- Version 5.0.0
- Published
- 18.9 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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nameof in TypeScript
function nameof
nameof: typeof nameof;
Gets a string representation of the last identifier of the given expression.
Parameter obj
An expression for which the last identifier will be parsed.
Example 1
nameof(console) -> "console"
Example 2
nameof(console.log) -> "log"
Example 3
nameof(console["warn"]) -> "warn"
namespace nameof
namespace nameof {}
function full
full: { <T>(periodIndex?: number): string; <T>(func: (obj: T) => any, periodIndex?: number): string; (obj: any, periodIndex?: number): string;};
Gets the string representation of the entire type parameter expression.
Parameter periodIndex
Specifies the index of the part of the expression to parse. When absent, the full expression will be parsed. A negative index can be used, indicating an offset from the end of the sequence.
Example 1
nameof.full<MyNamespace.MyInnerInterface>() -> "MyNamespace.MyInnerInterface"
Example 2
nameof.full<MyNamespace.MyInnerInterface>(1) -> "MyInnerInterface"
Example 3
nameof.full<Array>() -> "Array"
Example 4
nameof.full<MyNamespace.AnotherNamespace.MyInnerInterface>>(-1) -> "MyInnerInterface"
Gets the string representation of the entire resultant expression.
Parameter func
A function for which the result will be parsed, excluding the parameter's identifier.
Parameter periodIndex
Specifies the index of the part of the expression to parse. When absent, the full expression will be parsed. A negative index can be used, indicating an offset from the end of the sequence.
Example 1
nameof.full(o => o.prop.prop2) -> "prop.prop2"
Example 2
nameof.full(o => o.prop.prop2.prop3, 1) -> "prop2.prop3"
Example 3
nameof.full(o => o.prop.prop2.prop3, -1) -> `"prop3"
Gets the string representation of the entire given expression.
Parameter obj
The expression which will be parsed.
Parameter periodIndex
Specifies the index of the part of the expression to parse. When absent, the full expression will be parsed. A negative index can be used, indicating an offset from the end of the sequence.
Example 1
nameof.full(console.log) -> "console.log"
Example 2
nameof.full(window.alert.length, -1) -> "length"
Example 3
nameof.full(window.alert.length, 2) -> "length"
function interpolate
interpolate: <T>(value: T) => T;
Embeds an expression into the string representation of the result of nameof.full.
Parameter value
The value to interpolate.
Example 1
nameof.full(myObj.prop[nameof.interpolate(i)]) ->
function split
split: { <T>(func: (obj: T) => any, periodIndex?: number): string[]; (obj: any, periodIndex?: number): string[];};
Gets an array of strings where each element is a subsequent part of the expression provided.
Parameter func
A function for which the resultant parts will be parsed, excluding the parameter's identifier.
Parameter periodIndex
Specifies the index of the part of the expression to parse. When absent, the full expression will be parsed. A negative index can be used, indicating an offset from the end of the sequence.
Example 1
nameof.split(o => o.prop.prop2.prop3) -> ["prop", "prop2", "prop3"]
Example 2
nameof.split(o => o.prop.prop2.prop3, 1) -> ["prop2", "prop3"]
Example 3
nameof.split(o => o.prop.prop2.prop3, -1) -> ["prop", "prop2"]
Gets an array of strings where each element is a subsequent part of the expression provided.
Parameter obj
An expression for which the parts will be parsed.
Parameter periodIndex
Specifies the index of the part of the expression to parse. When absent, the full expression will be parsed. A negative index can be used, indicating an offset from the end of the sequence.
Example 1
nameof.split(myObj.prop.prop2.prop3) -> ["myObj", "prop", "prop2", "prop3"]
Example 2
nameof.split(myObj.prop.prop2.prop3, -3);
["prop", "prop2", "prop3"];Example 3
nameof.split(myObj.prop.prop2.prop3, 2);
["prop2", "prop3"]
function toArray
toArray: { <T>(func: (obj: T) => any[]): string[]; (...args: any[]): string[] };
Gets an array containing the string representation of the final identifier of each expression in the array returned by the provided function.
Parameter func
A function returning an array of expressions to be parsed, excluding the parameter's identifier.
Example 1
nameof.toArray(o => [o.firstProp, o.otherProp.secondProp, o.other]) -> ["firstProp", "secondProp", "other"]
Example 2
nameof.toArray(o => [o.prop, nameof.full(o.myProp.otherProp, 1)]) -> ["prop", "myProp.otherProp"]
Gets an array containing the string representation of each expression in the arguments.
Parameter args
An array of expressions to be parsed.
Example 1
nameof.toArray(myObject, otherObject) -> ["myObject", "otherObject"]
Example 2
nameof.toArray(obj.firstProp, obj.secondProp, otherObject, nameof.full(obj.other)) -> ["firstProp", "secondProp", "otherObject", "obj.other"]
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