- Version 2.1.0
- Published
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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A simple mocking library for TypeScript
- BaseInvocation
- CallType
- Ctor
- CtorWithArgs
- DynamicGetInvocation
- Exception
- ExpectedCallType
- IAction
- IAction1
- IActionN
- ICallback
- ICallContext
- ICallInterceptor
- IFunc1
- IFunc2
- IFuncN
- IGlobalMock
- IMatch
- IMock
- InvocationType
- IPropertyInfo
- IProxy
- IProxyCall
- IReturns
- IReturnsResult
- IReturnsThrows
- ISetup
- IThrows
- IThrowsResult
- IUsingResult
- IVerifies
- Match
- MatchAny
- MatchAnyNumber
- MatchAnyObject
- MatchAnyString
- MatchObjectWith
- MatchPred
- MatchValue
- MethodGetterInvocation
- MethodInfo
- MethodInvocation
- MethodSetterInvocation
- MockBehavior
- MockException
- MockExceptionReason
- PropDescriptor
- PropDescriptorMap
- PropertyInfo
- PropertyRetriever
- ProxyES5
- ProxyES6
- ProxyFactory
- ProxyType
- Times
- Utils
- ValueGetterInvocation
- ValueSetterInvocation
namespace typemoq
module 'typemoq' {}
class GlobalMock
class GlobalMockApi {}
method ofInstance
static ofInstance: <U>( targetInstance: U, globalName?: string, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
method ofType
static ofType: <U>( targetConstructor: common.Ctor<U>, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
method ofType2
static ofType2: <U>( globalName: string, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
class GlobalScope
class GlobalScopeApi {}
method using
static using: (...args: all.IGlobalMock<any>[]) => IUsingResult;
class It
class It {}
method is
static is: <T>(predicate: common.IFunc2<T, boolean>) => T;
method isAny
static isAny: () => any;
method isAnyNumber
static isAnyNumber: () => number;
method isAnyObject
static isAnyObject: <T>(x: common.Ctor<T>) => T;
method isAnyString
static isAnyString: () => string;
method isObjectWith
static isObjectWith: <T>(x: { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] }) => T;
method isValue
static isValue: <T>(x: T) => T;
class Mock
class MockApi {}
method ofInstance
static ofInstance: <U>( targetInstance: U, behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean) => IMock<U>;
method ofType
static ofType: <U>( targetConstructor?: common.CtorWithArgs<U>, behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean, ...targetConstructorArgs: any[]) => IMock<U>;
method ofType2
static ofType2: <U>( targetConstructor: common.CtorWithArgs<U>, targetConstructorArgs: any[], behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean) => IMock<U>;
class MockException
class MockException extends Exception {}
constructor(reason: number, ctx: any, message?: string);
property ctx
readonly ctx: any;
property message
readonly message: string;
property reason
readonly reason: number;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class Times
class Times {}
property max
readonly max: number;
property min
readonly min: number;
method atLeast
static atLeast: (n: number) => Times;
method atLeastOnce
static atLeastOnce: () => Times;
method atMost
static atMost: (n: number) => Times;
method atMostOnce
static atMostOnce: () => Times;
method exactly
static exactly: (n: number) => Times;
method failMessage
failMessage: (call: proxy.ICallContext) => string;
method never
static never: () => Times;
method once
static once: () => Times;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method verify
verify: (callCount: number) => boolean;
interface IGlobalMock
interface IGlobalMock<T> extends IMock<T> {}
interface IMock
interface IMock<T> {}
property behavior
readonly behavior: MockBehavior;
property callBase
callBase: boolean;
property name
readonly name: string;
property object
readonly object: T;
property target
readonly target: T;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method setup
setup: <TResult>( expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>) => MethodCallReturn<T, TResult>;
method verify
verify: <TResult>(expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>, times: Times) => void;
method verifyAll
verifyAll: () => void;
enum ExpectedCallType
enum ExpectedCallType { InAnyOrder = 0, InSequence = 1,}
member InAnyOrder
InAnyOrder = 0
member InSequence
InSequence = 1
enum MockBehavior
enum MockBehavior { Loose = 0, Strict = 1,}
namespace typemoq/_all
module 'typemoq/_all' {}
class BaseInvocation
abstract class BaseInvocation implements ICallContext {}
constructor(proxyType: ProxyType, callType: CallType);
property args
abstract args: IArguments;
property callType
callType: CallType;
property invocationType
invocationType: InvocationType;
property isAnUnknownDynamicCallAtExecution
readonly isAnUnknownDynamicCallAtExecution: boolean;
property property
abstract readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
property proxyType
readonly proxyType: ProxyType;
property returnValue
returnValue: any;
method invokeBase
abstract invokeBase: () => void;
class DynamicGetInvocation
class DynamicGetInvocation extends ValueGetterInvocation {}
constructor(property: IPropertyInfo, value: any);
class Exception
class Exception extends Error {}
constructor(name: string, message: string);
property name
name: string;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyNumber
class MatchAnyNumber implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyObject
class MatchAnyObject<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_ctor: common.Ctor<T>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyString
class MatchAnyString implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchObjectWith
class MatchObjectWith<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchPred
class MatchPred<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_pred: common.IFunc2<T, boolean>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchValue
class MatchValue<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MethodGetterInvocation
class MethodGetterInvocation extends BaseInvocation {}
constructor( _property: IPropertyInfo, _getter: () => any, proxyType?: ProxyType, callType?: CallType);
property args
args: IArguments;
property property
readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MethodInfo
class MethodInfo implements IPropertyInfo {}
class MethodInvocation
class MethodInvocation extends BaseInvocation {}
constructor( _that: Object, _property: MethodInfo, args?: IArguments, proxyType?: ProxyType, callType?: CallType);
property args
args: IArguments;
property property
readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MethodSetterInvocation
class MethodSetterInvocation extends BaseInvocation {}
constructor( _property: IPropertyInfo, _setter: (v: any) => void, args: IArguments, proxyType?: ProxyType, callType?: CallType);
property args
args: IArguments;
property property
readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MockException
class MockException extends Exception {}
constructor(reason: number, ctx: any, message?: string);
property ctx
readonly ctx: any;
property message
readonly message: string;
property reason
readonly reason: number;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class PropertyInfo
class PropertyInfo implements IPropertyInfo {}
constructor(obj: Object, name: string, desc?: common.PropDescriptor);
property desc
readonly desc: common.PropDescriptor;
property name
readonly name: string;
property obj
readonly obj: Object;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class PropertyRetriever
class PropertyRetriever {}
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerables
static getOwnEnumerables: (obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnNonenumerables
static getOwnNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeNonenumerables
static getPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
class ProxyES5
class ProxyES5<T> implements IProxy {}
class ProxyES6
class ProxyES6<T> implements IProxy {}
method of
static of: <U>(target: U, handler: IProxyHandler<U>) => ProxyES6<U>;
class ProxyFactory
class ProxyFactory {}
method createProxy
static createProxy: <T>(target: T, interceptor: ICallInterceptor) => T;
method createProxyES6
static createProxyES6: <T>(target: T, interceptor: ICallInterceptor) => T;
class Times
class Times {}
property max
readonly max: number;
property min
readonly min: number;
method atLeast
static atLeast: (n: number) => Times;
method atLeastOnce
static atLeastOnce: () => Times;
method atMost
static atMost: (n: number) => Times;
method atMostOnce
static atMostOnce: () => Times;
method exactly
static exactly: (n: number) => Times;
method failMessage
failMessage: (call: proxy.ICallContext) => string;
method never
static never: () => Times;
method once
static once: () => Times;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method verify
verify: (callCount: number) => boolean;
class Utils
class Utils {}
method argsName
static argsName: (args: IArguments) => string;
method clone
static clone: (target: Object, source: Object) => void;
method conthunktor
static conthunktor: <U>(ctor: CtorWithArgs<U>, args: any[]) => U;
method functionName
static functionName: (fun: Object) => string;
method objectName
static objectName: (obj: Object) => string;
class ValueGetterInvocation
class ValueGetterInvocation extends BaseInvocation {}
constructor( _property: IPropertyInfo, value: any, proxyType?: ProxyType, callType?: CallType);
property args
args: IArguments;
property property
readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
property value
readonly value: any;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class ValueSetterInvocation
class ValueSetterInvocation extends BaseInvocation {}
constructor( _property: IPropertyInfo, args: IArguments, proxyType?: ProxyType, callType?: CallType);
property args
args: IArguments;
property property
readonly property: IPropertyInfo;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
interface ICallback
interface ICallback<T, TResult> {}
method callback
callback: { (action: common.IAction): IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>; (action: common.IAction1<T>): IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>;};
interface ICallContext
interface ICallContext {}
property args
args: IArguments;
property callType
callType: CallType;
property invocationType
invocationType: InvocationType;
property isAnUnknownDynamicCallAtExecution
isAnUnknownDynamicCallAtExecution: boolean;
property property
property: IPropertyInfo;
property proxyType
proxyType: ProxyType;
property returnValue
returnValue: any;
method invokeBase
invokeBase: () => void;
interface ICallInterceptor
interface ICallInterceptor {}
method intercept
intercept: (context: ICallContext) => void;
method removeInvocation
removeInvocation: (context: ICallContext) => void;
interface IGlobalMock
interface IGlobalMock<T> extends IMock<T> {}
interface IMatch
interface IMatch {}
interface IMock
interface IMock<T> {}
property behavior
readonly behavior: MockBehavior;
property callBase
callBase: boolean;
property name
readonly name: string;
property object
readonly object: T;
property target
readonly target: T;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method setup
setup: <TResult>( expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>) => MethodCallReturn<T, TResult>;
method verify
verify: <TResult>(expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>, times: Times) => void;
method verifyAll
verifyAll: () => void;
interface IPropertyInfo
interface IPropertyInfo {}
interface IProxy
interface IProxy {}
interface IProxyCall
interface IProxyCall<T> {}
property callCount
callCount: number;
property expectedCallCount
expectedCallCount: api.Times;
property id
id: string;
property isInSequence
isInSequence: boolean;
property isInvoked
isInvoked: boolean;
property isVerifiable
isVerifiable: boolean;
property setupCall
setupCall: ICallContext;
property setupExpression
setupExpression: common.IAction1<T>;
method evaluatedSuccessfully
evaluatedSuccessfully: () => void;
method execute
execute: (call: ICallContext) => void;
method matches
matches: (call: ICallContext) => boolean;
method setVerifiable
setVerifiable: ( times?: api.Times, expectedCallType?: api.ExpectedCallType) => void;
interface IReturns
interface IReturns<T, TResult> {}
interface IReturnsResult
interface IReturnsResult<T> extends IVerifies {}
interface IReturnsThrows
interface IReturnsThrows<T, TResult> extends IReturns<T, TResult>, IVerifies, IThrows {}
interface ISetup
interface ISetup<T, TResult> extends ICallback<T, TResult>, IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>, IVerifies {}
interface IThrows
interface IThrows {}
method throws
throws: <T extends Error>(exception: T) => IThrowsResult;
interface IThrowsResult
interface IThrowsResult extends IVerifies {}
interface IUsingResult
interface IUsingResult {}
method with
with: (action: common.IAction) => void;
interface IVerifies
interface IVerifies {}
method verifiable
verifiable: (times?: Times) => void;
interface PropDescriptor
interface PropDescriptor {}
property configurable
configurable?: boolean;
property enumerable
enumerable?: boolean;
property value
value?: any;
property writable
writable?: boolean;
method get
get: () => any;
method set
set: (v: any) => void;
interface PropDescriptorMap
interface PropDescriptorMap {}
index signature
[s: string]: PropDescriptor;
enum CallType
enum CallType { UNKNOWN = 0, PROPERTY = 1, FUNCTION = 2,}
enum ExpectedCallType
enum ExpectedCallType { InAnyOrder = 0, InSequence = 1,}
member InAnyOrder
InAnyOrder = 0
member InSequence
InSequence = 1
enum InvocationType
enum InvocationType { NONE = 0, SETUP = 1, EXECUTE = 2,}
enum MockBehavior
enum MockBehavior { Loose = 0, Strict = 1,}
enum MockExceptionReason
enum MockExceptionReason { NoSetup, MoreThanOneSetup, InvalidArg, InvalidSetup, InvalidMatcher, UnknownGlobalType, CallCountVerificationFailed, CallOrderVerificationFailed, InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime,}
member CallCountVerificationFailed
member CallOrderVerificationFailed
member InvalidArg
member InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime
member InvalidMatcher
member InvalidSetup
member MoreThanOneSetup
member NoSetup
member UnknownGlobalType
enum ProxyType
enum ProxyType { STATIC = 0, DYNAMIC = 1,}
type Ctor
type Ctor<T> = { new (): T; prototype: Object;};
type CtorWithArgs
type CtorWithArgs<T> = { new (...ctorArgs: any[]): T; prototype: Object;};
type IAction
type IAction = () => void;
type IAction1
type IAction1<T> = (x: T) => void;
type IActionN
type IActionN<T> = (...x: T[]) => void;
type IFunc1
type IFunc1<TResult> = () => TResult;
type IFunc2
type IFunc2<T, TResult> = (x: T) => TResult;
type IFuncN
type IFuncN<T, TResult> = (...x: T[]) => TResult;
namespace typemoq/Api/_all
module 'typemoq/Api/_all' {}
class Times
class Times {}
property max
readonly max: number;
property min
readonly min: number;
method atLeast
static atLeast: (n: number) => Times;
method atLeastOnce
static atLeastOnce: () => Times;
method atMost
static atMost: (n: number) => Times;
method atMostOnce
static atMostOnce: () => Times;
method exactly
static exactly: (n: number) => Times;
method failMessage
failMessage: (call: proxy.ICallContext) => string;
method never
static never: () => Times;
method once
static once: () => Times;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method verify
verify: (callCount: number) => boolean;
interface ICallback
interface ICallback<T, TResult> {}
method callback
callback: { (action: common.IAction): IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>; (action: common.IAction1<T>): IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>;};
interface IGlobalMock
interface IGlobalMock<T> extends IMock<T> {}
interface IMock
interface IMock<T> {}
property behavior
readonly behavior: MockBehavior;
property callBase
callBase: boolean;
property name
readonly name: string;
property object
readonly object: T;
property target
readonly target: T;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method setup
setup: <TResult>( expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>) => MethodCallReturn<T, TResult>;
method verify
verify: <TResult>(expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>, times: Times) => void;
method verifyAll
verifyAll: () => void;
interface IReturns
interface IReturns<T, TResult> {}
interface IReturnsResult
interface IReturnsResult<T> extends IVerifies {}
interface IReturnsThrows
interface IReturnsThrows<T, TResult> extends IReturns<T, TResult>, IVerifies, IThrows {}
interface ISetup
interface ISetup<T, TResult> extends ICallback<T, TResult>, IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>, IVerifies {}
interface IThrows
interface IThrows {}
method throws
throws: <T extends Error>(exception: T) => IThrowsResult;
interface IThrowsResult
interface IThrowsResult extends IVerifies {}
interface IUsingResult
interface IUsingResult {}
method with
with: (action: common.IAction) => void;
interface IVerifies
interface IVerifies {}
method verifiable
verifiable: (times?: Times) => void;
enum ExpectedCallType
enum ExpectedCallType { InAnyOrder = 0, InSequence = 1,}
member InAnyOrder
InAnyOrder = 0
member InSequence
InSequence = 1
enum MockBehavior
enum MockBehavior { Loose = 0, Strict = 1,}
namespace typemoq/Api/ExpectedCallType
module 'typemoq/Api/ExpectedCallType' {}
enum ExpectedCallType
enum ExpectedCallType { InAnyOrder = 0, InSequence = 1,}
member InAnyOrder
InAnyOrder = 0
member InSequence
InSequence = 1
namespace typemoq/Api/GlobalMockApi
module 'typemoq/Api/GlobalMockApi' {}
class GlobalMockApi
class GlobalMockApi {}
method ofInstance
static ofInstance: <U>( targetInstance: U, globalName?: string, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
method ofType
static ofType: <U>( targetConstructor: common.Ctor<U>, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
method ofType2
static ofType2: <U>( globalName: string, container?: Object, behavior?: MockBehavior) => IGlobalMock<U>;
namespace typemoq/Api/GlobalScopeApi
module 'typemoq/Api/GlobalScopeApi' {}
class GlobalScopeApi
class GlobalScopeApi {}
method using
static using: (...args: all.IGlobalMock<any>[]) => IUsingResult;
namespace typemoq/Api/ICallback
module 'typemoq/Api/ICallback' {}
namespace typemoq/Api/IGlobalMock
module 'typemoq/Api/IGlobalMock' {}
interface IGlobalMock
interface IGlobalMock<T> extends IMock<T> {}
namespace typemoq/Api/IMock
module 'typemoq/Api/IMock' {}
interface IMock
interface IMock<T> {}
property behavior
readonly behavior: MockBehavior;
property callBase
callBase: boolean;
property name
readonly name: string;
property object
readonly object: T;
property target
readonly target: T;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method setup
setup: <TResult>( expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>) => MethodCallReturn<T, TResult>;
method verify
verify: <TResult>(expression: common.IFunc2<T, TResult>, times: Times) => void;
method verifyAll
verifyAll: () => void;
namespace typemoq/Api/IReturns
module 'typemoq/Api/IReturns' {}
interface IReturns
interface IReturns<T, TResult> {}
interface IReturnsResult
interface IReturnsResult<T> extends IVerifies {}
interface IReturnsThrows
interface IReturnsThrows<T, TResult> extends IReturns<T, TResult>, IVerifies, IThrows {}
namespace typemoq/Api/ISetup
module 'typemoq/Api/ISetup' {}
interface ISetup
interface ISetup<T, TResult> extends ICallback<T, TResult>, IReturnsThrows<T, TResult>, IVerifies {}
namespace typemoq/Api/It
module 'typemoq/Api/It' {}
class It
class It {}
method is
static is: <T>(predicate: common.IFunc2<T, boolean>) => T;
method isAny
static isAny: () => any;
method isAnyNumber
static isAnyNumber: () => number;
method isAnyObject
static isAnyObject: <T>(x: common.Ctor<T>) => T;
method isAnyString
static isAnyString: () => string;
method isObjectWith
static isObjectWith: <T>(x: { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] }) => T;
method isValue
static isValue: <T>(x: T) => T;
namespace typemoq/Api/IThrows
module 'typemoq/Api/IThrows' {}
interface IThrows
interface IThrows {}
method throws
throws: <T extends Error>(exception: T) => IThrowsResult;
interface IThrowsResult
interface IThrowsResult extends IVerifies {}
namespace typemoq/Api/IUsing
module 'typemoq/Api/IUsing' {}
interface IUsingResult
interface IUsingResult {}
method with
with: (action: common.IAction) => void;
namespace typemoq/Api/IVerifies
module 'typemoq/Api/IVerifies' {}
interface IVerifies
interface IVerifies {}
method verifiable
verifiable: (times?: Times) => void;
namespace typemoq/Api/MockApi
module 'typemoq/Api/MockApi' {}
class MockApi
class MockApi {}
method ofInstance
static ofInstance: <U>( targetInstance: U, behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean) => IMock<U>;
method ofType
static ofType: <U>( targetConstructor?: common.CtorWithArgs<U>, behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean, ...targetConstructorArgs: any[]) => IMock<U>;
method ofType2
static ofType2: <U>( targetConstructor: common.CtorWithArgs<U>, targetConstructorArgs: any[], behavior?: MockBehavior, shouldOverrideTarget?: boolean) => IMock<U>;
namespace typemoq/Api/MockBehavior
module 'typemoq/Api/MockBehavior' {}
enum MockBehavior
enum MockBehavior { Loose = 0, Strict = 1,}
namespace typemoq/Api/Times
module 'typemoq/Api/Times' {}
class Times
class Times {}
property max
readonly max: number;
property min
readonly min: number;
method atLeast
static atLeast: (n: number) => Times;
method atLeastOnce
static atLeastOnce: () => Times;
method atMost
static atMost: (n: number) => Times;
method atMostOnce
static atMostOnce: () => Times;
method exactly
static exactly: (n: number) => Times;
method failMessage
failMessage: (call: proxy.ICallContext) => string;
method never
static never: () => Times;
method once
static once: () => Times;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method verify
verify: (callCount: number) => boolean;
namespace typemoq/Common/_all
module 'typemoq/Common/_all' {}
class PropertyRetriever
class PropertyRetriever {}
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerables
static getOwnEnumerables: (obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnNonenumerables
static getOwnNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeNonenumerables
static getPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
class Utils
class Utils {}
method argsName
static argsName: (args: IArguments) => string;
method clone
static clone: (target: Object, source: Object) => void;
method conthunktor
static conthunktor: <U>(ctor: CtorWithArgs<U>, args: any[]) => U;
method functionName
static functionName: (fun: Object) => string;
method objectName
static objectName: (obj: Object) => string;
interface PropDescriptor
interface PropDescriptor {}
property configurable
configurable?: boolean;
property enumerable
enumerable?: boolean;
property value
value?: any;
property writable
writable?: boolean;
method get
get: () => any;
method set
set: (v: any) => void;
interface PropDescriptorMap
interface PropDescriptorMap {}
index signature
[s: string]: PropDescriptor;
type Ctor
type Ctor<T> = { new (): T; prototype: Object;};
type CtorWithArgs
type CtorWithArgs<T> = { new (...ctorArgs: any[]): T; prototype: Object;};
type IAction
type IAction = () => void;
type IAction1
type IAction1<T> = (x: T) => void;
type IActionN
type IActionN<T> = (...x: T[]) => void;
type IFunc1
type IFunc1<TResult> = () => TResult;
type IFunc2
type IFunc2<T, TResult> = (x: T) => TResult;
type IFuncN
type IFuncN<T, TResult> = (...x: T[]) => TResult;
namespace typemoq/Common/Ctor
module 'typemoq/Common/Ctor' {}
type Ctor
type Ctor<T> = { new (): T; prototype: Object;};
type CtorWithArgs
type CtorWithArgs<T> = { new (...ctorArgs: any[]): T; prototype: Object;};
namespace typemoq/Common/Func
module 'typemoq/Common/Func' {}
type IAction
type IAction = () => void;
type IAction1
type IAction1<T> = (x: T) => void;
type IActionN
type IActionN<T> = (...x: T[]) => void;
type IFunc1
type IFunc1<TResult> = () => TResult;
type IFunc2
type IFunc2<T, TResult> = (x: T) => TResult;
type IFuncN
type IFuncN<T, TResult> = (...x: T[]) => TResult;
namespace typemoq/Common/PropDescriptor
module 'typemoq/Common/PropDescriptor' {}
interface PropDescriptor
interface PropDescriptor {}
property configurable
configurable?: boolean;
property enumerable
enumerable?: boolean;
property value
value?: any;
property writable
writable?: boolean;
method get
get: () => any;
method set
set: (v: any) => void;
interface PropDescriptorMap
interface PropDescriptorMap {}
index signature
[s: string]: PropDescriptor;
namespace typemoq/Common/PropertyRetriever
module 'typemoq/Common/PropertyRetriever' {}
class PropertyRetriever
class PropertyRetriever {}
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables
static getOwnAndPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerables
static getOwnEnumerables: (obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getOwnEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getOwnNonenumerables
static getOwnNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables
static getPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
method getPrototypeNonenumerables
static getPrototypeNonenumerables: ( obj: any) => { name: string; desc: PropDescriptor }[];
namespace typemoq/Common/Utils
module 'typemoq/Common/Utils' {}
class Utils
class Utils {}
method argsName
static argsName: (args: IArguments) => string;
method clone
static clone: (target: Object, source: Object) => void;
method conthunktor
static conthunktor: <U>(ctor: CtorWithArgs<U>, args: any[]) => U;
method functionName
static functionName: (fun: Object) => string;
method objectName
static objectName: (obj: Object) => string;
namespace typemoq/CurrentInterceptContext
module 'typemoq/CurrentInterceptContext' {}
class CurrentInterceptContext
class CurrentInterceptContext<T> {}
property call
call: all.IProxyCall<T>;
namespace typemoq/Error/_all
module 'typemoq/Error/_all' {}
class Exception
class Exception extends Error {}
constructor(name: string, message: string);
property name
name: string;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MockException
class MockException extends Exception {}
constructor(reason: number, ctx: any, message?: string);
property ctx
readonly ctx: any;
property message
readonly message: string;
property reason
readonly reason: number;
method toString
toString: () => string;
enum MockExceptionReason
enum MockExceptionReason { NoSetup, MoreThanOneSetup, InvalidArg, InvalidSetup, InvalidMatcher, UnknownGlobalType, CallCountVerificationFailed, CallOrderVerificationFailed, InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime,}
member CallCountVerificationFailed
member CallOrderVerificationFailed
member InvalidArg
member InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime
member InvalidMatcher
member InvalidSetup
member MoreThanOneSetup
member NoSetup
member UnknownGlobalType
namespace typemoq/Error/Exception
module 'typemoq/Error/Exception' {}
class Exception
class Exception extends Error {}
constructor(name: string, message: string);
property name
name: string;
method toString
toString: () => string;
namespace typemoq/Error/MockException
module 'typemoq/Error/MockException' {}
class MockException
class MockException extends Exception {}
constructor(reason: number, ctx: any, message?: string);
property ctx
readonly ctx: any;
property message
readonly message: string;
property reason
readonly reason: number;
method toString
toString: () => string;
enum MockExceptionReason
enum MockExceptionReason { NoSetup, MoreThanOneSetup, InvalidArg, InvalidSetup, InvalidMatcher, UnknownGlobalType, CallCountVerificationFailed, CallOrderVerificationFailed, InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime,}
member CallCountVerificationFailed
member CallOrderVerificationFailed
member InvalidArg
member InvalidDynamicProxyRuntime
member InvalidMatcher
member InvalidSetup
member MoreThanOneSetup
member NoSetup
member UnknownGlobalType
namespace typemoq/GlobalMock
module 'typemoq/GlobalMock' {}
class GlobalMock
class GlobalMock<T> implements all.IGlobalMock<T> {}
constructor( mock: all.IMock<T>, _name: string, _type: GlobalType, container: Object);
property behavior
readonly behavior: all.MockBehavior;
property callBase
callBase: boolean;
property container
container: Object;
property mock
mock: all.IMock<T>;
property name
readonly name: string;
property object
readonly object: {};
property target
readonly target: {};
property type
readonly type: GlobalType;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method setup
setup: <TResult>( expression: all.IFunc2<T, TResult>) => MethodCallReturn<T, TResult>;
method verify
verify: <TResult>(expression: all.IFunc2<T, TResult>, times: all.Times) => void;
method verifyAll
verifyAll: () => void;
enum GlobalType
enum GlobalType { Class = 0, Function = 1, Value = 2,}
namespace typemoq/InterceptorContext
module 'typemoq/InterceptorContext' {}
class InterceptorContext
class InterceptorContext<T> {}
constructor(mock: all.IMock<T>);
property behavior
readonly behavior: all.MockBehavior;
property mock
mock: all.IMock<T>;
method actualInvocations
actualInvocations: () => all.ICallContext[];
method addExpectedCall
addExpectedCall: (call: all.IProxyCall<T>) => void;
method addInvocation
addInvocation: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
method expectedCalls
expectedCalls: () => all.IProxyCall<T>[];
method removeExpectedCall
removeExpectedCall: (call: all.IProxyCall<T>) => void;
method removeInvocation
removeInvocation: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
interface IInterceptStrategy
interface IInterceptStrategy<T> {}
method handleIntercept
handleIntercept: ( invocation: all.ICallContext, ctx: InterceptorContext<T>, localCtx: CurrentInterceptContext<T>) => InterceptionAction;
enum InterceptionAction
enum InterceptionAction { Continue = 0, Stop = 1,}
namespace typemoq/InterceptorExecute
module 'typemoq/InterceptorExecute' {}
class InterceptorExecute
class InterceptorExecute<T> implements all.ICallInterceptor {}
constructor(mock: all.IMock<T>);
property interceptorContext
readonly interceptorContext: InterceptorContext<T>;
method addExpectedCall
addExpectedCall: (call: all.IProxyCall<T>) => void;
method intercept
intercept: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
method removeInvocation
removeInvocation: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method verify
verify: () => void;
method verifyCallCount
verifyCallCount: <T>(call: all.IProxyCall<T>, times: all.Times) => void;
namespace typemoq/InterceptorSetup
module 'typemoq/InterceptorSetup' {}
class InterceptorSetup
class InterceptorSetup<T> implements all.ICallInterceptor {}
property interceptedCall
readonly interceptedCall: all.ICallContext;
method intercept
intercept: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
method removeInvocation
removeInvocation: (invocation: all.ICallContext) => void;
namespace typemoq/Match/_all
module 'typemoq/Match/_all' {}
class MatchAnyNumber
class MatchAnyNumber implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyObject
class MatchAnyObject<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_ctor: common.Ctor<T>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyString
class MatchAnyString implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchObjectWith
class MatchObjectWith<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchPred
class MatchPred<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_pred: common.IFunc2<T, boolean>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchValue
class MatchValue<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
interface IMatch
interface IMatch {}
namespace typemoq/Match/IMatch
module 'typemoq/Match/IMatch' {}
interface IMatch
interface IMatch {}
namespace typemoq/Match/Match
module 'typemoq/Match/Match' {}
namespace typemoq/Match/MatchAny
module 'typemoq/Match/MatchAny' {}
class MatchAnyNumber
class MatchAnyNumber implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyObject
class MatchAnyObject<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_ctor: common.Ctor<T>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
class MatchAnyString
class MatchAnyString implements IMatch {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
namespace typemoq/Match/MatchObjectWith
module 'typemoq/Match/MatchObjectWith' {}
class MatchObjectWith
class MatchObjectWith<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
namespace typemoq/Match/MatchPred
module 'typemoq/Match/MatchPred' {}
class MatchPred
class MatchPred<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(_pred: common.IFunc2<T, boolean>);
method toString
toString: () => string;
namespace typemoq/Match/MatchValue
module 'typemoq/Match/MatchValue' {}
class MatchValue
class MatchValue<T> implements IMatch {}
constructor(value: {});
method toString
toString: () => string;
namespace typemoq/MethodCall
module 'typemoq/MethodCall' {}
class MethodCall
class MethodCall<T, TResult> implements all.IProxyCall<T>, all.IVerifies {}
protected constructor( mock: MockBase<T>, _setupExpression: all.IFunc2<T, TResult>, interceptor: InterceptorSetup<T>, proxy: {});
property callCount
readonly callCount: number;
property expectedCallCount
readonly expectedCallCount: all.Times;
property id
readonly id: string;
property isInSequence
readonly isInSequence: boolean;
property isInvoked
readonly isInvoked: boolean;
property isVerifiable
readonly isVerifiable: boolean;
property mock
mock: MockBase<T>;
property setupCall
readonly setupCall: all.ICallContext;
property setupExpression
readonly setupExpression: all.IAction1<T>;