
  • Version 9.14.1
  • Published
  • 1.63 MB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Internationalization plugin for Vue.js





Type Aliases


variable DatetimeFormat

const DatetimeFormat: new () => {
$props: VNodeProps & DatetimeFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
  • Datetime Format Component


    See the following items for property about details

    [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops) [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime#custom-formatting)

    Not supported IE, due to no support Intl.DateTimeFormat#formatToParts in [IE](

    If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](

variable I18nD

const I18nD: new () => {
$props: VNodeProps & DatetimeFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;

    variable I18nInjectionKey

    const I18nInjectionKey: any;
    • Injection key for useI18n


      The global injection key for I18n instances with useI18n. this injection key is used in Web Components. Specify the i18n instance created by createI18n together with provide function.

    variable I18nN

    const I18nN: new () => { $props: VNodeProps & NumberFormatProps & BaseFormatProps };

      variable I18nT

      const I18nT: new () => { $props: VNodeProps & TranslationProps };

        variable NumberFormat

        const NumberFormat: new () => {
        $props: VNodeProps & NumberFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
        • Number Format Component


          See the following items for property about details

          [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops) [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/number#custom-formatting)

          Not supported IE, due to no support Intl.NumberFormat#formatToParts in [IE](

          If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](

        variable Translation

        const Translation: new () => { $props: VNodeProps & TranslationProps };
        • Translation Component


          See the following items for property about details

          [TranslationProps](component#translationprops) [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops) [Component Interpolation](../guide/advanced/component)

          Example 1

          <div id="app">
          <!-- ... -->
          <i18n keypath="term" tag="label" for="tos">
          <a :href="url" target="_blank">{{ $t('tos') }}</a>
          <!-- ... -->
          import { createApp } from 'vue'
          import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
          const messages = {
          en: {
          tos: 'Term of Service',
          term: 'I accept xxx {0}.'
          ja: {
          tos: '利用規約',
          term: '私は xxx の{0}に同意します。'
          const i18n = createI18n({
          locale: 'en',
          const app = createApp({
          data: {
          url: '/term'

        variable VERSION

        const VERSION: string;
        • Vue I18n Version


          Semver format. Same format as the package.json version field.


        function castToVueI18n

        castToVueI18n: (
        i18n: I18n
        ) => VueI18n<
        Composer<{}, {}, {}, string, never, string>
        > & { install: (Vue: any, options?: any) => void };
        • Cast to VueI18n legacy compatible type

          Parameter i18n

          An instance of I18n


          A i18n instance which is casted to VueI18n type

          :new: provided by **vue-i18n-bridge only**


          This API is provided only with [vue-i18n-bridge](

          The purpose of this function is to convert an I18n instance created with createI18n(legacy: true) into a vue-i18n@v8.x compatible instance of new VueI18n in a TypeScript environment.

        function createI18n

        createI18n: {
        Legacy extends boolean = true,
        Options extends I18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        | ComposerOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        | VueI18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        > = I18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        | ComposerOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        | VueI18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        Messages extends Record<
        > = Options['messages'] extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? Options['messages']
        : {},
        DateTimeFormats extends Record<
        > = Options['datetimeFormats'] extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? Options['datetimeFormats']
        : {},
        NumberFormats extends Record<
        > = Options['numberFormats'] extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? Options['numberFormats']
        : {},
        OptionLocale = Options['locale'] extends string ? Options['locale'] : Locale
        options: Options,
        LegacyVueI18n?: any
        ): (typeof options)['legacy'] extends true
        ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, true>
        : (typeof options)['legacy'] extends false
        ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, false>
        : I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, Legacy>;
        Schema extends object = any,
        Locales extends string | object = 'en-US',
        Legacy extends boolean = true,
        Options extends I18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        | ComposerOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        | VueI18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        > = I18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        | ComposerOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        | VueI18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        Messages extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<
        > extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? NonNullable<Options['messages']>
        : {},
        DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<
        > extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? NonNullable<Options['datetimeFormats']>
        : {},
        NumberFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<
        > extends Record<string, unknown>
        ? NonNullable<Options['numberFormats']>
        : {},
        OptionLocale = Options['locale'] extends string ? Options['locale'] : Locale
        options: Options,
        LegacyVueI18n?: any
        ): Options['legacy'] extends true
        ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, true>
        : Options['legacy'] extends false
        ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, false>
        : I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, Legacy>;
        • Vue I18n factory

          Parameter options

          An options, see the I18nOptions


          I18n instance


          If you use Legacy API mode, you need to specify VueI18nOptions and legacy: true option.

          If you use composition API mode, you need to specify ComposerOptions.

          [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started) [Composition API](../guide/advanced/composition)

          Example 1

          case: for Legacy API

          import { createApp } from 'vue'
          import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
          // call with I18n option
          const i18n = createI18n({
          locale: 'ja',
          messages: {
          en: { ... },
          ja: { ... }
          const App = {
          // ...
          const app = createApp(App)
          // install!

          Example 2

          case: for composition API

          import { createApp } from 'vue'
          import { createI18n, useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
          // call with I18n option
          const i18n = createI18n({
          legacy: false, // you must specify 'legacy: false' option
          locale: 'ja',
          messages: {
          en: { ... },
          ja: { ... }
          const App = {
          setup() {
          // ...
          const { t } = useI18n({ ... })
          return { ... , t }
          const app = createApp(App)
          // install!

        function useI18n

        useI18n: {
        Options extends UseI18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        > = UseI18nOptions<
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        { message: any; datetime: any; number: any },
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        options?: Options
        ): Composer<
        Options['locale'] extends unknown ? string : Options['locale']
        Schema = any,
        Locales = 'en-US',
        Options extends UseI18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        > = UseI18nOptions<
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        SchemaParams<Schema, any>,
        LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, any>,
        IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
        IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
        options?: Options
        ): Composer<
        Options['locale'] extends unknown ? string : Options['locale'],
        Options['locale'] extends unknown ? string : Options['locale']
        ) extends Locale
        ? any
        : any
        • Use Composition API for Vue I18n

          Parameter options

          An options, see UseI18nOptions


          Composer instance


          This function is mainly used by setup.

          If options are specified, Composer instance is created for each component and you can be localized on the component.

          If options are not specified, you can be localized using the global Composer.

          Example 1

          case: Component resource base localization

          <label>{{ t('language') }}</label>
          <select v-model="locale">
          <option value="en">en</option>
          <option value="ja">ja</option>
          <p>message: {{ t('hello') }}</p>
          import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
          export default {
          setup() {
          const { t, locale } = useI18n({
          locale: 'ja',
          messages: {
          en: { ... },
          ja: { ... }
          // Something to do ...
          return { ..., t, locale }

        function vTDirective

        vTDirective: (i18n: I18n) => ObjectDirective<T>;


          interface BaseFormatProps

          interface BaseFormatProps {}
          • BaseFormat Props for Components that is offered Vue I18n


            The interface definitions of the underlying props of components such as Translation, DatetimeFormat, and NumberFormat.

          property i18n

          i18n?: Composer;
          • Remarks

            A composer instance with an existing scope.

            This option takes precedence over the scope option.

          property locale

          locale?: Locale;
          • Remarks

            Specifies the locale to be used for the component.

            If specified, the global scope or the locale of the parent scope of the target component will not be overridden and the specified locale will be used.

          property scope

          scope?: ComponentI18nScope;
          • Remarks

            Specifies the scope to be used in the target component.

            You can specify either global or parent.

            If global is specified, global scope is used, else then parent is specified, the scope of the parent of the target component is used.

            If the parent is a global scope, the global scope is used, if it's a local scope, the local scope is used.

          property tag

          tag?: string | object;
          • Remarks

            Used to wrap the content that is distribute in the slot. If omitted, the slot content is treated as Fragments.

            You can specify a string-based tag name, such as p, or the object for which the component is defined.

          interface Composer

          interface Composer<
          Messages extends Record<string, any> = {},
          DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
          NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
          OptionLocale = Locale,
          ResourceLocales =
          | PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>
          | PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>>
          | PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>,
          Locales = OptionLocale extends Locale
          ? IsNever<ResourceLocales> extends true
          ? Locale
          : ResourceLocales
          : OptionLocale | ResourceLocales
          > extends ComposerCustom {}
          • Composer interfaces


            This is the interface for being used for Vue 3 Composition API.

          property availableLocales

          readonly availableLocales: Locales[];
          • Remarks

            The list of available locales in messages in lexical order.

          property d

          d: ComposerDateTimeFormatting<
          [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];

          property datetimeFormats

          readonly datetimeFormats: ComputedRef<{
          [K in keyof DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeFormats[K];
          • Remarks

            The datetime formats of localization.

            [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)

          property escapeParameter

          escapeParameter: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.

            [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)

          property fallbackFormat

          fallbackFormat: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either fallbackLocale or root.


          property fallbackLocale

          fallbackLocale: WritableComputedRef<FallbackLocales<Locales>>;
          • Remarks

            The current fallback locales this Composer instance is using.


          property fallbackRoot

          fallbackRoot: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether to fall back to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.


          property fallbackWarn

          fallbackWarn: boolean | RegExp;
          • Remarks

            Whether suppress fall back warnings when localization fails.


          property id

          id: number;
          • Remarks

            Instance ID.

          property inheritLocale

          inheritLocale: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether inherit the root level locale to the component localization locale.

            [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)

          property isGlobal

          readonly isGlobal: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether this composer instance is global or not

          property locale

          locale: WritableComputedRef<Locales>;
          • Remarks

            The current locale this Composer instance is using.

            If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.

            [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)

          property messages

          readonly messages: ComputedRef<{
          [K in keyof Messages]: Messages[K];
          • Remarks

            The locale messages of localization.

            [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)

          property missingWarn

          missingWarn: boolean | RegExp;
          • Remarks

            Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.


          property modifiers

          readonly modifiers: LinkedModifiers<VueMessageType>;
          • Remarks

            Custom Modifiers for linked messages.

            [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)

          property n

          n: ComposerNumberFormatting<
          [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];

          property numberFormats

          readonly numberFormats: ComputedRef<{
          [K in keyof NumberFormats]: NumberFormats[K];
          • Remarks

            The number formats of localization.

            [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)

          property pluralRules

          readonly pluralRules: PluralizationRules;
          • Remarks

            A set of rules for word pluralization

            [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)

          property rt

          rt: ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales>;

          property t

          t: ComposerTranslation<
          [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];

          property warnHtmlMessage

          warnHtmlMessage: boolean;
          • Remarks

            Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.

            If you set false, will check the locale messages on the Composer instance.

            If you are specified true, a warning will be output at console.

            [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message) [Change warnHtmlInMessage option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)

          method getDateTimeFormat

          getDateTimeFormat: <
          DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          Return = any
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale
          ) => Return;
          • Get datetime format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale


            Datetime format


            get datetime format from Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).

          method getLocaleMessage

          getLocaleMessage: <
          MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<
          Return = any
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale
          ) => Return;
          • Get locale message

            Parameter locale

            A target locale


            Locale messages


            get locale message from Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).

          method getMissingHandler

          getMissingHandler: () => MissingHandler | null;
          • Get missing handler




          method getNumberFormat

          getNumberFormat: <
          NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          Return = any
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale
          ) => Return;
          • Get number format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale


            Number format


            get number format from Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).

          method getPostTranslationHandler

          getPostTranslationHandler: () => PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null;

          method mergeDateTimeFormat

          mergeDateTimeFormat: <
          DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          Formats = Record<string, any> | DateTimeSchema
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          format: Formats
          ) => void;
          • Merge datetime format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter format

            A target datetime format


            Merge datetime format to Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).

          method mergeLocaleMessage

          mergeLocaleMessage: <
          MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<
          Message = Record<string, any> | MessageSchema
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          message: Message
          ) => void;
          • Merge locale message

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter message

            A message


            Merge locale message to Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).

          method mergeNumberFormat

          mergeNumberFormat: <
          NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          Formats = Record<string, any> | NumberSchema
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          format: Formats
          ) => void;
          • Merge number format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter format

            A target number format


            Merge number format to Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).

          method setDateTimeFormat

          setDateTimeFormat: <
          DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          FormatsType = any,
          Formats extends FormatsType = FormatsType
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          format: Formats
          ) => void;
          • Set datetime format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter format

            A target datetime format


            Set datetime format to Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).

          method setLocaleMessage

          setLocaleMessage: <
          MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<
          MessageType = any,
          Message extends MessageType = MessageType
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          message: Message
          ) => void;
          • Set locale message

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter message

            A message


            Set locale message to Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).

          method setMissingHandler

          setMissingHandler: (handler: MissingHandler | null) => void;
          • Set missing handler

            Parameter handler

            A MissingHandler


          method setNumberFormat

          setNumberFormat: <
          NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never,
          LocaleSchema extends string = string,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<
          FormatsType = any,
          Formats extends FormatsType = FormatsType
          locale: LocaleSchema | Locale,
          format: Formats
          ) => void;
          • Set number format

            Parameter locale

            A target locale

            Parameter format

            A target number format


            Set number format to Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).

          method setPostTranslationHandler

          setPostTranslationHandler: (
          handler: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null
          ) => void;

          method te

          te: <
          Str extends string,
          Key extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>
          key: Str | Key,
          locale?: Locales
          ) => boolean;
          • Translation locale message exist

            Parameter key

            A target locale message key

            Parameter locale

            A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope


            If found locale message, true, else false, Note that false is returned even if the value present in the key is not translatable, yet if translateExistCompatible is set to true, it will return true if the key is available, even if the value is not translatable.


            whether do exist locale message on Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).

            If you specified locale, check the locale messages of locale.

          method tm

          tm: <
          Key extends string,
          ResourceKeys extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>,
          Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<
          Target = any,
          Return = ResourceKeys extends ResourcePath<Target>
          ? ResourceValue<Target, ResourceKeys>
          : Record<string, any>
          key: Key | ResourceKeys
          ) => Return;
          • Locale messages getter

            Parameter key

            A target locale message key

            Locale messages


            If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) 'local' or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at useI18n, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

            Based on the current locale, locale messages will be returned from Composer instance messages.

            If you change the locale, the locale messages returned will also correspond to the locale.

            If there are no locale messages for the given key in the composer instance messages, they will be returned with [fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback).

            You need to use rt for the locale message returned by tm. see the [rt](composition#rt-message) details.

            Example 1

            template block:

            <div class="container">
            <template v-for="content in tm('contents')">
            <h2>{{ rt(content.title) }}</h2>
            <p v-for="paragraph in content.paragraphs">
            {{ rt(paragraph) }}

            script block:

            import { defineComponent } from 'vue
            import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
            export default defineComponent({
            setup() {
            const { rt, tm } = useI18n({
            messages: {
            en: {
            contents: [
            title: 'Title1',
            // ...
            paragraphs: [
            // ...
            // ...
            // ...
            return { ... , rt, tm }

          interface ComposerAdditionalOptions

          interface ComposerAdditionalOptions {}
          • Composer additional options for useI18n


            ComposerAdditionalOptions is extend for ComposerOptions, so you can specify these options.


          property useScope

          useScope?: I18nScope;

            interface ComposerCustom

            interface ComposerCustom {}
            • The type custom definition of Composer


              The interface that can extend Composer.

              The type defined by 3rd party (e.g. nuxt/i18n)

              Example 1

              // vue-i18n.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
              declare module 'vue-i18n' {
              interface ComposerCustom {
              localeCodes: string[]

            interface ComposerDateTimeFormatting

            interface ComposerDateTimeFormatting<
            DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
            Locales = 'en-US',
            DefinedDateTimeFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
            C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
            ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
            [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K];
            : never,
            M = IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends false
            ? PickupFormatKeys<DateTimeFormats>
            : never,
            ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
            ? IsNever<M> extends false
            ? C | M
            : C
            : IsNever<M> extends false
            ? M
            : never
            > {}
            • Datetime formatting functions


              This is the interface for Composer

            call signature

            (value: number | Date | string): string;
            • Datetime formatting

              Parameter value

              A value, timestamp number or Date instance or ISO 8601 string


              Formatted value

              [Datetime formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)


              If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

              If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) 'local' or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at useI18n, it’s translated in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope datetime formats.

              If not, then it’s formatted with global scope datetime formats.

            call signature

            <Value extends number | Date | string = number, Key extends string = string>(
            value: Value,
            | Key
            | ResourceKeys
            | DateTimeOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>
            ): string;
            • Datetime formatting

              Parameter value

              A value, timestamp number or Date instance or ISO 8601 string

              Parameter keyOrOptions

              A key of datetime formats, or additional options for datetime formatting


              Formatted value


              Overloaded d. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-date-string-string) details.

              In this overloaded d, format in datetime format for a key registered in datetime formats.

            call signature

            <Value extends number | Date | string = number, Key extends string = string>(
            value: Value,
            | Key
            | ResourceKeys
            | DateTimeOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>,
            locale: Locales
            ): string;
            • Datetime formatting

              Parameter value

              A value, timestamp number or Date instance or ISO 8601 string

              Parameter keyOrOptions

              A key of datetime formats, or additional options for datetime formatting

              Parameter locale

              A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


              Formatted value


              Overloaded d. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-date-string-string) details.

              In this overloaded d, format in datetime format for a key registered in datetime formats at target locale

            interface ComposerNumberFormatting

            interface ComposerNumberFormatting<
            NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
            Locales = 'en-US',
            DefinedNumberFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat>,
            C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
            ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
            [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K];
            : never,
            M = IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends false
            ? PickupFormatKeys<NumberFormats>
            : never,
            ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
            ? IsNever<M> extends false
            ? C | M
            : C
            : IsNever<M> extends false
            ? M
            : never
            > {}
            • Number formatting functions


              This is the interface for Composer

            call signature

            (value: number): string;
            • Number Formatting

              Parameter value

              A number value


              Formatted value

              [Number formatting](../guide/essentials/number)


              If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

              If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) 'local' or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at useI18n, it’s translated in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope datetime formats.

              If not, then it’s formatted with global scope number formats.

            call signature

            <Key extends string = string>(
            value: number,
            keyOrOptions: Key | ResourceKeys | NumberOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>
            ): string;
            • Number Formatting

              Parameter value

              A number value

              Parameter keyOrOptions

              A key of number formats, or additional options for number formatting


              Formatted value


              Overloaded n. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded n, format in number format for a key registered in number formats.

            call signature

            <Key extends string = string>(
            value: number,
            | Key
            | ResourceKeys
            | NumberOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>,
            locale: Locales
            ): string;
            • Number Formatting

              Parameter value

              A number value

              Parameter keyOrOptions

              A key of number formats, or additional options for number formatting

              Parameter locale

              A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


              Formatted value


              Overloaded n. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded n, format in number format for a key registered in number formats at target locale.

            interface ComposerOptions

            interface ComposerOptions<
            Schema extends {
            message?: unknown;
            datetime?: unknown;
            number?: unknown;
            } = {
            message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
            datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
            number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
            Locales extends
            | {
            messages: unknown;
            datetimeFormats: unknown;
            numberFormats: unknown;
            | string = Locale,
            MessagesLocales = Locales extends {
            messages: infer M;
            ? M
            : Locales extends string
            ? Locales
            : Locale,
            DateTimeFormatsLocales = Locales extends {
            datetimeFormats: infer D;
            ? D
            : Locales extends string
            ? Locales
            : Locale,
            NumberFormatsLocales = Locales extends {
            numberFormats: infer N;
            ? N
            : Locales extends string
            ? Locales
            : Locale,
            MessageSchema = Schema extends {
            message: infer M;
            ? M
            : DefaultLocaleMessageSchema,
            DateTimeSchema = Schema extends {
            datetime: infer D;
            ? D
            : DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema,
            NumberSchema = Schema extends {
            number: infer N;
            ? N
            : DefaultNumberFormatSchema,
            _Messages extends LocaleMessages<
            > = LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, VueMessageType>,
            _DateTimeFormats extends IntlDateTimeFormats<
            > = IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>,
            _NumberFormats extends IntlNumberFormats<
            > = IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>
            > {}
            • Composer Options


              This is options to create composer.

            property datetimeFormats

            datetimeFormats?: {
            [K in keyof _DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeSchema;
            • Remarks

              The datetime formats of localization.

              [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)

            property escapeParameter

            escapeParameter?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              If escapeParameter is configured as true then interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.

              This is useful when translation output is used in v-html and the translation resource contains html markup (e.g. around a user provided value).

              This usage pattern mostly occurs when passing precomputed text strings into UI components.

              The escape process involves replacing the following symbols with their respective HTML character entities: <, >, ", '.

              Setting escapeParameter as true should not break existing functionality but provides a safeguard against a subtle type of XSS attack vectors.

              [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)

            property fallbackFormat

            fallbackFormat?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              Whether do template interpolation on translation keys when your language lacks a translation for a key.

              If true, skip writing templates for your "base" language; the keys are your templates.


            property fallbackLocale

            fallbackLocale?: FallbackLocale;
            • Remarks

              The locale of fallback localization.

              For more complex fallback definitions see fallback.


            property fallbackRoot

            fallbackRoot?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              In the component localization, whether to fallback to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.

              If false, it's not fallback to root.


            property fallbackWarn

            fallbackWarn?: boolean | RegExp;
            • Remarks

              Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either fallbackLocale or root.

              If false, suppress fall back warnings.

              If you use regular expression, you can suppress fallback warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. t).


            property flatJson

            flatJson?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              Allow use flat json messages or not

            property inheritLocale

            inheritLocale?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              Whether inheritance the root level locale to the component localization locale.

              If false, regardless of the root level locale, localize for each component locale.

              [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)

            property locale

            locale?: Locale;
            • Remarks

              The locale of localization.

              If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.

              [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)

            property messageCompiler

            messageCompiler?: MessageCompiler;
            • Remarks

              A compiler for custom message format.

              If not specified, the vue-i18n default message compiler will be used.

              You will need to implement your own message compiler that returns Message Functions

              Example 1

              Here is an example of how to custom message compiler with intl-messageformat

              import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
              import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat'
              function messageCompiler(message, { locale, key, onError }) {
              if (typeof message === 'string') {
              // You can tune your message compiler performance more with your cache strategy or also memoization at here
              const formatter = new IntlMessageFormat(message, locale)
              return ctx => formatter.format(ctx.values)
              } else {
              // If you would like to support it for AST,
              // You need to transform locale mesages such as `json`, `yaml`, etc. with the bundle plugin.
              onError && onError(new Error('not support for AST'))
              return () => key // return default with `key`
              // call with I18n option
              const i18n = createI18n({
              legacy: false,
              locale: 'ja',
              messageCompiler, // set your message compiler
              messages: {
              en: {
              hello: 'hello world!',
              greeting: 'hi, {name}!',
              // ICU Message format
              photo: `You have {numPhotos, plural,
              =0 {no photos.}
              =1 {one photo.}
              other {# photos.}
              // the below your something to do ...
              // ...

              :new: v9.3+

              The Custom Message Format is an experimental feature. It may receive breaking changes or be removed in the future.

              [Custom Message Format](../guide/advanced/format)

            property messageResolver

            messageResolver?: MessageResolver;
            • Remarks

              A message resolver to resolve [messages](composition#messages).

              If not specified, the vue-i18n internal message resolver will be used by default.

              You need to implement a message resolver yourself that supports the following requirements:

              - Resolve the message using the locale message of [locale](composition#locale) passed as the first argument of the message resolver, and the path passed as the second argument.

              - If the message could not be resolved, you need to return null.

              - If you will be returned null, the message resolver will also be called on fallback if [fallbackLocale](composition#fallbacklocale-2) is enabled, so the message will need to be resolved as well.

              The message resolver is called indirectly by the following APIs:

              - [t](composition#t-key)

              - [te](composition#te-key-locale)

              - [tm](composition#tm-key)

              - [Translation component](component#translation)

              Example 1

              Here is an example of how to set it up using your createI18n:

              import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
              // your message resolver
              function messageResolver(obj, path) {
              // simple message resolving!
              const msg = obj[path]
              return msg != null ? msg : null
              // call with I18n option
              const i18n = createI18n({
              legacy: false,
              locale: 'ja',
              messageResolver, // set your message resolver
              messages: {
              en: { ... },
              ja: { ... }
              // the below your something to do ...
              // ...

              :new: v9.2+

              If you use the message resolver, the [flatJson](composition#flatjson) setting will be ignored. That is, you need to resolve the flat JSON by yourself.


            property messages

            messages?: {
            [K in keyof _Messages]: MessageSchema;
            • Remarks

              The locale messages of localization.

              [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)

            property missing

            missing?: MissingHandler;
            • Remarks

              A handler for localization missing.

              The handler gets called with the localization target locale, localization path key, the Vue instance and values.

              If missing handler is assigned, and occurred localization missing, it's not warned.

            property missingWarn

            missingWarn?: boolean | RegExp;
            • Remarks

              Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.

              If false, suppress localization fail warnings.

              If you use regular expression, you can suppress localization fail warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. t).


            property modifiers

            modifiers?: LinkedModifiers<VueMessageType>;
            • Remarks

              Custom Modifiers for linked messages.

              [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)

            property numberFormats

            numberFormats?: {
            [K in keyof _NumberFormats]: NumberSchema;
            • Remarks

              The number formats of localization.

              [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)

            property pluralRules

            pluralRules?: PluralizationRules;
            • Remarks

              A set of rules for word pluralization

              [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)

            property postTranslation

            postTranslation?: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType>;
            • Remarks

              A handler for post processing of translation.

              The handler gets after being called with the t.

              This handler is useful if you want to filter on translated text such as space trimming.

            property translateExistCompatible

            translateExistCompatible?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              An option to make te behavior specification before v9.6

              :new: v9.10+

              This flag will be removed in v10.

              [GitHub Issue](


            property warnHtmlMessage

            warnHtmlMessage?: boolean;
            • Remarks

              Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.

              See the warnHtmlMessage property.

              [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message) [Change warnHtmlInMessage option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)

            interface ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation

            interface ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales = 'en-US'> {}
            • Resolve locale message translation functions


              This is the interface for Composer

            call signature

            (message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType): string;
            • Resolve locale message translation

              Parameter message

              A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by tm.


              Translated message

              [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)


              If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

              If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) 'local' or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at useI18n, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

              If not, then it’s translated with global scope locale messages.

              The use-case for rt is for programmatic locale messages translation with using tm, v-for, javascript for statement.

              rt differs from t in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with rt. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by tm.

            call signature

            message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
            plural: number,
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Resolve locale message translation for plurals

              Parameter message

              A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by tm.

              Parameter plural

              Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message



              Overloaded rt. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.

              In this overloaded rt, return a pluralized translation message.

              The use-case for rt is for programmatic locale messages translation with using tm, v-for, javascript for statement.

              rt differs from t in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with rt. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by tm.

            call signature

            message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
            list: unknown[],
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Resolve locale message translation for list interpolations

              Parameter message

              A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by tm.

              Parameter list

              A values of list interpolation.

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message

              [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


              Overloaded rt. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.

              In this overloaded rt, return a pluralized translation message.

              The use-case for rt is for programmatic locale messages translation with using tm, v-for, javascript for statement.

              rt differs from t in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with rt. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by tm.

            call signature

            message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
            named: NamedValue,
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Resolve locale message translation for named interpolations

              Parameter message

              A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by tm.

              Parameter named

              A values of named interpolation.

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message

              [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


              Overloaded rt. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.

              In this overloaded rt, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a {x} token.

              The use-case for rt is for programmatic locale messages translation with using tm, v-for, javascript for statement.

              rt differs from t in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with rt. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by tm.

            interface ComposerTranslation

            interface ComposerTranslation<
            Messages extends Record<string, any> = {},
            Locales = 'en-US',
            DefinedLocaleMessage extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
            C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
            ? PickupPaths<{
            [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K];
            : never,
            M = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? PickupKeys<Messages> : never,
            ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
            ? IsNever<M> extends false
            ? C | M
            : C
            : IsNever<M> extends false
            ? M
            : never
            > {}
            • Locale message translation functions


              This is the interface for Composer

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number): string;
            • Locale message translation

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key


              Translated message

              [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)


              If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

              If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) 'local' or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at useI18n, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

              If not, then it’s translated with global scope locale messages.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            plural: number,
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for plurals

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter plural

              Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message



              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, return a pluralized translation message.

              You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.

              About details of options, see the TranslateOptions.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            defaultMsg: string,
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for missing default message

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter defaultMsg

              A default message to return if no translation was found

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, if no translation was found, return a default message.

              You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.

              About details of options, see the TranslateOptions.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            list: unknown[],
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for list interpolations

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter list

              A values of list interpolation

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message

              [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, the locale messages should contain a {0}, {1}, … for each placeholder in the list.

              You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.

              About details of options, see the TranslateOptions.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            list: unknown[],
            plural: number
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for list interpolations and plurals

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter list

              A values of list interpolation

              Parameter plural

              Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.


              Translated message

              [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization) [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, the locale messages should contain a {0}, {1}, … for each placeholder in the list, and return a pluralized translation message.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            list: unknown[],
            defaultMsg: string
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for list interpolations and missing default message

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter list

              A values of list interpolation

              Parameter defaultMsg

              A default message to return if no translation was found


              Translated message

              [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, the locale messages should contain a {0}, {1}, … for each placeholder in the list, and if no translation was found, return a default message.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            named: NamedValue,
            options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for named interpolations

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter named

              A values of named interpolation

              Parameter options

              Additional options for translation


              Translated message

              [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a {x} token.

              You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.

              About details of options, see the TranslateOptions.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            named: NamedValue,
            plural: number
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter named

              A values of named interpolation

              Parameter plural

              Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.


              Translated message

              [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization) [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a {x} token, and return a pluralized translation message.

            call signature

            <Key extends string>(
            key: Key | ResourceKeys | number,
            named: NamedValue,
            defaultMsg: string
            ): string;
            • Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals

              Parameter key

              A target locale message key

              Parameter named

              A values of named interpolation

              Parameter defaultMsg

              A default message to return if no translation was found


              Translated message

              [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


              Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.

              In this overloaded t, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a {x} token, and if no translation was found, return a default message.

            interface CustomBlock

            interface CustomBlock<Message = VueMessageType> {}

              property locale

              locale: Locale;

                property resource

                resource: LocaleMessages<Message>;

                  interface DefineDateTimeFormat

                  interface DefineDateTimeFormat extends IntlDateTimeFormat {}
                  • The type definition of datetime format


                    The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Datetime format.

                    The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.

                    Example 1

                    // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
                    import { DefineDateTimeFormat } from 'vue-i18n'
                    declare module 'vue-i18n' {
                    export interface DefineDateTimeFormat {
                    short: {
                    hour: 'numeric'
                    timezone: string

                  interface DefineLocaleMessage

                  interface DefineLocaleMessage extends LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> {}
                  • The type definition of Locale Message


                    The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Locale message.

                    The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.

                    Example 1

                    // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
                    import { DefineLocaleMessage } from 'vue-i18n'
                    declare module 'vue-i18n' {
                    export interface DefineLocaleMessage {
                    title: string
                    menu: {
                    login: string

                  interface DefineNumberFormat

                  interface DefineNumberFormat extends IntlNumberFormat {}
                  • The type definition of number format


                    The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Number format.

                    The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.

                    Example 1

                    // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
                    import { DefineNumberFormat } from 'vue-i18n'
                    declare module 'vue-i18n' {
                    export interface DefineNumberFormat {
                    currency: {
                    style: 'currency'
                    currencyDisplay: 'symbol'
                    currency: string

                  interface ExportedGlobalComposer

                  interface ExportedGlobalComposer {}
                  • Exported global composer instance


                    This interface is the [global composer](general#global) that is provided interface that is injected into each component with app.config.globalProperties.

                  property availableLocales

                  readonly availableLocales: Locale[];
                  • Available locales


                    This property is proxy-like property for Composer#availableLocales. About details, see the [Composer#availableLocales](composition#availablelocales)

                  property fallbackLocale

                  fallbackLocale: FallbackLocale;
                  • Fallback locale


                    This property is proxy-like property for Composer#fallbackLocale. About details, see the [Composer#fallbackLocale](composition#fallbacklocale)

                  property locale

                  locale: Locale;
                  • Locale


                    This property is proxy-like property for Composer#locale. About details, see the [Composer#locale](composition#locale)

                  interface FormattableProps

                  interface FormattableProps<Value, Format> extends BaseFormatProps {}
                  • Formattable Props


                    The props used in DatetimeFormat, or NumberFormat component

                  property format

                  format?: string | Format;
                  • Remarks

                    The format to use in the target component.

                    Specify the format key string or the format as defined by the Intl API in ECMA 402.

                  property value

                  value: Value;
                  • Remarks

                    The value specified for the target component

                  interface Formatter

                  interface Formatter {}

                    method interpolate

                    interpolate: (message: string, values: any, path: string) => Array<any> | null;

                      interface I18n

                      interface I18n<
                      Messages extends Record<string, unknown> = {},
                      DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = {},
                      NumberFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = {},
                      OptionLocale = Locale,
                      Legacy = boolean
                      > {}
                      • I18n instance


                        The instance required for installation as the Vue plugin

                      property allowComposition

                      readonly allowComposition: boolean;
                      • The property whether or not the Composition API is available


                        If you specified allowComposition: true option in Legacy API mode, return true, else false. else you use the Composition API mode, this property will always return true.

                      property global

                      readonly global: Legacy extends true
                      ? VueI18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale>
                      : Legacy extends false
                      ? Composer<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale>
                      : unknown;
                      • The property accessible to the global Composer instance or VueI18n instance


                        If the [I18n#mode](general#mode) is 'legacy', then you can access to a global VueI18n instance, else then [I18n#mode](general#mode) is 'composition' , you can access to the global Composer instance.

                        An instance of this property is **global scope***.

                      property mode

                      readonly mode: I18nMode;
                      • Vue I18n API mode


                        If you specified legacy: true option in createI18n, return legacy, else composition

                      method dispose

                      dispose: () => void;
                      • Release global scope resource

                      method install

                      install: (app: App, ...options: unknown[]) => void;
                      • Install entry point

                        Parameter app

                        A target Vue app instance

                        Parameter options

                        An install options

                      interface I18nAdditionalOptions

                      interface I18nAdditionalOptions {}
                      • I18n Additional Options


                        Specific options for createI18n

                      property allowComposition

                      allowComposition?: boolean;
                      • Whether to allow the Composition API to be used in Legacy API mode.


                        If this option is enabled, you can use useI18n in Legacy API mode. This option is supported to support the migration from Legacy API mode to Composition API mode.

                        Note that the Composition API made available with this option doesn't work on SSR. [Composition API](../guide/advanced/composition)

                      property globalInjection

                      globalInjection?: boolean;
                      • Whether to inject global properties & functions into for each component.


                        If set to true, then properties and methods prefixed with $ are injected into Vue Component.

                        [Implicit with injected properties and functions](../guide/advanced/composition#implicit-with-injected-properties-and-functions) [ComponentCustomProperties](injection#componentcustomproperties)

                      property legacy

                      legacy?: boolean;
                      • Whether vue-i18n Legacy API mode use on your Vue App


                        The default is to use the Legacy API mode. If you want to use the Composition API mode, you need to set it to false.

                        [Composition API](../guide/advanced/composition)

                      interface I18nPluginOptions

                      interface I18nPluginOptions {}
                      • Vue I18n plugin options


                        An options specified when installing Vue I18n as Vue plugin with using app.use.

                      property globalInstall

                      globalInstall?: boolean;
                      • Whether to globally install the components that is offered by Vue I18n


                        If this option is enabled, the components will be installed globally at app.use time.

                        If you want to install manually in the import syntax, you can set it to false to install when needed.

                      property useI18nComponentName

                      useI18nComponentName?: boolean;
                      • Whether to use the tag name i18n for Translation Component


                        This option is used for compatibility with Vue I18n v8.x.

                        If you can't migrate right away, you can temporarily enable this option, and you can work Translation Component.

                      interface TranslationProps

                      interface TranslationProps extends BaseFormatProps {}
                      • Translation Component Props

                      property keypath

                      keypath: string;
                      • Remarks

                        The locale message key can be specified prop

                      property plural

                      plural?: number | string;
                      • Remarks

                        The Plural Choosing the message number prop

                      interface VueI18n

                      interface VueI18n<
                      Messages extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      OptionLocale = Locale,
                      ResourceLocales =
                      | PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>
                      | PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>>
                      | PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>,
                      Locales = OptionLocale extends string
                      ? [ResourceLocales] extends [never]
                      ? Locale
                      : ResourceLocales
                      : OptionLocale | ResourceLocales,
                      Composition extends Composer<
                      > = Composer<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale>
                      > {}
                      • VueI18n legacy interfaces


                        This interface is compatible with interface of VueI18n class (offered with Vue I18n v8.x).

                      property availableLocales

                      readonly availableLocales: Composition['availableLocales'];
                      • Remarks

                        The list of available locales in messages in lexical order.

                      property d

                      d: VueI18nDateTimeFormatting<
                      [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];

                      property datetimeFormats

                      readonly datetimeFormats: {
                      [K in keyof DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeFormats[K];
                      • Remarks

                        The datetime formats of localization.

                        [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)

                      property escapeParameterHtml

                      escapeParameterHtml: Composition['escapeParameter'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.

                        [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)

                      property fallbackLocale

                      fallbackLocale: FallbackLocales<Locales>;
                      • Remarks

                        The current fallback locales this VueI18n instance is using.


                      property formatFallbackMessages

                      formatFallbackMessages: Composition['fallbackFormat'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either fallbackLocale or root.


                      property formatter

                      formatter: Formatter;
                      • Remarks

                        The formatter that implemented with Formatter interface.


                        See the [here](../guide/migration/breaking#remove-custom-formatter)

                      property getChoiceIndex

                      getChoiceIndex: (choice: Choice, choicesLength: number) => number;
                      • Get choice index


                        Get pluralization index for current pluralizing number and a given amount of choices.


                        Use pluralizationRules option instead of getChoiceIndex.

                      property getDateTimeFormat

                      getDateTimeFormat: Composition['getDateTimeFormat'];
                      • Get datetime format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale


                        Datetime format


                        get datetime format from VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).

                      property getLocaleMessage

                      getLocaleMessage: Composition['getLocaleMessage'];
                      • Get locale message

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale


                        Locale messages


                        get locale message from VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).

                      property getNumberFormat

                      getNumberFormat: Composition['getNumberFormat'];
                      • Get number format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale


                        Number format


                        get number format from VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).

                      property id

                      id: number;
                      • Remarks

                        Instance ID.

                      property locale

                      locale: Locales;
                      • Remarks

                        The current locale this VueI18n instance is using.

                        If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.

                        [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)

                      property mergeDateTimeFormat

                      mergeDateTimeFormat: Composition['mergeDateTimeFormat'];
                      • Merge datetime format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter format

                        A target datetime format


                        Merge datetime format to VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).

                      property mergeLocaleMessage

                      mergeLocaleMessage: Composition['mergeLocaleMessage'];
                      • Merge locale message

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter message

                        A message


                        Merge locale message to VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).

                      property mergeNumberFormat

                      mergeNumberFormat: Composition['mergeNumberFormat'];
                      • Merge number format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter format

                        A target number format


                        Merge number format to VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).

                      property messages

                      readonly messages: {
                      [K in keyof Messages]: Messages[K];
                      • Remarks

                        The locale messages of localization.

                        [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)

                      property missing

                      missing: MissingHandler | null;
                      • Remarks

                        A handler for localization missing.

                      property modifiers

                      readonly modifiers: Composition['modifiers'];
                      • Remarks

                        Custom Modifiers for linked messages.

                        [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)

                      property n

                      n: VueI18nNumberFormatting<
                      [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];

                      property numberFormats

                      readonly numberFormats: {
                      [K in keyof NumberFormats]: NumberFormats[K];
                      • Remarks

                        The number formats of localization.

                        [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)

                      property pluralizationRules

                      pluralizationRules: Composition['pluralRules'];
                      • A set of rules for word pluralization

                        [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)

                      property postTranslation

                      postTranslation: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null;
                      • Remarks

                        A handler for post processing of translation.

                      property preserveDirectiveContent

                      preserveDirectiveContent: boolean;
                      • Remarks

                        Whether v-t directive's element should preserve textContent after directive is unbinded.

                        [Custom Directive](../guide/advanced/directive) [Remove preserveDirectiveContent option](../guide/migration/breaking#remove-preservedirectivecontent-option)


                        The v-t directive for Vue 3 now preserves the default content. Therefore, this option and its properties have been removed from the VueI18n instance.

                      property rt

                      rt: VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales>;

                      property setDateTimeFormat

                      setDateTimeFormat: Composition['setDateTimeFormat'];
                      • Set datetime format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter format

                        A target datetime format


                        Set datetime format to VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).

                      property setLocaleMessage

                      setLocaleMessage: Composition['setLocaleMessage'];
                      • Set locale message

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter message

                        A message


                        Set locale message to VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).

                      property setNumberFormat

                      setNumberFormat: Composition['setNumberFormat'];
                      • Set number format

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale

                        Parameter format

                        A target number format


                        Set number format to VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).

                      property silentFallbackWarn

                      silentFallbackWarn: Composition['fallbackWarn'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether suppress fallback warnings when localization fails.

                      property silentTranslationWarn

                      silentTranslationWarn: Composition['missingWarn'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.


                      property sync

                      sync: Composition['inheritLocale'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether synchronize the root level locale to the component localization locale.

                        [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)

                      property t

                      t: VueI18nTranslation<
                      [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];

                      property tc

                      tc: VueI18nTranslationChoice<
                      [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];

                      property tm

                      tm: Composition['tm'];
                      • Locale messages getter

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Locale messages


                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s get in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s get with global scope locale messages.

                        Based on the current locale, locale messages will be returned from Composer instance messages.

                        If you change the locale, the locale messages returned will also correspond to the locale.

                        If there are no locale messages for the given key in the composer instance messages, they will be returned with [fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback).

                        You need to use rt for the locale message returned by tm. see the [rt](legacy#rt-message) details.

                        Example 1


                        <div class="container">
                        <template v-for="content in $tm('contents')">
                        <h2>{{ $rt(content.title) }}</h2>
                        <p v-for="paragraph in content.paragraphs">
                        {{ $rt(paragraph) }}

                        import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
                        const i18n = createI18n({
                        messages: {
                        en: {
                        contents: [
                        title: 'Title1',
                        // ...
                        paragraphs: [
                        // ...
                        // ...

                      property warnHtmlInMessage

                      warnHtmlInMessage: WarnHtmlInMessageLevel;
                      • Remarks

                        Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.

                        If you set warn or error, will check the locale messages on the VueI18n instance.

                        If you are specified warn, a warning will be output at console.

                        If you are specified error will occurred an Error.

                        [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message) [Change warnHtmlInMessage option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)

                      method te

                      te: <
                      Str extends string,
                      Key extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>
                      key: Str | Key,
                      locale?: Locales
                      ) => boolean;
                      • Translation locale message exist

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter locale

                        A target locale


                        If found locale message, true, else false


                        whether do exist locale message on VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).

                        If you specified locale, check the locale messages of locale.

                      interface VueI18nDateTimeFormatting

                      interface VueI18nDateTimeFormatting<
                      DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      Locales = 'en-US',
                      DefinedDateTimeFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
                      C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
                      ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
                      [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K];
                      : never,
                      M = IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends false
                      ? PickupFormatKeys<DateTimeFormats>
                      : never,
                      ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
                      ? IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? C | M
                      : C
                      : IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? M
                      : never
                      > {}
                      • Datetime formatting functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces


                        This is the interface for VueI18n

                      call signature

                      (value: number | Date): DateTimeFormatResult;
                      • Datetime formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A value, timestamp number or Date instance


                        Formatted value

                        [Datetime formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)


                        If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s formatted in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope locale messages.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s formatted with global scope datetime formats.

                      call signature

                      <Value extends number | Date = number, Key extends string = string>(
                      value: Value,
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys
                      ): DateTimeFormatResult;
                      • Datetime formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A value, timestamp number or Date instance

                        Parameter key

                        A key of datetime formats


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded d. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Value extends number | Date = number, Key extends string = string>(
                      value: Value,
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales
                      ): DateTimeFormatResult;
                      • Datetime formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A value, timestamp number or Date instance

                        Parameter key

                        A key of datetime formats

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded d. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.

                      call signature

                      value: number | Date,
                      args: {
                      [key: string]: string | boolean | number;
                      ): DateTimeFormatResult;
                      • Datetime formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A value, timestamp number or Date instance

                        Parameter args

                        An argument values


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded d. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.

                      interface VueI18nNumberFormatting

                      interface VueI18nNumberFormatting<
                      NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      Locales = 'en-US',
                      DefinedNumberFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat>,
                      C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
                      ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
                      [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K];
                      : never,
                      M = IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends false
                      ? PickupFormatKeys<NumberFormats>
                      : never,
                      ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
                      ? IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? C | M
                      : C
                      : IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? M
                      : never
                      > {}
                      • Number formatting functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces


                        This is the interface for VueI18n

                      call signature

                      (value: number): NumberFormatResult;
                      • Number formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A number value


                        Formatted value

                        [Number formatting](../guide/essentials/number)


                        If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s formatted in preferentially local scope number formats than global scope locale messages.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s formatted with global scope number formats.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string = string>(
                      value: number,
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys
                      ): NumberFormatResult;
                      • Number formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A number value

                        Parameter key

                        A key of number formats


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded n. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string = string>(
                      value: number,
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales
                      ): NumberFormatResult;
                      • Number formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A number value

                        Parameter key

                        A key of number formats

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded n. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.

                      call signature

                      value: number,
                      args: {
                      [key: string]: string | boolean | number;
                      ): NumberFormatResult;
                      • Number formatting

                        Parameter value

                        A number value

                        Parameter args

                        An argument values


                        Formatted value


                        Overloaded n. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.

                      interface VueI18nOptions

                      interface VueI18nOptions<
                      Schema extends {
                      message?: unknown;
                      datetime?: unknown;
                      number?: unknown;
                      } = {
                      message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
                      datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
                      number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
                      Locales extends
                      | {
                      messages: unknown;
                      datetimeFormats: unknown;
                      numberFormats: unknown;
                      | string = Locale,
                      Options extends ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> = ComposerOptions<
                      > {}
                      • VueI18n Options


                        This option is compatible with VueI18n class constructor options (offered with Vue I18n v8.x)

                      property availableLocales

                      availableLocales?: Locale[];
                      • Remarks

                        The list of available locales in messages in lexical order.

                      property datetimeFormats

                      datetimeFormats?: Options['datetimeFormats'];
                      • Remarks

                        The datetime formats of localization.

                        [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)

                      property escapeParameterHtml

                      escapeParameterHtml?: Options['escapeParameter'];
                      • Remarks

                        If escapeParameterHtml is configured as true then interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.

                        This is useful when translation output is used in v-html and the translation resource contains html markup (e.g. around a user provided value).

                        This usage pattern mostly occurs when passing precomputed text strings into UI components.

                        The escape process involves replacing the following symbols with their respective HTML character entities: <, >, ", '.

                        Setting escapeParameterHtml as true should not break existing functionality but provides a safeguard against a subtle type of XSS attack vectors.

                        [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)

                      property fallbackLocale

                      fallbackLocale?: Options['fallbackLocale'];
                      • Remarks

                        The locale of fallback localization.

                        For more complex fallback definitions see fallback.


                      property fallbackRoot

                      fallbackRoot?: Options['fallbackRoot'];
                      • Remarks

                        In the component localization, whether to fall back to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.

                        If false, it's not fallback to root.


                      property flatJson

                      flatJson?: Options['flatJson'];
                      • Remarks

                        Allow use flat json messages or not

                      property formatFallbackMessages

                      formatFallbackMessages?: Options['fallbackFormat'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either fallbackLocale or root.


                      property formatter

                      formatter?: Formatter;
                      • Remarks

                        The formatter that implemented with Formatter interface.


                        See the [here](../guide/migration/breaking#remove-custom-formatter)

                      property locale

                      locale?: Options['locale'];
                      • Remarks

                        The locale of localization.

                        If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.

                        [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)

                      property messageResolver

                      messageResolver?: MessageResolver;
                      • Remarks

                        A message resolver to resolve [messages](legacy#messages).

                        If not specified, the vue-i18n internal message resolver will be used by default.

                        You need to implement a message resolver yourself that supports the following requirements:

                        - Resolve the message using the locale message of [locale](legacy#locale) passed as the first argument of the message resolver, and the path passed as the second argument.

                        - If the message could not be resolved, you need to return null.

                        - If you will be returned null, the message resolver will also be called on fallback if [fallbackLocale](legacy#fallbacklocale-2) is enabled, so the message will need to be resolved as well.

                        The message resolver is called indirectly by the following APIs:

                        - [t](legacy#t-key)

                        - [tc](legacy#tc-key)

                        - [te](legacy#te-key-locale)

                        - [tm](legacy#tm-key)

                        - [Translation component](component#translation)

                        Example 1

                        Here is an example of how to set it up using your createI18n:

                        import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
                        // your message resolver
                        function messageResolver(obj, path) {
                        // simple message resolving!
                        const msg = obj[path]
                        return msg != null ? msg : null
                        // call with I18n option
                        const i18n = createI18n({
                        locale: 'ja',
                        messageResolver, // set your message resolver
                        messages: {
                        en: { ... },
                        ja: { ... }
                        // the below your something to do ...
                        // ...

                        :new: v9.2+

                        If you use the message resolver, the [flatJson](legacy#flatjson) setting will be ignored. That is, you need to resolve the flat JSON by yourself.


                      property messages

                      messages?: Options['messages'];
                      • Remarks

                        The locale messages of localization.

                        [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)

                      property missing

                      missing?: Options['missing'];
                      • Remarks

                        A handler for localization missing.

                        The handler gets called with the localization target locale, localization path key, the Vue instance and values.

                        If missing handler is assigned, and occurred localization missing, it's not warned.

                      property modifiers

                      modifiers?: Options['modifiers'];
                      • Remarks

                        Custom Modifiers for linked messages.

                        [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)

                      property numberFormats

                      numberFormats?: Options['numberFormats'];
                      • Remarks

                        The number formats of localization.

                        [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)

                      property pluralizationRules

                      pluralizationRules?: Options['pluralRules'];
                      • Remarks

                        A set of rules for word pluralization

                        [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)

                      property postTranslation

                      postTranslation?: Options['postTranslation'];
                      • Remarks

                        A handler for post processing of translation. The handler gets after being called with the $t, t, $tc, and tc.

                        This handler is useful if you want to filter on translated text such as space trimming.

                      property preserveDirectiveContent

                      preserveDirectiveContent?: boolean;
                      • Remarks

                        Whether v-t directive's element should preserve textContent after directive is unbinded.

                        [Custom Directive](../guide/advanced/directive) [Remove preserveDirectiveContent option](../guide/migration/breaking#remove-preservedirectivecontent-option)


                        The v-t directive for Vue 3 now preserves the default content. Therefore, this option and its properties have been removed from the VueI18n instance.

                      property sharedMessages

                      sharedMessages?: LocaleMessages<VueMessageType>;
                      • Remarks

                        The shared locale messages of localization for components. More detail see Component based localization.

                        [Shared locale messages for components](../guide/essentials/local#shared-locale-messages-for-components)

                      property silentFallbackWarn

                      silentFallbackWarn?: Options['fallbackWarn'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether do template interpolation on translation keys when your language lacks a translation for a key.

                        If true, skip writing templates for your "base" language; the keys are your templates.


                      property silentTranslationWarn

                      silentTranslationWarn?: Options['missingWarn'];
                      • Remarks

                        Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.

                        If true, suppress localization fail warnings.

                        If you use regular expression, you can suppress localization fail warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. t).


                      property sync

                      sync?: boolean;
                      • Remarks

                        Whether synchronize the root level locale to the component localization locale.

                        If false, regardless of the root level locale, localize for each component locale.

                        [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)

                      property warnHtmlInMessage

                      warnHtmlInMessage?: WarnHtmlInMessageLevel;
                      • Remarks

                        Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.

                        See the warnHtmlInMessage property.

                        [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message) [Change warnHtmlInMessage option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)

                      interface VueI18nTranslation

                      interface VueI18nTranslation<
                      Messages extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      Locales = 'en-US',
                      DefinedLocaleMessage extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
                      C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
                      ? PickupPaths<{
                      [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K];
                      : never,
                      M = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? PickupKeys<Messages> : never,
                      ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
                      ? IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? C | M
                      : C
                      : IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? M
                      : never
                      > {}
                      • Locale message translation functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces


                        This is the interface for VueI18n

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key


                        Translated message

                        [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)


                        If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s translated with global scope locale messages.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales | Locale
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


                        Translated message


                        Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales | Locale,
                      list: unknown[]
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.

                        Parameter list

                        A values of list interpolation


                        Translated message

                        [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


                        Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales | Locale,
                      named: Record<string, unknown>
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.

                        Parameter named

                        A values of named interpolation


                        Translated message

                        [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


                        Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[]): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter list

                        A values of list interpolation


                        Translated message

                        [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)


                        Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      named: Record<string, unknown>
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message translation.

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter named

                        A values of named interpolation


                        Translated message

                        [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)


                        Overloaded t. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.

                      interface VueI18nTranslationChoice

                      interface VueI18nTranslationChoice<
                      Messages extends Record<string, any> = {},
                      Locales = 'en-US',
                      DefinedLocaleMessage extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
                      C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
                      ? PickupPaths<{
                      [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K];
                      : never,
                      M = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? PickupKeys<Messages> : never,
                      ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false
                      ? IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? C | M
                      : C
                      : IsNever<M> extends false
                      ? M
                      : never
                      > {}
                      • Locale message pluralization functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces


                        This is the interface for VueI18n

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string = string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key


                        Pluraled message



                        If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s pluraled in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.

                        If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s pluraled with global scope locale messages.

                        The plural choice number is handled with default 1.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string = string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      locale: Locales | Locale
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[]): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter list

                        A values of list interpolation


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      named: Record<string, unknown>
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter named

                        A values of named interpolation


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, choice: number): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter choice

                        Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      choice: number,
                      locale: Locales | Locale
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter choice

                        Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.

                        Parameter locale

                        A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      choice: number,
                      list: unknown[]
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter choice

                        Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.

                        Parameter list

                        A values of list interpolation


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      call signature

                      <Key extends string>(
                      key: Key | ResourceKeys,
                      choice: number,
                      named: Record<string, unknown>
                      ): TranslateResult;
                      • Locale message pluralization

                        Parameter key

                        A target locale message key

                        Parameter choice

                        Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.

                        Parameter named

                        A values of named interpolation


                        Pluraled message


                        Overloaded tc. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult-2) details.

                      Type Aliases

                      type Choice

                      type Choice = number;

                        type ComponentI18nScope

                        type ComponentI18nScope = Exclude<I18nScope, 'local'>;

                          type ComposerExtender

                          type ComposerExtender = (composer: Composer) => Disposer | undefined;

                            type CustomBlocks

                            type CustomBlocks<Message = VueMessageType> = Array<CustomBlock<Message>>;

                              type DatetimeFormatProps

                              type DatetimeFormatProps = FormattableProps<
                              number | Date,
                              • DatetimeFormat Component Props

                              type DateTimeFormatResult

                              type DateTimeFormatResult = string;

                              type DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema

                              type DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema<
                              Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
                              [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
                              > = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? IntlDateTimeFormat : Schema;

                                type DefaultLocaleMessageSchema

                                type DefaultLocaleMessageSchema<
                                Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
                                [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
                                > = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> : Schema;

                                  type DefaultNumberFormatSchema

                                  type DefaultNumberFormatSchema<
                                  Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
                                  [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
                                  > = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? IntlNumberFormat : Schema;

                                    type Disposer

                                    type Disposer = () => void;

                                      type I18nMode

                                      type I18nMode = 'legacy' | 'composition';
                                      • Vue I18n API mode


                                      type I18nOptions

                                      type I18nOptions<
                                      Schema extends {
                                      message?: unknown;
                                      datetime?: unknown;
                                      number?: unknown;
                                      } = {
                                      message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
                                      datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
                                      number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
                                      Locales extends
                                      | {
                                      messages: unknown;
                                      datetimeFormats: unknown;
                                      numberFormats: unknown;
                                      | string = Locale,
                                      Options extends
                                      | ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales>
                                      | VueI18nOptions<Schema, Locales> =
                                      | ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales>
                                      | VueI18nOptions<Schema, Locales>
                                      > = I18nAdditionalOptions & Options;

                                      type I18nScope

                                      type I18nScope = 'local' | 'parent' | 'global';
                                      • I18n Scope

                                        [ComposerAdditionalOptions#useScope](composition#usescope) [useI18n](composition#usei18n)

                                      type LocaleMessageObject

                                      type LocaleMessageObject<Message = string> = LocaleMessageDictionary<Message>;

                                      type MissingHandler

                                      type MissingHandler = (
                                      locale: Locale,
                                      key: Path,
                                      instance?: ComponentInternalInstance,
                                      type?: string
                                      ) => string | void;

                                      type NumberFormatProps

                                      type NumberFormatProps = FormattableProps<number, Intl.NumberFormatOptions>;
                                      • NumberFormat Component Props

                                      type NumberFormatResult

                                      type NumberFormatResult = string;

                                      type PluralizationRulesMap

                                      type PluralizationRulesMap = {
                                      [locale: string]: PluralizationRule;

                                        type TranslateResult

                                        type TranslateResult = string;

                                        type TranslationDirective

                                        type TranslationDirective<T = HTMLElement> = ObjectDirective<T>;
                                        • Translation Directive (v-t)


                                          Update the element textContent that localized with locale messages.

                                          You can use string syntax or object syntax.

                                          String syntax can be specified as a keypath of locale messages.

                                          If you can be used object syntax, you need to specify as the object key the following params

                                          - path: required, key of locale messages
                                          - locale: optional, locale
                                          - args: optional, for list or named formatting

                                          Example 1

                                          <!-- string syntax: literal -->
                                          <p v-t="''"></p>
                                          <!-- string syntax: binding via data or computed props -->
                                          <p v-t="msg"></p>
                                          <!-- object syntax: literal -->
                                          <p v-t="{ path: 'hi', locale: 'ja', args: { name: 'kazupon' } }"></p>
                                          <!-- object syntax: binding via data or computed props -->
                                          <p v-t="{ path: greeting, args: { name: fullName } }"></p>

                                        type UseI18nOptions

                                        type UseI18nOptions<
                                        Schema extends {
                                        message?: unknown;
                                        datetime?: unknown;
                                        number?: unknown;
                                        } = {
                                        message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
                                        datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
                                        number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
                                        Locales extends
                                        | {
                                        messages: unknown;
                                        datetimeFormats: unknown;
                                        numberFormats: unknown;
                                        | string = Locale,
                                        Options extends ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> = ComposerOptions<
                                        > = ComposerAdditionalOptions & Options;

                                        type VTDirectiveValue

                                        type VTDirectiveValue = {
                                        path: string;
                                        locale?: Locale;
                                        args?: NamedValue;
                                        choice?: number;
                                        plural?: number;

                                          type VueI18nExtender

                                          type VueI18nExtender = (vueI18n: VueI18n) => Disposer | undefined;

                                            type VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation

                                            type VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales = 'en-US'> =

                                            type VueMessageType

                                            type VueMessageType = string | ResourceNode | VNode;

                                            type WarnHtmlInMessageLevel

                                            type WarnHtmlInMessageLevel = 'off' | 'warn' | 'error';

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