
  • Version 9.0.1
  • Published
  • 196 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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pnpm add vscode-languageserver


Language server implementation for node





Type Aliases



function combineClientFeatures

combineClientFeatures: <O, T>(
one: ClientFeature<O>,
two: ClientFeature<T>
) => ClientFeature<O & T>;

    function combineConsoleFeatures

    combineConsoleFeatures: <O, T>(
    one: ConsoleFeature<O>,
    two: ConsoleFeature<T>
    ) => ConsoleFeature<O & T>;

      function combineFeatures

      combineFeatures: <
      one: Features<
      two: Features<
      ) => Features<
      OConsole & TConsole,
      OTracer & TTracer,
      OTelemetry & TTelemetry,
      OClient & TClient,
      OWindow & TWindow,
      OWorkspace & TWorkspace,
      OLanguages & TLanguages,
      ONotebooks & TNotebooks

        function combineLanguagesFeatures

        combineLanguagesFeatures: <O, T>(
        one: LanguagesFeature<O>,
        two: LanguagesFeature<T>
        ) => LanguagesFeature<O & T>;

          function combineNotebooksFeatures

          combineNotebooksFeatures: <O, T>(
          one: NotebooksFeature<O>,
          two: NotebooksFeature<T>
          ) => NotebooksFeature<O & T>;

            function combineTelemetryFeatures

            combineTelemetryFeatures: <O, T>(
            one: TelemetryFeature<O>,
            two: TelemetryFeature<T>
            ) => TelemetryFeature<O & T>;

              function combineTracerFeatures

              combineTracerFeatures: <O, T>(
              one: TracerFeature<O>,
              two: TracerFeature<T>
              ) => TracerFeature<O & T>;

                function combineWindowFeatures

                combineWindowFeatures: <O, T>(
                one: WindowFeature<O>,
                two: WindowFeature<T>
                ) => WindowFeature<O & T>;

                  function combineWorkspaceFeatures

                  combineWorkspaceFeatures: <O, T>(
                  one: WorkspaceFeature<O>,
                  two: WorkspaceFeature<T>
                  ) => WorkspaceFeature<O & T>;

                    function createConnection

                    createConnection: <
                    PConsole = _,
                    PTracer = _,
                    PTelemetry = _,
                    PClient = _,
                    PWindow = _,
                    PWorkspace = _,
                    PLanguages = _,
                    PNotebooks = _
                    connectionFactory: (logger: Logger) => ProtocolConnection,
                    watchDog: WatchDog,
                    factories?: Features<
                    ) => _Connection<


                      class ErrorMessageTracker

                      class ErrorMessageTracker {}
                      • Helps tracking error message. Equal occurrences of the same message are only stored once. This class is for example useful if text documents are validated in a loop and equal error message should be folded into one.



                        method add

                        add: (message: string) => void;
                        • Add a message to the tracker.

                          Parameter message

                          The message to add.

                        method sendErrors

                        sendErrors: (connection: { window: RemoteWindow }) => void;
                        • Send all tracked messages to the connection's window.

                          Parameter connection

                          The connection established between client and server.

                        class NotebookDocuments

                        class NotebookDocuments<
                        T extends {
                        uri: DocumentUri;
                        > {}


                          | TextDocumentsConfiguration<T>
                          | TextDocuments<T>

                            property cellTextDocuments

                            readonly cellTextDocuments: TextDocuments<T>;

                              property onDidChange

                              readonly onDidChange: Event<NotebookDocumentChangeEvent>;

                                property onDidClose

                                readonly onDidClose: Event<NotebookDocument>;

                                  property onDidOpen

                                  readonly onDidOpen: Event<NotebookDocument>;

                                    property onDidSave

                                    readonly onDidSave: Event<NotebookDocument>;

                                      method findNotebookDocumentForCell

                                      findNotebookDocumentForCell: (
                                      cell: DocumentUri | NotebookCell
                                      ) => NotebookDocument | undefined;

                                        method getCellTextDocument

                                        getCellTextDocument: (cell: NotebookCell) => T | undefined;

                                          method getNotebookCell

                                          getNotebookCell: (uri: DocumentUri) => NotebookCell | undefined;

                                            method getNotebookDocument

                                            getNotebookDocument: (uri: URI) => NotebookDocument | undefined;

                                              method listen

                                              listen: (connection: Connection) => Disposable;
                                              • Listens for low level notification on the given connection to update the notebook documents managed by this instance.

                                                Please note that the connection only provides handlers not an event model. Therefore listening on a connection will overwrite the following handlers on a connection: onDidOpenNotebookDocument, onDidChangeNotebookDocument, onDidSaveNotebookDocument, and onDidCloseNotebookDocument.

                                                Parameter connection

                                                The connection to listen on.

                                              class SemanticTokensBuilder

                                              class SemanticTokensBuilder {}



                                                  property id

                                                  readonly id: string;

                                                    method build

                                                    build: () => SemanticTokens;

                                                      method buildEdits

                                                      buildEdits: () => SemanticTokens | SemanticTokensDelta;

                                                        method canBuildEdits

                                                        canBuildEdits: () => boolean;

                                                          method previousResult

                                                          previousResult: (id: string) => void;

                                                            method push

                                                            push: (
                                                            line: number,
                                                            char: number,
                                                            length: number,
                                                            tokenType: number,
                                                            tokenModifiers: number
                                                            ) => void;

                                                              class TextDocuments

                                                              class TextDocuments<
                                                              T extends {
                                                              uri: DocumentUri;
                                                              > {}
                                                              • A manager for simple text documents. The manager requires at a minimum that the server registered for the following text document sync events in the initialize handler or via dynamic registration:

                                                                - open and close events. - change events.

                                                                Registering for save and will save events is optional.


                                                              constructor(configuration: TextDocumentsConfiguration<T>);
                                                              • Create a new text document manager.

                                                              property onDidChangeContent

                                                              readonly onDidChangeContent: Event<TextDocumentChangeEvent<T>>;
                                                              • An event that fires when a text document managed by this manager has been opened or the content changes.

                                                              property onDidClose

                                                              readonly onDidClose: Event<TextDocumentChangeEvent<T>>;
                                                              • An event that fires when a text document managed by this manager has been closed.

                                                              property onDidOpen

                                                              readonly onDidOpen: Event<TextDocumentChangeEvent<T>>;
                                                              • An event that fires when a text document managed by this manager has been opened.

                                                              property onDidSave

                                                              readonly onDidSave: Event<TextDocumentChangeEvent<T>>;
                                                              • An event that fires when a text document managed by this manager has been saved.

                                                              property onWillSave

                                                              readonly onWillSave: Event<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent<T>>;
                                                              • An event that fires when a text document managed by this manager will be saved.

                                                              method all

                                                              all: () => T[];
                                                              • Returns all text documents managed by this instance.

                                                                all text documents.

                                                              method get

                                                              get: (uri: string) => T | undefined;
                                                              • Returns the document for the given URI. Returns undefined if the document is not managed by this instance.

                                                                Parameter uri

                                                                The text document's URI to retrieve. the text document or undefined.

                                                              method keys

                                                              keys: () => string[];
                                                              • Returns the URIs of all text documents managed by this instance.

                                                                the URI's of all text documents.

                                                              method listen

                                                              listen: (connection: TextDocumentConnection) => Disposable;
                                                              • Listens for low level notification on the given connection to update the text documents managed by this instance.

                                                                Please note that the connection only provides handlers not an event model. Therefore listening on a connection will overwrite the following handlers on a connection: onDidOpenTextDocument, onDidChangeTextDocument, onDidCloseTextDocument, onWillSaveTextDocument, onWillSaveTextDocumentWaitUntil and onDidSaveTextDocument.

                                                                Use the corresponding events on the TextDocuments instance instead.

                                                                Parameter connection

                                                                The connection to listen on.

                                                              method onWillSaveWaitUntil

                                                              onWillSaveWaitUntil: (
                                                              handler: RequestHandler<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent<T>, TextEdit[], void>
                                                              ) => void;
                                                              • Sets a handler that will be called if a participant wants to provide edits during a text document save.


                                                              interface BulkRegistration

                                                              interface BulkRegistration {}
                                                              • A bulk registration manages n single registration to be able to register for n notifications or requests using one register request.

                                                              method add

                                                              add: {
                                                              <RO>(type: ProtocolNotificationType0<RO>, registerParams: RO): void;
                                                              <P, RO>(type: ProtocolNotificationType<P, RO>, registerParams: RO): void;
                                                              <R, PR, E, RO>(
                                                              type: ProtocolRequestType0<R, PR, E, RO>,
                                                              registerParams: RO
                                                              ): void;
                                                              <P, PR, R, E, RO>(
                                                              type: ProtocolRequestType<P, PR, R, E, RO>,
                                                              registerParams: RO
                                                              ): void;
                                                              <RO>(type: RegistrationType<RO>, registerParams: RO): void;
                                                              • Adds a single registration.

                                                                Parameter type

                                                                the notification type to register for.

                                                                Parameter registerParams

                                                                special registration parameters.

                                                              • Adds a single registration.

                                                                Parameter type

                                                                the request type to register for.

                                                                Parameter registerParams

                                                                special registration parameters.

                                                              interface BulkUnregistration

                                                              interface BulkUnregistration extends Disposable {}
                                                              • A BulkUnregistration manages n unregistrations.

                                                              method disposeSingle

                                                              disposeSingle: (arg: string | MessageSignature) => boolean;
                                                              • Disposes a single registration. It will be removed from the BulkUnregistration.

                                                              interface Connection

                                                              interface Connection extends _Connection {}

                                                                interface Feature

                                                                interface Feature<B extends FeatureBase, P> {}

                                                                  call signature

                                                                  (Base: new () => B): new () => B & P;

                                                                    interface FeatureBase

                                                                    interface FeatureBase {}

                                                                      method fillServerCapabilities

                                                                      fillServerCapabilities: (capabilities: ServerCapabilities) => void;
                                                                      • Called to fill in the server capabilities this feature implements.

                                                                        Parameter capabilities

                                                                        The server capabilities to fill.

                                                                      method initialize

                                                                      initialize: (capabilities: ClientCapabilities) => void;
                                                                      • Called to initialize the remote with the given client capabilities

                                                                        Parameter capabilities

                                                                        The client capabilities

                                                                      interface Features

                                                                      interface Features<
                                                                      PConsole = _,
                                                                      PTracer = _,
                                                                      PTelemetry = _,
                                                                      PClient = _,
                                                                      PWindow = _,
                                                                      PWorkspace = _,
                                                                      PLanguages = _,
                                                                      PNotebooks = _
                                                                      > {}

                                                                        property client

                                                                        client?: ClientFeature<PClient>;

                                                                          property console

                                                                          console?: ConsoleFeature<PConsole>;

                                                                            property languages

                                                                            languages?: LanguagesFeature<PLanguages>;

                                                                              property notebooks

                                                                              notebooks?: NotebooksFeature<PNotebooks>;

                                                                                property telemetry

                                                                                telemetry?: TelemetryFeature<PTelemetry>;

                                                                                  property tracer

                                                                                  tracer?: TracerFeature<PTracer>;

                                                                                    property window

                                                                                    window?: WindowFeature<PWindow>;

                                                                                      property workspace

                                                                                      workspace?: WorkspaceFeature<PWorkspace>;

                                                                                        interface RemoteClient

                                                                                        interface RemoteClient extends FeatureBase {}
                                                                                        • Interface to register and unregister listeners on the client / tools side.

                                                                                        property connection

                                                                                        connection: Connection;
                                                                                        • The connection this remote is attached to.

                                                                                        method register

                                                                                        register: {
                                                                                        <P, RO>(
                                                                                        type: ProtocolNotificationType<P, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        type: ProtocolNotificationType0<RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <P, RO>(
                                                                                        unregisteration: BulkUnregistration,
                                                                                        type: ProtocolNotificationType<P, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        unregisteration: BulkUnregistration,
                                                                                        type: ProtocolNotificationType0<RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <P, R, PR, E, RO>(
                                                                                        type: ProtocolRequestType<P, R, PR, E, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <R, PR, E, RO>(
                                                                                        type: ProtocolRequestType0<R, PR, E, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <P, R, PR, E, RO>(
                                                                                        unregisteration: BulkUnregistration,
                                                                                        type: ProtocolRequestType<P, R, PR, E, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <R, PR, E, RO>(
                                                                                        unregisteration: BulkUnregistration,
                                                                                        type: ProtocolRequestType0<R, PR, E, RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        <RO>(type: RegistrationType<RO>, registerParams?: RO): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        unregisteration: BulkUnregistration,
                                                                                        type: RegistrationType<RO>,
                                                                                        registerParams?: RO
                                                                                        ): Promise<Disposable>;
                                                                                        (registrations: BulkRegistration): Promise<BulkUnregistration>;
                                                                                        • Registers a listener for the given request.

                                                                                          Parameter type

                                                                                          the request type to register for.

                                                                                          Parameter registerParams

                                                                                          special registration parameters. a Disposable to unregister the listener again.

                                                                                        • Registers a listener for the given request.

                                                                                          Parameter unregisteration

                                                                                          the unregistration to add a corresponding unregister action to.

                                                                                          Parameter type

                                                                                          the request type to register for.

                                                                                          Parameter registerParams

                                                                                          special registration parameters. the updated unregistration.

                                                                                        • Registers a listener for the given registration type.

                                                                                          Parameter type

                                                                                          the registration type.

                                                                                          Parameter registerParams

                                                                                          special registration parameters. a Disposable to unregister the listener again.

                                                                                        • Registers a listener for the given registration type.

                                                                                          Parameter unregisteration

                                                                                          the unregistration to add a corresponding unregister action to.

                                                                                          Parameter type

                                                                                          the registration type.

                                                                                          Parameter registerParams

                                                                                          special registration parameters. the updated unregistration.

                                                                                        • Registers a set of listeners.

                                                                                          Parameter registrations

                                                                                          the bulk registration a Disposable to unregister the listeners again.

                                                                                        interface RemoteConsole

                                                                                        interface RemoteConsole extends FeatureBase {}
                                                                                        • The RemoteConsole interface contains all functions to interact with the tools / clients console or log system. Internally it used window/logMessage notifications.

                                                                                        property connection

                                                                                        connection: Connection;
                                                                                        • The connection this remote is attached to.

                                                                                        method debug

                                                                                        debug: (message: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Log a debug message.

                                                                                          Parameter message

                                                                                          The message to log.


                                                                                        method error

                                                                                        error: (message: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Show an error message.

                                                                                          Parameter message

                                                                                          The message to show.

                                                                                        method info

                                                                                        info: (message: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Show an information message.

                                                                                          Parameter message

                                                                                          The message to show.

                                                                                        method log

                                                                                        log: (message: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Log a message.

                                                                                          Parameter message

                                                                                          The message to log.

                                                                                        method warn

                                                                                        warn: (message: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Show a warning message.

                                                                                          Parameter message

                                                                                          The message to show.

                                                                                        interface RemoteTracer

                                                                                        interface RemoteTracer extends FeatureBase {}
                                                                                        • Interface to log traces to the client. The events are sent to the client and the client needs to log the trace events.

                                                                                        property connection

                                                                                        connection: Connection;
                                                                                        • The connection this remote is attached to.

                                                                                        method log

                                                                                        log: (message: string, verbose?: string) => void;
                                                                                        • Log the given data to the trace Log

                                                                                        interface ResultProgressReporter

                                                                                        interface ResultProgressReporter<R> {}

                                                                                          method report

                                                                                          report: (data: R) => void;

                                                                                            interface ServerRequestHandler

                                                                                            interface ServerRequestHandler<P, R, PR, E> {}

                                                                                              call signature

                                                                                              params: P,
                                                                                              token: CancellationToken,
                                                                                              workDoneProgress: WorkDoneProgressReporter,
                                                                                              resultProgress?: ResultProgressReporter<PR>
                                                                                              ): HandlerResult<R, E>;

                                                                                                interface Telemetry

                                                                                                interface Telemetry extends FeatureBase {}
                                                                                                • Interface to log telemetry events. The events are actually send to the client and the client needs to feed the event into a proper telemetry system.

                                                                                                property connection

                                                                                                connection: Connection;
                                                                                                • The connection this remote is attached to.

                                                                                                method logEvent

                                                                                                logEvent: (data: any) => void;
                                                                                                • Log the given data to telemetry.

                                                                                                  Parameter data

                                                                                                  The data to log. Must be a JSON serializable object.

                                                                                                interface TextDocumentChangeEvent

                                                                                                interface TextDocumentChangeEvent<T> {}
                                                                                                • Event to signal changes to a text document.

                                                                                                property document

                                                                                                document: T;
                                                                                                • The document that has changed.

                                                                                                interface TextDocumentsConfiguration

                                                                                                interface TextDocumentsConfiguration<
                                                                                                T extends {
                                                                                                uri: DocumentUri;
                                                                                                > {}

                                                                                                  method create

                                                                                                  create: (
                                                                                                  uri: DocumentUri,
                                                                                                  languageId: string,
                                                                                                  version: number,
                                                                                                  content: string
                                                                                                  ) => T;

                                                                                                    method update

                                                                                                    update: (
                                                                                                    document: T,
                                                                                                    changes: TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[],
                                                                                                    version: number
                                                                                                    ) => T;

                                                                                                      interface TextDocumentWillSaveEvent

                                                                                                      interface TextDocumentWillSaveEvent<T> {}
                                                                                                      • Event to signal that a document will be saved.

                                                                                                      property document

                                                                                                      document: T;
                                                                                                      • The document that will be saved

                                                                                                      property reason

                                                                                                      reason: TextDocumentSaveReason;
                                                                                                      • The reason why save was triggered.

                                                                                                      interface WatchDog

                                                                                                      interface WatchDog {}

                                                                                                        property shutdownReceived

                                                                                                        shutdownReceived: boolean;

                                                                                                          method exit

                                                                                                          exit: (code: number) => void;

                                                                                                            method initialize

                                                                                                            initialize: (params: InitializeParams) => void;

                                                                                                              interface WorkDoneProgressReporter

                                                                                                              interface WorkDoneProgressReporter {}

                                                                                                                method begin

                                                                                                                begin: (
                                                                                                                title: string,
                                                                                                                percentage?: number,
                                                                                                                message?: string,
                                                                                                                cancellable?: boolean
                                                                                                                ) => void;

                                                                                                                  method done

                                                                                                                  done: () => void;

                                                                                                                    method report

                                                                                                                    report: {
                                                                                                                    (percentage: number): void;
                                                                                                                    (message: string): void;
                                                                                                                    (percentage: number, message: string): void;

                                                                                                                      interface WorkDoneProgressServerReporter

                                                                                                                      interface WorkDoneProgressServerReporter extends WorkDoneProgressReporter {}

                                                                                                                        property token

                                                                                                                        readonly token: CancellationToken;

                                                                                                                          Type Aliases

                                                                                                                          type ClientFeature

                                                                                                                          type ClientFeature<P> = Feature<RemoteClient, P>;

                                                                                                                            type ConsoleFeature

                                                                                                                            type ConsoleFeature<P> = Feature<RemoteConsole, P>;

                                                                                                                              type Languages

                                                                                                                              type Languages = _Languages &
                                                                                                                              CallHierarchy &
                                                                                                                              SemanticTokensFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              LinkedEditingRangeFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              TypeHierarchyFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              InlineValueFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              InlayHintFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              DiagnosticFeatureShape &
                                                                                                                              MonikerFeatureShape &

                                                                                                                                type LanguagesFeature

                                                                                                                                type LanguagesFeature<P> = Feature<_Languages, P>;

                                                                                                                                  type Notebooks

                                                                                                                                  type Notebooks = _Notebooks & NotebookSyncFeatureShape;

                                                                                                                                    type NotebooksFeature

                                                                                                                                    type NotebooksFeature<P> = Feature<_Notebooks, P>;

                                                                                                                                      type RemoteWindow

                                                                                                                                      type RemoteWindow = _RemoteWindow & WindowProgress & ShowDocumentFeatureShape;

                                                                                                                                        type RemoteWorkspace

                                                                                                                                        type RemoteWorkspace = _RemoteWorkspace &
                                                                                                                                        Configuration &
                                                                                                                                        WorkspaceFolders &

                                                                                                                                          type TelemetryFeature

                                                                                                                                          type TelemetryFeature<P> = Feature<Telemetry, P>;

                                                                                                                                            type TracerFeature

                                                                                                                                            type TracerFeature<P> = Feature<RemoteTracer, P>;

                                                                                                                                              type WindowFeature

                                                                                                                                              type WindowFeature<P> = Feature<_RemoteWindow, P>;

                                                                                                                                                type WorkspaceFeature

                                                                                                                                                type WorkspaceFeature<P> = Feature<_RemoteWorkspace, P>;


                                                                                                                                                  namespace BulkRegistration

                                                                                                                                                  namespace BulkRegistration {}

                                                                                                                                                    function create

                                                                                                                                                    create: () => BulkRegistration;
                                                                                                                                                    • Creates a new bulk registration. an empty bulk registration.

                                                                                                                                                    namespace BulkUnregistration

                                                                                                                                                    namespace BulkUnregistration {}

                                                                                                                                                      function create

                                                                                                                                                      create: () => BulkUnregistration;

                                                                                                                                                        namespace ProposedFeatures

                                                                                                                                                        namespace ProposedFeatures {}

                                                                                                                                                          variable all

                                                                                                                                                          const all: Features<_, _, _, _, _, _, ic.InlineCompletionFeatureShape, _>;

                                                                                                                                                            type Connection

                                                                                                                                                            type Connection = _Connection<_, _, _, _, _, _, ic.InlineCompletionFeatureShape, _>;

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