
  • Version 4.2.0
  • Published
  • 216 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Load node modules according to tsconfig paths, in run-time or via API.



function createMatchPath

createMatchPath: (
absoluteBaseUrl: string,
paths: { [key: string]: string[] },
mainFields?: (string | string[])[],
addMatchAll?: boolean
) => MatchPath;
  • Creates a function that can resolve paths according to tsconfig paths property.

    Parameter absoluteBaseUrl

    Absolute version of baseUrl as specified in tsconfig.

    Parameter paths

    The paths as specified in tsconfig.

    Parameter mainFields

    A list of package.json field names to try when resolving module files. Select a nested field using an array of field names.

    Parameter addMatchAll

    Add a match-all "*" rule if none is present


    a function that can resolve paths.

function createMatchPathAsync

createMatchPathAsync: (
absoluteBaseUrl: string,
paths: { [key: string]: string[] },
mainFields?: (string | string[])[],
addMatchAll?: boolean
) => MatchPathAsync;
  • See the sync version for docs.

function loadConfig

loadConfig: (cwd?: string) => ConfigLoaderResult;

    function matchFromAbsolutePaths

    matchFromAbsolutePaths: (
    absolutePathMappings: ReadonlyArray<MappingEntry.MappingEntry>,
    requestedModule: string,
    readJson?: Filesystem.ReadJsonSync,
    fileExists?: Filesystem.FileExistsSync,
    extensions?: Array<string>,
    mainFields?: (string | string[])[]
    ) => string | undefined;
    • Finds a path from tsconfig that matches a module load request.

      Parameter absolutePathMappings

      The paths to try as specified in tsconfig but resolved to absolute form.

      Parameter requestedModule

      The required module name.

      Parameter readJson

      Function that can read json from a path (useful for testing).

      Parameter fileExists

      Function that checks for existence of a file at a path (useful for testing).

      Parameter extensions

      File extensions to probe for (useful for testing).

      Parameter mainFields

      A list of package.json field names to try when resolving module files. Select a nested field using an array of field names.


      the found path, or undefined if no path was found.

    function matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync

    matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync: (
    absolutePathMappings: ReadonlyArray<MappingEntry.MappingEntry>,
    requestedModule: string,
    readJson: Filesystem.ReadJsonAsync | undefined,
    fileExists: Filesystem.FileExistsAsync | undefined,
    extensions: readonly string[] | undefined,
    callback: MatchPathAsyncCallback,
    mainFields?: (string | string[])[]
    ) => void;
    • See the sync version for docs.

    function register

    register: (params?: RegisterParams) => () => void;
    • Installs a custom module load function that can adhere to paths in tsconfig. Returns a function to undo paths registration.


    interface ConfigLoaderFailResult

    interface ConfigLoaderFailResult {}

      property message

      message: string;

        property resultType

        resultType: 'failed';

          interface ConfigLoaderSuccessResult

          interface ConfigLoaderSuccessResult {}

            property absoluteBaseUrl

            absoluteBaseUrl: string;

              property addMatchAll

              addMatchAll?: boolean;

                property baseUrl

                baseUrl?: string;

                  property configFileAbsolutePath

                  configFileAbsolutePath: string;

                    property mainFields

                    mainFields?: (string | string[])[];

                      property paths

                      paths: {
                      [key: string]: Array<string>;

                        property resultType

                        resultType: 'success';

                          interface FileExistsAsync

                          interface FileExistsAsync {}

                            call signature

                            (path: string, callback: (err?: Error, exists?: boolean) => void): void;

                              interface FileExistsSync

                              interface FileExistsSync {}

                                call signature

                                (name: string): boolean;

                                  interface MatchPath

                                  interface MatchPath {}
                                  • Function that can match a path

                                  call signature

                                  requestedModule: string,
                                  readJson?: Filesystem.ReadJsonSync,
                                  fileExists?: (name: string) => boolean,
                                  extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>
                                  ): string | undefined;

                                    interface MatchPathAsync

                                    interface MatchPathAsync {}
                                    • Function that can match a path async

                                    call signature

                                    requestedModule: string,
                                    readJson: Filesystem.ReadJsonAsync | undefined,
                                    fileExists: Filesystem.FileExistsAsync | undefined,
                                    extensions: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined,
                                    callback: MatchPathAsyncCallback
                                    ): void;

                                      interface ReadJsonAsync

                                      interface ReadJsonAsync {}

                                        call signature

                                        (path: string, callback: ReadJsonAsyncCallback): void;

                                          interface ReadJsonSync

                                          interface ReadJsonSync {}
                                          • A function that json from a file

                                          call signature

                                          (packageJsonPath: string): any | undefined;

                                            Type Aliases

                                            type ConfigLoaderResult

                                            type ConfigLoaderResult = ConfigLoaderSuccessResult | ConfigLoaderFailResult;

                                              Package Files (6)

                                              Dependencies (3)

                                              Dev Dependencies (19)

                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                              No peer dependencies.


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