- Version 5.23.0
- Published
- 9.73 MB
- 6 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
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Vega-Lite is a concise high-level language for interactive visualization.
- accessPathDepth()
- accessPathWithDatum()
- accessWithDatumToUnescapedPath()
- compile()
- contains()
- deepEqual()
- deleteNestedProperty()
- entries()
- every()
- fieldIntersection()
- flatAccessWithDatum()
- getFirstDefined()
- hash()
- hasIntersection()
- hasProperty()
- internalField()
- isBoolean()
- isEmpty()
- isEqual()
- isInternalField()
- isNullOrFalse()
- isNumeric()
- keys()
- logicalExpr()
- mergeDeep()
- never()
- normalize()
- normalizeAngle()
- omit()
- pick()
- prefixGenerator()
- removePathFromField()
- replaceAll()
- replacePathInField()
- resetIdCounter()
- setEqual()
- some()
- stringify()
- titleCase()
- unique()
- uniqueId()
- vals()
- varName()
Type Aliases
function accessPathDepth
accessPathDepth: (path: string) => number;
Count the depth of the path. Returns 1 for fields that are not nested.
function accessPathWithDatum
accessPathWithDatum: (path: string, datum?: string) => string;
Converts a path to an access path with datum.
Parameter path
The field name.
Parameter datum
The string to use for
function accessWithDatumToUnescapedPath
accessWithDatumToUnescapedPath: (unescapedPath: string) => string;
Return access with datum to **an unescaped path**.
console.log(accessWithDatumToUnescapedPath("vega's favorite"))// "datum['vega\\'s favorite']"Parameter path
The unescaped path name. E.g.,
,"vega's favorite"
. (Note that the field defs take escaped strings like"a\\.b"
,"vega\\'s favorite"
, but this function is for the unescaped field/path)
function compile
compile: ( inputSpec: TopLevelSpec, opt?: CompileOptions) => { spec: VgSpec; normalized: TopLevel<import('../spec').NormalizedSpec> & LayoutSizeMixins;};
Vega-Lite's main function, for compiling Vega-Lite spec into Vega spec.
At a high-level, we make the following transformations in different phases:
Input spec | | (Normalization) v Normalized Spec (Row/Column channels in single-view specs becomes faceted specs, composite marks becomes layered specs.) | | (Build Model) v A model tree of the spec | | (Parse) v A model tree with parsed components (intermediate structure of visualization primitives in a format that can be easily merged) | | (Optimize) v A model tree with parsed components with the data component optimized | | (Assemble) v Vega spec
Parameter inputSpec
The Vega-Lite specification.
Parameter opt
Optional arguments passed to the Vega-Lite compiler.
An object containing the compiled Vega spec and normalized Vega-Lite spec.
function contains
contains: <T>(array: readonly T[], item: T) => boolean;
function deepEqual
deepEqual: (a: any, b: any) => boolean;
Compares two values for equality, including arrays and objects.
Adapted from
function deleteNestedProperty
deleteNestedProperty: (obj: any, orderedProps: string[]) => boolean;
Delete nested property of an object, and delete the ancestors of the property if they become empty.
function entries
entries: <T>(obj: T) => [keyof T, T[keyof T]][];
function every
every: <T>(arr: readonly T[], f: (d: T, k?: any, i?: any) => boolean) => boolean;
Returns true if all items return true.
function fieldIntersection
fieldIntersection: (a: ReadonlySet<string>, b: ReadonlySet<string>) => boolean;
Returns true if a and b have an intersection. Also return true if a or b are undefined since this means we don't know what fields a node produces or depends on.
function flatAccessWithDatum
flatAccessWithDatum: ( path: string, datum?: 'datum' | 'parent' | 'datum.datum') => string;
Return access with datum to the flattened field.
Parameter path
The field name.
Parameter datum
The string to use for
function getFirstDefined
getFirstDefined: <T>(...args: readonly T[]) => T | undefined;
This is a replacement for chained || for numeric properties or properties that respect null so that 0 will be included.
function hash
hash: (a: any) => string | number;
Converts any object to a string of limited size, or a number.
function hasIntersection
hasIntersection: <T>(a: ReadonlySet<T>, b: ReadonlySet<T>) => boolean;
function hasProperty
hasProperty: <T>(obj: T, key: string | number | symbol) => key is keyof T;
Check if the input object has the property and it's not undefined.
Parameter object
the object
Parameter property
the property to search
if the object has the property and it's not undefined.
function internalField
internalField: (name: string) => string;
function isBoolean
isBoolean: (b: any) => b is boolean;
function isEmpty
isEmpty: (obj: object) => boolean;
function isEqual
isEqual: <T>(dict: Dict<T>, other: Dict<T>) => boolean;
Returns true if the two dictionaries agree. Applies only to defined values.
function isInternalField
isInternalField: (name: string) => boolean;
function isNullOrFalse
isNullOrFalse: (x: any) => x is false;
function isNumeric
isNumeric: (value: number | string) => boolean;
Returns whether the passed in value is a valid number.
function keys
keys: <T>(o: T) => Extract<keyof T, string>[];
function logicalExpr
logicalExpr: <T>( op: LogicalComposition<T>, cb: (...args: readonly any[]) => string) => string;
function mergeDeep
mergeDeep: <T>(dest: T, ...src: readonly DeepPartial<T>[]) => T;
recursively merges src into dest
function never
never: (message: string) => never;
function normalize
normalize: ( spec: TopLevelSpec & LayoutSizeMixins, config?: Config<SignalRef>) => TopLevel<NormalizedSpec> & LayoutSizeMixins;
function normalizeAngle
normalizeAngle: (angle: number) => number;
Normalize angle to be within [0,360).
function omit
omit: <T extends object, K extends keyof T>( obj: T, props: readonly K[]) => Omit<T, K>;
The opposite of _.pick; this method creates an object composed of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of object that are not omitted.
function pick
pick: <T extends object, K extends keyof T>( obj: T, props: readonly K[]) => Pick<T, K>;
Creates an object composed of the picked object properties.
var object = {'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3}; pick(object, ['a', 'c']); // → {'a': 1, 'c': 3}
function prefixGenerator
prefixGenerator: (a: ReadonlySet<string>) => ReadonlySet<string>;
function removePathFromField
removePathFromField: (path: string) => string;
Remove path accesses with access from field. For example,
function replaceAll
replaceAll: (string: string, find: string, replacement: string) => string;
Replace all occurrences of a string with another string.
Parameter string
the string to replace in
Parameter find
the string to replace
Parameter replacement
the replacement
function replacePathInField
replacePathInField: (path: string) => string;
Replaces path accesses with access to non-nested field. For example,
function resetIdCounter
resetIdCounter: () => void;
Resets the id counter used in uniqueId. This can be useful for testing.
function setEqual
setEqual: <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => boolean;
function some
some: <T>(arr: readonly T[], f: (d: T, k?: any, i?: any) => boolean) => boolean;
Returns true if any item returns true.
function stringify
stringify: (data: any) => string;
Converts any object to a string representation that can be consumed by humans.
Adapted from
function titleCase
titleCase: (s: string) => string;
function unique
unique: <T>(values: readonly T[], f: (item: T) => string | number) => T[];
function uniqueId
uniqueId: (prefix?: string) => string | number;
Returns a new random id every time it gets called.
Has side effect!
function vals
vals: <T>(obj: T) => T[keyof T][];
function varName
varName: (s: string) => string;
Convert a string into a valid variable name
interface Config
interface Config<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef = ExprRef | SignalRef> extends TopLevelProperties<ES>, VLOnlyConfig<ES>, MarkConfigMixins<ES>, CompositeMarkConfigMixins, AxisConfigMixins<ES>, HeaderConfigMixins<ES>, CompositionConfigMixins {}
property aria
aria?: boolean;
A boolean flag indicating if ARIA default attributes should be included for marks and guides (SVG output only). If false, the
attribute will be set for all guides, removing them from the ARIA accessibility tree and Vega-Lite will not generate default descriptions for marks.__Default value:__
property legend
legend?: LegendConfig<ES>;
Legend configuration, which determines default properties for all [legends]( For a full list of legend configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of in the legend documentation](
property lineBreak
lineBreak?: string | ES;
A delimiter, such as a newline character, upon which to break text strings into multiple lines. This property provides a global default for text marks, which is overridden by mark or style config settings, and by the lineBreak mark encoding channel. If signal-valued, either string or regular expression (regexp) values are valid.
property locale
locale?: Locale;
Locale definitions for string parsing and formatting of number and date values. The locale object should contain
properties with [locale definitions]( Locale definitions provided in the config block may be overridden by the View constructor locale option.
property projection
projection?: ProjectionConfig;
Projection configuration, which determines default properties for all [projections]( For a full list of projection configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of the projection documentation](
property range
range?: RangeConfig;
An object hash that defines default range arrays or schemes for using with scales. For a full list of scale range configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of the scale documentation](
property signals
signals?: (InitSignal | NewSignal)[];
property style
style?: StyleConfigIndex<ES>;
An object hash that defines key-value mappings to determine default properties for marks with a given [style]( The keys represent styles names; the values have to be valid [mark configuration objects](
property title
title?: TitleConfig<ES>;
Title configuration, which determines default properties for all [titles]( For a full list of title configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of the title documentation](
Type Aliases
type DeepPartial
type DeepPartial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>;};
Like TS Partial but applies recursively to all properties.
type Dict
type Dict<T> = Record<string, T>;
type Flag
type Flag<S extends string> = { [K in S]: 1;};
type TopLevelSpec
type TopLevelSpec = | TopLevelUnitSpec<Field> | TopLevelFacetSpec | TopLevel<LayerSpec<Field>> | TopLevel<RepeatSpec> | TopLevel<GenericConcatSpec<NonNormalizedSpec>> | TopLevel<GenericVConcatSpec<NonNormalizedSpec>> | TopLevel<GenericHConcatSpec<NonNormalizedSpec>>;
A Vega-Lite top-level specification. This is the root class for all Vega-Lite specifications. (The json schema is generated from this type.)
Package Files (6)
Dependencies (6)
Dev Dependencies (46)
- @babel/core
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-typescript
- @release-it/conventional-changelog
- @rollup/plugin-alias
- @rollup/plugin-babel
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs
- @rollup/plugin-json
- @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
- @rollup/plugin-terser
- @types/d3
- @types/jest
- @types/pako
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- ajv
- ajv-formats
- cheerio
- conventional-changelog-cli
- d3
- del-cli
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- fast-json-stable-stringify
- highlight.js
- jest
- jest-dev-server
- mkdirp
- pako
- prettier
- puppeteer
- release-it
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-bundle-size
- serve
- terser
- ts-jest
- ts-json-schema-generator
- typescript
- vega-cli
- vega-datasets
- vega-embed
- vega-tooltip
- yaml-front-matter
Peer Dependencies (1)
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