.". The toString() method only exists in the web runtime. * This hack intersects the `IStyledComponent` type with the built-in `string` * type to keep TSC happy. * * @example * const H1 = styled.h1({ * fontSize: '2rem' * }); * * const Header = styled.header({ * [H1]: { * marginBottom: '1rem' * } * }) */ (R extends 'web' ? string : {});
type IStyleSheetContext
type IStyleSheetContext = { shouldForwardProp?: ShouldForwardProp<'web'> | undefined; styleSheet: StyleSheet; stylis: Stringifier;};
type IStyleSheetManager
type IStyleSheetManager = React.PropsWithChildren<{ /** * If desired, you can pass this prop to disable "speedy" insertion mode, which * uses the browser [CSSOM APIs]( * When disabled, rules are inserted as simple text into style blocks. */ disableCSSOMInjection?: undefined | boolean; /** * If you are working exclusively with modern browsers, vendor prefixes can often be omitted * to reduce the weight of CSS on the page. */ enableVendorPrefixes?: undefined | boolean; /** * Provide an optional selector to be prepended to all generated style rules. */ namespace?: undefined | string; /** * Create and provide your own `StyleSheet` if necessary for advanced SSR scenarios. */ sheet?: undefined | StyleSheet; /** * Starting in v6, styled-components no longer does its own prop validation * and recommends use of transient props "$prop" to pass style-only props to * components. If for some reason you are not able to use transient props, a * prop validation function can be provided via `StyleSheetManager`, such as * `@emotion/is-prop-valid`. * * When the return value is `true`, props will be forwarded to the DOM/underlying * component. If return value is `false`, the prop will be discarded after styles * are calculated. * * Manually composing `styled.{element}.withConfig({shouldForwardProp})` will * override this default. */ shouldForwardProp?: undefined | IStyleSheetContext['shouldForwardProp']; /** * An array of plugins to be run by stylis (style processor) during compilation. * Check out [what's available on npm*]( * * \* The plugin(s) must be compatible with stylis v4 or above. */ stylisPlugins?: undefined | stylis.Middleware[]; /** * Provide an alternate DOM node to host generated styles; useful for iframes. */ target?: undefined | InsertionTarget;}>;
type IStylisContext
type IStylisContext = Stringifier | void;
type LibraryStyled
type LibraryStyled<LibraryProps extends object = BaseObject> = < Target extends WebTarget>( tag: Target) => typeof baseStyled<Target, LibraryProps>;
Use this higher-order type for scenarios where you are wrapping
and providing extra props as a third-party library.
type PolymorphicComponentProps
type PolymorphicComponentProps< R extends Runtime, BaseProps extends object, AsTarget extends StyledTarget<R> | void, ForwardedAsTarget extends StyledTarget<R> | void, AsTargetProps extends object = AsTarget extends KnownTarget ? React.ComponentPropsWithRef<AsTarget> : {}, ForwardedAsTargetProps extends object = ForwardedAsTarget extends KnownTarget ? React.ComponentPropsWithRef<ForwardedAsTarget> : {}> = NoInfer< FastOmit< Substitute<BaseProps, Substitute<ForwardedAsTargetProps, AsTargetProps>>, keyof ExecutionProps >> & FastOmit<ExecutionProps, 'as' | 'forwardedAs'> & { as?: AsTarget; forwardedAs?: ForwardedAsTarget; };
Used by PolymorphicComponent to define prop override cascading order.
type RuleSet
type RuleSet<Props extends object = BaseObject> = Interpolation<Props>[];
type Runtime
type Runtime = 'web' | 'native';
type Styled
type Styled = typeof styled;
This is the type of the
type SupportedHTMLElements
type SupportedHTMLElements = (typeof elements)[number];
type WebTarget
type WebTarget = string | KnownTarget;
Package Files (14)
- dist/constants.d.ts
- dist/constructors/constructWithOptions.d.ts
- dist/constructors/createGlobalStyle.d.ts
- dist/constructors/css.d.ts
- dist/constructors/keyframes.d.ts
- dist/constructors/styled.d.ts
- dist/hoc/withTheme.d.ts
- dist/index.d.ts
- dist/models/ServerStyleSheet.d.ts
- dist/models/StyleSheetManager.d.ts
- dist/models/ThemeProvider.d.ts
- dist/types.d.ts
- dist/utils/domElements.d.ts
- dist/utils/isStyledComponent.d.ts
Dependencies (9)
Dev Dependencies (47)
- @babel/core
- @babel/helper-module-imports
- @babel/plugin-external-helpers
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
- @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react
- @babel/preset-typescript
- @rollup/plugin-typescript
- @types/enzyme
- @types/jest
- @types/js-beautify
- @types/node
- @types/react
- @types/react-dom
- @types/react-frame-component
- @types/react-native
- @types/react-test-renderer
- @types/shallowequal
- babel-jest
- babel-plugin-add-module-exports
- babel-plugin-styled-components
- babel-plugin-tester
- bundlewatch
- jest
- jest-environment-jsdom
- jest-serializer-html
- jest-watch-typeahead
- js-beautify
- prettier
- prop-types
- react
- react-dom
- react-frame-component
- react-native
- react-test-renderer
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-commonjs
- rollup-plugin-json
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-replace
- rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- rollup-plugin-terser
- stylis-plugin-rtl
- ts-toolbelt
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (2)
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