
  • Version 2.0.1
  • Published
  • 36.7 kB
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  • MIT license


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A proxy to `path`, replacing `\` with `/` for all results (supports UNC paths) & new methods to normalize & join keeping leading `./` and add, change, default, trim file extensions.



namespace upath

module 'upath' {}

    variable delimiter

    var delimiter: string;
    • The platform-specific file delimiter. ';' or ':'.

    variable sep

    var sep: string;
    • The platform-specific file separator. '\' or '/'.

    variable VERSION

    var VERSION: string;
    • Version of the library

    function addExt

    addExt: (file: string, ext: string) => string;
    • Adds .ext to filename, but only if it doesn't already have the exact extension.

      Parameter file

      string filename to add extension to

      Parameter ext

      string extension to add

    function basename

    basename: (p: string, ext?: string) => string;
    • Return the last portion of a path. Similar to the Unix basename command. Often used to extract the file name from a fully qualified path.

      Parameter p

      the path to evaluate.

      Parameter ext

      optionally, an extension to remove from the result.

    function changeExt

    changeExt: (
    filename: string,
    ext: string,
    ignoreExts?: string[],
    maxSize?: number
    ) => string;
    • Changes a filename's extension to ext. If it has no (valid) extension, it adds it.

      Valid extensions are considered to be up to maxSize chars long, counting the dot (defaults to 7).

      An Array of ignoreExts (eg ['.min']) prevents these from being considered as extension, thus are not changed - the new extension is added instead.

      Parameter filename

      string filename to change it's extension

      Parameter ext

      string extension to change to

      Parameter ignoreExts

      array extensions to ignore

      Parameter maxSize

      number max length of the extension

    function defaultExt

    defaultExt: (
    filename: string,
    ext: string,
    ignoreExts?: string[],
    maxSize?: number
    ) => string;
    • Adds .ext to filename, only if it doesn't already have any old extension.

      (Old) extensions are considered to be up to maxSize chars long, counting the dot (defaults to 7).

      An Array of ignoreExts (eg ['.min']) will force adding default .ext even if one of these is present.

      Parameter filename

      string filename to default to it's extension

      Parameter ext

      string extension to default to

      Parameter ignoreExts

      array extensions to ignore

      Parameter maxSize

      number max length of the extension

    function dirname

    dirname: (p: string) => string;
    • Return the directory name of a path. Similar to the Unix dirname command.

      Parameter p

      the path to evaluate.

    function extname

    extname: (p: string) => string;
    • Return the extension of the path, from the last '.' to end of string in the last portion of the path. If there is no '.' in the last portion of the path or the first character of it is '.', then it returns an empty string

      Parameter p

      the path to evaluate.

    function format

    format: (pathObject: ParsedPath) => string;
    • Returns a path string from an object - the opposite of parse().

      Parameter pathString

      path to evaluate.

    function isAbsolute

    isAbsolute: (path: string) => boolean;
    • Determines whether {path} is an absolute path. An absolute path will always resolve to the same location, regardless of the working directory.

      Parameter path

      path to test.

    function join

    join: { (...paths: any[]): string; (...paths: string[]): string };
    • Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path. Arguments must be strings. In v0.8, non-string arguments were silently ignored. In v0.10 and up, an exception is thrown.

      Parameter paths

      string paths to join.

    function joinSafe

    joinSafe: (...p: any[]) => string;
    • Exactly like path.join(), but it keeps the first meaningful ./.

      Note that the unix / is returned everywhere, so windows \ is always converted to unix /.

      Parameter paths

      string paths to join

    function normalize

    normalize: (p: string) => string;
    • Normalize a string path, reducing '..' and '.' parts. When multiple slashes are found, they're replaced by a single one; when the path contains a trailing slash, it is preserved. On Windows backslashes are used.

      Parameter p

      string path to normalize.

    function normalizeSafe

    normalizeSafe: (p: string) => string;
    • Exactly like path.normalize(path), but it keeps the first meaningful ./.

      Note that the unix / is returned everywhere, so windows \ is always converted to unix /.

      Parameter p

      string path to normalize.

    function normalizeTrim

    normalizeTrim: (p: string) => string;
    • Exactly like path.normalizeSafe(path), but it trims any useless ending /.

      Parameter p

      string path to normalize

    function parse

    parse: (pathString: string) => ParsedPath;
    • Returns an object from a path string - the opposite of format().

      Parameter pathString

      path to evaluate.

    function relative

    relative: (from: string, to: string) => string;
    • Solve the relative path from {from} to {to}. At times we have two absolute paths, and we need to derive the relative path from one to the other. This is actually the reverse transform of path.resolve.

      Parameter from

      Parameter to

    function removeExt

    removeExt: (filename: string, ext: string) => string;
    • Removes the specific ext extension from filename, if it has it. Otherwise it leaves it as is. As in all upath functions, it be .ext or ext.

      Parameter file

      string filename to remove extension to

      Parameter ext

      string extension to remove

    function resolve

    resolve: (...pathSegments: any[]) => string;
    • The right-most parameter is considered {to}. Other parameters are considered an array of {from}.

      Starting from leftmost {from} parameter, resolves {to} to an absolute path.

      If {to} isn't already absolute, {from} arguments are prepended in right to left order, until an absolute path is found. If after using all {from} paths still no absolute path is found, the current working directory is used as well. The resulting path is normalized, and trailing slashes are removed unless the path gets resolved to the root directory.

      Parameter pathSegments

      string paths to join. Non-string arguments are ignored.

    function toUnix

    toUnix: (p: string) => string;
    • Just converts all to/ and consolidates duplicates, without performing any normalization.

      Parameter p

      string path to convert to unix.

    function trimExt

    trimExt: (filename: string, ignoreExts?: string[], maxSize?: number) => string;
    • Trims a filename's extension.

      Extensions are considered to be up to maxSize chars long, counting the dot (defaults to 7).

      An Array of ignoreExts (eg ['.min']) prevents these from being considered as extension, thus are not trimmed.

      Parameter filename

      string filename to trim it's extension

      Parameter ignoreExts

      array extensions to ignore

      Parameter maxSize

      number max length of the extension

    interface ParsedPath

    interface ParsedPath {}
    • A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().

    property base

    base: string;
    • The file name including extension (if any) such as 'index.html'

    property dir

    dir: string;
    • The full directory path such as '/home/user/dir' or 'c:\path\dir'

    property ext

    ext: string;
    • The file extension (if any) such as '.html'

    property name

    name: string;
    • The file name without extension (if any) such as 'index'

    property root

    root: string;
    • The root of the path such as '/' or 'c:'

    namespace upath.posix

    namespace upath.posix {}

      variable delimiter

      var delimiter: string;

        variable sep

        var sep: string;

          function basename

          basename: (p: string, ext?: string) => string;

            function dirname

            dirname: (p: string) => string;

              function extname

              extname: (p: string) => string;

                function format

                format: (pP: ParsedPath) => string;

                  function isAbsolute

                  isAbsolute: (p: string) => boolean;

                    function join

                    join: (...paths: any[]) => string;

                      function normalize

                      normalize: (p: string) => string;

                        function parse

                        parse: (p: string) => ParsedPath;

                          function relative

                          relative: (from: string, to: string) => string;

                            function resolve

                            resolve: (...pathSegments: any[]) => string;

                              namespace upath.win32

                              namespace upath.win32 {}

                                variable delimiter

                                var delimiter: string;

                                  variable sep

                                  var sep: string;

                                    function basename

                                    basename: (p: string, ext?: string) => string;

                                      function dirname

                                      dirname: (p: string) => string;

                                        function extname

                                        extname: (p: string) => string;

                                          function format

                                          format: (pP: ParsedPath) => string;

                                            function isAbsolute

                                            isAbsolute: (p: string) => boolean;

                                              function join

                                              join: (...paths: any[]) => string;

                                                function normalize

                                                normalize: (p: string) => string;

                                                  function parse

                                                  parse: (p: string) => ParsedPath;

                                                    function relative

                                                    relative: (from: string, to: string) => string;

                                                      function resolve

                                                      resolve: (...pathSegments: any[]) => string;

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