- Version 3.0.0
- Published
- 57.2 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i ts-import-plugin
yarn add ts-import-plugin
pnpm add ts-import-plugin
babel-plugin-import TypeScript version
function createTransformer
createTransformer: ( _options?: Partial<Options> | Array<Partial<Options>>) => (context: ts.TransformationContext) => (node: ts.Node) => ts.Node | undefined;
interface ImportedStruct
interface ImportedStruct {}
property importName
importName: string;
property variableName
variableName?: string;
interface Options
interface Options {}
property camel2DashComponentName
camel2DashComponentName?: boolean;
property camel2UnderlineComponentName
camel2UnderlineComponentName?: boolean;
property failIfNotFound
failIfNotFound?: boolean;
property libraryDirectory
libraryDirectory?: ((name: string) => string) | string;
property libraryName
libraryName?: string;
property libraryOverride
libraryOverride?: boolean;
property resolveContext
resolveContext?: string[];
property style
style?: | boolean | 'css' | 'css.web' | string | ((name: string) => string | false);
property transformToDefaultImport
transformToDefaultImport?: boolean;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (44)
- @swc-node/register
- @swc/core
- @types/lodash
- @types/material-ui
- @types/node
- @types/react
- @types/react-dom
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- antd
- ava
- c8
- css-loader
- cssnano
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks
- eslint-plugin-sonarjs
- husky
- json-schema
- lint-staged
- lodash
- lodash-es
- mini-css-extract-plugin
- pinst
- postcss
- postcss-loader
- prettier
- react
- react-dom
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-typescript2
- rxjs
- shx
- source-map-support
- style-loader
- ts-loader
- ts-node
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-bundle-analyzer
- webpack-cli
Peer Dependencies (1)
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- Updated .
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